path: root/src/barchart
diff options
authorMarek Rosa <>2012-11-26 16:38:37 +0200
committerMarek Rosa <>2012-11-27 15:07:08 +0200
commitebdfe8e2c2c923ef0ef2cb17ae976ac7ddce0728 (patch)
tree4a972d6b9f08c30fbb042eca063752c799f699b9 /src/barchart
parente292969eeb52802ce33ded4b8413f749dc38753e (diff)
New bar calculate layout
Diffstat (limited to 'src/barchart')
6 files changed, 453 insertions, 272 deletions
diff --git a/src/barchart/horizontal/bar/horizontalbarchartitem.cpp b/src/barchart/horizontal/bar/horizontalbarchartitem.cpp
index 4b9579ae..c2222ee3 100644
--- a/src/barchart/horizontal/bar/horizontalbarchartitem.cpp
+++ b/src/barchart/horizontal/bar/horizontalbarchartitem.cpp
@@ -37,56 +37,92 @@ QVector<QRectF> HorizontalBarChartItem::calculateLayout()
// Use temporary qreals for accuracy
qreal categoryCount = m_series->d_func()->categoryCount();
qreal setCount = m_series->count();
- bool barsVisible = m_series->isVisible();
- // AbstractDomain:
- qreal width = geometry().width();
- qreal height = geometry().height();
- qreal rangeY = m_domainMaxY - m_domainMinY;
- qreal rangeX = m_domainMaxX - m_domainMinX;
- qreal scaleY = (height / rangeY);
- qreal scaleX = (width / rangeX);
- // On horizontal chart barWidth of the barseries means height of the rect.
- qreal rectHeight = (scaleY / setCount) * m_series->d_func()->barWidth();
+// bool barsVisible = m_series->isVisible();
+ qreal barWidth = m_series->d_func()->barWidth();
int itemIndex(0);
- for (int category = 0; category < categoryCount; category++) {
- qreal xPos = -scaleX * m_domainMinX + geometry().left();
+ for(int category = 0; category < categoryCount; category++) {
for (int set = 0; set < setCount; set++) {
- QBarSetPrivate *barSet = m_series->d_func()->barsetAt(set)->;
- qreal yPos = geometry().bottom() + (m_domainMinY - barSet->pos(category)) * scaleY;
- yPos += setCount * rectHeight / 2;
- yPos -= set * rectHeight;
- qreal rectWidth = barSet->value(category) * scaleX;
- Bar *bar =;
+ qreal value = m_series->barSets().at(set)->at(category);
+ QRectF rect;
+ QPointF topLeft;
+ if (domain()->type() == AbstractDomain::LogXYDomain
+ || domain()->type() == AbstractDomain::LogXLogYDomain)
+ topLeft = domain()->calculateGeometryPoint(QPointF(domain()->minX(), category - barWidth / 2 + (set + 1)/(setCount) * barWidth));
+ else
+ topLeft = domain()->calculateGeometryPoint(QPointF(0, category - barWidth / 2 + (set + 1)/(setCount) * barWidth));
- QRectF rect(xPos, yPos - rectHeight, rectWidth, rectHeight);
+ QPointF bottomRight = domain()->calculateGeometryPoint(QPointF(value, category - barWidth / 2 + (set)/(setCount) * barWidth));
+ rect.setTopLeft(topLeft);
+ rect.setBottomRight(bottomRight);
- bar->setPen(barSet->m_pen);
- bar->setBrush(barSet->m_brush);
- if (qFuzzyCompare(rectHeight, 0))
- bar->setVisible(false);
- else
- bar->setVisible(barsVisible);
QGraphicsSimpleTextItem *label =;
- if (!qFuzzyCompare(barSet->value(category), 0))
- label->setText(QString::number(barSet->value(category)));
+ label->setZValue(200);
+ itemIndex++;
+ if (!qFuzzyCompare(value, 0))
+ label->setText(QString::number(value));
- label->setPos(xPos + (rect.width() / 2 - label->boundingRect().width() / 2),
- yPos - rectHeight / 2 - label->boundingRect().height() / 2);
- label->setFont(barSet->m_labelFont);
- label->setBrush(barSet->m_labelBrush);
+// label->setFont(m_series->barSets().at(set)->labelFont());
+// label->setBrush(m_series->barSets().at(set)->labelBrush());
+ label->setBrush(Qt::black);
+ label->setPos( - label->boundingRect().center());
- itemIndex++;
+// // AbstractDomain:
+// qreal width = geometry().width();
+// qreal height = geometry().height();
+// qreal rangeY = m_domainMaxY - m_domainMinY;
+// qreal rangeX = m_domainMaxX - m_domainMinX;
+// qreal scaleY = (height / rangeY);
+// qreal scaleX = (width / rangeX);
+// // On horizontal chart barWidth of the barseries means height of the rect.
