path: root/examples/charts/chartsgallery/themewidget.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/charts/chartsgallery/themewidget.cpp')
1 files changed, 353 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/charts/chartsgallery/themewidget.cpp b/examples/charts/chartsgallery/themewidget.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..31afc403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/charts/chartsgallery/themewidget.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only
+#include "themewidget.h"
+#include "ui_themewidget.h"
+#include <QAbstractBarSeries>
+#include <QAreaSeries>
+#include <QBarSet>
+#include <QChartView>
+#include <QCheckBox>
+#include <QComboBox>
+#include <QGridLayout>
+#include <QLegend>
+#include <QLineSeries>
+#include <QPercentBarSeries>
+#include <QPieSeries>
+#include <QPieSlice>
+#include <QRandomGenerator>
+#include <QScatterSeries>
+#include <QSplineSeries>
+#include <QStackedBarSeries>
+#include <QValueAxis>
+ThemeWidget::ThemeWidget(QWidget *parent) :
+ ContentWidget(parent),
+ m_listCount(3),
+ m_valueMax(10),
+ m_valueCount(7),
+ m_dataTable(generateRandomData(m_listCount, m_valueMax, m_valueCount)),
+ m_ui(new Ui_ThemeWidgetForm)
+ m_ui->setupUi(this);
+ populateThemeBox();
+ populateAnimationBox();
+ populateLegendBox();
+ //create charts
+ QChartView *chartView;
+ chartView = new QChartView(createAreaChart(), this);
+ m_ui->gridLayout->addWidget(chartView, 1, 0);
+ m_charts << chartView;
+ chartView = new QChartView(createPieChart(), this);
+ // Funny things happen if the pie slice labels do not fit the screen, so we ignore size policy
+ chartView->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Ignored, QSizePolicy::Ignored);
+ m_ui->gridLayout->addWidget(chartView, 1, 1);
+ m_charts << chartView;
+ //![5]
+ chartView = new QChartView(createLineChart(), this);
+ m_ui->gridLayout->addWidget(chartView, 1, 2);
+ //![5]
+ m_charts << chartView;
+ chartView = new QChartView(createBarChart(m_valueCount), this);
+ m_ui->gridLayout->addWidget(chartView, 2, 0);
+ m_charts << chartView;
+ chartView = new QChartView(createSplineChart(), this);
+ m_ui->gridLayout->addWidget(chartView, 2, 1);
+ m_charts << chartView;
+ chartView = new QChartView(createScatterChart(), this);
+ m_ui->gridLayout->addWidget(chartView, 2, 2);
+ m_charts << chartView;
+ // Set defaults
+ m_ui->antialiasCheckBox->setChecked(true);
+ updateUI();
+ delete m_ui;
+DataTable ThemeWidget::generateRandomData(int listCount, int valueMax, int valueCount) const
+ DataTable dataTable;
+ // generate random data
+ for (int i(0); i < listCount; i++) {
+ DataList dataList;
+ qreal yValue(0);
+ for (int j(0); j < valueCount; j++) {
+ yValue = yValue + QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(valueMax / (qreal) valueCount);
+ QPointF value((j + QRandomGenerator::global()->generateDouble()) * ((qreal) m_valueMax / (qreal) valueCount),
+ yValue);
+ QString label = "Slice " + QString::number(i) + ":" + QString::number(j);
+ dataList << Data(value, label);
+ }
+ dataTable << dataList;
+ }
+ return dataTable;
+void ThemeWidget::populateThemeBox()
+ // add items to theme combobox
+ m_ui->themeComboBox->addItem("Light", QChart::ChartThemeLight);
+ m_ui->themeComboBox->addItem("Blue Cerulean", QChart::ChartThemeBlueCerulean);
+ m_ui->themeComboBox->addItem("Dark", QChart::ChartThemeDark);
+ m_ui->themeComboBox->addItem("Brown Sand", QChart::ChartThemeBrownSand);
+ m_ui->themeComboBox->addItem("Blue NCS", QChart::ChartThemeBlueNcs);
