## Introduction This is the Qt CoAP module repository. CoAP is a protocol for IoT devices, and machine to machine communication. The full specification can be found in [RFC 7252](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7252). ### Supported features - CoAP Client - Send GET/POST/PUT/DELETE requests - Discover resources (single server) - Observe resources and cancel the observation - Blockwise requests and replies - Confirmable and non-confirmable messages - Some options can be added to the request - Replies can be received in a separate or piggybacked message ### Unsupported yet - CoAP Server ## How to use the library ### GET/POST/PUT/DELETE requests ```c++ QCoapClient* client = new QCoapClient(this); connect(client, &QCoapClient::finished, this, &MyClass::onFinished); client->get(QUrl("coap://coap.me/test")); client->put(QUrl("coap://coap.me/test"), QByteArray("payload")); ``` or ```c++ QCoapReply* reply = client->get(QCoapRequest("coap://coap.me/test")); connect(reply, &QCoapReply::finished, this, &MyClass::onFinished); ``` The slot connected to the `QCoapReply::finished(QCoapReply *)` signal can use the `QCoapReply` object like a `QIODevice` object. ### OBSERVE requests Observe requests are used to receive automatic server notifications for a resource. For Observe requests specifically, you can use the `QCoapReply::notified(QCoapReply *, QCoapMessage)` signal to handle notifications from the CoAP server. ```c++ QCoapRequest request = QCoapRequest("coap://coap.me/obs"); QCoapReply* reply = client->observe(request); connect(reply, &QCoapReply::notified, this, &MyClass::onNotified); ``` You can then stop the observation with ```c++ client->cancelObserve(reply); ``` The notified signal will provide the `QCoapReply` and most recent message. ### DISCOVERY requests For machine to machine communication, CoAP Discovery requests is used to query the resources available to an endpoint, or to the complete network. ```c++ QCoapDiscoveryReply* reply = client->discover("coap://coap.me/"); connect(reply, &QCoapReply::discovered, this, &MyClass::onDiscovered); ``` For multicast discovery use one of the groups from the `QtCoap::MulticastGroup` enum, instead of specifying the discovery path: ```c++ QCoapDiscoveryReply* reply = client->discover(QtCoap::AllCoapNodesIPv6LinkLocal); ``` If no group is specified, `QtCoap::AllCoapNodesIPv4` will be used by default. The signal `discovered` can be triggered multiple times, and will provide the list of resources returned by the server(s). ### Using security The following example code can be used to secure CoAP communication: ```c++ QCoapClient* client = new QCoapClient(this, QtCoap::PreSharedKey); QCoapSecurityConfiguration config; config.setPreSharedKey("secretPSK"); config.setIdentity("Client_identity"); client->setSecurityConfiguration(config); ``` To use X.509 certificate-based security use `QtCoap::Certificate` for the security mode. `QtCoap::RawPublicKey` mode is not supported yet. ## Automated tests Automated tests require a Californium plugtest server. Plugtest is a CoAP server used to test the main features of the CoAP protocol. The following command starts a plugtest server using Docker. ```bash docker run --name coap-test-server -d --rm -p 5683:5683/udp aleravat/coap-test-server:latest ``` Automated tests require `COAP_TEST_SERVER_IP` environment variable to be set, containing Plugtest server IP address. This address will be used to connect to the Plugtest server on port 5683. The IP address of the docker container can found identified by: 1. Retrieve the container id with `docker ps` ``` $ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE [...] 826073e84e7f aleravat/coap-test-server:latest [...] ``` 2. Get the IP address with `docker inspect | grep IPAddress` ``` $ docker inspect 826073e84e7f | grep IPAddress [...] "IPAddress": "", [...] ``` 3. Set the environment variable in QtCreator, or in a the terminal used `export COAP_TEST_SERVER_IP=""`