path: root/demos
diff options
authorMichal Klocek <>2012-04-12 15:17:39 +0300
committerMichal Klocek <>2012-04-12 15:59:50 +0300
commit6adbaffea565cfc7be76edd630bdd2cef3ef8bcc (patch)
tree1d423cf98596a208d970a56fcf4c10b4826cf584 /demos
parentc1297009de697fc37da257660026b4bd3574c581 (diff)
Simplfies default configuration
Diffstat (limited to 'demos')
4 files changed, 2 insertions, 182 deletions
diff --git a/demos/demos.pri b/demos/demos.pri
index 7feabdc2..8cfc5611 100644
--- a/demos/demos.pri
+++ b/demos/demos.pri
@@ -2,10 +2,6 @@
error( "Couldn't find the config.pri file!" )
-!include( ../build.pri ) {
- error( "Couldn't find the build.pri file !")
diff --git a/demos/ b/demos/
index 398e390d..be83a85e 100644
--- a/demos/
+++ b/demos/
@@ -2,10 +2,6 @@
error( "Couldn't find the config.pri file!" )
-!include( ../build.pri ) {
- error( "Couldn't find the build.pri file !")
TEMPLATE = subdirs
SUBDIRS += chartthemes \
piechartcustomization \
diff --git a/demos/qmlchart/qmlapplicationviewer/qmlapplicationviewer.pri b/demos/qmlchart/qmlapplicationviewer/qmlapplicationviewer.pri
index 1b902062..567c6dc6 100644
--- a/demos/qmlchart/qmlapplicationviewer/qmlapplicationviewer.pri
+++ b/demos/qmlchart/qmlapplicationviewer/qmlapplicationviewer.pri
@@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
-# checksum 0x368d version 0x60010
-# This file was generated by the Qt Quick Application wizard of Qt Creator.
-# The code below adds the QmlApplicationViewer to the project and handles the
-# activation of QML debugging.
-# It is recommended not to modify this file, since newer versions of Qt Creator
-# may offer an updated version of it.
QT += declarative
SOURCES += $$PWD/qmlapplicationviewer.cpp
@@ -18,129 +11,3 @@ INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD
-contains(CONFIG,qdeclarative-boostable):contains(MEEGO_EDITION,harmattan) {
-# This file was generated by an application wizard of Qt Creator.
-# The code below handles deployment to Symbian and Maemo, aswell as copying
-# of the application data to shadow build directories on desktop.
-# It is recommended not to modify this file, since newer versions of Qt Creator
-# may offer an updated version of it.
-defineTest(qtcAddDeployment) {
-for(deploymentfolder, DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS) {
- item = item$${deploymentfolder}
- itemsources = $${item}.sources
- $$itemsources = $$eval($${deploymentfolder}.source)
- itempath = $${item}.path
- $$itempath= $$eval($${deploymentfolder}.target)
- export($$itemsources)
- export($$itempath)
- DEPLOYMENT += $$item
-symbian {
- isEmpty(ICON):exists($${TARGET}.svg):ICON = $${TARGET}.svg
-} else:win32 {
- copyCommand =
- for(deploymentfolder, DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS) {
- source = $$MAINPROFILEPWD/$$eval($${deploymentfolder}.source)
- source = $$replace(source, /, \\)
- sourcePathSegments = $$split(source, \\)
- target = $$OUT_PWD/$$eval($${deploymentfolder}.target)/$$last(sourcePathSegments)
- target = $$replace(target, /, \\)
- !isEqual(source,$$target) {
- !isEmpty(copyCommand):copyCommand += &&
- isEqual(QMAKE_DIR_SEP, \\) {
- copyCommand += $(COPY_DIR) \"$$source\" \"$$target\"
- } else {
- source = $$replace(source, \\\\, /)
- target = $$OUT_PWD/$$eval($${deploymentfolder}.target)
- target = $$replace(target, \\\\, /)
- copyCommand += test -d \"$$target\" || mkdir -p \"$$target\" && cp -r \"$$source\" \"$$target\"
- }
- }
- }
- !isEmpty(copyCommand) {
- copyCommand = @echo Copying application data... && $$copyCommand
- copydeploymentfolders.commands = $$copyCommand
- first.depends = $(first) copydeploymentfolders
- export(first.depends)
- export(copydeploymentfolders.commands)
- QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += first copydeploymentfolders
