// Copyright (C) 2017 Witekio. // Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only #include "qcoapprotocol_p.h" #include "qcoapinternalrequest_p.h" #include "qcoapinternalreply_p.h" #include "qcoaprequest_p.h" #include "qcoapconnection_p.h" #include "qcoapnamespace_p.h" #include #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcCoapProtocol, "qt.coap.protocol") /*! \internal \class QCoapProtocol \inmodule QtCoap \brief The QCoapProtocol class handles the logical part of the CoAP protocol. \reentrant The QCoapProtocol is used by the QCoapClient class to handle the logical part of the protocol. It can encode requests and decode replies. It also handles what to do when a message is received, along with retransmission of lost messages. \sa QCoapClient */ /*! \internal \fn void QCoapProtocol::finished(QCoapReply *reply) This signal is emitted along with the \l QCoapReply::finished() signal whenever a CoAP reply is received, after either a success or an error. The \a reply parameter will contain a pointer to the reply that has just been received. \sa error(), QCoapReply::finished(), QCoapReply::error() */ /*! \internal \fn void QCoapProtocol::responseToMulticastReceived(QCoapReply *reply, const QCoapMessage& message, const QHostAddress &sender) This signal is emitted when a unicast response to a multicast request arrives. The \a reply parameter contains a pointer to the reply that has just been received, \a message contains the payload and the message details, and \a sender contains the sender address. \sa error(), QCoapReply::finished(), QCoapReply::error() */ /*! \internal \fn void QCoapProtocol::error(QCoapReply *reply, QtCoap::Error error) This signal is emitted whenever an error occurs. The \a reply parameter can be \nullptr if the error is not related to a specific QCoapReply. The \a error parameter contains the error code. \sa finished(), QCoapReply::error(), QCoapReply::finished() */ /*! \internal Constructs a new QCoapProtocol and sets \a parent as the parent object. */ QCoapProtocol::QCoapProtocol(QObject *parent) : QObject(*new QCoapProtocolPrivate, parent) { qRegisterMetaType(); qRegisterMetaType(); } QCoapProtocol::~QCoapProtocol() { Q_D(QCoapProtocol); // Clear table to avoid double deletion from QObject parenting and QSharedPointer. d->exchangeMap.clear(); } /*! \internal Creates and sets up a new QCoapInternalRequest related to the request associated to the \a reply. The request will then be sent to the server using the given \a connection. */ void QCoapProtocol::sendRequest(QPointer reply, QCoapConnection *connection) { Q_D(QCoapProtocol); Q_ASSERT(QThread::currentThread() == thread()); if (reply.isNull() || reply->request().method() == QtCoap::Method::Invalid || !QCoapRequestPrivate::isUrlValid(reply->request().url())) return; connect(reply.data(), &QCoapReply::aborted, this, [this](const QCoapToken &token) { Q_D(QCoapProtocol); d->onRequestAborted(token); }); auto internalRequest = QSharedPointer::create(reply->request(), this); internalRequest->setMaxTransmissionWait(maximumTransmitWait()); connect(reply.data(), &QCoapReply::finished, this, &QCoapProtocol::finished); if (internalRequest->isMulticast()) { connect(internalRequest.data(), &QCoapInternalRequest::multicastRequestExpired, this, [this](QCoapInternalRequest *request) { Q_D(QCoapProtocol); d->onMulticastRequestExpired(request); }); // The timeout interval is chosen based on // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7390#section-2.5 internalRequest->setMulticastTimeout(nonConfirmLifetime() + maximumLatency() + maximumServerResponseDelay()); } // Set a unique Message Id and Token QCoapMessage *requestMessage = internalRequest->message(); internalRequest->setMessageId(d->generateUniqueMessageId()); if (internalRequest->token().isEmpty()) internalRequest->setToken(d->generateUniqueToken()); internalRequest->setConnection(connection); d->registerExchange(requestMessage->token(), reply, internalRequest); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(reply, "_q_setRunning", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QCoapToken, requestMessage->token()), Q_ARG(QCoapMessageId, requestMessage->messageId())); // Set block size for blockwise request/replies, if specified if (d->blockSize > 0) { internalRequest->setToRequestBlock(0, d->blockSize); if (requestMessage->payload().size() > d->blockSize) internalRequest->setToSendBlock(0, d->blockSize); } if (requestMessage->type() == QCoapMessage::Type::Confirmable) { const auto minTimeout = minimumTimeout(); const auto maxTimeout = maximumTimeout(); Q_ASSERT(minTimeout <= maxTimeout); internalRequest->setTimeout(minTimeout == maxTimeout ? minTimeout : QtCoap::randomGenerator().bounded(minTimeout, maxTimeout)); } else { internalRequest->setTimeout(maximumTimeout()); } connect(internalRequest.data(), &QCoapInternalRequest::timeout, this, [this](QCoapInternalRequest *request) { Q_D(QCoapProtocol); d->onRequestTimeout(request); }); connect(internalRequest.data(), &QCoapInternalRequest::maxTransmissionSpanReached, this, [this](QCoapInternalRequest *request) { Q_D(QCoapProtocol); d->onRequestMaxTransmissionSpanReached(request); }); d->sendRequest(internalRequest.data()); } /*! \internal Encodes and sends the given \a request to the server. If \a host is not empty, sends the request to \a host, instead of using the host address from the request. The \a host parameter is relevant for multicast blockwise transfers. */ void QCoapProtocolPrivate::sendRequest(QCoapInternalRequest *request, const QString& host) const { Q_Q(const QCoapProtocol); Q_ASSERT(QThread::currentThread() == q->thread()); if (!request || !request->connection()) { qCWarning(lcCoapProtocol, "Request null or not bound to any connection: aborted."); return; } if (request->isMulticast()) request->startMulticastTransmission(); else request->restartTransmission(); QByteArray requestFrame = request->toQByteArray(); QUrl uri = request->targetUri(); const auto& hostAddress = host.isEmpty() ? uri.host() : host; request->connection()->d_func()->sendRequest(requestFrame, hostAddress, static_cast(uri.port())); } /*! \internal This slot is used to send again the given \a request after a timeout or aborts the request and transfers a timeout error to the reply. */ void QCoapProtocolPrivate::onRequestTimeout(QCoapInternalRequest *request) { Q_Q(const QCoapProtocol); Q_ASSERT(QThread::currentThread() == q->thread()); if (!isRequestRegistered(request)) return; if (request->message()->type() == QCoapMessage::Type::Confirmable && request->retransmissionCounter() < maximumRetransmitCount) { sendRequest(request); } else { onRequestError(request, QtCoap::Error::TimeOut); } } /*! \internal This slot is called when the maximum span for this transmission has been reached, and triggers a timeout error if the request is still running. */ void QCoapProtocolPrivate::onRequestMaxTransmissionSpanReached(QCoapInternalRequest *request) { Q_Q(const QCoapProtocol); Q_ASSERT(QThread::currentThread() == q->thread()); if (isRequestRegistered(request)) onRequestError(request, QtCoap::Error::TimeOut); } /*! \internal This slot is called when the multicast request expires, meaning that no more responses are expected for the multicast \a request. As a result of this call, the request token is \e {freed up} and the \l finished() signal is emitted. */ void QCoapProtocolPrivate::onMulticastRequestExpired(QCoapInternalRequest *request) { Q_ASSERT(request->isMulticast()); request->stopTransmission(); QPointer userReply = userReplyForToken(request->token()); if (userReply) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(userReply, "_q_setFinished", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QtCoap::Error, QtCoap::Error::Ok)); } else { qCWarning(lcCoapProtocol).nospace() << "Reply for token '" << request->token() << "' is not registered, reply is null."; } forgetExchange(request); } /*! \internal Method triggered when a request fails. */ void QCoapProtocolPrivate::onRequestError(QCoapInternalRequest *request, QCoapInternalReply *reply) { QtCoap::Error error = QtCoap::errorForResponseCode(reply->responseCode()); onRequestError(request, error, reply); } /*! \internal Method triggered when a request fails. */ void QCoapProtocolPrivate::onRequestError(QCoapInternalRequest *request, QtCoap::Error error, QCoapInternalReply *reply) { Q_Q(QCoapProtocol); Q_ASSERT(request); auto userReply = userReplyForToken(request->token()); if (!userReply.isNull()) { // Set error from content, or error enum if (reply) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(userReply.data(), "_q_setContent", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QHostAddress, reply->senderAddress()), Q_ARG(QCoapMessage, *reply->message()), Q_ARG(QtCoap::ResponseCode, reply->responseCode())); } else { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(userReply.data(), "_q_setError", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QtCoap::Error, error)); } QMetaObject::invokeMethod(userReply.data(), "_q_setFinished", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QtCoap::Error, QtCoap::Error::Ok)); } forgetExchange(request); emit q->error(userReply.data(), error); } /*! \internal Decode and process the given \a data received from the \a sender. */ void QCoapProtocolPrivate::onFrameReceived(const QByteArray &data, const QHostAddress &sender) { Q_Q(const QCoapProtocol); Q_ASSERT(QThread::currentThread() == q->thread()); QSharedPointer reply(decode(data, sender)); const QCoapMessage *messageReceived = reply->message(); QCoapInternalRequest *request = nullptr; if (!messageReceived->token().isEmpty()) request = requestForToken(messageReceived->token()); if (!request) { request = findRequestByMessageId(messageReceived->messageId()); // No matching request found, drop the frame. if (!request) return; } QHostAddress originalTarget(request->targetUri().host()); if (!originalTarget.isMulticast() && !originalTarget.isEqual(sender)) { qCDebug(lcCoapProtocol).nospace() << "QtCoap: Answer received from incorrect host (" << sender << " instead of " << originalTarget << ")"; return; } if (!request->isMulticast()) request->stopTransmission(); addReply(request->token(), reply); if (QtCoap::isError(reply->responseCode())) { onRequestError(request, reply.data()); return; } // Reply when the server asks for an ACK if (request->isObserveCancelled()) { // Remove option to ensure that it will stop request->removeOption(QCoapOption::Observe); sendReset(request); } else if (messageReceived->type() == QCoapMessage::Type::Confirmable) { sendAcknowledgment(request); } // Send next block, ask for next block, or process the final reply if (reply->hasMoreBlocksToSend() && reply->nextBlockToSend() >= 0) { request->setToSendBlock(static_cast(reply->nextBlockToSend()), blockSize); request->setMessageId(generateUniqueMessageId()); sendRequest(request); } else if (reply->hasMoreBlocksToReceive()) { request->setToRequestBlock(reply->currentBlockNumber() + 1, reply->blockSize()); request->setMessageId(generateUniqueMessageId()); // In case of multicast blockwise transfers, according to // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7959#section-2.8, further blocks should be retrieved // via unicast requests. So instead of using the multicast request address, we need // to use the sender address for getting the next blocks. sendRequest(request, sender.toString()); } else { onLastMessageReceived(request, sender); } } /*! \internal Returns the internal request for the given \a token. */ QCoapInternalRequest *QCoapProtocolPrivate::requestForToken(const QCoapToken &token) const { auto it = exchangeMap.find(token); if (it != exchangeMap.constEnd()) return it->request.data(); return nullptr; } /*! \internal Returns the QCoapReply instance of the given \a token. */ QPointer QCoapProtocolPrivate::userReplyForToken(const QCoapToken &token) const { auto it = exchangeMap.find(token); if (it != exchangeMap.constEnd()) return it->userReply; return nullptr; } /*! \internal Returns the replies for the exchange identified by \a token. */ QList> QCoapProtocolPrivate::repliesForToken(const QCoapToken &token) const { auto it = exchangeMap.find(token); if (it != exchangeMap.constEnd()) return it->replies; return {}; } /*! \internal Returns the last reply for the exchange identified by \a token. */ QCoapInternalReply *QCoapProtocolPrivate::lastReplyForToken(const QCoapToken &token) const { auto it = exchangeMap.find(token); if (it != exchangeMap.constEnd()) return it->replies.last().data(); return nullptr; } /*! \internal Finds an internal request matching the given \a reply. */ QCoapInternalRequest *QCoapProtocolPrivate::findRequestByUserReply(const QCoapReply *reply) const { for (auto it = exchangeMap.constBegin(); it != exchangeMap.constEnd(); ++it) { if (it->userReply == reply) return it->request.data(); } return nullptr; } /*! \internal Finds an internal request containing the message id \a messageId. */ QCoapInternalRequest *QCoapProtocolPrivate::findRequestByMessageId(quint16 messageId) const { for (auto it = exchangeMap.constBegin(); it != exchangeMap.constEnd(); ++it) { if (it->request->message()->messageId() == messageId) return it->request.data(); } return nullptr; } /*! \internal Handles what to do when we received the last block of a reply. Merges all blocks, removes the request from the map, updates the associated QCoapReply and emits the \l{QCoapProtocol::finished(QCoapReply*)}{finished(QCoapReply*)} signal. */ void QCoapProtocolPrivate::onLastMessageReceived(QCoapInternalRequest *request, const QHostAddress &sender) { Q_ASSERT(request); if (!request || !isRequestRegistered(request)) return; auto replies = repliesForToken(request->token()); Q_ASSERT(!replies.isEmpty()); //! TODO: Change QPointer into something independent from //! User. QSharedPointer(s)? QPointer userReply = userReplyForToken(request->token()); if (userReply.isNull() || replies.isEmpty() || (request->isObserve() && request->isObserveCancelled())) { forgetExchange(request); return; } auto lastReply = replies.last(); // Ignore empty ACK messages if (lastReply->message()->type() == QCoapMessage::Type::Acknowledgment && lastReply->responseCode() == QtCoap::ResponseCode::EmptyMessage) { exchangeMap[request->token()].replies.takeLast(); return; } // Merge payloads for blockwise transfers if (replies.size() > 1) { // In multicast case, multiple hosts will reply to the same multicast request. // We are interested only in replies coming from the sender. if (request->isMulticast()) { replies.erase(std::remove_if(replies.begin(), replies.end(), [sender](QSharedPointer reply) { return reply->senderAddress() != sender; }), replies.end()); } std::stable_sort(std::begin(replies), std::end(replies), [](QSharedPointer a, QSharedPointer b) -> bool { return (a->currentBlockNumber() < b->currentBlockNumber()); }); QByteArray finalPayload; int lastBlockNumber = -1; for (auto reply : std::as_const(replies)) { int currentBlock = static_cast(reply->currentBlockNumber()); QByteArray replyPayload = reply->message()->payload(); if (replyPayload.isEmpty() || currentBlock <= lastBlockNumber) continue; finalPayload.append(replyPayload); lastBlockNumber = currentBlock; } lastReply->message()->setPayload(finalPayload); } // Forward the answer QMetaObject::invokeMethod(userReply, "_q_setContent", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QHostAddress, lastReply->senderAddress()), Q_ARG(QCoapMessage, *lastReply->message()), Q_ARG(QtCoap::ResponseCode, lastReply->responseCode())); if (request->isObserve()) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(userReply, "_q_setNotified", Qt::QueuedConnection); forgetExchangeReplies(request->token()); } else if (request->isMulticast()) { Q_Q(QCoapProtocol); emit q->responseToMulticastReceived(userReply, *lastReply->message(), sender); } else { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(userReply, "_q_setFinished", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QtCoap::Error, QtCoap::Error::Ok)); forgetExchange(request); } } /*! \internal Sends an internal request acknowledging the given \a request, reusing its URI and connection. */ void QCoapProtocolPrivate::sendAcknowledgment(QCoapInternalRequest *request) const { Q_Q(const QCoapProtocol); Q_ASSERT(QThread::currentThread() == q->thread()); QCoapInternalRequest ackRequest; ackRequest.setTargetUri(request->targetUri()); auto internalReply = lastReplyForToken(request->token()); ackRequest.initEmptyMessage(internalReply->message()->messageId(), QCoapMessage::Type::Acknowledgment); ackRequest.setConnection(request->connection()); sendRequest(&ackRequest); } /*! \internal Sends a Reset message (RST), reusing the details of the given \a request. A Reset message indicates that a specific message has been received, but cannot be properly processed. */ void QCoapProtocolPrivate::sendReset(QCoapInternalRequest *request) const { Q_Q(const QCoapProtocol); Q_ASSERT(QThread::currentThread() == q->thread()); QCoapInternalRequest resetRequest; resetRequest.setTargetUri(request->targetUri()); auto