// Copyright (C) 2012 Thorbjørn Lund Martsum - tmartsum[at]gmail.com // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only #include struct ManualTask { const char *title; const char *instructions; unsigned sectionsMovable : 1; unsigned selectionMode : 3; }; ManualTask tasks[] = { { QT_TR_NOOP("0. Default"), "Please provide instructions", true, QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection }, { QT_TR_NOOP("1. Autoscroll"), "
    " "
  1. Press and hold on section 9 of vertical header.
    " "(all cells in the row will be selected)" "
  2. " "
  3. Extend the selection by moving the mouse down.
    " "(selection will extend to the next rows)" "
  4. " "
  5. Continue to move the mouse down and outside the window geometry.
    " "(The view should scroll automatically and the selection should still extend)" "
  6. " "
  7. While still holding the button, do the same in the opposite direction, i.e. move mouse up and outside the window geometry.
    " "(Verify that the view scrolls automatically and the selection changes)" "
  8. " "
  9. Verify that it works in the other dimension, i.e Press and hold section 9 of the horizontal header.
    " "All cells in the column will be selected" "
  10. " "
  11. Extend the selection by moving the mouse to the far right and outside the window geometry.
    " "(selection will extend to the next columns)" "
  12. " "
  13. Verify that it works in the opposite direction (i.e. move mouse to the left of the window geometry).
    " "(Verify that the view scrolls automatically and the selection changes)" "
  14. " "
", false, QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection } }; class Window : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: Window(QWidget *parent = nullptr): QWidget(parent), ckMovable(0), tableView(0), cbSelectionMode(0), m_taskInstructions(0) { m_taskInstructions = new QLabel(); if (sizeof(tasks) > 0) m_taskInstructions->setText(tr(tasks[0].instructions)); QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout(this); vbox->addLayout(setupComboBox()); vbox->addWidget(setupGroupBox()); vbox->addWidget(setupTableView()); vbox->addWidget(m_taskInstructions); } void updateControls() { ckMovable->setChecked(tableView->verticalHeader()->sectionsMovable()); QAbstractItemView::SelectionMode sMode = tableView->selectionMode(); cbSelectionMode->setCurrentIndex((int)sMode); } private: QFormLayout *setupComboBox() { QComboBox *combo = new QComboBox; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(tasks) / sizeof(tasks[0]); ++i) { combo->addItem(tr(tasks[i].title)); } connect(combo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(on_taskCombo_currentIndexChanged(int))); QFormLayout *form = new QFormLayout; form->addRow(tr("Choose task:"), combo); return form; } QGroupBox *setupGroupBox() { QGroupBox *grp = new QGroupBox(tr("Properties")); QFormLayout *form = new QFormLayout; grp->setLayout(form); ckMovable = new QCheckBox; ckMovable->setObjectName(QLatin1String("ckMovable")); connect(ckMovable, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(on_ckMovable_toggled(bool))); form->addRow(tr("SectionsMovable"), ckMovable); cbSelectionMode = new QComboBox; cbSelectionMode->setObjectName(QLatin1String("cbSelectionMode")); cbSelectionMode->addItems(QStringList() << QLatin1String("NoSelection") << QLatin1String("SingleSelection") << QLatin1String("MultiSelection") << QLatin1String("ExtendedSelection") << QLatin1String("ContiguousSelection") ); connect(cbSelectionMode, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(on_cbSelectionMode_currentIndexChanged(int))); form->addRow(tr("SelectionMode"), cbSelectionMode); return grp; } QTableView *setupTableView() { tableView = new QTableView; const int rowCount = 200; m.setRowCount(rowCount); m.setColumnCount(250); tableView->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection); tableView->setModel(&m); tableView->verticalHeader()->swapSections(rowCount - 1, 5); return tableView; } private Q_SLOTS: void on_ckMovable_toggled(bool arg) { tableView->verticalHeader()->setSectionsMovable(arg); tableView->horizontalHeader()->setSectionsMovable(arg); } void on_cbSelectionMode_currentIndexChanged(int idx) { tableView->setSelectionMode((QAbstractItemView::SelectionMode)idx); } void on_taskCombo_currentIndexChanged(int idx) { ManualTask &task = tasks[idx]; m_taskInstructions->setText(tr(task.instructions)); ckMovable->setChecked(task.sectionsMovable); cbSelectionMode->setCurrentIndex((QAbstractItemView::SelectionMode)task.selectionMode); } public: QCheckBox *ckMovable; QTableView *tableView; QStandardItemModel m; QComboBox *cbSelectionMode; QLabel *m_taskInstructions; }; class SomeHandler : public QObject { Q_OBJECT QHeaderView *m_hv; QTableView *m_tv; public: SomeHandler(QHeaderView *hv, QTableView *tv); public slots: void slotSectionResized(int, int, int); }; SomeHandler::SomeHandler(QHeaderView *hv, QTableView *tv) { m_hv = hv; m_tv = tv; m_tv->setHorizontalScrollMode(QAbstractItemView::ScrollPerPixel); connect(hv, SIGNAL(sectionResized(int,int,int)), this, SLOT(slotSectionResized(int,int,int))); } void SomeHandler::slotSectionResized(int logsection, int oldsize, int newsize) { int offset = m_hv->offset(); m_tv->setUpdatesEnabled(false); // Do some manual resizing - lets make every section having the new size. m_hv->blockSignals(true); m_hv->setDefaultSectionSize(newsize); m_hv->blockSignals(false); // Adjust offset and scrollbar. Maybe it isn't 100% perfect // but proof of concept // The test has sense without the define, too. #define DO_CORRECT_OFFSET_AND_SB #ifdef DO_CORRECT_OFFSET_AND_SB int leftRemoved = (m_hv->visualIndex(logsection)) * (oldsize - newsize); int newoffset = offset - leftRemoved; if (newoffset < 0) newoffset = 0; if (newoffset > 0 && newoffset >= m_hv->count() * newsize - m_tv->viewport()->width()) m_hv->setOffsetToLastSection(); else m_hv->setOffset(newoffset); m_tv->horizontalScrollBar()->blockSignals(true); m_tv->horizontalScrollBar()->setRange(0, m_hv->count() * newsize - m_tv->viewport()->width() ); m_tv->horizontalScrollBar()->setValue(newoffset); m_tv->horizontalScrollBar()->blockSignals(false); #endif m_tv->setUpdatesEnabled(true); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); Window window; // Comment in the line below to test selection with keyboard (space) // tv.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers); QHeaderView *hHeader = window.tableView->horizontalHeader(); QHeaderView *vHeader = window.tableView->verticalHeader(); SomeHandler handler(hHeader, window.tableView); hHeader->setDefaultSectionSize(30); window.resize(600, 600); window.show(); hHeader->setSectionsMovable(true); vHeader->setSectionsMovable(true); window.updateControls(); app.exec(); } #include "qheaderviewtest1.moc"