path: root/src/bluetooth/qlowenergycontroller_bluezdbus.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/bluetooth/qlowenergycontroller_bluezdbus.cpp')
1 files changed, 357 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/src/bluetooth/qlowenergycontroller_bluezdbus.cpp b/src/bluetooth/qlowenergycontroller_bluezdbus.cpp
index 1464561c..b398def7 100644
--- a/src/bluetooth/qlowenergycontroller_bluezdbus.cpp
+++ b/src/bluetooth/qlowenergycontroller_bluezdbus.cpp
@@ -42,6 +42,9 @@
#include "bluez/bluez5_helper_p.h"
#include "bluez/device1_bluez5_p.h"
#include "bluez/gattservice1_p.h"
+#include "bluez/gattchar1_p.h"
+#include "bluez/gattdesc1_p.h"
#include "bluez/objectmanager_p.h"
#include "bluez/properties_p.h"
@@ -158,7 +161,12 @@ void QLowEnergyControllerPrivateBluezDBus::resetController()
deviceMonitor = nullptr;
+ dbusServices.clear();
+ jobs.clear();
+ invalidateServices();
pendingConnect = pendingDisconnect = disconnectSignalRequired = false;
+ jobPending = false;
void QLowEnergyControllerPrivateBluezDBus::connectToDeviceHelper()
@@ -337,18 +345,16 @@ void QLowEnergyControllerPrivateBluezDBus::discoverServices()
QSharedPointer<QLowEnergyServicePrivate> priv = QSharedPointer<QLowEnergyServicePrivate>::create();
priv->uuid = QBluetoothUuid(service->uUID());
- //no handles available
- //priv->startHandle = start;
- //priv->endHandle = end;
? priv->type = QLowEnergyService::PrimaryService
: priv->type = QLowEnergyService::IncludedService;
+ GattService serviceContainer;
+ serviceContainer.servicePath = it.key().path();
serviceList.insert(priv->uuid, priv);
- //TODO enable once discoverServiceDetails() is implemented
- //foundServices.insert(priv->uuid, service);
+ dbusServices.insert(priv->uuid, serviceContainer);
emit q->serviceDiscovered(priv->uuid);
@@ -359,9 +365,353 @@ void QLowEnergyControllerPrivateBluezDBus::discoverServices()
emit q->discoveryFinished();
-void QLowEnergyControllerPrivateBluezDBus::discoverServiceDetails(const QBluetoothUuid &/*service*/)
+void QLowEnergyControllerPrivateBluezDBus::discoverServiceDetails(const QBluetoothUuid &service)
+ if (!serviceList.contains(service) || !dbusServices.contains(service)) {
+ qCWarning(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "Discovery of unknown service" << service.toString()
+ << "not possible";
+ return;
+ }
+ //clear existing service data and run new discovery
+ QSharedPointer<QLowEnergyServicePrivate> serviceData = serviceList.value(service);
+ serviceData->characteristicList.clear();
+ GattService &dbusData = dbusServices[service];
+ dbusData.characteristics.clear();
+ QDBusPendingReply<ManagedObjectList> reply = managerBluez->GetManagedObjects();
+ reply.waitForFinished();
+ if (reply.isError()) {
+ qCWarning(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "Cannot discover services";
+ setError(QLowEnergyController::UnknownError);
+ setState(QLowEnergyController::DiscoveredState);
+ return;
+ }
+ QStringList descriptorPaths;
+ const ManagedObjectList managedObjectList = reply.value();
+ for (ManagedObjectList::const_iterator it = managedObjectList.constBegin(); it != managedObjectList.constEnd(); ++it) {
+ const InterfaceList &ifaceList = it.value();
+ if (!it.key().path().startsWith(dbusData.servicePath))
+ continue;
+ for (InterfaceList::const_iterator jt = ifaceList.constBegin(); jt != ifaceList.constEnd(); ++jt) {
+ const QString &iface = jt.key();
+ if (iface == QStringLiteral("org.bluez.GattCharacteristic1")) {
+ auto charInterface = QSharedPointer<OrgBluezGattCharacteristic1Interface>::create(
+ QStringLiteral("org.bluez"), it.key().path(),
+ QDBusConnection::systemBus());
+ GattCharacteristic dbusCharData;
+ dbusCharData.characteristic = charInterface;
