// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include "qbaselinetest.h" #include "baselineprotocol.h" #include #include #define MAXCMDLINEARGS 128 namespace QBaselineTest { static char *fargv[MAXCMDLINEARGS]; static bool simfail = false; static PlatformInfo customInfo; static bool customAutoModeSet = false; static BaselineProtocol proto; static bool connected = false; static bool triedConnecting = false; static bool dryRunMode = false; static enum { UploadMissing, UploadAll, UploadNone } baselinePolicy = UploadMissing; static bool abortIfUnstable = true; static QByteArray curFunction; static ImageItemList itemList; static bool gotBaselines; void handleCmdLineArgs(int *argcp, char ***argvp) { if (!argcp || !argvp) return; bool showHelp = false; int fargc = 0; int numArgs = *argcp; for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) { QByteArray arg = (*argvp)[i]; QByteArray nextArg = (i+1 < numArgs) ? (*argvp)[i+1] : nullptr; if (arg == "-simfail") { simfail = true; } else if (arg == "-fuzzlevel") { i++; bool ok = false; (void)nextArg.toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { qWarning() << "-fuzzlevel requires integer parameter"; showHelp = true; break; } customInfo.insert("FuzzLevel", QString::fromLatin1(nextArg)); } else if (arg == "-auto") { customAutoModeSet = true; customInfo.setAdHocRun(false); } else if (arg == "-adhoc") { customAutoModeSet = true; customInfo.setAdHocRun(true); } else if (arg == "-setbaselines") { baselinePolicy = UploadAll; } else if (arg == "-keeprunning") { abortIfUnstable = false; } else if (arg == "-nosetbaselines") { baselinePolicy = UploadNone; } else if (arg == "-compareto") { i++; int split = qMax(0, nextArg.indexOf('=')); QByteArray key = nextArg.left(split).trimmed(); QByteArray value = nextArg.mid(split+1).trimmed(); if (key.isEmpty() || value.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "-compareto requires parameter of the form ="; showHelp = true; break; } customInfo.addOverride(key, value); } else { if ( (arg == "-help") || (arg == "--help") ) showHelp = true; if (fargc >= MAXCMDLINEARGS) { qWarning() << "Too many command line arguments!"; break; } fargv[fargc++] = (*argvp)[i]; } } *argcp = fargc; *argvp = fargv; if (showHelp) { // TBD: arrange for this to be printed *after* QTest's help QTextStream out(stdout); out << "\n Baseline testing (lancelot) options:\n"; out << " -simfail : Force an image comparison mismatch. For testing purposes.\n"; out << " -fuzzlevel : Specify the percentage of fuzziness in comparison. Overrides server default. 0 means exact match.\n"; out << " -auto : Inform server that this run is done by a daemon, CI system or similar.\n"; out << " -adhoc (default) : The inverse of -auto; this run is done by human, e.g. for testing.\n"; out << " -keeprunning : Run all tests even if the system is unstable \n"; out << " -setbaselines : Store ALL rendered images as new baselines. Forces replacement of previous baselines.\n"; out << " -nosetbaselines : Do not store rendered images as new baselines when previous baselines are missing.\n"; out << " -compareto KEY=VAL : Force comparison to baselines from a different client,\n"; out << " for example: -compareto QtVersion=4.8.0\n"; out << " Multiple -compareto client specifications may be given.