diff options
authorTarja Sundqvist <>2022-11-10 22:42:26 +0200
committerTarja Sundqvist <>2022-11-10 22:42:26 +0200
commite957d4810b05d8453e163d7bcdcab42d3c60a7bb (patch)
parent47c424c7990061714bd3108e3fbaa4339ba411b9 (diff)
parenta6f5b79169991ffde38643d7b1a04d6a9de137bf (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/tqtc/lts-5.15.8' into tqtc/lts-5.15-opensourcev5.15.8-lts-lgpl
19 files changed, 488 insertions, 195 deletions
diff --git a/.qmake.conf b/.qmake.conf
index 6d03a03f..48f4c9ef 100644
--- a/.qmake.conf
+++ b/.qmake.conf
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ load(qt_build_config)
diff --git a/examples/bluetooth/btscanner/ b/examples/bluetooth/btscanner/
index d5fd66ae..ee781ff7 100644
--- a/examples/bluetooth/btscanner/
+++ b/examples/bluetooth/btscanner/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ SOURCES = \
ios: QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = Info.plist
+macos: QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = ../shared/Info.qmake.macos.plist
device.h \
diff --git a/examples/bluetooth/heartrate-game/ b/examples/bluetooth/heartrate-game/
index a0827d89..02d238ad 100644
--- a/examples/bluetooth/heartrate-game/
+++ b/examples/bluetooth/heartrate-game/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ SOURCES += main.cpp \
ios: QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = Info.plist
+macos: QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = ../shared/Info.qmake.macos.plist
RESOURCES += qml.qrc \
diff --git a/examples/bluetooth/heartrate-server/ b/examples/bluetooth/heartrate-server/
index 992f2d66..8ec3f703 100644
--- a/examples/bluetooth/heartrate-server/
+++ b/examples/bluetooth/heartrate-server/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ CONFIG += c++11
SOURCES += main.cpp
ios: QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = Info.plist
+macos: QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = ../shared/Info.qmake.macos.plist
target.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_EXAMPLES]/bluetooth/heartrate-server
INSTALLS += target
diff --git a/examples/bluetooth/lowenergyscanner/ b/examples/bluetooth/lowenergyscanner/
index 934f6cfa..31b243ac 100644
--- a/examples/bluetooth/lowenergyscanner/
+++ b/examples/bluetooth/lowenergyscanner/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ SOURCES += main.cpp \
ios: QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = Info.plist
+macos: QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = ../shared/Info.qmake.macos.plist
OTHER_FILES += assets/*.qml
diff --git a/examples/bluetooth/shared/Info.qmake.macos.plist b/examples/bluetooth/shared/Info.qmake.macos.plist
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..80b3630b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/bluetooth/shared/Info.qmake.macos.plist
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
+<plist version="1.0">
+ <key>CFBundleExecutable</key>
+ <string>${EXECUTABLE_NAME}</string>
+ <key>CFBundleIconFile</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
+ <string>${PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER}</string>
+ <key>CFBundlePackageType</key>
+ <string>APPL</string>
+ <key>CFBundleSignature</key>
+ <string>????</string>
+ <key>LSMinimumSystemVersion</key>
+ <string>${MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}</string>
+ <key>NSPrincipalClass</key>
+ <string>NSApplication</string>
+ <key>NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription</key>
+ <string>Qt BT Example wants to access your Bluetooth adapter</string>
+ <key>NSSupportsAutomaticGraphicsSwitching</key>
+ <true/>
diff --git a/src/android/bluetooth/src/org/qtproject/qt5/android/bluetooth/ b/src/android/bluetooth/src/org/qtproject/qt5/android/bluetooth/
index 9ef254f5..2e3e32d5 100644
--- a/src/android/bluetooth/src/org/qtproject/qt5/android/bluetooth/
+++ b/src/android/bluetooth/src/org/qtproject/qt5/android/bluetooth/
@@ -82,11 +82,20 @@ public class QtBluetoothLEServer {
private BluetoothGattServer mGattServer = null;
private BluetoothLeAdvertiser mLeAdvertiser = null;
+ private ArrayList<BluetoothGattService> mPendingServiceAdditions =
+ new ArrayList<BluetoothGattService>();
private String mRemoteName = "";
- public String remoteName() { return mRemoteName; }
+ // This function is called from Qt thread
+ public synchronized String remoteName() {
+ return mRemoteName;
+ }
private String mRemoteAddress = "";
- public String remoteAddress() { return mRemoteAddress; }
+ // This function is called from Qt thread
+ public synchronized String remoteAddress() {
+ return mRemoteAddress;
+ }
As per Bluetooth specification each connected device can have individual and persistent
@@ -221,170 +230,297 @@ public class QtBluetoothLEServer {
Log.w(TAG, "Let's do BTLE Peripheral.");
- /*
- * Call back handler for the Gatt Server.
- */
- private BluetoothGattServerCallback mGattServerListener = new BluetoothGattServerCallback()
- {
- @Override
- public void onConnectionStateChange(BluetoothDevice device, int status, int newState) {
- Log.w(TAG, "Our gatt server connection state changed, new state: " + newState + " " + status);
- super.onConnectionStateChange(device, status, newState);
- int qtControllerState = 0;
- switch (newState) {
- case BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED:
- qtControllerState = 0; // QLowEnergyController::UnconnectedState
- clientCharacteristicManager.markDeviceConnectivity(device, false);
- mGattServer.close();
- mGattServer = null;
- break;
- case BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED:
- clientCharacteristicManager.markDeviceConnectivity(device, true);
- qtControllerState = 2; // QLowEnergyController::ConnectedState
- break;
- }
+ // The following functions are synchronized callback handlers. The callbacks
+ // from Android are forwarded to these methods to synchronize member variable
+ // access with other threads (the Qt thread's JNI calls in particular).