- }
-} else:unix {
- maemo5 {
- desktopfile.files = $${TARGET}.desktop
- desktopfile.path = /usr/share/applications/hildon
- icon.files = $${TARGET}64.png
- icon.path = /usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps
- } else:!isEmpty(MEEGO_VERSION_MAJOR) {
- desktopfile.files = $${TARGET}_harmattan.desktop
- desktopfile.path = /usr/share/applications
- icon.files = $${TARGET}80.png
- icon.path = /usr/share/icons/hicolor/80x80/apps
- } else { # Assumed to be a Desktop Unix
- copyCommand =
- for(deploymentfolder, DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS) {
- source = $$MAINPROFILEPWD/$$eval($${deploymentfolder}.source)
- source = $$replace(source, \\\\, /)
- macx {
- target = $$OUT_PWD/$${TARGET}.app/Contents/Resources/$$eval($${deploymentfolder}.target)
- } else {
- target = $$OUT_PWD/$$eval($${deploymentfolder}.target)
- }
- target = $$replace(target, \\\\, /)
- sourcePathSegments = $$split(source, /)
- targetFullPath = $$target/$$last(sourcePathSegments)
- !isEqual(source,$$targetFullPath) {
- !isEmpty(copyCommand):copyCommand += &&
- copyCommand += $(MKDIR) \"$$target\"
- copyCommand += && $(COPY_DIR) \"$$source\" \"$$target\"
- }
- }
- !isEmpty(copyCommand) {
- copyCommand = @echo Copying application data... && $$copyCommand
- copydeploymentfolders.commands = $$copyCommand
- first.depends = $(first) copydeploymentfolders
- export(first.depends)
- export(copydeploymentfolders.commands)
- QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += first copydeploymentfolders
- }
- }
- installPrefix = /opt/$${TARGET}
- for(deploymentfolder, DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS) {
- item = item$${deploymentfolder}
- itemfiles = $${item}.files
- $$itemfiles = $$eval($${deploymentfolder}.source)
- itempath = $${item}.path
- $$itempath = $${installPrefix}/$$eval($${deploymentfolder}.target)
- export($$itemfiles)
- export($$itempath)
- INSTALLS += $$item
- }
- !isEmpty(desktopfile.path) {
- export(icon.files)
- export(icon.path)
- export(desktopfile.files)
- export(desktopfile.path)
- INSTALLS += icon desktopfile
- }
- target.path = $${installPrefix}/bin
- export(target.path)
- INSTALLS += target
-export (ICON)
-export (INSTALLS)
-export (DEPLOYMENT)
-export (LIBS)
diff --git a/demos/qmlchart/ b/demos/qmlchart/
index ba3d6232..002222e9 100644
--- a/demos/qmlchart/
+++ b/demos/qmlchart/
@@ -2,47 +2,8 @@
error( "Couldn't find the demos.pri file!" )
- message(Please export QML_IMPORT_PATH=$$CHART_BUILD_LIB_DIR)
- resources.qrc
-# Add more folders to ship with the application, here
-folder_01.source = qml/qmlchart = qml
-# Additional import path used to resolve QML modules in Creator's code model
-symbian:TARGET.UID3 = 0xE421236E
-# Smart Installer package's UID
-# This UID is from the protected range and therefore the package will
-# fail to install if self-signed. By default qmake uses the unprotected
-# range value if unprotected UID is defined for the application and
-# 0x2002CCCF value if protected UID is given to the application
-#symbian:DEPLOYMENT.installer_header = 0x2002CCCF
-# Allow network access on Symbian
-symbian:TARGET.CAPABILITY += NetworkServices
-# If your application uses the Qt Mobility libraries, uncomment the following
-# lines and add the respective components to the MOBILITY variable.
-# CONFIG += mobility
-# Speed up launching on MeeGo/Harmattan when using applauncherd daemon
-# CONFIG += qdeclarative-boostable
-# Add dependency to Symbian components
-# CONFIG += qt-components
-# The .cpp file which was generated for your project. Feel free to hack it.
+RESOURCES += resources.qrc
SOURCES += main.cpp
-# Please do not modify the following two lines. Required for deployment.