#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only set -ex # package apache2 # add users useradd httptest; echo "httptest:httptest" | chpasswd # enable apache2 module /usr/sbin/a2enmod ssl dav_fs headers deflate auth_digest cgi # enable apache2 config cp $TESTDATA/{main,security,ssl,dav}.conf /etc/apache2/conf-available/ /usr/sbin/a2enconf main security ssl dav # install configurations and test data cp $TESTDATA/deflate.conf /etc/apache2/mods-available/ mkdir -p -m 1777 /home/writeables/dav # dav.conf a2dissite '*' # disable all of the default apache2 sites # Populate the web-site: su $USER -c "cp -r $TESTDATA/www ~/www" # tst_QNetworkReply::getFromHttp(success-internal) su $USER -c "cp rfc3252.txt ~/www/htdocs/"; rm rfc3252.txt # tst_QNetworkReply::synchronousRequest_data() su $USER -c "mkdir -p ~/www/htdocs/deflate/" su $USER -c "ln -s ~/www/htdocs/rfc3252.txt ~/www/htdocs/deflate/" # tst_QNetworkReply::headFromHttp(with-authentication) su $USER -c "ln -s ~/www/htdocs/rfc3252.txt ~/www/htdocs/rfcs-auth/" # Duplicate rfc3252.txt 20 times for bigfile tests: su $USER -c "seq 20 | xargs -i cat ~/www/htdocs/rfc3252.txt >> ~/www/htdocs/bigfile" # tst_QNetworkReply::postToHttp(empty) su $USER -c "ln -s ~/www/htdocs/protected/cgi-bin/md5sum.cgi ~/www/cgi-bin/" # tst_QNetworkReply::lastModifiedHeaderForHttp() expects this time-stamp: touch -d "2007-05-22 12:04:57 GMT" /home/$USER/www/htdocs/fluke.gif # Create 10MB file for use by tst_Q*::downloadBigFile and interruption tests: su $USER -c "/bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=~/www/htdocs/mediumfile bs=1 count=0 seek=10000000" # Emulate test server's hierarchy: su $USER -c "ln -s ~/www/htdocs/rfcs/rfc2616.html ~/www/htdocs/deflate/" # enable service with installed configurations service apache2 restart