+ //
+ // We use a single lock object (this server) for simplicity because:
+ // - Some variables may change and would thus not be suitable as locking objects but
+ // would require their own additional objects => overhead
+ // - Many accesses to shared variables are infrequent and the code paths are fast and
+ // deterministic meaning that long "wait times" on a lock should not happen
+ // - Typically several shared variables are accessed in a single code block.
+ // If each variable would be protected individually, the amount of (nested) locking
+ // would become quite unreasonable
+ public synchronized void handleOnConnectionStateChange(BluetoothDevice device,
+ int status, int newState)
+ {
+ if (mGattServer == null) {
+ Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring connection state event, server is disconnected");
+ return;
+ }
- mRemoteName = device.getName();
- mRemoteAddress = device.getAddress();
+ int qtControllerState = 0;
+ switch (newState) {
+ case BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED:
+ qtControllerState = 0; // QLowEnergyController::UnconnectedState
+ clientCharacteristicManager.markDeviceConnectivity(device, false);
+ mGattServer.close();
+ mPendingServiceAdditions.clear();
+ mGattServer = null;
+ break;
+ case BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED:
+ clientCharacteristicManager.markDeviceConnectivity(device, true);
+ qtControllerState = 2; // QLowEnergyController::ConnectedState
+ break;
+ }
- int qtErrorCode;
- switch (status) {
- case BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS:
- qtErrorCode = 0; break;
- default:
- Log.w(TAG, "Unhandled error code on peripheral connectionStateChanged: " + status + " " + newState);
- qtErrorCode = status;
- break;
- }
+ mRemoteName = device.getName();
+ mRemoteAddress = device.getAddress();
- leServerConnectionStateChange(qtObject, qtErrorCode, qtControllerState);
+ int qtErrorCode;
+ switch (status) {
+ case BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS:
+ qtErrorCode = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Log.w(TAG, "Unhandled error code on peripheral connectionStateChanged: "
+ + status + " " + newState);
+ qtErrorCode = status;
+ break;
+ leServerConnectionStateChange(qtObject, qtErrorCode, qtControllerState);
+ }
- @Override
- public void onServiceAdded(int status, BluetoothGattService service) {
- super.onServiceAdded(status, service);
+ public synchronized void handleOnServiceAdded(int status, BluetoothGattService service)
+ {
+ if (mGattServer == null) {
+ Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring service addition event, server is disconnected");
+ return;
- @Override
- public void onCharacteristicReadRequest(BluetoothDevice device, int requestId, int offset, BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic)
- {
- byte[] dataArray;
- try {
- dataArray = Arrays.copyOfRange(characteristic.getValue(), offset, characteristic.getValue().length);
- mGattServer.sendResponse(device, requestId, BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS, offset, dataArray);
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- Log.w(TAG, "onCharacteristicReadRequest: " + requestId + " " + offset + " " + characteristic.getValue().length);
- ex.printStackTrace();
- mGattServer.sendResponse(device, requestId, BluetoothGatt.GATT_FAILURE, offset, null);
- }
+ Log.d(TAG, "Service " + service.getUuid().toString() + " addition result: " + status);
- super.onCharacteristicReadRequest(device, requestId, offset, characteristic);
+ // Remove the indicated service from the pending queue
+ ListIterator<BluetoothGattService> iterator = mPendingServiceAdditions.listIterator();
+ while (iterator.hasNext()) {
+ if ( {
+ iterator.remove();
+ break;
+ }
- @Override
- public void onCharacteristicWriteRequest(BluetoothDevice device, int requestId, BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic,
- boolean preparedWrite, boolean responseNeeded, int offset, byte[] value)
- {
- Log.w(TAG, "onCharacteristicWriteRequest");
- int resultStatus = BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS;
- boolean sendNotificationOrIndication = false;
- if (!preparedWrite) { // regular write
- if (offset == 0) {
- characteristic.setValue(value);
- leServerCharacteristicChanged(qtObject, characteristic, value);
- sendNotificationOrIndication = true;
- } else {
- // This should not really happen as per Bluetooth spec
- Log.w(TAG, "onCharacteristicWriteRequest: !preparedWrite, offset " + offset + ", Not supported");
- resultStatus = BluetoothGatt.GATT_REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED;
- }
+ // If there are more services in the queue, add the next whose add initiation succeeds
+ iterator = mPendingServiceAdditions.listIterator();
+ while (iterator.hasNext()) {
+ BluetoothGattService nextService =;
+ if (mGattServer.addService(nextService)) {
+ break;
+ } else {
+ Log.w(TAG, "Adding service " + nextService.getUuid().toString() + " failed");
+ iterator.remove();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public synchronized void handleOnCharacteristicReadRequest(BluetoothDevice device,
+ int requestId, int offset,
+ BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic)
+ {
+ if (mGattServer == null) {
+ Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring characteristic read, server is disconnected");
+ return;
+ }
+ byte[] dataArray;
+ try {
+ dataArray = Arrays.copyOfRange(characteristic.getValue(),
+ offset, characteristic.getValue().length);
+ mGattServer.sendResponse(device, requestId, BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS,
+ offset, dataArray);
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ Log.w(TAG, "onCharacteristicReadRequest: " + requestId + " "
+ + offset + " " + characteristic.getValue().length);
+ ex.printStackTrace();
+ mGattServer.sendResponse(device, requestId, BluetoothGatt.GATT_FAILURE, offset, null);
+ }
+ }
+ public synchronized void handleOnCharacteristicWriteRequest(BluetoothDevice device,
+ int requestId,
+ BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic,
+ boolean preparedWrite, boolean responseNeeded,
+ int offset, byte[] value)
+ {
+ if (mGattServer == null) {
+ Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring characteristic write, server is disconnected");
+ return;
+ }
+ Log.w(TAG, "onCharacteristicWriteRequest");
+ int resultStatus = BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS;
+ boolean sendNotificationOrIndication = false;
+ if (!preparedWrite) { // regular write
+ if (offset == 0) {
+ characteristic.setValue(value);
+ leServerCharacteristicChanged(qtObject, characteristic, value);
+ sendNotificationOrIndication = true;
} else {
- Log.w(TAG, "onCharacteristicWriteRequest: preparedWrite, offset " + offset + ", Not supported");
+ // This should not really happen as per Bluetooth spec
+ Log.w(TAG, "onCharacteristicWriteRequest: !preparedWrite, offset "
+ + offset + ", Not supported");
resultStatus = BluetoothGatt.GATT_REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED;
- // TODO we need to record all requests and execute them in one go once onExecuteWrite() is received
- // we use a queue to remember the pending requests
- // TODO we are ignoring the device identificator for now -> Bluetooth spec requires a queue per device
+ } else {
+ Log.w(TAG, "onCharacteristicWriteRequest: preparedWrite, offset "
+ + offset + ", Not supported");
+ resultStatus = BluetoothGatt.GATT_REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED;
+ // TODO we need to record all requests and execute them in one go once onExecuteWrite() is received
+ // we use a queue to remember the pending requests
+ // TODO we are ignoring the device identificator for now -> Bluetooth spec requires a queue per device
+ }
- if (responseNeeded)
- mGattServer.sendResponse(device, requestId, resultStatus, offset, value);
- if (sendNotificationOrIndication)
- sendNotificationsOrIndications(characteristic);
+ if (responseNeeded)
+ mGattServer.sendResponse(device, requestId, resultStatus, offset, value);
+ if (sendNotificationOrIndication)
+ sendNotificationsOrIndications(characteristic);
+ }
- super.onCharacteristicWriteRequest(device, requestId, characteristic, preparedWrite, responseNeeded, offset, value);
+ public synchronized void handleOnDescriptorReadRequest(BluetoothDevice device, int requestId,
+ int offset, BluetoothGattDescriptor descriptor)
+ {
+ if (mGattServer == null) {
+ Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring descriptor read, server is disconnected");
+ return;
- @Override
- public void onDescriptorReadRequest(BluetoothDevice device, int requestId, int offset, BluetoothGattDescriptor descriptor)
- {
- byte[] dataArray = descriptor.getValue();
- try {
- if (descriptor.getUuid().equals(CLIENT_CHARACTERISTIC_CONFIGURATION_UUID)) {
- dataArray = clientCharacteristicManager.valueFor(descriptor.getCharacteristic(), device);
- if (dataArray == null)
- dataArray = descriptor.getValue();
- }
- dataArray = Arrays.copyOfRange(dataArray, offset, dataArray.length);
- mGattServer.sendResponse(device, requestId, BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS, offset, dataArray);
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- Log.w(TAG, "onDescriptorReadRequest: " + requestId + " " + offset + " " + dataArray.length);
- ex.printStackTrace();
- mGattServer.sendResponse(device, requestId, BluetoothGatt.GATT_FAILURE, offset, null);
+ byte[] dataArray = descriptor.getValue();
+ try {
+ if (descriptor.getUuid().equals(CLIENT_CHARACTERISTIC_CONFIGURATION_UUID)) {
+ dataArray = clientCharacteristicManager.valueFor(
+ descriptor.getCharacteristic(), device);
+ if (dataArray == null)
+ dataArray = descriptor.getValue();
- super.onDescriptorReadRequest(device, requestId, offset, descriptor);
+ dataArray = Arrays.copyOfRange(dataArray, offset, dataArray.length);
+ mGattServer.sendResponse(device, requestId, BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS,
+ offset, dataArray);
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ Log.w(TAG, "onDescriptorReadRequest: " + requestId + " "
+ + offset + " " + dataArray.length);
+ ex.printStackTrace();
+ mGattServer.sendResponse(device, requestId, BluetoothGatt.GATT_FAILURE,
+ offset, null);
+ }
- @Override
- public void onDescriptorWriteRequest(BluetoothDevice device, int requestId, BluetoothGattDescriptor descriptor,
- boolean preparedWrite, boolean responseNeeded, int offset, byte[] value)
- {
- int resultStatus = BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS;
- if (!preparedWrite) { // regular write
- if (offset == 0) {
- descriptor.setValue(value);
- if (descriptor.getUuid().equals(CLIENT_CHARACTERISTIC_CONFIGURATION_UUID)) {
- clientCharacteristicManager.insertOrUpdate(descriptor.getCharacteristic(),
- device, value);
- }
+ public synchronized void handleOnDescriptorWriteRequest(BluetoothDevice device, int requestId,
+ BluetoothGattDescriptor descriptor, boolean preparedWrite,
+ boolean responseNeeded, int offset, byte[] value)
+ {
+ if (mGattServer == null) {
+ Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring descriptor write, server is disconnected");
+ return;
+ }
+ int resultStatus = BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS;
+ if (!preparedWrite) { // regular write
+ if (offset == 0) {
+ descriptor.setValue(value);
- leServerDescriptorWritten(qtObject, descriptor, value);
- } else {
- // This should not really happen as per Bluetooth spec
- Log.w(TAG, "onDescriptorWriteRequest: !preparedWrite, offset " + offset + ", Not supported");
- resultStatus = BluetoothGatt.GATT_REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED;
+ if (descriptor.getUuid().equals(CLIENT_CHARACTERISTIC_CONFIGURATION_UUID)) {
+ clientCharacteristicManager.insertOrUpdate(descriptor.getCharacteristic(),
+ device, value);
+ leServerDescriptorWritten(qtObject, descriptor, value);
} else {
- Log.w(TAG, "onDescriptorWriteRequest: preparedWrite, offset " + offset + ", Not supported");
+ // This should not really happen as per Bluetooth spec
+ Log.w(TAG, "onDescriptorWriteRequest: !preparedWrite, offset "
+ + offset + ", Not supported");
resultStatus = BluetoothGatt.GATT_REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED;
- // TODO we need to record all requests and execute them in one go once onExecuteWrite() is received
- // we use a queue to remember the pending requests
