CORESRC = $(QTSRC)src/corelib TOOLSRC = $(QTSRC)tools CONFSRC = $(TOOLSRC)/configure RAW_PCH = configure_pch.h PCH = $(RAW_PCH).gch/c++ DEFINES = -DUNICODE -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_BUILD_CONFIGURE -DQT_USE_QSTRINGBUILDER -DQT_VERSION_STR=\"$(QTVERSION)\" -DQT_VERSION_MAJOR=$(QT_VERSION_MAJOR) -DQT_VERSION_MINOR=$(QT_VERSION_MINOR) -DQT_VERSION_PATCH=$(QT_VERSION_PATCH) INCPATH = -I"../../include" -I"../../include/QtCore" -I"../../include/QtCore/$(QTVERSION)" -I"../../include/QtCore/$(QTVERSION)/QtCore" -I"$(TOOLSRC)/shared" -I"$(QTSRC)mkspecs/win32-g++" CXXFLAGS_BARE = -std=c++11 -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -mthreads -Wall -Wextra $(DEFINES) $(INCPATH) CXXFLAGS = -include $(RAW_PCH) $(CXXFLAGS_BARE) LINK = g++ LFLAGS = -Wl,-subsystem,console -mthreads LIBS = -lole32 -ladvapi32 -luuid TARGET = ../../configureapp.exe OBJECTS = \ main.o \ configureapp.o \ environment.o \ tools.o \ qarraydata.o \ qbytearray.o \ qbytearraymatcher.o \ qhash.o \ qlist.o \ qlocale.o \ qlocale_win.o \ qlocale_tools.o \ qvector.o \ qutfcodec.o \ qtextcodec.o \ qglobal.o \ qnumeric.o \ qbuffer.o \ qdatastream.o \ qdir.o \ qdiriterator.o \ qfiledevice.o \ qfile.o \ qfileinfo.o \ qabstractfileengine.o \ qfilesystementry.o \ qfilesystemengine.o \ qfilesystemengine_win.o \ qfilesystemiterator_win.o \ qfsfileengine.o \ qfsfileengine_win.o \ qfsfileengine_iterator.o \ qiodevice.o \ qoperatingsystemversion.o \ qoperatingsystemversion_win.o \ qringbuffer.o \ qdebug.o \ qtextstream.o \ qlogging.o \ qtemporaryfile.o \ qstandardpaths.o \ qstandardpaths_win.o \ qsystemlibrary.o \ qbitarray.o \ qdatetime.o \ qmap.o \ qregexp.o \ qstring.o \ qstring_compat.o \ qstringbuilder.o \ qstringlist.o \ qvsnprintf.o \ qvariant.o \ qsystemerror.o \ qmetatype.o \ qmalloc.o \ qxmlstream.o \ qxmlutils.o \ quuid.o \ registry.o $(TARGET): $(OBJECTS) $(LINK) $(LFLAGS) -o $(TARGET) $(OBJECTS) $(LIBS) $(OBJECTS): $(PCH) # SHELL is the full path of sh.exe, unless # 1) it is found in the current directory # 2) it is not found at all # 3) it is overridden on the command line with an existing file # ... otherwise it is always sh.exe. Specifically, SHELL from the # environment has no effect. # # This check will fail if SHELL is explicitly set to a not # sh-compatible shell. This is not a problem, because configure.bat # will not do that. ifeq ($(SHELL), sh.exe) ifeq ($(wildcard "$(CURDIR)/sh.exe"), ) SH = 0 else SH = 1 endif else SH = 1 endif ifeq ($(SH), 1) CHK_DIR_EXISTS = test -d CHK_DIR_EXISTS_GLUE = || MKDIR = mkdir -p else CHK_DIR_EXISTS = if not exist CHK_DIR_EXISTS_GLUE = MKDIR = md endif $(PCH): $(CONFSRC)/configure_pch.h @$(CHK_DIR_EXISTS) $(RAW_PCH).gch $(CHK_DIR_EXISTS_GLUE) $(MKDIR) $(RAW_PCH).gch $(CXX) -x c++-header -c $(CXXFLAGS_BARE) -o $@ $< VPATH = $(CONFSRC):$(TOOLSRC)/shared/windows:$(CORESRC)/global:$(CORESRC)/kernel:$(CORESRC)/tools:$(CORESRC)/codecs:$(CORESRC)/io:$(CORESRC)/xml:$(CORESRC)/plugin main.o: $(CONFSRC)/configureapp.h configureapp.o: $(CONFSRC)/configureapp.h $(CONFSRC)/environment.h $(CONFSRC)/tools.h environment.o: $(CONFSRC)/environment.h tools.o: $(CONFSRC)/tools.h # Make sure qstring_compat.obj isn't compiled with PCH enabled qstring_compat.o: $(CORESRC)/tools/qstring_compat.cpp $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS_BARE) -o $@ $< clean: -rm -f *.o -rm -rf *.gch