path: root/examples/datavis3d/spectrum/3rdparty/fftreal/readme.txt
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- FFTReal
- Version 2.00, 2005/10/18
- Fourier transformation (FFT, IFFT) library specialised for real data
- Portable ISO C++
- (c) Laurent de Soras <>
- Object Pascal port (c) Frederic Vanmol <>
-1. Legal
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-Lesser General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-Check the file license.txt to get full information about the license.
-2. Content
-FFTReal is a library to compute Discrete Fourier Transforms (DFT) with the
-FFT algorithm (Fast Fourier Transform) on arrays of real numbers. It can
-also compute the inverse transform.
-You should find in this package a lot of files ; some of them are of interest:
-- readme.txt: you are reading it
-- FFTReal.h: FFT, length fixed at run-time
-- FFTRealFixLen.h: FFT, length fixed at compile-time
-- FFTReal.pas: Pascal implementation (working but not up-to-date)
-- stopwatch directory
-3. Using FFTReal
-Important - if you were using older versions of FFTReal (up to 1.03), some
-things have changed. FFTReal is now a template. Therefore use FFTReal<float>
-or FFTReal<double> in your code depending on the application datatype. The
-flt_t typedef has been removed.
-You have two ways to use FFTReal. In the first way, the FFT has its length
-fixed at run-time, when the object is instanciated. It means that you have
-not to know the length when you write the code. This is the usual way of
-3.1 FFTReal - Length fixed at run-time
-Just instanciate one time a FFTReal object. Specify the data type you want
-as template parameter (only floating point: float, double, long double or
-custom type). The constructor precompute a lot of things, so it may be a bit
-long. The parameter is the number of points used for the next FFTs. It must
-be a power of 2:
- #include "FFTReal.h"
- ...
- long len = 1024;
- ...
- FFTReal <float> fft_object (len); // 1024-point FFT object constructed.
-Then you can use this object to compute as many FFTs and IFFTs as you want.
-They will be computed very quickly because a lot of work has been done in the
-object construction.
- float x [1024];
- float f [1024];
- ...
- fft_object.do_fft (f, x); // x (real) --FFT---> f (complex)
- ...
- fft_object.do_ifft (f, x); // f (complex) --IFFT--> x (real)
- fft_object.rescale (x); // Post-scaling should be done after FFT+IFFT
- ...
-x [] and f [] are floating point number arrays. x [] is the real number
-sequence which we want to compute the FFT. f [] is the result, in the
-"frequency" domain. f has the same number of elements as x [], but f []
-elements are complex numbers. The routine uses some FFT properties to
-optimize memory and to reduce calculations: the transformaton of a real
-number sequence is a conjugate complex number sequence: F [k] = F [-k]*.
-3.2 FFTRealFixLen - Length fixed at compile-time
-This class is significantly faster than the previous one, giving a speed
-gain between 50 and 100 %. The template parameter is the base-2 logarithm of
-the FFT length. The datatype is float; it can be changed by modifying the
-DataType typedef in FFTRealFixLenParam.h. As FFTReal class, it supports
-only floating-point types or equivalent.
-To instanciate the object, just proceed as below:
- #include "FFTRealFixLen.h"
- ...
- FFTRealFixLen <10> fft_object; // 1024-point (2^10) FFT object constructed.
-Use is similar as the one of FFTReal.
-3.3 Data organisation
-Mathematically speaking, the formulas below show what does FFTReal:
-do_fft() : f(k) = sum (p = 0, N-1, x(p) * exp (+j*2*pi*k*p/N))
-do_ifft(): x(k) = sum (p = 0, N-1, f(p) * exp (-j*2*pi*k*p/N))
-Where j is the square root of -1. The formulas differ only by the sign of
-the exponential. When the sign is positive, the transform is called positive.
-Common formulas for Fourier transform are negative for the direct tranform and
-positive for the inverse one.