+ dbusData.characteristics.append(dbusCharData);
+ } else if (iface == QStringLiteral("org.bluez.GattDescriptor1")) {
+ auto descInterface = QSharedPointer<OrgBluezGattDescriptor1Interface>::create(
+ QStringLiteral("org.bluez"), it.key().path(),
+ QDBusConnection::systemBus());
+ bool found = false;
+ for (GattCharacteristic &dbusCharData : dbusData.characteristics) {
+ if (!descInterface->path().startsWith(
+ dbusCharData.characteristic->path()))
+ continue;
+ found = true;
+ dbusCharData.descriptors.append(descInterface);
+ break;
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT(found);
+ if (!found)
+ qCWarning(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "Descriptor discovery error";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //populate servicePrivate based on dbus data
+ serviceData->startHandle = runningHandle++;
+ for (const GattCharacteristic &dbusChar : qAsConst(dbusData.characteristics)) {
+ const QLowEnergyHandle indexHandle = runningHandle++;
+ QLowEnergyServicePrivate::CharData charData;
+ // characteristic data
+ charData.valueHandle = runningHandle++;
+ const QStringList properties = dbusChar.characteristic->flags();
+ for (const auto &entry : properties) {
+ if (entry == QStringLiteral("broadcast"))
+, true);
+ else if (entry == QStringLiteral("read"))
+, true);
+ else if (entry == QStringLiteral("write-without-response"))
+, true);
+ else if (entry == QStringLiteral("write"))
+, true);
+ else if (entry == QStringLiteral("notify"))
+, true);
+ else if (entry == QStringLiteral("indicate"))
+, true);
+ else if (entry == QStringLiteral("authenticated-signed-writes"))
+, true);
+ else if (entry == QStringLiteral("reliable-write"))
+, true);
+ else if (entry == QStringLiteral("writable-auxiliaries"))
+, true);
+ //all others ignored - not relevant for this API
+ }
+ charData.uuid = QBluetoothUuid(dbusChar.characteristic->uUID());
+ // schedule read for initial char value
+ if ( {
+ GattJob job;
+ job.flags = GattJob::JobFlags({GattJob::CharRead, GattJob::ServiceDiscovery});
+ job.service = serviceData;
+ job.handle = indexHandle;
+ jobs.append(job);
+ }
+ // descriptor data
+ for (const auto &descEntry : qAsConst(dbusChar.descriptors)) {
+ const QLowEnergyHandle descriptorHandle = runningHandle++;
+ QLowEnergyServicePrivate::DescData descData;
+ descData.uuid = QBluetoothUuid(descEntry->uUID());
+ charData.descriptorList.insert(descriptorHandle, descData);
+ // schedule read for initial descriptor value
+ GattJob job;
+ job.flags = GattJob::JobFlags({GattJob::DescRead, GattJob::ServiceDiscovery});
+ job.service = serviceData;
+ job.handle = descriptorHandle;
+ jobs.append(job);
+ }
+ serviceData->characteristicList[indexHandle] = charData;
+ }
+ serviceData->endHandle = runningHandle++;
+ // last job is last step of service discovery
+ GattJob &lastJob = jobs.last();
+ lastJob.flags.setFlag(GattJob::LastServiceDiscovery, true);
+ scheduleNextJob();
+void QLowEnergyControllerPrivateBluezDBus::prepareNextJob()
+ jobs.takeFirst(); // finish last job
+ jobPending = false;
+ scheduleNextJob(); // continue with next job - if available
+void QLowEnergyControllerPrivateBluezDBus::onCharReadFinished(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *call)
+ Q_ASSERT(jobPending);
+ Q_ASSERT(!jobs.isEmpty());
+ const GattJob nextJob = jobs.constFirst();
+ Q_ASSERT(nextJob.flags.testFlag(GattJob::CharRead));
+ QSharedPointer<QLowEnergyServicePrivate> service = serviceForHandle(nextJob.handle);
+ if (service.isNull() || !dbusServices.contains(service->uuid)) {
+ qCWarning(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "onCharReadFinished: Invalid GATT job. Skipping.";
+ call->deleteLater();
+ prepareNextJob();
