// Copyright (C) 2013 Aaron McCarthy // Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! \page qtnfc-index.html \title Qt NFC \brief Enables connectivity between NFC enabled devices. \ingroup technology-apis The NFC API provides connectivity between NFC enabled devices. Currently, the API is supported on \l{Qt for Android}{Android}, \l{Qt for iOS}{iOS} and \l{Qt for Linux}{Linux} using \l {https://github.com/linux-nfc/neard}{Neard} v0.14 or later. This module also provides limited access to readers supporting \l{PC/SC in Qt NFC}{PC/SC} specification on Linux, macOS, and Windows. NFC is a short-range (less than 20 centimeters) wireless technology with a maximum transfer rate of 424 Kbps. NFC is ideal for transferring small packets of data when two devices are placed together. The NFC module provides APIs for interacting with NFC Forum Tags and NFC Forum Devices. It can detect targets and losses, register NDEF message handlers, read and write NDEF messages on NFC Forum Tags, and send tag-specific commands. \section1 Using the Module \include {module-use.qdocinc} {using the c++ api} {NFC} \section2 Building with CMake \include {module-use.qdocinc} {building with cmake} {Nfc} \section2 Building with qmake \include {module-use.qdocinc} {building_with_qmake} {nfc} \section1 Articles and Guides \list \li \l {Qt NFC Overview} \li \l {Supported NFC Features} \li \l {Qt NFC on Android} \li \l {PC/SC in Qt NFC} \endlist \section1 Logging Categories The \l QtNfc module exports the following \l {Configuring Categories}{logging categories}: \table \header \li Logging Category \li Description \row \li qt.nfc.neard \li Enables logging of the Neard/Linux implementation \endtable \section1 Examples \list \li \l {annotatedurl}{Annotated URL} \li \l {ndefeditor}{NDEF Editor} \endlist \section1 Reference \list \li \l {Qt NFC C++ Classes}{C++ Classes} \endlist \section1 Module Evolution \l {Changes to Qt NFC} lists important changes in the module API and functionality that were done for the Qt 6 series of Qt. \section1 Licenses Qt NFC is available under commercial licenses from \l{The Qt Company}. In addition, it is available under free software licenses. Since Qt 5.4, these free software licenses are \l{GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3}, or the \l{GNU General Public License, version 2}. See \l{Qt Licensing} for further details. */