path: root/src/bluetooth/doc/src/bluetooth-overview.qdoc
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diff --git a/src/bluetooth/doc/src/bluetooth-overview.qdoc b/src/bluetooth/doc/src/bluetooth-overview.qdoc
index 347ab2cf..4c12ecac 100644
--- a/src/bluetooth/doc/src/bluetooth-overview.qdoc
+++ b/src/bluetooth/doc/src/bluetooth-overview.qdoc
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\ingroup technology-apis
\title Qt Bluetooth Overview
\page qtbluetooth-overview.html
-\brief The Qt Bluetooth API enables connectivity with other Bluetooth enabled devices.
+\brief The Qt Bluetooth API enables connectivity with other regular Bluetooth
+ and Bluetooth Low Energy enabled devices.
@@ -41,6 +42,9 @@
\li Push files to remote devices using the OBEX Object Push Profile (OPP).
\li Connect to remote devices through a RFCOMM channel using the Serial Port Profile (SPP).
\li Create a RFCOMM server that allows incoming connections using SPP.
+ \li Retrieve specification about Bluetooth Low Energy device.
+ \li Connect to Bluetooth Low Energy device.
+ \li Receive advertisement from Bluetooth Low Energy device.
The following sections describe how to use the Qt Bluetooth C++ API classes
@@ -101,4 +105,103 @@
QBluetoothSocket classes. A good example to start with SPP is the \l{btchat}{Bluetooth Chat}
+ \section1 Bluetooth Low Energy
+ Bluetooth Low Energy (in later text BLE), also known as Bluetooth Smart is a wireless computer
+ network technology, which was officially introduced in 2011. It works at the same,
+ 2,4HGz frequency, as ”classic” Bluetooth. The main difference is, as stated by its technology name,
+ low energy consumption. It provides an opportunity for BLE devices to operate for months,
+ even years, on coin-cell batteries. This technology was introduced with Bluetooth v 4.0
+ and devices which support this technology are called Bluetooth Smart Ready Devices.
+ The key features of technology are:
+ \list
+ \li Ultra-low peak, average and idle mode power consumption
+ \li Ability to run for years on standard, coin-cell batteries
+ \li Low cost
+ \li Multi-vendor interoperability
+ \li Enhanced range
+ \endlist
+ BLE uses a client-server architecture. The server (BLE device) offers services (temperature,
+ heart rate or any other measurements) and advertises them. The client (PC, smartphone
+ or any other Bluetooth Smart Ready device) connects to the server and reads the values
+ advertised by the server. The BLE API is based on GATT (Generic Attribute Profile) concepts.
+ GATT commands are initiated by the client, as mentioned above, and the server is receiving
+ GATT commands and sends replies.
+ These GATT commands initiate the services, which consist of characteristics. A characteristic
+ is data that is being transferred. Each characteristic has descriptors, which give additional
+ information about the characteristic. Services, characteristics and descriptors are recognized
+ by their 128bits UUIDs.
+ To be able to get and read characteristics, it is required to connect to the LE device service.
+ \code
+ QObject::connect(m_serviceDiscoveryAgent, SIGNAL(serviceDiscovered(const QLowEnergyServiceInfo&)),
+ this, SLOT(addLowEnergyService(const QLowEnergyServiceInfo&)));
+ QObject::connect(m_serviceDiscoveryAgent, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(serviceScanDone()));
+ m_serviceDiscoveryAgent->setRemoteAddress(device.address());
+ m_serviceDiscoveryAgent->start();
+ lowEnergyController = new QLowEnergyController();
+ QObject::connect(lowEnergyController, SIGNAL(connected(QLowEnergyServiceInfo)),
+ this, SLOT(serviceConnected(QLowEnergyServiceInfo)));
+ QObject::connect(lowEnergyController, SIGNAL(error(QLowEnergyServiceInfo)),
+ this, SLOT(errorReceived(QLowEnergyServiceInfo)));
+ QObject::connect(lowEnergyController, SIGNAL(valueChanged(QLowEnergyCharacteristicInfo)),
+ this, SLOT(receiveMeasurement(QLowEnergyCharacteristicInfo)));
+ QObject::connect(lowEnergyController, SIGNAL(disconnected(QLowEnergyServiceInfo)),
+ this, SLOT(serviceDisconnected(QLowEnergyServiceInfo)));
+ \endcode
+ We start a service discovery with a \l QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent class and connect its
+ signal \l serviceDiscovered(QLowEnergyServiceInfo) to our slot
+ \l addLowEnergyService(QLowEnergyServiceInfo). This way, it is possible to store all LE services
+ or connect to the desired one. \l QLowEnergyController is used for connecting to service,
+ receiving emitted errors from the service and disconnecting from the service.
+ Even though it is possible to connect to an LE service before the service scan is done,
+ it is advisable to do it after the service scan is done.
+ \code
+ void serviceScanDone()
+ {
+ lowEnergyController->connectToService(wantedLowEnergyService);
+ }
+ \endcode
+ Here, the \c wantedLowEnergyService can be one service or you can pick more or all services
+ to connect. Some LE devices, become available one or two seconds after service scan.
+ \code
+ void serviceConnected(const QLowEnergyServiceInfo &leService)
+ {
+ QList<QLowEnergyCharacteristicInfo> lowEnergyCharacteristics = leService.getCharacteristics();
+ for (int i = 0; i<lowEnergyCharacteristics.size(); i++) {
+ QLowEnergyCharacteristicInfo wantedCharacteristic =
+ QLowEnergyCharacteristicInfo(;
+ lowEnergyController->enableNotifications(wantedCharacteristic);
+ }
+ }
+ \endcode
+ In the code example above all characteristics will be enabled for the notifications, but not
+ all of them have that option as explained in \l QLowEnergyController documentation. It is possible
+ to select only one characteristic, for instance \l QBluetoothUuid::HeartRateMeasurement.
+ Finally, to receive updates, the receiveMeasurement(QLowEnergyCharacteristicInfo) slot was defined.
+ \code
+ void HeartRate::receiveMeasurement(const QLowEnergyCharacteristicInfo &characteristic)
+ {
+ wantedCharacteristic = QLowEnergyCharacteristicInfo(characteristic);
+ wantedCharacteristic.value();
+ }
+ \endcode
+ The returned value is the hexadecimal value. The procedure of reading and converting hexadecimal
+ value properly depends on the BLE devices that is sending updates since every device has a different
+ value structure.