lastReply = lastReplyForToken(request->token()); resetRequest.initEmptyMessage(lastReply->message()->messageId(), QCoapMessage::Type::Reset); resetRequest.setConnection(request->connection()); sendRequest(&resetRequest); } /*! \internal Cancels resource observation. The QCoapReply::notified() signal will not be emitted after cancellation. A Reset (RST) message will be sent at the reception of the next message. */ void QCoapProtocol::cancelObserve(QPointer reply) const { Q_D(const QCoapProtocol); if (reply.isNull()) return; QCoapInternalRequest *request = d->requestForToken(reply->request().token()); if (request) { // Stop here if already cancelled if (!request->isObserve() || request->isObserveCancelled()) return; request->setObserveCancelled(); } // Set as cancelled even if request is not tracked anymore QMetaObject::invokeMethod(reply, "_q_setObserveCancelled", Qt::QueuedConnection); } /*! \internal Cancels resource observation for the given \a url. The QCoapReply::notified() signal will not be emitted after cancellation. A Reset (RST) message will be sent at the reception of the next message. */ void QCoapProtocol::cancelObserve(const QUrl &url) const { Q_D(const QCoapProtocol); for (const auto &exchange : d->exchangeMap) { Q_ASSERT(exchange.userReply); if (exchange.userReply->url() == url) cancelObserve(exchange.userReply); } } /*! \internal Returns a currently unused message Id. */ quint16 QCoapProtocolPrivate::generateUniqueMessageId() const { // TODO: Optimize message id generation for large sets // TODO: Store used message id for the period specified by CoAP spec quint16 id = 0; while (isMessageIdRegistered(id)) id = static_cast(QtCoap::randomGenerator().bounded(0x10000)); return id; } /*! \internal Returns a currently unused token. */ QCoapToken QCoapProtocolPrivate::generateUniqueToken() const { // TODO: Optimize token generation for large sets // TODO: Store used token for the period specified by CoAP spec QCoapToken token; while (isTokenRegistered(token)) { quint8 length = static_cast(QtCoap::randomGenerator().bounded(minimumTokenSize, 9)); token.resize(length); quint8 *tokenData = reinterpret_cast(token.data()); for (int i = 0; i < token.size(); ++i) tokenData[i] = static_cast(QtCoap::randomGenerator().bounded(256)); } return token; } /*! \internal Returns a new unmanaged QCoapInternalReply based on \a data and \a sender. */ QCoapInternalReply *QCoapProtocolPrivate::decode(const QByteArray &data, const QHostAddress &sender) { Q_Q(QCoapProtocol); QCoapInternalReply *reply = QCoapInternalReply::createFromFrame(data, q); reply->setSenderAddress(sender); return reply; } /*! \internal Aborts the request corresponding to the given \a reply. It is triggered by the destruction of the QCoapReply object or a call to QCoapReply::abortRequest(). */ void QCoapProtocolPrivate::onRequestAborted(const QCoapToken &token) { QCoapInternalRequest *request = requestForToken(token); if (!request) return; request->stopTransmission(); forgetExchange(request); } /*! \internal Triggered in case of a connection error. */ void QCoapProtocolPrivate::onConnectionError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError socketError) { Q_Q(QCoapProtocol); QtCoap::Error coapError; switch (socketError) { case QAbstractSocket::HostNotFoundError : coapError = QtCoap::Error::HostNotFound; break; case QAbstractSocket::AddressInUseError : coapError = QtCoap::Error::AddressInUse; break; default: coapError = QtCoap::Error::Unknown; break; } emit q->error(nullptr, coapError); } /*! \internal Registers a new CoAP exchange using \a token. */ void QCoapProtocolPrivate::registerExchange(const QCoapToken &token, QCoapReply *reply, QSharedPointer request) { CoapExchangeData data = { reply, request, QList >() }; exchangeMap.insert(token, data); } /*! \internal Adds \a reply to the list of replies of the exchange identified by \a token. Returns \c true if the reply was successfully added. This method will fail and return \c false if no exchange is associated with the \a token provided. */ bool QCoapProtocolPrivate::addReply(const QCoapToken &token, QSharedPointer reply) { if (!isTokenRegistered(token) || !reply) { qCWarning(lcCoapProtocol).nospace() << "Reply token '" << token << "' not