- // TODO we are ignoring the device identificator for now -> Bluetooth spec requires a queue per device
+ } else {
+ Log.w(TAG, "onDescriptorWriteRequest: preparedWrite, offset "
+ + offset + ", Not supported");
+ resultStatus = BluetoothGatt.GATT_REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED;
+ // TODO we need to record all requests and execute them in one go once onExecuteWrite() is received
+ // we use a queue to remember the pending requests
+ // TODO we are ignoring the device identificator for now -> Bluetooth spec requires a queue per device
+ }
- if (responseNeeded)
- mGattServer.sendResponse(device, requestId, resultStatus, offset, value);
+ if (responseNeeded)
+ mGattServer.sendResponse(device, requestId, resultStatus, offset, value);
+ }
- super.onDescriptorWriteRequest(device, requestId, descriptor, preparedWrite, responseNeeded, offset, value);
+ public synchronized void handleOnExecuteWrite(BluetoothDevice device,
+ int requestId, boolean execute)
+ {
+ if (mGattServer == null) {
+ Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring execute write, server is disconnected");
+ return;
+ // TODO not yet implemented -> return proper GATT error for it
+ mGattServer.sendResponse(device, requestId,
+ BluetoothGatt.GATT_REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED, 0, null);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Call back handler for the Gatt Server.
+ */
+ private BluetoothGattServerCallback mGattServerListener = new BluetoothGattServerCallback()
+ {
- public void onExecuteWrite(BluetoothDevice device, int requestId, boolean execute)
+ public void onConnectionStateChange(BluetoothDevice device, int status, int newState) {
+ super.onConnectionStateChange(device, status, newState);
+ handleOnConnectionStateChange(device, status, newState);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onServiceAdded(int status, BluetoothGattService service) {
+ super.onServiceAdded(status, service);
+ handleOnServiceAdded(status, service);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onCharacteristicReadRequest(BluetoothDevice device,
+ int requestId, int offset,
+ BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic)
+ {
+ super.onCharacteristicReadRequest(device, requestId, offset, characteristic);
+ handleOnCharacteristicReadRequest(device, requestId, offset, characteristic);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onCharacteristicWriteRequest(BluetoothDevice device, int requestId,
+ BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic,
+ boolean preparedWrite, boolean responseNeeded,
+ int offset, byte[] value)
+ {
+ super.onCharacteristicWriteRequest(device, requestId, characteristic,
+ preparedWrite, responseNeeded, offset, value);
+ handleOnCharacteristicWriteRequest(device, requestId, characteristic,
+ preparedWrite, responseNeeded, offset, value);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onDescriptorReadRequest(BluetoothDevice device, int requestId,
+ int offset, BluetoothGattDescriptor descriptor)
+ {
+ super.onDescriptorReadRequest(device, requestId, offset, descriptor);
+ handleOnDescriptorReadRequest(device, requestId, offset, descriptor);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onDescriptorWriteRequest(BluetoothDevice device, int requestId,
+ BluetoothGattDescriptor descriptor,
+ boolean preparedWrite, boolean responseNeeded,
+ int offset, byte[] value)
- // TODO not yet implemented -> return proper GATT error for it
- mGattServer.sendResponse(device, requestId, BluetoothGatt.GATT_REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED, 0, null);
+ super.onDescriptorWriteRequest(device, requestId, descriptor, preparedWrite,
+ responseNeeded, offset, value);
+ handleOnDescriptorWriteRequest(device, requestId, descriptor, preparedWrite,
+ responseNeeded, offset, value);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onExecuteWrite(BluetoothDevice device, int requestId, boolean execute)
+ {
super.onExecuteWrite(device, requestId, execute);
+ handleOnExecuteWrite(device, requestId, execute);
@@ -393,14 +529,15 @@ public class QtBluetoothLEServer {
Log.w(TAG, "onNotificationSent" + device + " " + status);
- // MTU change disabled since it requires API level 22. Right now we only enforce lvl 21
+// MTU change disabled since it requires API level 22. Right now we only enforce lvl 21
// @Override
// public void onMtuChanged(BluetoothDevice device, int mtu) {
// super.onMtuChanged(device, mtu);
// }
- public boolean connectServer()
+ // This function is called from Qt thread
+ public synchronized boolean connectServer()
if (mGattServer != null)
return true;
@@ -416,11 +553,13 @@ public class QtBluetoothLEServer {
return (mGattServer != null);
- public void disconnectServer()
+ // This function is called from Qt thread
+ public synchronized void disconnectServer()
if (mGattServer == null)
+ mPendingServiceAdditions.clear();
mGattServer = null;
@@ -428,6 +567,7 @@ public class QtBluetoothLEServer {
leServerConnectionStateChange(qtObject, 0 /*NoError*/, 0 /*QLowEnergyController::UnconnectedState*/);
+ // This function is called from Qt thread
public boolean startAdvertising(AdvertiseData advertiseData,
AdvertiseData scanResponse,
AdvertiseSettings settings)
@@ -446,6 +586,7 @@ public class QtBluetoothLEServer {
return true;
+ // This function is called from Qt thread
public void stopAdvertising()
if (mLeAdvertiser == null)
@@ -455,20 +596,33 @@ public class QtBluetoothLEServer {
Log.w(TAG, "Advertisement stopped.");
- public void addService(BluetoothGattService service)
+ // This function is called from Qt thread
+ public synchronized void addService(BluetoothGattService service)
if (!connectServer()) {
Log.w(TAG, "Server::addService: Cannot open GATT server");
- boolean success = mGattServer.addService(service);
- Log.w(TAG, "Services successfully added: " + success);
+ // When we add a service, we must wait for onServiceAdded callback before adding the
+ // next one. If the pending service queue is empty it means that there are no ongoing
+ // service additions => add the service to the server. If there are services in the
+ // queue it means there is an initiated addition ongoing, and we only add to the queue.