\n"; out << "\n"; } } bool shouldAbortIfUnstable() { return abortIfUnstable; } void addClientProperty(const QString& key, const QString& value) { customInfo.insert(key, value); } /* If a client property script is present, run it and accept its output in the form of one 'key: value' property per line */ void fetchCustomClientProperties() { QFile file("hostinfo.txt"); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) return; QTextStream in(&file); while (!in.atEnd()) { QString line = in.readLine().trimmed(); // ###local8bit? utf8? if (line.startsWith(QLatin1Char('#'))) // Ignore comments in file continue; QString key, val; int colonPos = line.indexOf(':'); if (colonPos > 0) { key = line.left(colonPos).simplified().replace(' ', '_'); val = line.mid(colonPos+1).trimmed(); } if (!key.isEmpty() && key.length() < 64 && val.length() < 256) // ###TBD: maximum 256 chars in value? addClientProperty(key, val); else qDebug() << "Unparseable script output ignored:" << line; } } bool connect(QByteArray *msg, bool *error) { if (connected) { return true; } else if (triedConnecting) { // Avoid repeated connection attempts, to avoid the program using Timeout * #testItems seconds before giving up *msg = "Not connected to baseline server."; *error = true; return false; } triedConnecting = true; fetchCustomClientProperties(); // Merge the platform info set by the program with the protocols default info PlatformInfo clientInfo = customInfo; PlatformInfo defaultInfo = PlatformInfo::localHostInfo(); const auto &defaultInfoKeys = defaultInfo.keys(); for (const QString &key : defaultInfoKeys) { if (!clientInfo.contains(key)) clientInfo.insert(key, defaultInfo.value(key)); } if (!customAutoModeSet) clientInfo.setAdHocRun(defaultInfo.isAdHocRun()); QString testCase = clientInfo.value(PI_TestCase); if (testCase.isEmpty() && QTest::testObject() && QTest::testObject()->metaObject()) { //qDebug() << "Trying to Read TestCaseName from Testlib!"; testCase = QTest::testObject()->metaObject()->className(); } if (testCase.isEmpty()) { qWarning("QBaselineTest::connect: No test case name specified, cannot connect."); return false; } if (!proto.connect(testCase, &dryRunMode, clientInfo)) { *msg += "Failed to connect to baseline server: " + proto.errorMessage().toLatin1(); *error = true; return false; } connected = true; return true; } bool disconnectFromBaselineServer() { if (proto.disconnect()) { connected = false; triedConnecting = false; return true; } return false; } bool connectToBaselineServer(QByteArray *msg) { bool dummy; QByteArray dummyMsg; return connect(msg ? msg : &dummyMsg, &dummy); } void setAutoMode(bool mode) { customInfo.setAdHocRun(!mode); customAutoModeSet = true; } void setSimFail(bool fail) { simfail = fail; } void setProject(const QString &projectName) { addClientProperty(PI_Project, projectName); } void setProjectImageKeys(const QStringList &keys) { QString keyList = keys.join(QLC(',')); addClientProperty(PI_ProjectImageKeys, keyList); } void modifyImage(QImage *img) { uint c0 = 0x0000ff00; uint c1 = 0x0080ff00; img->setPixel(1,1,c0); img->setPixel(2,1,c1); img->setPixel(3,1,c0); img->setPixel(1,2,c1); img->setPixel(1,3,c0); img->setPixel(2,3,c1); img->setPixel(3,3,c0); img->setPixel(1,4,c1); img->setPixel(1,5,c0); } bool compareItem(const ImageItem &baseline, const QImage &img, QByteArray *msg, bool *error) { ImageItem item = baseline; if (simfail) { // Simulate test failure by forcing image mismatch; for testing purposes QImage misImg = img; modifyImage(&misImg); item.image = misImg; simfail = false; // One failure is typically enough } else { item.image = img; } item.imageChecksums.clear(); item.imageChecksums.prepend(ImageItem::computeChecksum(item.image)); QByteArray srvMsg; switch (baseline.status) { case ImageItem::Ok: break; case ImageItem::IgnoreItem : qDebug() << msg->constData() << "Ignored, blacklisted on server."; return true; break; case ImageItem::BaselineNotFound: if (!customInfo.overrides().isEmpty() || baselinePolicy == UploadNone) { qWarning() << "Cannot compare to baseline: No such baseline found on server."; return true; } if (proto.submitNewBaseline(item, &srvMsg)) qDebug() << msg->constData() << "Baseline