+ m_ui->themeComboBox->addItem("High Contrast", QChart::ChartThemeHighContrast);
+ m_ui->themeComboBox->addItem("Blue Icy", QChart::ChartThemeBlueIcy);
+ m_ui->themeComboBox->addItem("Qt", QChart::ChartThemeQt);
+void ThemeWidget::populateAnimationBox()
+ // add items to animation combobox
+ m_ui->animatedComboBox->addItem("No Animations", QChart::NoAnimation);
+ m_ui->animatedComboBox->addItem("GridAxis Animations", QChart::GridAxisAnimations);
+ m_ui->animatedComboBox->addItem("Series Animations", QChart::SeriesAnimations);
+ m_ui->animatedComboBox->addItem("All Animations", QChart::AllAnimations);
+void ThemeWidget::populateLegendBox()
+ // add items to legend combobox
+ m_ui->legendComboBox->addItem("No Legend ", 0);
+ m_ui->legendComboBox->addItem("Legend Top", Qt::AlignTop);
+ m_ui->legendComboBox->addItem("Legend Bottom", Qt::AlignBottom);
+ m_ui->legendComboBox->addItem("Legend Left", Qt::AlignLeft);
+ m_ui->legendComboBox->addItem("Legend Right", Qt::AlignRight);
+QChart *ThemeWidget::createAreaChart() const
+ auto chart = new QChart;
+ chart->setTitle("Area Chart");
+ // The lower series initialized to zero values
+ QLineSeries *lowerSeries = nullptr;
+ QString name("Series ");
+ int nameIndex = 0;
+ for (int i(0); i < m_dataTable.count(); i++) {
+ auto upperSeries = new QLineSeries(chart);
+ for (int j(0); j < m_dataTable[i].count(); j++) {
+ Data data = m_dataTable[i].at(j);
+ if (lowerSeries) {
+ const auto &points = lowerSeries->points();
+ upperSeries->append(QPointF(j, points[i].y() + data.first.y()));
+ } else {
+ upperSeries->append(QPointF(j, data.first.y()));
+ }
+ }
+ auto area = new QAreaSeries(upperSeries, lowerSeries);
+ area->setName(name + QString::number(nameIndex));
+ nameIndex++;
+ chart->addSeries(area);
+ lowerSeries = upperSeries;
+ }
+ chart->createDefaultAxes();
+ chart->axes(Qt::Horizontal).first()->setRange(0, m_valueCount - 1);
+ chart->axes(Qt::Vertical).first()->setRange(0, m_valueMax);
+ // Add space to label to add space between labels and axis
+ auto axisY = qobject_cast<QValueAxis *>(chart->axes(Qt::Vertical).first());
+ Q_ASSERT(axisY);
+ axisY->setLabelFormat("%.1f ");
+ return chart;
+QChart *ThemeWidget::createBarChart(int valueCount) const
+ Q_UNUSED(valueCount);
+ auto chart = new QChart;
+ chart->setTitle("Bar Chart");
+ auto series = new QStackedBarSeries(chart);
+ for (int i(0); i < m_dataTable.count(); i++) {
+ auto set = new QBarSet("Bar set " + QString::number(i));
+ for (const Data &data : m_dataTable[i])
+ *set << data.first.y();
+ series->append(set);
+ }
+ chart->addSeries(series);
+ chart->createDefaultAxes();
+ chart->axes(Qt::Vertical).first()->setRange(0, m_valueMax * 2);
+ // Add space to label to add space between labels and axis
+ auto axisY = qobject_cast<QValueAxis *>(chart->axes(Qt::Vertical).first());
+ Q_ASSERT(axisY);
+ axisY->setLabelFormat("%.1f ");
+ return chart;
+QChart *ThemeWidget::createLineChart() const
+ //![1]
+ auto chart = new QChart;
+ chart->setTitle("Line Chart");
+ //![1]
+ //![2]
+ QString name("Series ");
+ int nameIndex = 0;
+ for (const DataList &list : m_dataTable) {
+ auto series = new QLineSeries(chart);
+ for (const Data &data : list)
+ series->append(data.first);
+ series->setName(name + QString::number(nameIndex));
+ nameIndex++;
+ chart->addSeries(series);
+ }
+ //![2]
+ //![3]
+ chart->createDefaultAxes();
+ chart->axes(Qt::Horizontal).first()->setRange(0, m_valueMax);
+ chart->axes(Qt::Vertical).first()->setRange(0, m_valueCount);
+ //![3]
+ //![4]
+ // Add space to label to add space between labels and axis