+ if (mPendingServiceAdditions.isEmpty()) {
+ if (mGattServer.addService(service))
+ mPendingServiceAdditions.add(service);
+ else
+ Log.w(TAG, "Adding service " + service.getUuid().toString() + " failed.");
+ } else {
+ mPendingServiceAdditions.add(service);
+ }
Check the client characteristics configuration for the given characteristic
and sends notifications or indications as per required.
+ This function is called from Qt and Java threads and calls must be protected
private void sendNotificationsOrIndications(BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic)
@@ -518,9 +672,13 @@ public class QtBluetoothLEServer {
return false;
- foundChar.setValue(newValue);
- sendNotificationsOrIndications(foundChar);
+ synchronized (this) // a value update might be in progress
+ {
+ foundChar.setValue(newValue);
+ // Value is updated even if server is not connected, but notifying is not possible
+ if (mGattServer != null)
+ sendNotificationsOrIndications(foundChar);
+ }
return true;
@@ -557,8 +715,10 @@ public class QtBluetoothLEServer {
// we even write CLIENT_CHARACTERISTIC_CONFIGURATION_UUID this way as we choose
// to interpret the server's call as a change of the default value.
- foundDesc.setValue(newValue);
+ synchronized (this) // a value update might be in progress
+ {
+ foundDesc.setValue(newValue);
+ }
return true;
diff --git a/src/android/nfc/src/org/qtproject/qt5/android/nfc/ b/src/android/nfc/src/org/qtproject/qt5/android/nfc/
index 19e645f5..610d4cd6 100644
--- a/src/android/nfc/src/org/qtproject/qt5/android/nfc/
+++ b/src/android/nfc/src/org/qtproject/qt5/android/nfc/
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.nfc.NfcAdapter;
import android.content.IntentFilter.MalformedMimeTypeException;
import android.os.Bundle;
+import android.os.Build;
import android.util.Log;
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
@@ -82,11 +83,16 @@ public class QtNfc
+ // Since Android 12 (API level 31) it's mandatory to specify mutability
+ // of PendingIntent. We need a mutable intent, which was a default
+ // option earlier.
+ int flags = (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.S) ? PendingIntent.FLAG_MUTABLE
+ : 0;
m_pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(
new Intent(m_activity, m_activity.getClass()).addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP),
- 0);
+ flags);
//Log.d(TAG, "Pending intent:" + m_pendingIntent);
diff --git a/src/bluetooth/osx/ b/src/bluetooth/osx/
index b777af8e..f41bbed5 100644
--- a/src/bluetooth/osx/
+++ b/src/bluetooth/osx/
@@ -81,14 +81,8 @@ using namespace QT_NAMESPACE;
- (void)dealloc
- [discoveryNotification unregister];
- [discoveryNotification release];
- for (IOBluetoothUserNotification *n in foundConnections)
- [n unregister];
- [foundConnections release];
+ Q_ASSERT_X(!monitor, "-dealloc",
+ "Connection monitor was not stopped, calling -stopMonitoring is required");
[super dealloc];
@@ -137,4 +131,18 @@ using namespace QT_NAMESPACE;
+- (void)stopMonitoring
+ monitor = nullptr;
+ [discoveryNotification unregister];
+ [discoveryNotification release];
+ discoveryNotification = nil;
+ for (IOBluetoothUserNotification *n in foundConnections)
+ [n unregister];
+ [foundConnections release];
+ foundConnections = nil;
diff --git a/src/bluetooth/osx/osxbtconnectionmonitor_p.h b/src/bluetooth/osx/osxbtconnectionmonitor_p.h
index 679f6124..50dc9d77 100644
--- a/src/bluetooth/osx/osxbtconnectionmonitor_p.h
+++ b/src/bluetooth/osx/osxbtconnectionmonitor_p.h
@@ -84,6 +84,8 @@ QT_END_NAMESPACE
- (void)connectionNotification:(id)notification withDevice:(IOBluetoothDevice *)device;
- (void)connectionClosedNotification:(id)notification withDevice:(IOBluetoothDevice *)device;
+- (void)stopMonitoring;
diff --git a/src/bluetooth/osx/ b/src/bluetooth/osx/
index c7fa7c42..3d41a224 100644
--- a/src/bluetooth/osx/
+++ b/src/bluetooth/osx/
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
#include "osxbtutility_p.h"
#include "qbluetoothuuid.h"
+#include <QtCore/qoperatingsystemversion.h>
#include <QtCore/qendian.h>
#include <QtCore/qstring.h>
@@ -76,6 +77,8 @@ const int defaultLEScanTimeoutMS = 25000;
// We use it only on iOS for now:
const int maxValueLength = 512;
+NSString *const bluetoothUsageKey = @"NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription";
QString qt_address(NSString *address)
if (address && address.length) {
@@ -351,6 +354,22 @@ ObjCStrongReference<NSMutableData> mutable_data_from_bytearray(const QByteArray
return result;
+bool qt_appNeedsBluetoothUsageDescription()
+#ifdef Q_OS_MACOS
+ return QOperatingSystemVersion::current() > QOperatingSystemVersion::MacOSBigSur;
+ return true;
+bool qt_appPlistContainsDescription(NSString *key)
+ Q_ASSERT(key);
+ NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *infoDict = NSBundle.mainBundle.infoDictionary;
+ return !!infoDict[key];
// A small RAII class for a dispatch queue.