+ return;
+ }
+ const QLowEnergyServicePrivate::CharData &charData =
+ service->characteristicList.value(nextJob.handle);
+ bool isServiceDiscovery = nextJob.flags.testFlag(GattJob::ServiceDiscovery);
+ QDBusPendingReply<QByteArray> reply = *call;
+ if (reply.isError()) {
+ qCWarning(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "Cannot initiate reading of" << charData.uuid
+ << "of service" << service->uuid
+ << reply.error().name() << reply.error().message();
+ if (!isServiceDiscovery)
+ service->setError(QLowEnergyService::CharacteristicReadError);
+ } else {
+ qCDebug(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "Read Char:" << charData.uuid << reply.value().toHex();
+ updateValueOfCharacteristic(nextJob.handle, reply.value(), false);
+ if (isServiceDiscovery) {
+ if (nextJob.flags.testFlag(GattJob::LastServiceDiscovery))
+ service->setState(QLowEnergyService::ServiceDiscovered);
+ } else {
+ QLowEnergyCharacteristic ch(service, nextJob.handle);
+ emit service->characteristicRead(ch, reply.value());
+ }
+ }
+ call->deleteLater();
+ prepareNextJob();
+void QLowEnergyControllerPrivateBluezDBus::onDescReadFinished(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *call)
+ Q_ASSERT(jobPending);
+ Q_ASSERT(!jobs.isEmpty());
+ const GattJob nextJob = jobs.constFirst();
+ Q_ASSERT(nextJob.flags.testFlag(GattJob::DescRead));
+ QSharedPointer<QLowEnergyServicePrivate> service = serviceForHandle(nextJob.handle);
+ if (service.isNull() || !dbusServices.contains(service->uuid)) {
+ qCWarning(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "onDescReadFinished: Invalid GATT job. Skipping.";
+ call->deleteLater();
+ prepareNextJob();
+ return;
+ }
+ QLowEnergyCharacteristic ch = characteristicForHandle(nextJob.handle);
+ if (!ch.isValid()) {
+ qCWarning(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "Cannot find char for desc read (onDescReadFinished 1).";
+ call->deleteLater();
+ prepareNextJob();
+ return;
+ }
+ const QLowEnergyServicePrivate::CharData &charData =
+ service->characteristicList.value(ch.attributeHandle());
+ if (!charData.descriptorList.contains(nextJob.handle)) {
+ qCWarning(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "Cannot find descriptor (onDescReadFinished 2).";
+ call->deleteLater();
+ prepareNextJob();
+ return;
+ }
+ bool isServiceDiscovery = nextJob.flags.testFlag(GattJob::ServiceDiscovery);
+ const QBluetoothUuid descUuid = charData.descriptorList[nextJob.handle].uuid;
+ QDBusPendingReply<QByteArray> reply = *call;
+ if (reply.isError()) {
+ qCWarning(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "Cannot read descriptor (onDescReadFinished 3): "
+ << charData.descriptorList[nextJob.handle].uuid
+ << charData.uuid
+ << reply.error().name() << reply.error().message();
+ if (!isServiceDiscovery)
+ service->setError(QLowEnergyService::DescriptorReadError);
+ } else {
+ qCDebug(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "Read Desc:" << reply.value();
+ updateValueOfDescriptor(ch.attributeHandle(), nextJob.handle, reply.value(), false);
+ if (isServiceDiscovery) {
+ if (nextJob.flags.testFlag(GattJob::LastServiceDiscovery))
+ service->setState(QLowEnergyService::ServiceDiscovered);
+ } else {
+ QLowEnergyDescriptor desc(service, ch.attributeHandle(), nextJob.handle);
+ emit service->descriptorRead(desc, reply.value());
+ }
+ }
+ call->deleteLater();
+ prepareNextJob();
+void QLowEnergyControllerPrivateBluezDBus::scheduleNextJob()
+ if (jobPending || jobs.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ jobPending = true;
+ const GattJob nextJob = jobs.constFirst();
+ QSharedPointer<QLowEnergyServicePrivate> service = serviceForHandle(nextJob.handle);
