// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only // Test application for HDR with scRGB. // Launch with the argument "scrgb" or "sdr", perhaps side-by-side even. #define EXAMPLEFW_PREINIT #define EXAMPLEFW_IMGUI #include "../shared/examplefw.h" #include "../shared/cube.h" QByteArray loadHdr(const QString &fn, QSize *size) { QFile f(fn); if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qWarning("Failed to open %s", qPrintable(fn)); return QByteArray(); } char sig[256]; f.read(sig, 11); if (strncmp(sig, "#?RADIANCE\n", 11)) return QByteArray(); QByteArray buf = f.readAll(); const char *p = buf.constData(); const char *pEnd = p + buf.size(); // Process lines until the empty one. QByteArray line; while (p < pEnd) { char c = *p++; if (c == '\n') { if (line.isEmpty()) break; if (line.startsWith(QByteArrayLiteral("FORMAT="))) { const QByteArray format = line.mid(7).trimmed(); if (format != QByteArrayLiteral("32-bit_rle_rgbe")) { qWarning("HDR format '%s' is not supported", format.constData()); return QByteArray(); } } line.clear(); } else { line.append(c); } } if (p == pEnd) { qWarning("Malformed HDR image data at property strings"); return QByteArray(); } // Get the resolution string. while (p < pEnd) { char c = *p++; if (c == '\n') break; line.append(c); } if (p == pEnd) { qWarning("Malformed HDR image data at resolution string"); return QByteArray(); } int w = 0, h = 0; // We only care about the standard orientation. if (!sscanf(line.constData(), "-Y %d +X %d", &h, &w)) { qWarning("Unsupported HDR resolution string '%s'", line.constData()); return QByteArray(); } if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) { qWarning("Invalid HDR resolution"); return QByteArray(); } // output is RGBA32F const int blockSize = 4 * sizeof(float); QByteArray data; data.resize(w * h * blockSize); typedef unsigned char RGBE[4]; RGBE *scanline = new RGBE[w]; for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) { if (pEnd - p < 4) { qWarning("Unexpected end of HDR data"); delete[] scanline; return QByteArray(); } scanline[0][0] = *p++; scanline[0][1] = *p++; scanline[0][2] = *p++; scanline[0][3] = *p++; if (scanline[0][0] == 2 && scanline[0][1] == 2 && scanline[0][2] < 128) { // new rle, the first pixel was a dummy for (int channel = 0; channel < 4; ++channel) { for (int x = 0; x < w && p < pEnd; ) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c > 128) { // run if (p < pEnd) { int repCount = c & 127; c = *p++; while (repCount--) scanline[x++][channel] = c; } } else { // not a run while (c-- && p < pEnd) scanline[x++][channel] = *p++; } } } } else { // old rle scanline[0][0] = 2; int bitshift = 0; int x = 1; while (x < w && pEnd - p >= 4) { scanline[x][0] = *p++; scanline[x][1] = *p++; scanline[x][2] = *p++; scanline[x][3] = *p++; if (scanline[x][0] == 1 && scanline[x][1] == 1 && scanline[x][2] == 1) { // run int repCount = scanline[x][3] << bitshift; while (repCount--) { memcpy(scanline[x], scanline[x - 1], 4); ++x; } bitshift += 8; } else { // not a run ++x; bitshift = 0; } } } // adjust for -Y orientation float *fp = reinterpret_cast(data.data() + (h - 1 - y) * blockSize * w); for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) { float d = qPow(2.0f, float(scanline[x][3]) - 128.0f); float r = scanline[x][0] / 256.0f * d; float g = scanline[x][1] / 256.0f * d; float b = scanline[x][2] / 256.0f * d; float a = 1.0f; *fp++ = r; *fp++ = g; *fp++ = b; *fp++ = a; } } delete[] scanline; *size = QSize(w, h); return data; } struct { QMatrix4x4 winProj; QList releasePool; QRhiResourceUpdateBatch *initialUpdates = nullptr; QRhiBuffer *vbuf = nullptr; QRhiBuffer *ubuf = nullptr; QRhiTexture *tex = nullptr; QRhiSampler *sampler = nullptr; QRhiShaderResourceBindings *srb = nullptr; QRhiGraphicsPipeline *ps = nullptr; bool showDemoWindow = true; QVector3D rotation; bool usingHDRWindow; bool adjustSDR = false; float SDRWhiteLevelInNits = 200.0f; bool tonemapHDR = false; float tonemapInMax = 2.5f; float tonemapOutMax = 0.0f; QString imageFile; } d; void preInit() { QStringList args = QCoreApplication::arguments(); if (args.contains("scrgb")) { d.usingHDRWindow = true; swapchainFormat = QRhiSwapChain::HDRExtendedSrgbLinear; } else if (args.contains("p3")) { d.usingHDRWindow = true; swapchainFormat = QRhiSwapChain::HDRExtendedDisplayP3Linear; } else if (args.contains("sdr")) { d.usingHDRWindow = false; swapchainFormat = QRhiSwapChain::SDR; } else { qFatal("Missing command line argument, specify scrgb or sdr"); } if (args.contains("file")) { d.imageFile = args[args.indexOf("file") + 1]; qDebug("Using HDR image file %s", qPrintable(d.imageFile)); } else { qFatal("Missing command line argument, specify 'file' followed by a .hdr file. " "Download for example the original .exr from https://viewer.openhdr.org/i/5fcb9a595812624a99d24c62/linear " "and use ImageMagick's 'convert' to convert from .exr to .hdr"); } } void Window::customInit() { if (!m_r->isTextureFormatSupported(QRhiTexture::RGBA32F)) qWarning("RGBA32F texture format is not supported"); d.initialUpdates = m_r->nextResourceUpdateBatch(); d.vbuf = m_r->newBuffer(QRhiBuffer::Immutable, QRhiBuffer::VertexBuffer, sizeof(cube)); d.vbuf->create(); d.releasePool << d.vbuf; d.initialUpdates->uploadStaticBuffer(d.vbuf, cube); d.ubuf = m_r->newBuffer(QRhiBuffer::Dynamic, QRhiBuffer::UniformBuffer, 64 + 4 * 4); d.ubuf->create(); d.releasePool << d.ubuf; qint32 flip = 1; d.initialUpdates->updateDynamicBuffer(d.ubuf, 64, 4, &flip); qint32 doLinearToSRGBInShader = !d.usingHDRWindow; d.initialUpdates->updateDynamicBuffer(d.ubuf, 68, 4, &doLinearToSRGBInShader); QSize size; QByteArray floatData = loadHdr(d.imageFile, &size); d.tex = m_r->newTexture(QRhiTexture::RGBA32F, size); d.releasePool << d.tex; d.tex->create(); QRhiTextureUploadDescription desc({ 0, 0, { floatData.constData(), quint32(floatData.size()) } }); d.initialUpdates->uploadTexture(d.tex, desc); d.sampler = m_r->newSampler(QRhiSampler::Linear, QRhiSampler::Linear, QRhiSampler::None, QRhiSampler::ClampToEdge, QRhiSampler::ClampToEdge); d.releasePool << d.sampler; d.sampler->create(); d.srb = m_r->newShaderResourceBindings(); d.releasePool << d.srb; d.srb->setBindings({ QRhiShaderResourceBinding::uniformBuffer(0, QRhiShaderResourceBinding::VertexStage | QRhiShaderResourceBinding::FragmentStage, d.ubuf), QRhiShaderResourceBinding::sampledTexture(1, QRhiShaderResourceBinding::FragmentStage, d.tex, d.sampler) }); d.srb->create(); d.ps = m_r->newGraphicsPipeline(); d.releasePool << d.ps; d.ps->setCullMode(QRhiGraphicsPipeline::Back); const QRhiShaderStage stages[] = { { QRhiShaderStage::Vertex, getShader(QLatin1String(":/hdrtexture.vert.qsb")) }, { QRhiShaderStage::Fragment, getShader(QLatin1String(":/hdrtexture.frag.qsb")) } }; d.ps->setShaderStages(stages, stages + 2); QRhiVertexInputLayout inputLayout; inputLayout.setBindings({ { 3 * sizeof(float) }, { 2 * sizeof(float) } }); inputLayout.setAttributes({ { 0, 0, QRhiVertexInputAttribute::Float3, 0 }, { 1, 1, QRhiVertexInputAttribute::Float2, 0 } }); d.ps->setVertexInputLayout(inputLayout); d.ps->setShaderResourceBindings(d.srb); d.ps->setRenderPassDescriptor(m_rp); d.ps->create(); } void Window::customRelease() { qDeleteAll(d.releasePool); d.releasePool.clear(); } void Window::customRender() { if (d.tonemapOutMax == 0.0f) { QRhiSwapChainHdrInfo info = m_sc->hdrInfo(); switch (info.limitsType) { case QRhiSwapChainHdrInfo::LuminanceInNits: d.tonemapOutMax = info.limits.luminanceInNits.maxLuminance / 80.0f; break; case QRhiSwapChainHdrInfo::ColorComponentValue: // because on macOS it changes dynamically when starting up, so retry in next frame if it's still just 1.0 if (info.limits.colorComponentValue.maxColorComponentValue > 1.0f) d.tonemapOutMax = info.limits.colorComponentValue.maxColorComponentValue; break; } } QRhiCommandBuffer *cb = m_sc->currentFrameCommandBuffer(); QRhiResourceUpdateBatch *u = m_r->nextResourceUpdateBatch(); if (d.initialUpdates) { u->merge(d.initialUpdates); d.initialUpdates->release(); d.initialUpdates = nullptr; } QMatrix4x4 mvp = m_proj; mvp.rotate(d.rotation.x(), 1, 0, 0); mvp.rotate(d.rotation.y(), 0, 1, 0); mvp.rotate(d.rotation.z(), 0, 0, 1); u->updateDynamicBuffer(d.ubuf, 0, 64, mvp.constData()); if (d.usingHDRWindow && d.tonemapHDR) { u->updateDynamicBuffer(d.ubuf, 72, 4, &d.tonemapInMax); u->updateDynamicBuffer(d.ubuf, 76, 4, &d.tonemapOutMax); } else { float zero[2] = {}; u->updateDynamicBuffer(d.ubuf, 72, 8, zero); } QColor clearColor = Qt::green; // sRGB if (d.usingHDRWindow && d.adjustSDR) { float sdrMultiplier = d.SDRWhiteLevelInNits / 80.0f; // scRGB 1.0 = 80 nits (and linear gamma) clearColor = QColor::fromRgbF(clearColor.redF() * sdrMultiplier, clearColor.greenF() * sdrMultiplier, clearColor.blueF() * sdrMultiplier, 1.0f); } const QSize outputSizeInPixels = m_sc->currentPixelSize(); cb->beginPass(m_sc->currentFrameRenderTarget(), clearColor, { 1.0f, 0 }, u); cb->setGraphicsPipeline(d.ps); cb->setViewport(QRhiViewport(0, 0, outputSizeInPixels.width(), outputSizeInPixels.height())); cb->setShaderResources(); const QRhiCommandBuffer::VertexInput vbufBindings[] = { { d.vbuf, 0 }, { d.vbuf, quint32(36 * 3 * sizeof(float)) } }; cb->setVertexInput(0, 2, vbufBindings); cb->draw(36); m_imguiRenderer->render(); cb->endPass(); } static void addTip(const char *s) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled("(?)"); if (ImGui::IsItemHovered()) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::PushTextWrapPos(300); ImGui::TextUnformatted(s); ImGui::PopTextWrapPos(); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } } void Window::customGui() { ImGui::SetNextWindowBgAlpha(1.0f); ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(10, 420), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver); ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(800, 300), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver); ImGui::Begin("HDR test"); if (d.usingHDRWindow) { if (swapchainFormat == QRhiSwapChain::HDRExtendedDisplayP3Linear) { ImGui::Text("The window is now Extended Linear Display P3 + FP16 color buffer,\n" "the ImGui UI and the green background are considered SDR content,\n" "the cube is using a HDR texture."); } else { ImGui::Text("The window is now scRGB (Extended Linear sRGB) + FP16 color buffer,\n" "the ImGui UI and the green background are considered SDR content,\n" "the cube is using a HDR texture."); } ImGui::Checkbox("Adjust SDR content", &d.adjustSDR); addTip("Multiplies fragment colors for non-HDR content with sdr_white_level / 80. " "Not relevant with macOS (due to EDR being display-referred)."); if (d.adjustSDR) { ImGui::SliderFloat("SDR white level (nits)", &d.SDRWhiteLevelInNits, 0.0f, 1000.0f); imguiHDRMultiplier = d.SDRWhiteLevelInNits / 80.0f; // scRGB 1.0 = 80 nits (and linear gamma) } else { imguiHDRMultiplier = 1.0f; // 0 would mean linear to sRGB; don't want that with HDR } ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::Checkbox("Tonemap HDR content", &d.tonemapHDR); addTip("Perform