// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include #include #include class tst_QGuiMetaType : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private slots: void constructInPlace_data(); void constructInPlace(); void constructInPlaceCopy_data(); void constructInPlaceCopy(); private: void constructableGuiTypes(); }; void tst_QGuiMetaType::constructableGuiTypes() { QTest::addColumn("typeId"); for (int i = QMetaType::FirstGuiType; i <= QMetaType::LastGuiType; ++i) { if (QMetaType metaType(i); metaType.isValid()) QTest::newRow(metaType.name()) << i; } } void tst_QGuiMetaType::constructInPlace_data() { constructableGuiTypes(); } void tst_QGuiMetaType::constructInPlace() { QFETCH(int, typeId); QMetaType type(typeId); int size = type.sizeOf(); void *storage = qMallocAligned(size, 2 * sizeof(qlonglong)); auto cleanUp = qScopeGuard([&]() { qFreeAligned(storage); }); QCOMPARE(type.construct(storage, /*copy=*/0), storage); type.destruct(storage); QBENCHMARK { for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) { type.construct(storage, /*copy=*/0); type.destruct(storage); } } } void tst_QGuiMetaType::constructInPlaceCopy_data() { constructableGuiTypes(); } void tst_QGuiMetaType::constructInPlaceCopy() { QFETCH(int, typeId); QMetaType type(typeId); int size = type.sizeOf(); void *storage = qMallocAligned(size, 2 * sizeof(qlonglong)); void *other = type.create(); auto cleanUp = qScopeGuard([&]() { type.destroy(other); qFreeAligned(storage); }); QCOMPARE(type.construct(storage, other), storage); type.destruct(storage); QBENCHMARK { for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) { type.construct(storage, other); type.destruct(storage); } } } QTEST_MAIN(tst_QGuiMetaType) #include "tst_qguimetatype.moc"