// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include #include #include "../../../../auto/sql/kernel/qsqldatabase/tst_databases.h" const QString qtest(qTableName("qtest", __FILE__, QSqlDatabase())); class tst_QSqlQuery : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: using QObject::QObject; public slots: void initTestCase(); void cleanupTestCase(); void init(); void cleanup(); private slots: void benchmark_data() { generic_data(); } void benchmark(); void benchmarkSelectPrepared_data() { generic_data(); } void benchmarkSelectPrepared(); private: // returns all database connections void generic_data(const QString &engine=QString()); void dropTestTables( QSqlDatabase db ); void createTestTables( QSqlDatabase db ); void populateTestTables( QSqlDatabase db ); tst_Databases dbs; }; QTEST_MAIN(tst_QSqlQuery) void tst_QSqlQuery::initTestCase() { dbs.open(); for (const auto &dbName : std::as_const(dbs.dbNames)) { QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database(dbName); CHECK_DATABASE( db ); dropTestTables( db ); //in case of leftovers createTestTables( db ); populateTestTables( db ); } } void tst_QSqlQuery::cleanupTestCase() { for (const auto &dbName : std::as_const(dbs.dbNames)) { QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database(dbName); CHECK_DATABASE( db ); dropTestTables( db ); } dbs.close(); } void tst_QSqlQuery::init() { } void tst_QSqlQuery::cleanup() { QFETCH( QString, dbName ); QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database( dbName ); CHECK_DATABASE( db ); const QSqlDriver::DbmsType dbType = tst_Databases::getDatabaseType(db); if ( QTest::currentTestFunction() == QLatin1String( "numRowsAffected" ) || QTest::currentTestFunction() == QLatin1String( "transactions" ) || QTest::currentTestFunction() == QLatin1String( "size" ) || QTest::currentTestFunction() == QLatin1String( "isActive" ) || QTest::currentTestFunction() == QLatin1String( "lastInsertId" ) ) { populateTestTables( db ); } if (QTest::currentTestFailed() && (dbType == QSqlDriver::Oracle || db.driverName().startsWith("QODBC"))) { //since Oracle ODBC totally craps out on error, we init again db.close(); db.open(); } } void tst_QSqlQuery::generic_data(const QString& engine) { if ( dbs.fillTestTable(engine) == 0 ) { if (engine.isEmpty()) QSKIP( "No database drivers are available in this Qt configuration"); else QSKIP( (QString("No database drivers of type %1 are available in this Qt configuration").arg(engine)).toLocal8Bit()); } } void tst_QSqlQuery::dropTestTables( QSqlDatabase db ) { QSqlDriver::DbmsType dbType = tst_Databases::getDatabaseType(db); QStringList tablenames; // drop all the table in case a testcase failed tablenames << qtest << qTableName("qtest_null", __FILE__, db) << qTableName("qtest_blob", __FILE__, db) << qTableName("qtest_bittest", __FILE__, db) << qTableName("qtest_nullblob", __FILE__, db) << qTableName("qtest_rawtest", __FILE__, db) << qTableName("qtest_precision", __FILE__, db) << qTableName("qtest_prepare", __FILE__, db) << qTableName("qtestj1", __FILE__, db) << qTableName("qtestj2", __FILE__, db) << qTableName("char1Select", __FILE__, db) << qTableName("char1SU", __FILE__, db) << qTableName("qxmltest", __FILE__, db) << qTableName("qtest_exerr", __FILE__, db) << qTableName("qtest_empty", __FILE__, db) << qTableName("clobby", __FILE__, db) << qTableName("bindtest", __FILE__, db) << qTableName("more_results", __FILE__, db) << qTableName("blobstest", __FILE__, db) << qTableName("oraRowId", __FILE__, db) << qTableName("qtest_batch", __FILE__, db) << qTableName("bug6421", __FILE__, db).toUpper() << qTableName("bug5765", __FILE__, db) << qTableName("bug6852", __FILE__, db) << qTableName("qtest_lockedtable", __FILE__, db) << qTableName("Planet", __FILE__, db) << qTableName("task_250026", __FILE__, db) << qTableName("task_234422", __FILE__, db) << qTableName("test141895", __FILE__, db) << qTableName("qtest_oraOCINumber", __FILE__, db); if (dbType == QSqlDriver::PostgreSQL) tablenames << qTableName("task_233829", __FILE__, db); if (dbType == QSqlDriver::SQLite) tablenames << qTableName("record_sqlite", __FILE__, db); if (dbType == QSqlDriver::MSSqlServer || dbType == QSqlDriver::Oracle) tablenames << qTableName("qtest_longstr", __FILE__, db); QSqlQuery q(db); if (dbType == QSqlDriver::MSSqlServer) q.exec("DROP PROCEDURE " + qTableName("test141895_proc", __FILE__, db)); if (dbType == QSqlDriver::MySqlServer) q.exec("DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS "+qTableName("bug6852_proc", __FILE__, db)); tst_Databases::safeDropTables( db, tablenames ); if (dbType == QSqlDriver::Oracle) q.exec("DROP PACKAGE " + qTableName("pkg", __FILE__, db)); } void tst_QSqlQuery::createTestTables( QSqlDatabase db ) { const QString qtestNull = qTableName("qtest_null", __FILE__, db); QSqlQuery q( db ); QSqlDriver::DbmsType dbType = tst_Databases::getDatabaseType(db); if (dbType == QSqlDriver::MySqlServer) // ### stupid workaround until we find a way to hardcode this // in the MySQL server startup script q.exec( "set table_type=innodb" ); else if (dbType == QSqlDriver::PostgreSQL) QVERIFY_SQL( q, exec("set client_min_messages='warning'")); if (dbType == QSqlDriver::PostgreSQL) QVERIFY_SQL( q, exec( "create table " + qtest + " (id serial NOT NULL, t_varchar varchar(20), t_char char(20), primary key(id)) WITH OIDS" ) ); else QVERIFY_SQL( q, exec( "create table " + qtest + " (id int "+tst_Databases::autoFieldName(db) +" NOT NULL, t_varchar varchar(20), t_char char(20), primary key(id))" ) ); if (dbType == QSqlDriver::MSSqlServer || dbType == QSqlDriver::Sybase) QVERIFY_SQL(q, exec("create table " + qtestNull + " (id int null, t_varchar varchar(20) null)")); else QVERIFY_SQL(q, exec("create table " + qtestNull + " (id int, t_varchar varchar(20))")); } void tst_QSqlQuery::populateTestTables( QSqlDatabase db ) { QSqlQuery q( db ); const QString qtest_null(qTableName("qtest_null", __FILE__, db)); q.exec( "delete from " + qtest ); QVERIFY_SQL( q, exec( "insert into " + qtest + " values (1, 'VarChar1', 'Char1')" ) ); QVERIFY_SQL( q, exec( "insert into " + qtest + " values (2, 'VarChar2', 'Char2')" ) ); QVERIFY_SQL( q, exec( "insert into " + qtest + " values (3, 'VarChar3', 'Char3')" ) ); QVERIFY_SQL( q, exec( "insert into " + qtest + " values (4, 'VarChar4', 'Char4')" ) ); QVERIFY_SQL( q, exec( "insert into " + qtest + " values (5, 'VarChar5', 'Char5')" ) ); q.exec( "delete from " + qtest_null ); QVERIFY_SQL( q, exec( "insert into " + qtest_null + " values (0, NULL)" ) ); QVERIFY_SQL( q, exec( "insert into " + qtest_null + " values (1, 'n')" ) ); QVERIFY_SQL( q, exec( "insert into " + qtest_null + " values (2, 'i')" ) ); QVERIFY_SQL( q, exec( "insert into " + qtest_null + " values (3, NULL)" ) ); } void tst_QSqlQuery::benchmark() { QFETCH( QString, dbName ); QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database( dbName ); CHECK_DATABASE( db ); QSqlQuery q(db); TableScope ts(db, "benchmark", __FILE__); QVERIFY_SQL(q, exec("CREATE TABLE " + ts.tableName() + "(\n" "MainKey INT NOT NULL,\n" "OtherTextCol VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,\n" "PRIMARY KEY(`MainKey`))")); int i=1; QBENCHMARK { const QString num = QString::number(i); QVERIFY_SQL(q, exec("INSERT INTO " + ts.tableName() + " VALUES(" + num + ", \"Value" + num + "\")")); i++; } } void tst_QSqlQuery::benchmarkSelectPrepared() { QFETCH( QString, dbName ); QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database(dbName); CHECK_DATABASE(db); QSqlQuery q(db); TableScope ts(db, "benchmark", __FILE__); QVERIFY_SQL(q, exec("CREATE TABLE " + ts.tableName() + "(id INT NOT NULL)")); const int NUM_ROWS = 1000; int expectedSum = 0; QString fillQuery = "INSERT INTO " + ts.tableName() + " VALUES (0)"; for (int i = 1; i < NUM_ROWS; ++i) { fillQuery += ", (" + QString::number(i) + QLatin1Char(')'); expectedSum += i; } QVERIFY_SQL(q, exec(fillQuery)); QVERIFY_SQL(q, prepare("SELECT id FROM " + ts.tableName())); QBENCHMARK { QVERIFY_SQL(q, exec()); int sum = 0; while (q.next()) sum += q.value(0).toInt(); QCOMPARE(sum, expectedSum); } } #include "main.moc"