some most basic Reinhard tonemapping (changed to suit HDR) on the 3D content (the cube). " "Display max luminance is set to the max color component value (macOS) or max luminance in nits / 80 (Windows) by default."); if (d.tonemapHDR) { ImGui::SliderFloat("Content max luminance\n(color component value)", &d.tonemapInMax, 0.0f, 20.0f); ImGui::SliderFloat("Display max luminance\n(color component value)", &d.tonemapOutMax, 0.0f, 20.0f); } } else { ImGui::Text("The window is standard dynamic range (no HDR, so non-linear sRGB effectively).\n" "Here we just do linear -> sRGB for everything (UI, textured cube)\n" "at the end of the pipeline, while the Qt::green background is already sRGB."); } ImGui::End(); ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(850, 560), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver); ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(420, 140), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver); ImGui::Begin("Misc"); float *rot = reinterpret_cast(&d.rotation); ImGui::SliderFloat("Rotation X", &rot[0], 0.0f, 360.0f); ImGui::SliderFloat("Rotation Y", &rot[1], 0.0f, 360.0f); ImGui::SliderFloat("Rotation Z", &rot[2], 0.0f, 360.0f); ImGui::End(); if (d.usingHDRWindow) { ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(850, 10), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver); ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(420, 180), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver); ImGui::Begin("Actual platform info"); QRhiSwapChainHdrInfo info = m_sc->hdrInfo(); switch (info.limitsType) { case QRhiSwapChainHdrInfo::LuminanceInNits: ImGui::Text("Platform provides luminance in nits"); addTip("Windows/D3D: On laptops this will be screen brightness dependent. Increasing brightness implies the max luminance decreases. " "It also seems to be affected by HDR Content Brightness in the Settings, if there is one (e.g. on laptops; not to be confused with SDR Content Brightess). " "(note that the DXGI query does not seem to return changed values if there are runtime changes unless restarting the app)."); ImGui::Text("Min luminance: %.4f\nMax luminance: %.4f", info.limits.luminanceInNits.minLuminance, info.limits.luminanceInNits.maxLuminance); break; case QRhiSwapChainHdrInfo::ColorComponentValue: ImGui::Text("Platform provides color component values"); addTip("macOS/Metal: On laptops this will be screen brightness dependent. Increasing brightness decreases the max color value. " "Max brightness may bring it down to 1.0."); ImGui::Text("maxColorComponentValue: %.4f\nmaxPotentialColorComponentValue: %.4f", info.limits.colorComponentValue.maxColorComponentValue, info.limits.colorComponentValue.maxPotentialColorComponentValue); break; } ImGui::Separator(); switch (info.luminanceBehavior) { case QRhiSwapChainHdrInfo::SceneReferred: ImGui::Text("Luminance behavior is scene-referred"); break; case QRhiSwapChainHdrInfo::DisplayReferred: ImGui::Text("Luminance behavior is display-referred"); break; } addTip("Windows (DWM) HDR is scene-referred: 1.0 = 80 nits.\n\n" "Apple EDR is display-referred: the value of 1.0 refers to whatever the system's current SDR white level is (100, 200, ... nits depending on the brightness)."); if (info.luminanceBehavior == QRhiSwapChainHdrInfo::SceneReferred) { ImGui::Text("SDR white level: %.4f nits", info.sdrWhiteLevel); addTip("On Windows this is queried from DISPLAYCONFIG_SDR_WHITE_LEVEL. " "Affected by the slider in the Windows Settings (System/Display/HDR/[S|H]DR Content Brightness). " "With max screen brightness (laptops) the value will likely be the same as the max luminance."); } ImGui::End(); } }