+ if (service.isNull() || !dbusServices.contains(service->uuid)) {
+ qCWarning(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "Invalid GATT job (scheduleReadChar). Skipping.";
+ prepareNextJob();
+ return;
+ }
+ const GattService &dbusServiceData = dbusServices[service->uuid];
+ if (nextJob.flags.testFlag(GattJob::CharRead)) {
+ // characteristic reading ***************************************
+ if (!service->characteristicList.contains(nextJob.handle)) {
+ qCWarning(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "Invalid Char handle when reading. Skipping.";
+ prepareNextJob();
+ return;
+ }
+ const QLowEnergyServicePrivate::CharData &charData =
+ service->characteristicList.value(nextJob.handle);
+ bool foundChar = false;
+ for (const auto &gattChar : qAsConst(dbusServiceData.characteristics)) {
+ if (charData.uuid != QBluetoothUuid(gattChar.characteristic->uUID()))
+ continue;
+ QDBusPendingReply<QByteArray> reply = gattChar.characteristic->ReadValue(QVariantMap());
+ QDBusPendingCallWatcher* watcher = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher(reply, this);
+ connect(watcher, &QDBusPendingCallWatcher::finished,
+ this, &QLowEnergyControllerPrivateBluezDBus::onCharReadFinished);
+ foundChar = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!foundChar) {
+ qCWarning(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "Cannot find char for reading. Skipping.";
+ prepareNextJob();
+ return;
+ }
+ } else if (nextJob.flags.testFlag(GattJob::CharWrite)) {
+ //TODO implement CharWrite ***************************************
+ } else if (nextJob.flags.testFlag(GattJob::DescRead)) {
+ // descriptor reading ***************************************
+ QLowEnergyCharacteristic ch = characteristicForHandle(nextJob.handle);
+ if (!ch.isValid()) {
+ qCWarning(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "Invalid GATT job (scheduleReadDesc 1). Skipping.";
+ prepareNextJob();
+ return;
+ }
+ const QLowEnergyServicePrivate::CharData &charData =
+ service->characteristicList.value(ch.attributeHandle());
+ qCDebug(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "###########" << ch.handle() << nextJob.handle
+ << charData.descriptorList.keys()
+ << service->characteristicList.keys();
+ if (!charData.descriptorList.contains(nextJob.handle)) {
+ qCWarning(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "Invalid GATT job (scheduleReadDesc 2). Skipping.";
+ prepareNextJob();
+ return;
+ }
+ const QBluetoothUuid descUuid = charData.descriptorList[nextJob.handle].uuid;
+ bool foundDesc = false;
+ for (const auto &gattChar : qAsConst(dbusServiceData.characteristics)) {
+ if (charData.uuid != QBluetoothUuid(gattChar.characteristic->uUID()))
+ continue;
+ for (const auto &gattDesc : qAsConst(gattChar.descriptors)) {
+ if (descUuid != QBluetoothUuid(gattDesc->uUID()))
+ continue;
+ QDBusPendingReply<QByteArray> reply = gattDesc->ReadValue(QVariantMap());
+ QDBusPendingCallWatcher* watcher = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher(reply, this);
+ connect(watcher, &QDBusPendingCallWatcher::finished,
+ this, &QLowEnergyControllerPrivateBluezDBus::onDescReadFinished);
+ foundDesc = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (foundDesc)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!foundDesc) {
+ qCWarning(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "Cannot find descriptor for reading. Skipping.";
+ prepareNextJob();
+ return;
+ }
+ } else if (nextJob.flags.testFlag(GattJob::DescWrite)) {
+ //TODO implement DescWrite ***************************************
+ } else {
+ qCWarning(QT_BT_BLUEZ) << "Unknown gatt job type. Skipping.";
+ prepareNextJob();
+ }
void QLowEnergyControllerPrivateBluezDBus::readCharacteristic(