+// qreal rectHeight = (scaleY / setCount) * m_series->d_func()->barWidth();
+// int itemIndex(0);
+// for (int category = 0; category < categoryCount; category++) {
+// qreal xPos = -scaleX * m_domainMinX + geometry().left();
+// for (int set = 0; set < setCount; set++) {
+// QBarSetPrivate *barSet = m_series->d_func()->barsetAt(set)->;
+// qreal yPos = geometry().bottom() + (m_domainMinY - barSet->pos(category)) * scaleY;
+// yPos += setCount * rectHeight / 2;
+// yPos -= set * rectHeight;
+// qreal rectWidth = barSet->value(category) * scaleX;
+// Bar *bar =;
+// QRectF rect(xPos, yPos - rectHeight, rectWidth, rectHeight);
+// layout.append(rect);
+// bar->setPen(barSet->m_pen);
+// bar->setBrush(barSet->m_brush);
+// if (qFuzzyCompare(rectHeight, 0))
+// bar->setVisible(false);
+// else
+// bar->setVisible(barsVisible);
+// QGraphicsSimpleTextItem *label =;
+// if (!qFuzzyCompare(barSet->value(category), 0))
+// label->setText(QString::number(barSet->value(category)));
+// else
+// label->setText(QString(""));
+// label->setPos(xPos + (rect.width() / 2 - label->boundingRect().width() / 2),
+// yPos - rectHeight / 2 - label->boundingRect().height() / 2);
+// label->setFont(barSet->m_labelFont);
+// label->setBrush(barSet->m_labelBrush);
+// itemIndex++;
+// }
+// }
return layout;
diff --git a/src/barchart/horizontal/percent/horizontalpercentbarchartitem.cpp b/src/barchart/horizontal/percent/horizontalpercentbarchartitem.cpp
index 09595f3c..3de20844 100644
--- a/src/barchart/horizontal/percent/horizontalpercentbarchartitem.cpp
+++ b/src/barchart/horizontal/percent/horizontalpercentbarchartitem.cpp
@@ -37,60 +37,82 @@ QVector<QRectF> HorizontalPercentBarChartItem::calculateLayout()
// Use temporary qreals for accuracy
qreal categoryCount = m_series->d_func()->categoryCount();
qreal setCount = m_series->count();
- bool barsVisible = m_series->isVisible();
- // AbstractDomain:
- qreal width = geometry().width();
- qreal height = geometry().height();
- qreal rangeY = m_domainMaxY - m_domainMinY;
- qreal rangeX = m_domainMaxX - m_domainMinX;
- qreal scaleY = (height / rangeY);
- qreal scaleX = (width / rangeX);
- qreal rectHeight = scaleY * m_series->d_func()->barWidth(); // On horizontal chart barWidth of the barseries means height of the rect.
- int itemIndex(0);
- for (int category = 0; category < categoryCount; category++) {
- qreal colSum = m_series->d_func()->categorySum(category);
- qreal percentage = (100 / colSum);
- qreal xPos = -scaleX * m_domainMinX + geometry().left();
- for (int set = 0; set < setCount; set++) {
- QBarSetPrivate *barSet = m_series->d_func()->barsetAt(set)->;
- qreal yPos = (m_domainMinY + 0.5 - barSet->pos(category)) * scaleY + geometry().bottom() - rectHeight / 2;
+// bool barsVisible = m_series->isVisible();
- qreal rectWidth = barSet->value(category) * percentage * scaleX;
- Bar *bar =;
+ qreal barWidth = m_series->d_func()->barWidth();
- QRectF rect(xPos, yPos - rectHeight, rectWidth, rectHeight);
- layout.append(rect);
- bar->setPen(barSet->m_pen);
- bar->setBrush(barSet->m_brush);
- if (qFuzzyCompare(rectHeight, 0))
- bar->setVisible(false);
+ for(int category = 0; category < categoryCount; category++) {
+ qreal sum = 0;
+ qreal categorySum = m_series->d_func()->categorySum(category);
+ for (int set = 0; set < setCount; set++) {
+ qreal value = m_series->barSets().at(set)->at(category);
+ QRectF rect;
+ QPointF topLeft;
+ if (domain()->type() == AbstractDomain::LogXYDomain
+ || domain()->type() == AbstractDomain::LogXLogYDomain)
+ topLeft = domain()->calculateGeometryPoint(QPointF(set ? 100 * sum/categorySum : domain()->minX(), category + barWidth/2));
- bar->setVisible(barsVisible);
- QGraphicsSimpleTextItem *label =;
- if (!qFuzzyCompare(m_series->d_func()->valueAt(set, category), 0)) {
- int p = m_series->d_func()->percentageAt(set, category) * 100;
- QString vString(QString::number(p));
- vString.truncate(3);
- vString.append("%");
- label->setText(vString);
- } else {
- label->setText(QString(""));
- }
- label->setPos(xPos + (rect.width() / 2 - label->boundingRect().width() / 2),
- yPos - rectHeight / 2 - label->boundingRect().height() / 2);
- label->setFont(barSet->m_labelFont);
- label->setBrush(barSet->m_labelBrush);
- itemIndex++;
- xPos += rectWidth;
+ topLeft = domain()->calculateGeometryPoint(QPointF(set ? 100 * sum/categorySum : 0, category + barWidth/2));
+ QPointF bottomRight = domain()->calculateGeometryPoint(QPointF(100 * (value + sum)/categorySum, category - barWidth/2));
+ rect.setTopLeft(topLeft);
+ rect.setBottomRight(bottomRight);
+ layout.append(rect);
+ sum +=value;
+// // AbstractDomain:
+// qreal width = geometry().width();
+// qreal height = geometry().height();
+// qreal rangeY = m_domainMaxY - m_domainMinY;
+// qreal rangeX = m_domainMaxX - m_domainMinX;
+// qreal scaleY = (height / rangeY);
+// qreal scaleX = (width / rangeX);
+// qreal rectHeight = scaleY * m_series->d_func()->barWidth(); // On horizontal chart barWidth of the barseries means height of the rect.
