---------------------- Qt Charts Add-on 1.3.1 ---------------------- What's in Qt Charts =================== Directory structure: src/ Source code of the Qt Charts plugins/ QML bindings plugins and QtCreator plugin examples/ Some examples of using Qt Charts demos/ More versatile example applications showing how to customize charts, combine several chart types and implement interaction in charts doc/ Documentation licenses/ Licensing information Building ======== Please note that if you have already installed a previous version of Qt Charts, you should first uninstall it with make uninstall Configure project with qmake and build project with make: (Linux) make (Windows with MinGw) mingw32-make (Visual Studio) nmake (OSX) make For debug builds: qmake CONFIG+=debug; make or qmake CONFIG+=debug_and_release; make debug For release builds: qmake CONFIG+=release; make or qmake CONFIG+=debug_and_release; make release For both builds: qmake CONFIG+="debug_and_release build_all"; make If you want to leave out demos and examples from the build you can use the following config with qmake: CONFIG+=nomake_demos_examples If you want to install the libraries to your Qt library directory use: make install If you want to uninstall the libraries: make uninstall Building as a statically linked library ======================================= The same as above applies, you will just have to add staticlib to the CONFIG: qmake CONFIG+=staticlib Documentation ============= Documentation can be found from doc/html and doc/qch directories. The documentation can also be generated with: make docs The documentation provided with Charts is generated with qdoc and the creation of the documentation is prioritized for Qt5. We recommend building the documentation using Qt5, if you want to do it yourself. Creating the documentation using Qt4 also works, but some pages are not generated correctly, such as the 'List of All Members' page for all C++ and QML APIs in .qch documentation. Main Changes between 1.3.0 and 1.3.1 ==================================== - New Qt theme template added Bug Fixes and minor new features ================================ - New: Added new hovered signal for bar charts with index information - New: Added example of using dynamically generated image as a brush for scatter series - New: Added HTML support for pie slice labels - New: Added possibility to build Charts without demos and examples - Fixed: Theme initialization performance for bar series is improved - Fixed: Documentation generated against Qt5 - Fixed: Pie chart label is truncated if there's not enough space for the label - Fixed: Legend item truncation to start with the longest item - Fixed: Vertical and horizontal truncation of labels in bar chart - Fixed: Dynamic qml axis switch - Fixed: Crash with empty QAreaSeries - Fixed: Missing legend when printing a chart that is not shown - Fixed: Crash when zooming - Fixed: Chart geometry calculated only for visible items - Fixed: Alignment for multiline items - Alignment can be set for multiline items using format: "


" - Fixed: Removed redundancy when setting the axis title - Fixed: Mouse event handling with rubber band - Fixed: logarithmic axis point calculation for zero and negative values - Fixed: Chart build on Solaris - Fixed: Axis creation with createDefaultAxes() when series of different types are present - Fixed: Debug information text color changed to gray to make it visible with all themes - Fixed: Min and max conflict with standard macros on Windows - Fixed: Chart build with QT_NO_TEXTSTREAM definition - Fixed: Chart build with QT_NO_RUBBERBAND definition - Fixed: Chart build with QT_NO_GRAPHICSEFFECT definition Known issues ============ - Zooming too far or too close may eventually freeze the zooming and scrolling.