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diff --git a/src/bluetooth/qbluetoothdevicediscoveryagent_win.cpp b/src/bluetooth/qbluetoothdevicediscoveryagent_win.cpp
index 0e6e1343..9f05ffa1 100644
--- a/src/bluetooth/qbluetoothdevicediscoveryagent_win.cpp
+++ b/src/bluetooth/qbluetoothdevicediscoveryagent_win.cpp
@@ -524,40 +524,34 @@ void QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgentPrivate::processDiscoveredDevice(
- for (int i = 0; i < discoveredDevices.size(); i++) {
- QBluetoothDeviceInfo mergedDevice = discoveredDevices[i];
- if (mergedDevice.address() == foundDevice.address()) {
- if (mergedDevice == foundDevice
- || mergedDevice.coreConfigurations() == foundDevice.coreConfigurations()) {
- qCDebug(QT_BT_WINDOWS) << "Duplicate: " << foundDevice.address();
- return;
- }
- // We assume that if the existing device it is low energy, it means that
- // the found device should be as classic, because it is impossible to get
- // same low energy device.
- if (mergedDevice.coreConfigurations() & QBluetoothDeviceInfo::LowEnergyCoreConfiguration)
- mergedDevice = foundDevice;
- // We assume that it is impossible to have multiple devices with same core
- // configurations, which have one address. This possible only in case a device
- // provided both low energy and classic features at the same time.
- mergedDevice.setCoreConfigurations(QBluetoothDeviceInfo::BaseRateAndLowEnergyCoreConfiguration);
- mergedDevice.setCached(foundDevice.isCached());
- discoveredDevices.replace(i, mergedDevice);
- Q_Q(QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent);
- qCDebug(QT_BT_WINDOWS) << "Updated: " << mergedDevice.address();
- emit q->deviceDiscovered(mergedDevice);
- return;
- }
+ auto equalAddress = [foundDevice](const QBluetoothDeviceInfo &targetDevice) {
+ return foundDevice.address() == targetDevice.address(); };
+ auto end = discoveredDevices.end();
+ auto deviceIt = std::find_if(discoveredDevices.begin(), end, equalAddress);
+ if (deviceIt == end) {
+ qCDebug(QT_BT_WINDOWS) << "Emit: " << foundDevice.address();
+ discoveredDevices.append(foundDevice);
+ emit q->deviceDiscovered(foundDevice);
+ } else if (*deviceIt == foundDevice
+ || deviceIt->coreConfigurations() == foundDevice.coreConfigurations()) {
+ qCDebug(QT_BT_WINDOWS) << "Duplicate: " << foundDevice.address();
+ } else {
+ // We assume that if the existing device it is low energy, it means that
+ // the found device should be as classic, because it is impossible to get
+ // same low energy device.
+ if (deviceIt->coreConfigurations() & QBluetoothDeviceInfo::LowEnergyCoreConfiguration)
+ *deviceIt = foundDevice;
+ // We assume that it is impossible to have multiple devices with same core
+ // configurations, which have one address. This possible only in case a device
+ // provided both low energy and classic features at the same time.
+ deviceIt->setCoreConfigurations(QBluetoothDeviceInfo::BaseRateAndLowEnergyCoreConfiguration);
+ deviceIt->setCached(foundDevice.isCached());
+ Q_Q(QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent);
+ qCDebug(QT_BT_WINDOWS) << "Updated: " << deviceIt->address();
+ emit q->deviceDiscovered(*deviceIt);
- qCDebug(QT_BT_WINDOWS) << "Emit: " << foundDevice.address();
- discoveredDevices.append(foundDevice);
- emit q->deviceDiscovered(foundDevice);