-However in these formulas, f is an array of complex numbers and doesn't
-correspound exactly to the f[] array taken as function parameter. The
-following table shows how the f[] sequence is mapped onto the usable FFT
-coefficients (called bins):
- FFTReal output | Positive FFT equiv. | Negative FFT equiv.
- ---------------+-----------------------+-----------------------
- f [0] | Real (bin 0) | Real (bin 0)
- f [...] | Real (bin ...) | Real (bin ...)
- f [length/2] | Real (bin length/2) | Real (bin length/2)
- f [length/2+1] | Imag (bin 1) | -Imag (bin 1)
- f [...] | Imag (bin ...) | -Imag (bin ...)
- f [length-1] | Imag (bin length/2-1) | -Imag (bin length/2-1)
-And FFT bins are distributed in f [] as above:
- | | Positive FFT | Negative FFT
- Bin | Real part | imaginary part | imaginary part
- ------------+----------------+-----------------+---------------
- 0 | f [0] | 0 | 0
- 1 | f [1] | f [length/2+1] | -f [length/2+1]
- ... | f [...], | f [...] | -f [...]
- length/2-1 | f [length/2-1] | f [length-1] | -f [length-1]
- length/2 | f [length/2] | 0 | 0
- length/2+1 | f [length/2-1] | -f [length-1] | f [length-1]
- ... | f [...] | -f [...] | f [...]
- length-1 | f [1] | -f [length/2+1] | f [length/2+1]
-f [] coefficients have the same layout for FFT and IFFT functions. You may
-notice that scaling must be done if you want to retrieve x after FFT and IFFT.
-Actually, IFFT (FFT (x)) = x * length(x). This is a not a problem because
-most of the applications don't care about absolute values. Thus, the operation
-requires less calculation. If you want to use the FFT and IFFT to transform a
-signal, you have to apply post- (or pre-) processing yourself. Multiplying
-or dividing floating point numbers by a power of 2 doesn't generate extra
-computation noise.
-4. Compilation and testing
-Drop the following files into your project or makefile:
-Other files are for testing purpose only, do not include them if you just need
-to use the library ; they are not needed to use FFTReal in your own programs.
-FFTReal may be compiled in two versions: release and debug. Debug version
-has checks that could slow down the code. Define NDEBUG to set the Release
-mode. For example, the command line to compile the test bench on GCC would
-look like:
-Debug mode:
-g++ -Wall -o fftreal_debug.exe *.cpp stopwatch/*.cpp
-Release mode:
-g++ -Wall -o fftreal_release.exe -DNDEBUG -O3 *.cpp stopwatch/*.cpp
-It may be tricky to compile the test bench because the speed tests use the
-stopwatch sub-library, which is not that cross-platform. If you encounter
-any problem that you cannot easily fix while compiling it, edit the file
-test_settings.h and un-define the speed test macro. Remove the stopwatch
-directory from your source file list, too.
-If it's not done by default, you should activate the exception handling
-of your compiler to get the class memory-leak-safe. Thus, when a memory
-allocation fails (in the constructor), an exception is thrown and the entire
-object is safely destructed. It reduces the permanent error checking overhead
-in the client code. Also, the test bench requires Run-Time Type Information
-(RTTI) to be enabled in order to display the names of the tested classes -
-sometimes mangled, depending on the compiler.
-The test bench may take a long time to compile, especially in Release mode,
-because a lot of recursive templates are instanciated.
-5. History
-v2.00 (2005.10.18)
-- Turned FFTReal class into template (data type as parameter)
-- Added FFTRealFixLen
-- Trigonometric tables are size-limited in order to preserve cache memory;
-over a given size, sin/cos functions are computed on the fly.
-- Better test bench for accuracy and speed
-v1.03 (2001.06.15)
-- Thanks to Frederic Vanmol for the Pascal port (works with Delphi).
-- Documentation improvement
-v1.02 (2001.03.25)
-- sqrt() is now precomputed when the object FFTReal is constructed, resulting
-in speed impovement for small size FFT.
-v1.01 (2000)
-- Small modifications, I don't remember what.
-v1.00 (1999.08.14)
-- First version released