class SerialDispatchQueue
diff --git a/src/bluetooth/osx/osxbtutility_p.h b/src/bluetooth/osx/osxbtutility_p.h
index c2bc6cf8..1b1d44be 100644
--- a/src/bluetooth/osx/osxbtutility_p.h
+++ b/src/bluetooth/osx/osxbtutility_p.h
@@ -307,6 +307,12 @@ dispatch_queue_t qt_LE_queue();
extern const int defaultLEScanTimeoutMS;
extern const int maxValueLength;
+// Add more keys if needed, for now this one is enough:
+extern NSString *const bluetoothUsageKey;
+bool qt_appNeedsBluetoothUsageDescription();
+bool qt_appPlistContainsDescription(NSString *key);
} // namespace OSXBluetooth
// Logging category for both OS X and iOS.
diff --git a/src/bluetooth/ b/src/bluetooth/
index d9883d28..a5cb034a 100644
--- a/src/bluetooth/
+++ b/src/bluetooth/
@@ -144,6 +144,8 @@ bool QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgentPrivate::isActive() const
void QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgentPrivate::start(QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::DiscoveryMethods methods)
+ using namespace OSXBluetooth;
Q_ASSERT(lastError != QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::InvalidBluetoothAdapterError);
Q_ASSERT(methods & (QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::ClassicMethod
@@ -157,6 +159,25 @@ void QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgentPrivate::start(QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent
#endif // Q_OS_MACOS
+ // To be able to scan for devices, iOS requires Info.plist containing
+ // NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription entry with a string, explaining
+ // the usage of Bluetooth interface. macOS also requires this description,
+ // starting from Monterey.
+ // No Classic on iOS, and Classic does not require a description on macOS:
+ if (methods.testFlag(QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::LowEnergyMethod)
+ && qt_appNeedsBluetoothUsageDescription()
+ && !qt_appPlistContainsDescription(bluetoothUsageKey)) {
+ // This would result in Bluetooth framework throwing an exception
+ // the moment we try to start device discovery.
+ qCWarning(QT_BT_OSX)
+ << "A proper Info.plist with NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription "
+ "entry is required, cannot start device discovery";
+ setError(QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::UnsupportedDiscoveryMethod);
+ emit q_ptr->error(lastError);
+ return;
+ }
requestedMethods = methods;
if (stopPending) {
diff --git a/src/bluetooth/ b/src/bluetooth/
index e7dd9906..2bf467f8 100644
--- a/src/bluetooth/
+++ b/src/bluetooth/
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ public:
QBluetoothLocalDevicePrivate(QBluetoothLocalDevice *, const QBluetoothAddress & =
+ ~QBluetoothLocalDevicePrivate();
bool isValid() const;
void requestPairing(const QBluetoothAddress &address, Pairing pairing);
@@ -147,6 +148,11 @@ QBluetoothLocalDevicePrivate::QBluetoothLocalDevicePrivate(QBluetoothLocalDevice
connectionMonitor.reset([[ObjCConnectionMonitor alloc] initWithMonitor:this]);
+ [connectionMonitor stopMonitoring];
bool QBluetoothLocalDevicePrivate::isValid() const
diff --git a/src/bluetooth/qbluetoothsocket_winrt.cpp b/src/bluetooth/qbluetoothsocket_winrt.cpp
index 48b14757..d562f6f7 100644
--- a/src/bluetooth/qbluetoothsocket_winrt.cpp
+++ b/src/bluetooth/qbluetoothsocket_winrt.cpp
@@ -576,6 +576,17 @@ QString QBluetoothSocketPrivateWinRT::localName() const
+static QString fromWinApiAddress(HString address)
+ // WinAPI returns address with parentheses around it. We need to remove
+ // them to convert to QBluetoothAddress.
+ QString addressStr(qt_QStringFromHString(address));
+ if (addressStr.startsWith(QLatin1Char('(')) && addressStr.endsWith(QLatin1Char(')'))) {
+ addressStr = addressStr.mid(1, addressStr.size() - 2);
+ }
+ return addressStr;
QBluetoothAddress QBluetoothSocketPrivateWinRT::localAddress() const
if (!m_socketObject)
@@ -588,10 +599,13 @@ QBluetoothAddress QBluetoothSocketPrivateWinRT::localAddress() const
ComPtr<IHostName> localHost;
hr = info->get_LocalAddress(&localHost);
- HString localAddress;
- hr = localHost->get_CanonicalName(localAddress.GetAddressOf());
- return QBluetoothAddress(qt_QStringFromHString(localAddress));
+ if (localHost) {
+ HString localAddress;
+ hr = localHost->get_CanonicalName(localAddress.GetAddressOf());
+ return QBluetoothAddress(fromWinApiAddress(std::move(localAddress)));
+ }
+ return QBluetoothAddress();
quint16 QBluetoothSocketPrivateWinRT::localPort() const
@@ -627,10 +641,13 @@ QString QBluetoothSocketPrivateWinRT::peerName() const