+// int itemIndex(0);
+// for (int category = 0; category < categoryCount; category++) {
+// qreal colSum = m_series->d_func()->categorySum(category);
+// qreal percentage = (100 / colSum);
+// qreal xPos = -scaleX * m_domainMinX + geometry().left();
+// for (int set = 0; set < setCount; set++) {
+// QBarSetPrivate *barSet = m_series->d_func()->barsetAt(set)->;
+// qreal yPos = (m_domainMinY + 0.5 - barSet->pos(category)) * scaleY + geometry().bottom() - rectHeight / 2;
+// qreal rectWidth = barSet->value(category) * percentage * scaleX;
+// Bar *bar =;
+// QRectF rect(xPos, yPos - rectHeight, rectWidth, rectHeight);
+// layout.append(rect);
+// bar->setPen(barSet->m_pen);
+// bar->setBrush(barSet->m_brush);
+// if (qFuzzyCompare(rectHeight, 0))
+// bar->setVisible(false);
+// else
+// bar->setVisible(barsVisible);
+// QGraphicsSimpleTextItem *label =;
+// if (!qFuzzyCompare(m_series->d_func()->valueAt(set, category), 0)) {
+// int p = m_series->d_func()->percentageAt(set, category) * 100;
+// QString vString(QString::number(p));
+// vString.truncate(3);
+// vString.append("%");
+// label->setText(vString);
+// } else {
+// label->setText(QString(""));
+// }
+// label->setPos(xPos + (rect.width() / 2 - label->boundingRect().width() / 2),
+// yPos - rectHeight / 2 - label->boundingRect().height() / 2);
+// label->setFont(barSet->m_labelFont);
+// label->setBrush(barSet->m_labelBrush);
+// itemIndex++;
+// xPos += rectWidth;
+// }
+// }
return layout;
diff --git a/src/barchart/horizontal/stacked/horizontalstackedbarchartitem.cpp b/src/barchart/horizontal/stacked/horizontalstackedbarchartitem.cpp
index c1c32456..952f2a58 100644
--- a/src/barchart/horizontal/stacked/horizontalstackedbarchartitem.cpp
+++ b/src/barchart/horizontal/stacked/horizontalstackedbarchartitem.cpp
@@ -37,61 +37,94 @@ QVector<QRectF> HorizontalStackedBarChartItem::calculateLayout()
// Use temporary qreals for accuracy
qreal categoryCount = m_series->d_func()->categoryCount();
qreal setCount = m_series->count();
- bool barsVisible = m_series->isVisible();
- // AbstractDomain:
- qreal width = geometry().width();
- qreal height = geometry().height();
- qreal rangeY = m_domainMaxY - m_domainMinY;
- qreal rangeX = m_domainMaxX - m_domainMinX;
- qreal scaleY = (height / rangeY);
- qreal scaleX = (width / rangeX);
- qreal rectHeight = scaleY * m_series->d_func()->barWidth(); // On horizontal chart barWidth of the barseries means height of the rect.