+ auto axisY = qobject_cast<QValueAxis *>(chart->axes(Qt::Vertical).first());
+ Q_ASSERT(axisY);
+ axisY->setLabelFormat("%.1f ");
+ //![4]
+ return chart;
+QChart *ThemeWidget::createPieChart() const
+ auto chart = new QChart;
+ chart->setTitle("Pie Chart");
+ auto series = new QPieSeries(chart);
+ for (const Data &data : m_dataTable[0]) {
+ QPieSlice *slice = series->append(data.second, data.first.y());
+ if (data == m_dataTable[0].first()) {
+ // Show the first slice exploded with label
+ slice->setLabelVisible();
+ slice->setExploded();
+ slice->setExplodeDistanceFactor(0.5);
+ }
+ }
+ series->setPieSize(0.4);
+ chart->addSeries(series);
+ return chart;
+QChart *ThemeWidget::createSplineChart() const
+ auto chart = new QChart;
+ chart->setTitle("Spline Chart");
+ QString name("Series ");
+ int nameIndex = 0;
+ for (const DataList &list : m_dataTable) {
+ auto series = new QSplineSeries(chart);
+ for (const Data &data : list)
+ series->append(data.first);
+ series->setName(name + QString::number(nameIndex));
+ nameIndex++;
+ chart->addSeries(series);
+ }
+ chart->createDefaultAxes();
+ chart->axes(Qt::Horizontal).first()->setRange(0, m_valueMax);
+ chart->axes(Qt::Vertical).first()->setRange(0, m_valueCount);
+ // Add space to label to add space between labels and axis
+ auto axisY = qobject_cast<QValueAxis *>(chart->axes(Qt::Vertical).first());
+ Q_ASSERT(axisY);
+ axisY->setLabelFormat("%.1f ");
+ return chart;
+QChart *ThemeWidget::createScatterChart() const
+ // scatter chart
+ auto chart = new QChart;
+ chart->setTitle("Scatter Chart");
+ QString name("Series ");
+ int nameIndex = 0;
+ for (const DataList &list : m_dataTable) {
+ auto series = new QScatterSeries(chart);
+ for (const Data &data : list)
+ series->append(data.first);
+ series->setName(name + QString::number(nameIndex));
+ nameIndex++;
+ chart->addSeries(series);
+ }
+ chart->createDefaultAxes();
+ chart->axes(Qt::Horizontal).first()->setRange(0, m_valueMax);
+ chart->axes(Qt::Vertical).first()->setRange(0, m_valueCount);
+ // Add space to label to add space between labels and axis
+ auto axisY = qobject_cast<QValueAxis *>(chart->axes(Qt::Vertical).first());
+ Q_ASSERT(axisY);
+ axisY->setLabelFormat("%.1f ");
+ return chart;
+void ThemeWidget::updateUI()
+ //![6]
+ auto theme = static_cast<QChart::ChartTheme>(
+ m_ui->themeComboBox->itemData(m_ui->themeComboBox->currentIndex()).toInt());
+ //![6]
+ const auto charts = m_charts;
+ if (!m_charts.isEmpty() &&>chart()->theme() != theme) {
+ for (QChartView *chartView : charts) {
+ //![7]
+ chartView->chart()->setTheme(theme);
+ //![7]
+ }
+ }
+ // Update antialiasing
+ //![11]
+ bool checked = m_ui->antialiasCheckBox->isChecked();
+ for (QChartView *chart : charts)
+ chart->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, checked);
+ //![11]
+ // Update animation options
+ //![9]
+ QChart::AnimationOptions options(
+ m_ui->animatedComboBox->itemData(m_ui->animatedComboBox->currentIndex()).toInt());
+ if (!m_charts.isEmpty() &&>chart()->animationOptions() != options) {
+ for (QChartView *chartView : charts)
+ chartView->chart()->setAnimationOptions(options);
+ }
+ //![9]
+ // Update legend alignment
+ //![10]
+ Qt::Alignment alignment(
+ m_ui->legendComboBox->itemData(m_ui->legendComboBox->currentIndex()).toInt());
+ if (!alignment) {
+ for (QChartView *chartView : charts)
+ chartView->chart()->legend()->hide();
+ } else {
+ for (QChartView *chartView : charts) {
+ chartView->chart()->legend()->setAlignment(alignment);
+ chartView->chart()->legend()->show();
+ }
+ }
+ //![10]