ComPtr<IHostName> remoteHost;
hr = info->get_RemoteHostName(&remoteHost);
- HString remoteHostName;
- hr = remoteHost->get_DisplayName(remoteHostName.GetAddressOf());
- return qt_QStringFromHString(remoteHostName);
+ if (remoteHost) {
+ HString remoteHostName;
+ hr = remoteHost->get_DisplayName(remoteHostName.GetAddressOf());
+ return qt_QStringFromHString(remoteHostName);
+ }
+ return {};
QBluetoothAddress QBluetoothSocketPrivateWinRT::peerAddress() const
@@ -645,10 +662,13 @@ QBluetoothAddress QBluetoothSocketPrivateWinRT::peerAddress() const
ComPtr<IHostName> remoteHost;
hr = info->get_RemoteAddress(&remoteHost);
- HString remoteAddress;
- hr = remoteHost->get_CanonicalName(remoteAddress.GetAddressOf());
- return QBluetoothAddress(qt_QStringFromHString(remoteAddress));
+ if (remoteHost) {
+ HString remoteAddress;
+ hr = remoteHost->get_CanonicalName(remoteAddress.GetAddressOf());
+ return QBluetoothAddress(fromWinApiAddress(std::move(remoteAddress)));
+ }
+ return QBluetoothAddress();
quint16 QBluetoothSocketPrivateWinRT::peerPort() const
@@ -661,7 +681,7 @@ quint16 QBluetoothSocketPrivateWinRT::peerPort() const
hr = m_socketObject->get_Information(&info);
HString remotePortString;
- hr = info->get_LocalPort(remotePortString.GetAddressOf());
+ hr = info->get_RemotePort(remotePortString.GetAddressOf());
bool ok = true;
const uint port = qt_QStringFromHString(remotePortString).toUInt(&ok);
diff --git a/src/bluetooth/ b/src/bluetooth/
index e2b3d618..019cabf8 100644
--- a/src/bluetooth/
+++ b/src/bluetooth/
@@ -165,7 +165,14 @@ bool QLowEnergyControllerPrivateDarwin::isValid() const
void QLowEnergyControllerPrivateDarwin::init()
- using OSXBluetooth::LECBManagerNotifier;
+ using namespace OSXBluetooth;
+ if (qt_appNeedsBluetoothUsageDescription() && !qt_appPlistContainsDescription(bluetoothUsageKey)) {
+ qCWarning(QT_BT_OSX)
+ << "The Info.plist file is required to contain "
+ "'NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription' entry";
+ return;
+ }
QScopedPointer<LECBManagerNotifier> notifier(new LECBManagerNotifier);
if (role == QLowEnergyController::PeripheralRole) {
@@ -202,7 +209,7 @@ void QLowEnergyControllerPrivateDarwin::connectToDevice()
Q_FUNC_INFO, "invalid state");
if (!isValid()) {
- // init() had failed for was never called.
+ // init() had failed or was never called.
return _q_CBManagerError(QLowEnergyController::UnknownError);
@@ -234,6 +241,8 @@ void QLowEnergyControllerPrivateDarwin::connectToDevice()
void QLowEnergyControllerPrivateDarwin::disconnectFromDevice()
+ Q_ASSERT(isValid()); // Check for proper state is in q's code.
if (role == QLowEnergyController::PeripheralRole) {
// CoreBluetooth API intentionally does not provide any way of closing
// a connection. All we can do here is to stop the advertisement.
@@ -241,29 +250,28 @@ void QLowEnergyControllerPrivateDarwin::disconnectFromDevice()
- if (isValid()) {
- const auto oldState = state;
+ const auto oldState = state;
- if (dispatch_queue_t leQueue = OSXBluetooth::qt_LE_queue()) {
- setState(QLowEnergyController::ClosingState);
- invalidateServices();
- auto manager = centralManager.getAs<ObjCCentralManager>();
- dispatch_async(leQueue, ^{
- [manager disconnectFromDevice];
- });
+ if (dispatch_queue_t leQueue = OSXBluetooth::qt_LE_queue()) {
+ setState(QLowEnergyController::ClosingState);
+ invalidateServices();
- if (oldState == QLowEnergyController::ConnectingState) {
- // With a pending connect attempt there is no
- // guarantee we'll ever have didDisconnect callback,
- // set the state here and now to make sure we still
- // can connect.
- setState(QLowEnergyController::UnconnectedState);
- }
- } else {
- qCCritical(QT_BT_OSX) << "qt LE queue is nil, "
- "can not dispatch 'disconnect'";
+ auto manager = centralManager.getAs<ObjCCentralManager>();
+ dispatch_async(leQueue, ^{
+ [manager disconnectFromDevice];
+ });
+ if (oldState == QLowEnergyController::ConnectingState) {
+ // With a pending connect attempt there is no
+ // guarantee we'll ever have didDisconnect callback,
+ // set the state here and now to make sure we still
+ // can connect.
+ setState(QLowEnergyController::UnconnectedState);
+ } else {
+ qCCritical(QT_BT_OSX) << "qt LE queue is nil, "
+ "can not dispatch 'disconnect'";
@@ -274,6 +282,8 @@ void QLowEnergyControllerPrivateDarwin::discoverServices()
Q_ASSERT_X(role != QLowEnergyController::PeripheralRole,
Q_FUNC_INFO, "invalid role (peripheral)");
+ Q_ASSERT(isValid()); // Check we're in a proper state is in q's code.