- int itemIndex(0);
- for (int category = 0; category < categoryCount; category++) {
- qreal xMax = -scaleX * m_domainMinX + geometry().left();
- qreal xMin = -scaleX * m_domainMinX + geometry().left();
+// bool barsVisible = m_series->isVisible();
+ qreal barWidth = m_series->d_func()->barWidth();
+ for(int category = 0; category < categoryCount; category++) {
+ qreal positiveSum = 0;
+ qreal negativeSum = 0;
for (int set = 0; set < setCount; set++) {
- QBarSetPrivate *barSet = m_series->d_func()->barsetAt(set)->;
- qreal yPos = (m_domainMinY + 0.5 - barSet->pos(category)) * scaleY + geometry().bottom() - rectHeight / 2;
- qreal rectWidth = barSet->value(category) * scaleX;
- Bar *bar =;
- bar->setPen(barSet->m_pen);
- bar->setBrush(barSet->m_brush);
- if (qFuzzyCompare(rectHeight, 0))
- bar->setVisible(false);
- else
- bar->setVisible(barsVisible);
- QGraphicsSimpleTextItem *label =;
- if (!qFuzzyCompare(barSet->value(category), 0))
- label->setText(QString::number(barSet->value(category)));
- else
- label->setText(QString(""));
- label->setFont(barSet->m_labelFont);
- label->setBrush(barSet->m_labelBrush);
- if (rectWidth > 0) {
- QRectF rect(xMax, yPos - rectHeight, rectWidth, rectHeight);
- layout.append(rect);
- label->setPos(xMax + (rect.width() / 2 - label->boundingRect().width() / 2),
- yPos - rectHeight / 2 - label->boundingRect().height() / 2);
- xMax += rectWidth;
+ qreal value = m_series->barSets().at(set)->at(category);
+ QRectF rect;
+ QPointF topLeft;
+ QPointF bottomRight;
+ if (value < 0) {
+ bottomRight = domain()->calculateGeometryPoint(QPointF(value + negativeSum, category - barWidth / 2));
+ if (domain()->type() == AbstractDomain::LogXYDomain
+ || domain()->type() == AbstractDomain::LogXLogYDomain)
+ topLeft = domain()->calculateGeometryPoint(QPointF(set ? negativeSum : domain()->minX(), category + barWidth / 2));
+ else
+ topLeft = domain()->calculateGeometryPoint(QPointF(set ? negativeSum : 0, category + barWidth / 2));
+ negativeSum += value;
} else {
- QRectF rect(xMin, yPos - rectHeight, rectWidth, rectHeight);
- layout.append(rect);
- label->setPos(xMin + (rect.width() / 2 - label->boundingRect().width() / 2),
- yPos - rectHeight / 2 - label->boundingRect().height() / 2);
- xMin += rectWidth;
+ bottomRight = domain()->calculateGeometryPoint(QPointF(value + positiveSum, category - barWidth / 2));
+ if (domain()->type() == AbstractDomain::LogXYDomain
+ || domain()->type() == AbstractDomain::LogXLogYDomain)
+ topLeft = domain()->calculateGeometryPoint(QPointF(set ? positiveSum : domain()->minX(), category + barWidth / 2));
+ else
+ topLeft = domain()->calculateGeometryPoint(QPointF(set ? positiveSum : 0, category + barWidth / 2));
+ positiveSum += value;
- itemIndex++;
+ rect.setTopLeft(topLeft);
+ rect.setBottomRight(bottomRight);
+ layout.append(rect);
+ // // AbstractDomain:
+ // qreal width = geometry().width();
+ // qreal height = geometry().height();
+ // qreal rangeY = m_domainMaxY - m_domainMinY;
+ // qreal rangeX = m_domainMaxX - m_domainMinX;
+ // qreal scaleY = (height / rangeY);
+ // qreal scaleX = (width / rangeX);
+ // qreal rectHeight = scaleY * m_series->d_func()->barWidth(); // On horizontal chart barWidth of the barseries means height of the rect.
+ // int itemIndex(0);
+ // for (int category = 0; category < categoryCount; category++) {
+ // qreal xMax = -scaleX * m_domainMinX + geometry().left();
+ // qreal xMin = -scaleX * m_domainMinX + geometry().left();
+ // for (int set = 0; set < setCount; set++) {
+ // QBarSetPrivate *barSet = m_series->d_func()->barsetAt(set)->;
+ // qreal yPos = (m_domainMinY + 0.5 - barSet->pos(category)) * scaleY + geometry().bottom() - rectHeight / 2;
+ // qreal rectWidth = barSet->value(category) * scaleX;
+ // Bar *bar =;
+ // bar->setPen(barSet->m_pen);
+ // bar->setBrush(barSet->m_brush);
+ // if (qFuzzyCompare(rectHeight, 0))
+ // bar->setVisible(false);
+ // else
+ // bar->setVisible(barsVisible);
+ // QGraphicsSimpleTextItem *label =;
+ // if (!qFuzzyCompare(barSet->value(category), 0))