registered, or reply is null."; return false; } exchangeMap[token].replies.push_back(reply); return true; } /*! \internal Remove the exchange identified by its \a token. This is typically done when finished or aborted. It will delete the QCoapInternalRequest and QCoapInternalReplies associated with the exchange. Returns \c true if the exchange was found and removed, \c false otherwise. */ bool QCoapProtocolPrivate::forgetExchange(const QCoapToken &token) { return exchangeMap.remove(token) > 0; } /*! \internal Remove the exchange using a request. \sa forgetExchange(const QCoapToken &) */ bool QCoapProtocolPrivate::forgetExchange(const QCoapInternalRequest *request) { return forgetExchange(request->token()); } /*! \internal Remove all replies for the exchange corresponding to \a token. */ bool QCoapProtocolPrivate::forgetExchangeReplies(const QCoapToken &token) { auto it = exchangeMap.find(token); if (it == exchangeMap.end()) return false; it->replies.clear(); return true; } /*! \internal Returns \c true if the \a token is reserved or in use; returns \c false if this token can be used to identify a new exchange. */ bool QCoapProtocolPrivate::isTokenRegistered(const QCoapToken &token) const { // Reserved for empty messages and uninitialized tokens if (token == QByteArray()) return true; return exchangeMap.contains(token); } /*! \internal Returns \c true if the \a request is present in a currently registered exchange. */ bool QCoapProtocolPrivate::isRequestRegistered(const QCoapInternalRequest *request) const { for (auto it = exchangeMap.constBegin(); it != exchangeMap.constEnd(); ++it) { if (it->request.data() == request) return true; } return false; } /*! \internal Returns \c true if a request has a message id equal to \a id, or if \a id is reserved. */ bool QCoapProtocolPrivate::isMessageIdRegistered(quint16 id) const { // Reserved for uninitialized message Id if (id == 0) return true; for (auto it = exchangeMap.constBegin(); it != exchangeMap.constEnd(); ++it) { if (it->request->message()->messageId() == id) return true; } return false; } /*! \internal Returns the ACK_TIMEOUT value in milliseconds. The default is 2000. \sa minimumTimeout(), setAckTimeout() */ uint QCoapProtocol::ackTimeout() const { Q_D(const QCoapProtocol); return d->ackTimeout; } /*! \internal Returns the ACK_RANDOM_FACTOR value. The default is 1.5. \sa setAckRandomFactor() */ double QCoapProtocol::ackRandomFactor() const { Q_D(const QCoapProtocol); return d->ackRandomFactor; } /*! \internal Returns the MAX_RETRANSMIT value. This is the maximum number of retransmissions of a message, before notifying a timeout error. The default is 4. \sa setMaximumRetransmitCount() */ uint QCoapProtocol::maximumRetransmitCount() const { Q_D(const QCoapProtocol); return d->maximumRetransmitCount; } /*! \internal Returns the maximum block size wanted. The default is 0, which invites the server to choose the block size. \sa setBlockSize() */ quint16 QCoapProtocol::blockSize() const { Q_D(const QCoapProtocol); return d->blockSize; } /*! \internal Returns the MAX_TRANSMIT_SPAN in milliseconds, as defined in \l{https://tools.ietf.org/search/rfc7252#section-4.8.2}{RFC 7252}. It is the maximum time from the first transmission of a Confirmable message to its last retransmission. */ uint QCoapProtocol::maximumTransmitSpan() const { return static_cast(ackTimeout() * ((1u << maximumRetransmitCount()) - 1) * ackRandomFactor()); } /*! \internal Returns the MAX_TRANSMIT_WAIT in milliseconds, as defined in \l{https://tools.ietf.org/search/rfc7252#section-4.8.2}{RFC 7252}. It is the maximum time from the first transmission of a Confirmable message to the time when the sender gives up on receiving an acknowledgment or reset. */ uint QCoapProtocol::maximumTransmitWait() const { return static_cast(ackTimeout() * ((1u << (maximumRetransmitCount() + 1)) - 1) * ackRandomFactor()); } /*! \internal Returns the MAX_LATENCY in milliseconds, as defined in \l{https://tools.ietf.org/search/rfc7252#section-4.8.2}{RFC 7252}. This value is arbitrarily set to 100 seconds by the standard. It is the maximum time a datagram is expected to take from the start of its transmission to the completion of its reception. */ uint QCoapProtocol::maximumLatency() const { return 100 * 1000; } /*! \internal Returns the minimum duration for messages timeout. The timeout is defined as a random value between minimumTimeout() and maximumTimeout(). This is a convenience method identical to ackTimeout(). \sa ackTimeout(), setAckTimeout() */ uint QCoapProtocol::minimumTimeout() const { Q_D(const QCoapProtocol); return d->ackTimeout; } /*! \internal Returns the maximum duration for messages timeout in milliseconds. \sa maximumTimeout(), setAckTimeout(), setAckRandomFactor() */ uint QCoapProtocol::maximumTimeout() const { Q_D(const QCoapProtocol); return static_cast(d->ackTimeout * d->ackRandomFactor); } /*! \internal Returns the \c NON_LIFETIME in milliseconds, as defined in \l{https://tools.ietf.org/search/rfc7252#section-4.8.2}{RFC 7252}. It is the time from sending a non-confirmable message to the time its message ID can be safely reused. */ uint QCoapProtocol::nonConfirmLifetime() const { return maximumTransmitSpan() + maximumLatency(); } /*! \internal Returns the \c MAX_SERVER_RESPONSE_DELAY in milliseconds, as defined in \l {RFC 7390 - Section 2.5}. It is the expected maximum response delay over all servers that the client can send a multicast request to. \sa setMaximumServerResponseDelay() */ uint QCoapProtocol::maximumServerResponseDelay() const { Q_D(const QCoapProtocol); return d->maximumServerResponseDelay; } /*! \internal Sets the ACK_TIMEOUT value to \a ackTimeout in milliseconds. The default is 2000 ms. Timeout only applies to Confirmable message. The actual timeout for reliable transmissions is a random value between ackTimeout() and ackTimeout() * ackRandomFactor(). \sa ackTimeout(), setAckRandomFactor(), minimumTimeout(), maximumTimeout() */ void QCoapProtocol::setAckTimeout(uint ackTimeout) { Q_D(QCoapProtocol); d->ackTimeout = ackTimeout; } /*! \internal Sets the ACK_RANDOM_FACTOR value to \a ackRandomFactor. This value should be greater than or equal to 1. The default is 1.5. \sa ackRandomFactor(), setAckTimeout() */ void QCoapProtocol::setAckRandomFactor(double ackRandomFactor) { Q_D(QCoapProtocol); if (ackRandomFactor < 1) qCWarning(lcCoapProtocol, "The acknowledgment random factor should be >= 1"); d->ackRandomFactor = qMax(1., ackRandomFactor); } /*! \internal Sets the MAX_RETRANSMIT value to \a maximumRetransmitCount, but never to more than 25. The default is 4. \sa maximumRetransmitCount() */ void QCoapProtocol::setMaximumRetransmitCount(uint maximumRetransmitCount) { Q_D(QCoapProtocol); if (maximumRetransmitCount > 25) { qCWarning(lcCoapProtocol, "Maximum retransmit count is capped at 25."); maximumRetransmitCount = 25; } d->maximumRetransmitCount = maximumRetransmitCount; } /*! \internal Sets the maximum block size wanted to \a blockSize. The \a blockSize should be zero, or range from 16 to 1024 and be a power of 2. A size of 0 invites the server to choose the block size. \sa blockSize() */ void QCoapProtocol::setBlockSize(quint16 blockSize) { Q_D(QCoapProtocol); if ((blockSize & (blockSize - 1)) != 0) { qCWarning(lcCoapProtocol, "Block size should be a power of 2"); return; } if (blockSize != 0 && (blockSize < 16 || blockSize > 1024)) { qCWarning(lcCoapProtocol, "Block size should be set to zero," "or to a power of 2 from 16 through 1024"); return; } d->blockSize = blockSize; } /*! \internal Sets the \c MAX_SERVER_RESPONSE_DELAY value to \a responseDelay in milliseconds. The default is 250 seconds. As defined in \l {RFC 7390 - Section 2.5}, \c MAX_SERVER_RESPONSE_DELAY is the expected maximum response delay over all servers that the client can send a multicast request to. \sa maximumServerResponseDelay() */ void QCoapProtocol::setMaximumServerResponseDelay(uint responseDelay) { Q_D(QCoapProtocol); d->maximumServerResponseDelay = responseDelay; } /*! \internal Sets the minimum token size to \a tokenSize in bytes. For security reasons it is recommended to use tokens with a length of at least 4 bytes. The default value for this parameter is 4 bytes. */ void QCoapProtocol::setMinimumTokenSize(int tokenSize) { Q_D(QCoapProtocol); if (tokenSize > 0 && tokenSize <= 8) { d->minimumTokenSize = tokenSize; } else { qCWarning(lcCoapProtocol, "Failed to set the minimum token size," "it should not be more than 8 bytes and cannot be 0."); } } QT_END_NAMESPACE