dispatch_queue_t leQueue(OSXBluetooth::qt_LE_queue());
Q_ASSERT_X(leQueue, Q_FUNC_INFO, "LE queue not found");
@@ -334,6 +344,11 @@ QLowEnergyService * QLowEnergyControllerPrivateDarwin::addServiceHelper(const QL
qCDebug(QT_BT_OSX, "peripheral role is not supported on tvOS");
+ if (!isValid()) {
+ qCWarning(QT_BT_OSX) << "invalid peripheral";
+ return nullptr;
+ }
if (role != QLowEnergyController::PeripheralRole) {
qCWarning(QT_BT_OSX) << "not in peripheral role";
return nullptr;
@@ -1040,14 +1055,16 @@ void QLowEnergyControllerPrivateDarwin::startAdvertising(const QLowEnergyAdverti
qCWarning(QT_BT_OSX) << "advertising is not supported on your platform";
- if (!isValid())
- return _q_CBManagerError(QLowEnergyController::UnknownError);
if (role != QLowEnergyController::PeripheralRole) {
qCWarning(QT_BT_OSX) << "controller is not a peripheral, cannot start advertising";
+ if (!isValid()) {
+ qCWarning(QT_BT_OSX, "LE controller is an invalid peripheral");
+ return;
+ }
if (state != QLowEnergyController::UnconnectedState) {
qCWarning(QT_BT_OSX) << "invalid state" << state;
diff --git a/src/bluetooth/qlowenergycontroller_darwin_p.h b/src/bluetooth/qlowenergycontroller_darwin_p.h
index 960d7fbc..3c98ca34 100644
--- a/src/bluetooth/qlowenergycontroller_darwin_p.h
+++ b/src/bluetooth/qlowenergycontroller_darwin_p.h
@@ -108,7 +108,10 @@ public:
const QLowEnergyAdvertisingData &scanResponseData) override;
void stopAdvertising()override;
QLowEnergyService *addServiceHelper(const QLowEnergyServiceData &service) override;
- bool isValid() const; // QT6 - delete this logic.
+ // Valid - a central or peripheral instance was allocated, and this may also
+ // mean a proper usage description was provided/found:
+ bool isValid() const;
private Q_SLOTS:
void _q_connected();
diff --git a/src/bluetooth/qlowenergycontroller_winrt.cpp b/src/bluetooth/qlowenergycontroller_winrt.cpp
index 5b14a92c..f69a0d91 100644
--- a/src/bluetooth/qlowenergycontroller_winrt.cpp
+++ b/src/bluetooth/qlowenergycontroller_winrt.cpp
@@ -642,10 +642,10 @@ void QLowEnergyControllerPrivateWinRT::discoverServiceDetails(const QBluetoothUu
QThread *thread = new QThread;
connect(thread, &QThread::started, worker, &QWinRTLowEnergyServiceHandler::obtainCharList);
- connect(thread, &QThread::finished, thread, &QObject::deleteLater);
connect(thread, &QThread::finished, worker, &QObject::deleteLater);
- connect(worker, &QWinRTLowEnergyServiceHandler::charListObtained,
- [this, thread](const QBluetoothUuid &service, QHash<QLowEnergyHandle, QLowEnergyServicePrivate::CharData> charList
+ connect(worker, &QObject::destroyed, thread, &QObject::deleteLater);
+ connect(worker, &QWinRTLowEnergyServiceHandler::charListObtained, this,
+ [this](const QBluetoothUuid &service, QHash<QLowEnergyHandle, QLowEnergyServicePrivate::CharData> charList
, QVector<QBluetoothUuid> indicateChars
, QLowEnergyHandle startHandle, QLowEnergyHandle endHandle) {
if (!serviceList.contains(service)) {
@@ -668,7 +668,6 @@ void QLowEnergyControllerPrivateWinRT::discoverServiceDetails(const QBluetoothUu
- thread->exit(0);
diff --git a/src/bluetooth/qlowenergycontroller_winrt_new.cpp b/src/bluetooth/qlowenergycontroller_winrt_new.cpp
index a6371c0a..42f4380e 100644
--- a/src/bluetooth/qlowenergycontroller_winrt_new.cpp
+++ b/src/bluetooth/qlowenergycontroller_winrt_new.cpp
@@ -711,8 +711,8 @@ void QLowEnergyControllerPrivateWinRTNew::connectToDevice()
connect(this, &QLowEnergyControllerPrivateWinRTNew::abortConnection, worker,
connect(thread, &QThread::started, worker, &QWinRTLowEnergyConnectionHandler::connectToDevice);
- connect(thread, &QThread::finished, thread, &QObject::deleteLater);
connect(thread, &QThread::finished, worker, &QObject::deleteLater);
+ connect(worker, &QObject::destroyed, thread, &QObject::deleteLater);
connect(worker, &QWinRTLowEnergyConnectionHandler::errorOccurred, this,
[this](const QString &msg) { handleConnectionError(msg.toUtf8().constData()); });
connect(worker, &QWinRTLowEnergyConnectionHandler::deviceConnected, this,
@@ -1166,12 +1166,12 @@ void QLowEnergyControllerPrivateWinRTNew::discoverServiceDetails(const QBluetoot
QThread *thread = new QThread;
connect(thread, &QThread::started, worker, &QWinRTLowEnergyServiceHandlerNew::obtainCharList);
- connect(thread, &QThread::finished, thread, &QObject::deleteLater);
connect(thread, &QThread::finished, worker, &QObject::deleteLater);
+ connect(worker, &QObject::destroyed, thread, &QObject::deleteLater);
connect(worker, &QWinRTLowEnergyServiceHandlerNew::errorOccured,
this, &QLowEnergyControllerPrivateWinRTNew::handleServiceHandlerError);
- connect(worker, &QWinRTLowEnergyServiceHandlerNew::charListObtained,
- [this, reactOnDiscoveryError, thread](const QBluetoothUuid &service, QHash<QLowEnergyHandle,
+ connect(worker, &QWinRTLowEnergyServiceHandlerNew::charListObtained, this,
+ [this, reactOnDiscoveryError](const QBluetoothUuid &service, QHash<QLowEnergyHandle,
QLowEnergyServicePrivate::CharData> charList, QVector<QBluetoothUuid> indicateChars,
QLowEnergyHandle startHandle, QLowEnergyHandle endHandle) {
if (!serviceList.contains(service)) {
@@ -1194,12 +1194,10 @@ void QLowEnergyControllerPrivateWinRTNew::discoverServiceDetails(const QBluetoot
if (FAILED(hr)) {
QStringLiteral("Could not register for value changes in Xaml thread: %1").arg(hr));
- thread->exit(0);
- thread->exit(0);