+ // label->setText(QString::number(barSet->value(category)));
+ // else
+ // label->setText(QString(""));
+ // label->setFont(barSet->m_labelFont);
+ // label->setBrush(barSet->m_labelBrush);
+ // if (rectWidth > 0) {
+ // QRectF rect(xMax, yPos - rectHeight, rectWidth, rectHeight);
+ // layout.append(rect);
+ // label->setPos(xMax + (rect.width() / 2 - label->boundingRect().width() / 2),
+ // yPos - rectHeight / 2 - label->boundingRect().height() / 2);
+ // xMax += rectWidth;
+ // } else {
+ // QRectF rect(xMin, yPos - rectHeight, rectWidth, rectHeight);
+ // layout.append(rect);
+ // label->setPos(xMin + (rect.width() / 2 - label->boundingRect().width() / 2),
+ // yPos - rectHeight / 2 - label->boundingRect().height() / 2);
+ // xMin += rectWidth;
+ // }
+ // itemIndex++;
+ // }
+ // }
return layout;
diff --git a/src/barchart/vertical/bar/barchartitem.cpp b/src/barchart/vertical/bar/barchartitem.cpp
index 1ef02592..e4d15e85 100644
--- a/src/barchart/vertical/bar/barchartitem.cpp
+++ b/src/barchart/vertical/bar/barchartitem.cpp
@@ -38,54 +38,89 @@ QVector<QRectF> BarChartItem::calculateLayout()
// Use temporary qreals for accuracy
qreal categoryCount = m_series->d_func()->categoryCount();
qreal setCount = m_series->count();
- bool barsVisible = m_series->isVisible();
- // Domain:
- qreal width = geometry().width();
- qreal height = geometry().height();
- qreal rangeY = m_domainMaxY - m_domainMinY;
- qreal rangeX = m_domainMaxX - m_domainMinX;
- qreal scaleY = (height / rangeY);
- qreal scaleX = (width / rangeX);
- qreal rectWidth = (scaleX / setCount) * m_series->d_func()->barWidth();
+// bool barsVisible = m_series->isVisible();
+ qreal barWidth = m_series->d_func()->barWidth();
+ // barWidth = 1.8;
int itemIndex(0);
- for (int category = 0; category < categoryCount; category++) {
- qreal yPos = height + scaleY * m_domainMinY + geometry().top();
+ for(int category = 0; category < categoryCount; category++) {
for (int set = 0; set < setCount; set++) {
- QBarSetPrivate *barSet = m_series->d_func()->barsetAt(set)->;
- qreal xPos = (barSet->pos(category) - m_domainMinX) * scaleX + geometry().left();
- xPos -= setCount * rectWidth / 2;
- xPos += set * rectWidth;
- qreal rectHeight = barSet->value(category) * scaleY;
- Bar *bar =;
- QRectF rect(xPos, yPos - rectHeight, rectWidth, rectHeight);
- layout.append(rect);
- bar->setPen(barSet->m_pen);
- bar->setBrush(barSet->m_brush);
- if (qFuzzyIsNull(rectHeight))
- bar->setVisible(false);
+ qreal value = m_series->barSets().at(set)->at(category);
+ QRectF rect;
+ QPointF topLeft = domain()->calculateGeometryPoint(QPointF(category - barWidth / 2 + (set)/(setCount) * barWidth, value));
+ QPointF bottomRight;
+ if (domain()->type() == AbstractDomain::XLogYDomain
+ || domain()->type() == AbstractDomain::LogXLogYDomain)
+ bottomRight = domain()->calculateGeometryPoint(QPointF(category - barWidth / 2 + (set + 1)/(setCount) * barWidth, domain()->minY()));
- bar->setVisible(barsVisible);
+ bottomRight = domain()->calculateGeometryPoint(QPointF(category - barWidth / 2 + (set + 1)/(setCount) * barWidth, 0));
+ rect.setTopLeft(topLeft);
+ rect.setBottomRight(bottomRight);
+ layout.append(rect);
QGraphicsSimpleTextItem *label =;
- if (!qFuzzyIsNull(barSet->value(category)))
- label->setText(QString::number(barSet->value(category)));
+ label->setZValue(200);
+ itemIndex++;
+ if (!qFuzzyCompare(value, 0))
+ label->setText(QString::number(value));
- label->setPos(xPos + (rect.width() / 2 - label->boundingRect().width() / 2),
- yPos - rectHeight / 2 - label->boundingRect().height() / 2);
- label->setFont(barSet->m_labelFont);
- label->setBrush(barSet->m_labelBrush);
+// label->setFont(m_series->barSets().at(set)->labelFont());
+// label->setBrush(m_series->barSets().at(set)->labelBrush());
+ label->setBrush(Qt::black);
+ label->setPos( - label->boundingRect().center());
- itemIndex++;
+ // AbstractDomain:
+ // qreal width = geometry().width();
+ // qreal height = geometry().height();
