// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include "qwidgetdump.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace QtDiag { static const char *qtWidgetClasses[] = { "QAbstractItemView", "QAbstractScrollArea", "QAbstractSlider", "QAbstractSpinBox", "QCalendarWidget", "QCheckBox", "QColorDialog", "QColumnView", "QComboBox", "QCommandLinkButton", "QDateEdit", "QDateTimeEdit", "QDial", "QDialog", "QDialogButtonBox", "QDockWidget", "QDoubleSpinBox", "QErrorMessage", "QFileDialog", "QFontComboBox", "QFontDialog", "QFrame", "QGraphicsView", "QGroupBox", "QHeaderView", "QInputDialog", "QLCDNumber", "QLabel", "QLineEdit", "QListView", "QListWidget", "QMainWindow", "QMdiArea", "QMdiSubWindow", "QMenu", "QMenuBar", "QMessageBox", "QOpenGLWidget", "QPlainTextEdit", "QProgressBar", "QProgressDialog", "QPushButton", "QRadioButton", "QRubberBand", "QScrollArea", "QScrollBar", "QSlider", "QSpinBox", "QSplashScreen", "QSplitter", "QStackedWidget", "QStatusBar", "QTabBar", "QTabWidget", "QTableView", "QTableWidget", "QTextBrowser", "QTextEdit", "QTimeEdit", "QToolBar", "QToolBox", "QToolButton", "QTreeView", "QTreeWidget", "QWidget", "QWizard", "QWizardPage" }; static bool isQtWidget(const char *className) { for (auto qtWidgetClass : qtWidgetClasses) { if (qstrcmp(className, qtWidgetClass) == 0) return true; } return false; } static void formatWidgetClass(QTextStream &str, const QWidget *w) { const QMetaObject *mo = w->metaObject(); str << mo->className(); while (!isQtWidget(mo->className())) { mo = mo->superClass(); str << ':' << mo->className(); } const QString on = w->objectName(); if (!on.isEmpty()) str << "/\"" << on << '"'; } static void dumpWidgetRecursion(QTextStream &str, const QWidget *w, FormatWindowOptions options, int depth = 0) { indentStream(str, 2 * depth); formatWidgetClass(str, w); str << ' ' << (w->isVisible() ? "[visible] " : "[hidden] "); if (const WId nativeWinId = w->internalWinId()) str << "[native: " << Qt::hex << Qt::showbase << nativeWinId << Qt::dec << Qt::noshowbase << "] "; if (w->isWindow()) str << "[top] "; str << (w->testAttribute(Qt::WA_Mapped) ? "[mapped] " : "[not mapped] "); if (w->testAttribute(Qt::WA_DontCreateNativeAncestors)) str << "[NoNativeAncestors] "; if (const int states = w->windowState()) str << "windowState=" << Qt::hex << Qt::showbase << states << Qt::dec << Qt::noshowbase << ' '; formatRect(str, w->geometry()); if (w->isWindow()) { str << ' ' << w->logicalDpiX() << "DPI"; const qreal dpr = w->devicePixelRatio(); if (!qFuzzyCompare(dpr, qreal(1))) str << " dpr=" << dpr; const QRect normalGeometry = w->normalGeometry(); if (normalGeometry.isValid() && !normalGeometry.isEmpty() && normalGeometry != w->geometry()) { str << " normal="; formatRect(str, w->normalGeometry()); } } if (!(options & DontPrintWindowFlags)) { str << ' '; formatWindowFlags(str, w->windowFlags()); } if (options & PrintSizeConstraints) { str << ' '; const QSize minimumSize = w->minimumSize(); if (minimumSize.width() > 0 || minimumSize.height() > 0) str << "minimumSize=" << minimumSize.width() << 'x' << minimumSize.height() << ' '; const QSize sizeHint = w->sizeHint(); const QSize minimumSizeHint = w->minimumSizeHint(); if (minimumSizeHint.isValid() && !(sizeHint.isValid() && minimumSizeHint == sizeHint)) str << "minimumSizeHint=" << minimumSizeHint.width() << 'x' << minimumSizeHint.height() << ' '; if (sizeHint.isValid()) str << "sizeHint=" << sizeHint.width() << 'x' << sizeHint.height() << ' '; const QSize maximumSize = w->maximumSize(); if (maximumSize.width() < QWIDGETSIZE_MAX || maximumSize.height() < QWIDGETSIZE_MAX) str << "maximumSize=" << maximumSize.width() << 'x' << maximumSize.height() << ' '; } str << '\n'; if (const QWindow *win = w->windowHandle()) { indentStream(str, 2 * (1 + depth)); formatWindow(str, win, options); str << '\n'; } for (const QObject *co : w->children()) { if (co->isWidgetType()) dumpWidgetRecursion(str, static_cast(co), options, depth + 1); } } void dumpAllWidgets(FormatWindowOptions options, const QWidget *root) { QString d; QTextStream str(&d); str << "### QWidgets:\n"; QWidgetList topLevels; if (root) topLevels.append(const_cast(root)); else topLevels = QApplication::topLevelWidgets(); for (QWidget *tw : qAsConst(topLevels)) dumpWidgetRecursion(str, tw, options); for (const QString &line : d.split(QLatin1Char('\n'))) qDebug().noquote() << line; } } // namespace QtDiag