// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 import { AbortedError, } from './qwasmjsruntime.js'; import { EventSource } from './util.js'; class ProgramError extends Error { constructor(exitCode) { super(`The program reported an exit code of ${exitCode}`) } } export class RunnerStatus { static Running = 'Running'; static Passed = 'Passed'; static Error = 'Error'; static TestCrashed = 'TestCrashed'; static TestsFailed = 'TestsFailed'; } export class TestStatus { static Pending = 'Pending'; static Running = 'Running'; static Completed = 'Completed'; static Error = 'Error'; static Failed = 'Failed'; static Crashed = 'Crashed'; } export class BatchedTestRunner { static #TestBatchModuleName = 'test_batch'; #loader; #results = new Map(); #status = RunnerStatus.Running; #numberOfFailed = 0; #statusChangedEventPrivate; #testStatusChangedEventPrivate; #testOutputChangedEventPrivate; #errorDetails; onStatusChanged = new EventSource((privateInterface) => this.#statusChangedEventPrivate = privateInterface); onTestStatusChanged = new EventSource((privateInterface) => this.#testStatusChangedEventPrivate = privateInterface); onTestOutputChanged = new EventSource( (privateInterface) => this.#testOutputChangedEventPrivate = privateInterface); constructor(loader) { this.#loader = loader; } get results() { return this.#results; } get status() { return this.#status; } get numberOfFailed() { if (this.#status !== RunnerStatus.TestsFailed) throw new Error(`numberOfFailed called with status=${this.#status}`); return this.#numberOfFailed; } get errorDetails() { return this.#errorDetails; } async run(targetIsBatch, testName, functions, testOutputFormat) { try { await this.#doRun(targetIsBatch, testName, functions, testOutputFormat); } catch (e) { this.#setTestRunnerError(e.message); return; } const status = (() => { const hasAnyCrashedTest = !![...window.qtTestRunner.results.values()].find( result => result.status === TestStatus.Crashed); if (hasAnyCrashedTest) return { code: RunnerStatus.TestCrashed }; const numberOfFailed = [...window.qtTestRunner.results.values()].reduce( (previous, current) => previous + current.exitCode, 0); return { code: (numberOfFailed ? RunnerStatus.TestsFailed : RunnerStatus.Passed), numberOfFailed }; })(); this.#setTestRunnerStatus(status.code, status.numberOfFailed); } async #doRun(targetIsBatch, testName, functions, testOutputFormat) { const module = await this.#loader.loadEmscriptenModule( targetIsBatch ? BatchedTestRunner.#TestBatchModuleName : testName, () => { } ); const testsToExecute = (testName || !targetIsBatch) ? [testName] : await this.#getTestClassNames(module); testsToExecute.forEach(testClassName => this.#registerTest(testClassName)); for (const testClassName of testsToExecute) { let result = {}; this.#setTestStatus(testClassName, TestStatus.Running); try { const LogToStdoutSpecialFilename = '-'; result = await module.exec({ args: [...(targetIsBatch ? [testClassName] : []), ...(functions ?? []), '-o', `${LogToStdoutSpecialFilename},${testOutputFormat}`], onStdout: (output) => { this.#addTestOutput(testClassName, output); } }); if (result.exitCode < 0) throw new ProgramError(result.exitCode); result.status = result.exitCode > 0 ? TestStatus.Failed : TestStatus.Completed; // Yield to other tasks on the main thread. await new Promise(resolve => window.setTimeout(resolve, 0)); } catch (e) { result.status = e instanceof ProgramError ? TestStatus.Error : TestStatus.Crashed; result.stdout = e instanceof AbortedError ? e.stdout : result.stdout; } this.#setTestResultData(testClassName, result.status, result.exitCode); } } async #getTestClassNames(module) { return (await module.exec()).stdout.trim().split(' '); } #registerTest(testName) { this.#results.set(testName, { status: TestStatus.Pending, output: [] }); } #setTestStatus(testName, status) { const testData = this.#results.get(testName); if (testData.status === status) return; this.#results.get(testName).status = status; this.#testStatusChangedEventPrivate.fireEvent(testName, status); } #setTestResultData(testName, testStatus, exitCode) { const testData = this.#results.get(testName); const statusChanged = testStatus !== testData.status; testData.status = testStatus; testData.exitCode = exitCode; if (statusChanged) this.#testStatusChangedEventPrivate.fireEvent(testName, testStatus); } #setTestRunnerStatus(status, numberOfFailed) { if (status === this.#status) return; this.#status = status; this.#numberOfFailed = numberOfFailed; this.#statusChangedEventPrivate.fireEvent(status); } #setTestRunnerError(details) { this.#status = RunnerStatus.Error; this.#errorDetails = details; this.#statusChangedEventPrivate.fireEvent(this.#status); } #addTestOutput(testName, output) { const testData = this.#results.get(testName); testData.output.push(output); this.#testOutputChangedEventPrivate.fireEvent(testName, testData.output); } }