+ // qreal rangeY = m_domainMaxY - m_domainMinY;
+ // qreal rangeX = m_domainMaxX - m_domainMinX;
+ // qreal scaleY = (height / rangeY);
+ // qreal scaleX = (width / rangeX);
+ // qreal rectWidth = (scaleX / setCount) * m_series->d_func()->barWidth();
+ // int itemIndex(0);
+ // for (int category = 0; category < categoryCount; category++) {
+ // qreal yPos = height + scaleY * m_domainMinY + geometry().top();
+ // for (int set = 0; set < setCount; set++) {
+ // QBarSetPrivate *barSet = m_series->d_func()->barsetAt(set)->;
+ // qreal xPos = (barSet->pos(category) - m_domainMinX) * scaleX + geometry().left();
+ // xPos -= setCount * rectWidth / 2;
+ // xPos += set * rectWidth;barWidth / 2
+ // qreal rectHeight = barSet->value(category) * scaleY;
+ // Bar *bar =;
+ // QRectF rect(xPos, yPos - rectHeight, rectWidth, rectHeight);
+ // layout.append(rect);
+ // bar->setPen(barSet->m_pen);
+ // bar->setBrush(barSet->m_brush);
+ // if (qFuzzyIsNull(rectHeight))
+ // bar->setVisible(false);
+ // else
+ // bar->setVisible(barsVisible);
+ // QGraphicsSimpleTextItem *label =;
+ // if (!qFuzzyIsNull(barSet->value(category)))
+ // label->setText(QString::number(barSet->value(category)));
+ // else
+ // label->setText(QString(""));
+ // label->setPos(xPos + (rect.width() / 2 - label->boundingRect().width() / 2),
+ // yPos - rectHeight / 2 - label->boundingRect().height() / 2);
+ // label->setFont(barSet->m_labelFont);
+ // label->setBrush(barSet->m_labelBrush);
+ // itemIndex++;
+ // }
+ // }
return layout;
diff --git a/src/barchart/vertical/percent/percentbarchartitem.cpp b/src/barchart/vertical/percent/percentbarchartitem.cpp
index 5690928c..a2ba65d7 100644
--- a/src/barchart/vertical/percent/percentbarchartitem.cpp
+++ b/src/barchart/vertical/percent/percentbarchartitem.cpp
@@ -38,60 +38,82 @@ QVector<QRectF> PercentBarChartItem::calculateLayout()
// Use temporary qreals for accuracy
qreal categoryCount = m_series->d_func()->categoryCount();
qreal setCount = m_series->count();
- bool barsVisible = m_series->isVisible();
- // Domain:
- qreal width = geometry().width();
- qreal height = geometry().height();
- qreal rangeY = m_domainMaxY - m_domainMinY;
- qreal rangeX = m_domainMaxX - m_domainMinX;
- qreal scaleY = (height / rangeY);
- qreal scaleX = (width / rangeX);
- qreal rectWidth = scaleX * m_series->d_func()->barWidth();
- int itemIndex(0);
- for (int category = 0; category < categoryCount; category++) {
- qreal colSum = m_series->d_func()->categorySum(category);
- qreal percentage = (100 / colSum);
- qreal yPos = height + scaleY * m_domainMinY + geometry().top();
- for (int set = 0; set < setCount; set++) {
- QBarSetPrivate *barSet = m_series->d_func()->barsetAt(set)->;
+// bool barsVisible = m_series->isVisible();
- qreal xPos = (barSet->pos(category) - m_domainMinX) * scaleX + geometry().left() - rectWidth / 2;
+ qreal barWidth = m_series->d_func()->barWidth();
- qreal rectHeight = barSet->value(category) * percentage * scaleY;
- Bar *bar =;
- bar->setPen(barSet->m_pen);
- bar->setBrush(barSet->m_brush);
- if (qFuzzyIsNull(rectHeight))
- bar->setVisible(false);
+ for(int category = 0; category < categoryCount; category++) {
+ qreal sum = 0;
+ qreal categorySum = m_series->d_func()->categorySum(category);
+ for (int set = 0; set < setCount; set++) {
+ qreal value = m_series->barSets().at(set)->at(category);
+ QRectF rect;
+ QPointF topLeft = domain()->calculateGeometryPoint(QPointF(category - barWidth/2, 100 * (value + sum)/categorySum));
+ QPointF bottomRight;
+ if (domain()->type() == AbstractDomain::XLogYDomain
+ || domain()->type() == AbstractDomain::LogXLogYDomain)
+ bottomRight = domain()->calculateGeometryPoint(QPointF(category + barWidth/2, set ? 100 * sum/categorySum : domain()->minY()));
- bar->setVisible(barsVisible);
- QRectF rect(xPos, yPos - rectHeight, rectWidth, rectHeight);
+ bottomRight = domain()->calculateGeometryPoint(QPointF(category + barWidth/2, set ? 100 * sum/categorySum : 0));
+ rect.setTopLeft(topLeft);
+ rect.setBottomRight(bottomRight);