not found on server. New baseline uploaded."; else qDebug() << msg->constData() << "Baseline not found on server. Uploading of new baseline failed:" << srvMsg; return true; break; default: qWarning() << "Unexpected reply from baseline server."; return true; break; } *error = false; // The actual comparison of the given image with the baseline: if (baseline.imageChecksums.contains(item.imageChecksums.at(0))) { if (!proto.submitMatch(item, &srvMsg)) qWarning() << "Failed to report image match to server:" << srvMsg; return true; } // At this point, we have established a legitimate mismatch if (baselinePolicy == UploadAll) { if (proto.submitNewBaseline(item, &srvMsg)) qDebug() << msg->constData() << "Forcing new baseline; uploaded ok."; else qDebug() << msg->constData() << "Forcing new baseline; uploading failed:" << srvMsg; return true; } bool fuzzyMatch = false; bool res = proto.submitMismatch(item, &srvMsg, &fuzzyMatch); if (res && fuzzyMatch) { qInfo() << "Baseline server reports:" << srvMsg; return true; // The server decides: a fuzzy match means no mismatch } *msg += "Mismatch. See report:\n " + srvMsg; if (dryRunMode) { qDebug() << "Dryrun, so ignoring" << *msg; return true; } return false; } bool checkImage(const QImage &img, const char *name, quint16 checksum, QByteArray *msg, bool *error, int manualdatatag) { if (!connected && !connect(msg, error)) return true; QByteArray itemName; bool hasName = qstrlen(name); const char *tag = QTest::currentDataTag(); if (qstrlen(tag)) { itemName = tag; if (hasName) itemName.append('_').append(name); } else { itemName = hasName ? name : "default_name"; } if (manualdatatag > 0) { itemName.prepend("_"); itemName.prepend(QByteArray::number(manualdatatag)); } *msg = "Baseline check of image '" + itemName + "': "; ImageItem item; item.itemName = QString::fromLatin1(itemName); item.itemChecksum = checksum; item.testFunction = QString::fromLatin1(QTest::currentTestFunction()); ImageItemList list; list.append(item); if (!proto.requestBaselineChecksums(QLatin1String(QTest::currentTestFunction()), &list) || list.isEmpty()) { *msg = "Communication with baseline server failed: " + proto.errorMessage().toLatin1(); *error = true; return true; } return compareItem(list.at(0), img, msg, error); } QTestData &newRow(const char *dataTag, quint16 checksum) { if (QTest::currentTestFunction() != curFunction) { curFunction = QTest::currentTestFunction(); itemList.clear(); gotBaselines = false; } ImageItem item; item.itemName = QString::fromLatin1(dataTag); item.itemChecksum = checksum; item.testFunction = QString::fromLatin1(QTest::currentTestFunction()); itemList.append(item); return QTest::newRow(dataTag); } bool testImage(const QImage& img, QByteArray *msg, bool *error) { if (!connected && !connect(msg, error)) return true; if (QTest::currentTestFunction() != curFunction || itemList.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "Usage error: QBASELINE_TEST used without corresponding QBaselineTest::newRow()"; return true; } if (!gotBaselines) { if (!proto.requestBaselineChecksums(QString::fromLatin1(QTest::currentTestFunction()), &itemList) || itemList.isEmpty()) { *msg = "Communication with baseline server failed: " + proto.errorMessage().toLatin1(); *error = true; return true; } gotBaselines = true; } QString curTag = QString::fromLatin1(QTest::currentDataTag()); ImageItemList::const_iterator it = itemList.constBegin(); while (it != itemList.constEnd() && it->itemName != curTag) ++it; if (it == itemList.constEnd()) { qWarning() << "Usage error: QBASELINE_TEST used without corresponding QBaselineTest::newRow() for row" << curTag; return true; } return compareItem(*it, img, msg, error); } }