- QGraphicsSimpleTextItem *label =;
- if (!qFuzzyIsNull(m_series->d_func()->valueAt(set, category))) {
- int p = m_series->d_func()->percentageAt(set, category) * 100;
- QString vString(QString::number(p));
- vString.truncate(3);
- vString.append("%");
- label->setText(vString);
- } else {
- label->setText(QString(""));
- }
- label->setPos(xPos + (rect.width() / 2 - label->boundingRect().width() / 2),
- yPos - rectHeight / 2 - label->boundingRect().height() / 2);
- label->setFont(barSet->m_labelFont);
- label->setBrush(barSet->m_labelBrush);
- itemIndex++;
- yPos -= rectHeight;
+ sum +=value;
+ // AbstractDomain:
+// qreal width = geometry().width();
+// qreal height = geometry().height();
+// qreal rangeY = m_domainMaxY - m_domainMinY;
+// qreal rangeX = m_domainMaxX - m_domainMinX;
+// qreal scaleY = (height / rangeY);
+// qreal scaleX = (width / rangeX);
+// qreal rectWidth = scaleX * m_series->d_func()->barWidth();
+// int itemIndex(0);
+// for (int category = 0; category < categoryCount; category++) {
+// qreal colSum = m_series->d_func()->categorySum(category);
+// qreal percentage = (100 / colSum);
+// qreal yPos = height + scaleY * m_domainMinY + geometry().top();
+// for (int set = 0; set < setCount; set++) {
+// QBarSetPrivate *barSet = m_series->d_func()->barsetAt(set)->;
+// qreal xPos = (barSet->pos(category) - m_domainMinX) * scaleX + geometry().left() - rectWidth / 2;
+// qreal rectHeight = barSet->value(category) * percentage * scaleY;
+// Bar *bar =;
+// bar->setPen(barSet->m_pen);
+// bar->setBrush(barSet->m_brush);
+// if (qFuzzyIsNull(rectHeight))
+// bar->setVisible(false);
+// else
+// bar->setVisible(barsVisible);
+// QRectF rect(xPos, yPos - rectHeight, rectWidth, rectHeight);
+// layout.append(rect);
+// QGraphicsSimpleTextItem *label =;
+// if (!qFuzzyIsNull(m_series->d_func()->valueAt(set, category))) {
+// int p = m_series->d_func()->percentageAt(set, category) * 100;
+// QString vString(QString::number(p));
+// vString.truncate(3);
+// vString.append("%");
+// label->setText(vString);
+// } else {
+// label->setText(QString(""));
+// }
+// label->setPos(xPos + (rect.width() / 2 - label->boundingRect().width() / 2),
+// yPos - rectHeight / 2 - label->boundingRect().height() / 2);
+// label->setFont(barSet->m_labelFont);
+// label->setBrush(barSet->m_labelBrush);
+// itemIndex++;
+// yPos -= rectHeight;
+// }
+// }
return layout;
diff --git a/src/barchart/vertical/stacked/stackedbarchartitem.cpp b/src/barchart/vertical/stacked/stackedbarchartitem.cpp
index ccc6f6fe..2b811115 100644
--- a/src/barchart/vertical/stacked/stackedbarchartitem.cpp
+++ b/src/barchart/vertical/stacked/stackedbarchartitem.cpp
@@ -37,64 +37,97 @@ QVector<QRectF> StackedBarChartItem::calculateLayout()
// Use temporary qreals for accuracy
qreal categoryCount = m_series->d_func()->categoryCount();
qreal setCount = m_series->count();
- bool barsVisible = m_series->isVisible();
- // Domain:
- qreal width = geometry().width();
- qreal height = geometry().height();
- qreal rangeY = m_domainMaxY - m_domainMinY;
- qreal rangeX = m_domainMaxX - m_domainMinX;
- qreal scaleY = (height / rangeY);
- qreal scaleX = (width / rangeX);
- qreal rectWidth = scaleX * m_series->d_func()->barWidth();
- int itemIndex(0);
- for (int category = 0; category < categoryCount; category++) {
- qreal yMax = height + scaleY * m_domainMinY + geometry().top();
- qreal yMin = height + scaleY * m_domainMinY + geometry().top();
+// bool barsVisible = m_series->isVisible();
+ qreal barWidth = m_series->d_func()->barWidth();
+ for(int category = 0; category < categoryCount; category++) {
+ qreal positiveSum = 0;
+ qreal negativeSum = 0;
for (int set = 0; set < setCount; set++) {
- QBarSetPrivate *barSet = m_series->d_func()->barsetAt(set)->;
- qreal xPos = (barSet->pos(category) - m_domainMinX) * scaleX + geometry().left() - rectWidth / 2;
- qreal rectHeight = barSet->value(category) * scaleY;
- Bar *bar =;
- bar->setPen(barSet->m_pen);
- bar->setBrush(barSet->m_brush);
- if (qFuzzyIsNull(rectHeight))
- bar->setVisible(false);
- else
- bar->setVisible(barsVisible);
- QGraphicsSimpleTextItem *label =;
- if (!qFuzzyIsNull(barSet->value(category)))
- label->setText(QString::number(barSet->value(category)));
- else
- label->setText(QString(""));
- label->setFont(barSet->m_labelFont);
- label->setBrush(barSet->m_labelBrush);
- if (rectHeight < 0) {
- QRectF rect(xPos, yMax - rectHeight, rectWidth, rectHeight);
- layout.append(rect);
- label->setPos(xPos + (rect.width() / 2 - label->boundingRect().width() / 2),
- yMax - rectHeight / 2 - label->boundingRect().height() / 2);
- yMax -= rectHeight;
+ qreal value = m_series->barSets().at(set)->at(category);
+ QRectF rect;
+ QPointF topLeft;
+ QPointF bottomRight;
+ if (value < 0) {
+ bottomRight = domain()->calculateGeometryPoint(QPointF(category - barWidth / 2, value + negativeSum));
+ if (domain()->type() == AbstractDomain::XLogYDomain
+ || domain()->type() == AbstractDomain::LogXLogYDomain)
+ topLeft = domain()->calculateGeometryPoint(QPointF(category + barWidth / 2, set ? negativeSum : domain()->minY()));
+ else
+ topLeft = domain()->calculateGeometryPoint(QPointF(category + barWidth / 2, set ? negativeSum : 0));
+ negativeSum += value;
} else {
- QRectF rect(xPos, yMin - rectHeight, rectWidth, rectHeight);
- layout.append(rect);
- label->setPos(xPos + (rect.width() / 2 - label->boundingRect().width() / 2),
- yMin - rectHeight / 2 - label->boundingRect().height() / 2);
- yMin -= rectHeight;
+ bottomRight = domain()->calculateGeometryPoint(QPointF(category - barWidth / 2, value + positiveSum));
+ if (domain()->type() == AbstractDomain::XLogYDomain
+ || domain()->type() == AbstractDomain::LogXLogYDomain)
+ topLeft = domain()->calculateGeometryPoint(QPointF(category + barWidth / 2, set ? positiveSum : domain()->minY()));
+ else
+ topLeft = domain()->calculateGeometryPoint(QPointF(category + barWidth / 2, set ? positiveSum : 0));
+ positiveSum += value;
- itemIndex++;
+ rect.setTopLeft(topLeft);
+ rect.setBottomRight(bottomRight);
+ layout.append(rect);
- return layout;
+// AbstractDomain:
+// qreal width = geometry().width();
+// qreal height = geometry().height();
+// qreal rangeY = m_domainMaxY - m_domainMinY;
+// qreal rangeX = m_domainMaxX - m_domainMinX;
+// qreal scaleY = (height / rangeY);
+// qreal scaleX = (width / rangeX);
+// qreal rectWidth = scaleX * m_series->d_func()->barWidth();
+// int itemIndex(0);
+// for (int category = 0; category < categoryCount; category++) {
+// qreal yMax = height + scaleY * m_domainMinY + geometry().top();
+// qreal yMin = height + scaleY * m_domainMinY + geometry().top();
+// for (int set = 0; set < setCount; set++) {
+// QBarSetPrivate *barSet = m_series->d_func()->barsetAt(set)->;
+// qreal xPos = (barSet->pos(category) - m_domainMinX) * scaleX + geometry().left() - rectWidth / 2;
+// qreal rectHeight = barSet->value(category) * scaleY;
+// Bar *bar =;
+// bar->setPen(barSet->m_pen);
+// bar->setBrush(barSet->m_brush);
+// if (qFuzzyIsNull(rectHeight))
+// bar->setVisible(false);
+// else
+// bar->setVisible(barsVisible);
+// QGraphicsSimpleTextItem *label =;
+// if (!qFuzzyIsNull(barSet->value(category)))
+// label->setText(QString::number(barSet->value(category)));
+// else
+// label->setText(QString(""));
+// label->setFont(barSet->m_labelFont);
+// label->setBrush(barSet->m_labelBrush);
+// if (rectHeight < 0) {
+// QRectF rect(xPos, yMax - rectHeight, rectWidth, rectHeight);
+// layout.append(rect);
+// label->setPos(xPos + (rect.width() / 2 - label->boundingRect().width() / 2),
+// yMax - rectHeight / 2 - label->boundingRect().height() / 2);
+// yMax -= rectHeight;
+// } else {
+// QRectF rect(xPos, yMin - rectHeight, rectWidth, rectHeight);
+// layout.append(rect);
+// label->setPos(xPos + (rect.width() / 2 - label->boundingRect().width() / 2),
+// yMin - rectHeight / 2 - label->boundingRect().height() / 2);
+// yMin -= rectHeight;
+// }
+// itemIndex++;
+// }
+// }
+return layout;
#include "moc_stackedbarchartitem_p.cpp"