path: root/tests/galaxy/galaxydata.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/galaxy/galaxydata.cpp')
1 files changed, 340 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/galaxy/galaxydata.cpp b/tests/galaxy/galaxydata.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43dbd9e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/galaxy/galaxydata.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2014 Digia Plc
+** All rights reserved.
+** For any questions to Digia, please use contact form at
+** This file is part of the Qt Data Visualization module.
+** Licensees holding valid commercial license for Qt may use this file in
+** accordance with the Qt License Agreement provided with the Software
+** or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in a written
+** agreement between you and Digia.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please use
+** contact form at
+ * Galaxy creation code obtained from
+ * Thanks to Ingo Berg, great work.
+ * Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "galaxydata.h"
+#include "cumulativedistributor.h"
+#include "star.h"
+#include <QtDataVisualization/qscatterdataproxy.h>
+#include <QtDataVisualization/qvalue3daxis.h>
+#include <QtDataVisualization/q3dscene.h>
+#include <QtDataVisualization/q3dcamera.h>
+#include <QtDataVisualization/qscatter3dseries.h>
+#include <QtDataVisualization/q3dtheme.h>
+#include <QtCore/qmath.h>
+#include <QPainter>
+#include <QDebug>
+using namespace QtDataVisualization;
+static const int numOfStars = 30000;
+static const qreal rand_max = qreal(RAND_MAX);
+GalaxyData::GalaxyData(Q3DScatter *scatter,
+ qreal rad,
+ qreal radCore,
+ qreal deltaAng,
+ qreal ex1,
+ qreal ex2)
+ : m_graph(scatter),
+ m_pStars(0),
+ m_radGalaxy(rad),
+ m_radCore(radCore),
+ m_angleOffset(deltaAng),
+ m_elEx1(ex1),
+ m_elEx2(ex2),
+ m_radFarField(m_radGalaxy * 2),
+ m_filtered(false),
+ m_tableSize(0)
+ m_graph->activeTheme()->setType(Q3DTheme::ThemeEbony);
+ m_graph->setShadowQuality(QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQualitySoftLow);
+ m_graph->axisX()->setRange(-25000.0f, 25000.0f);
+ //m_graph->axisY()->setRange(m_minY, m_minY + m_rangeY);
+ m_graph->axisZ()->setRange(-25000.0f, 25000.0f);
+ createNormalSeries();
+ m_dataArray = new QScatterDataArray;
+ m_dataArray->resize(numOfStars);
+ createGalaxy();
+ delete m_graph;
+void GalaxyData::createGalaxy()
+ if (m_pStars)
+ delete [] m_pStars;
+ m_pStars = new Star[numOfStars];
+ m_minx = 9999.9;
+ m_maxx = -9999.0;
+ m_miny = 9999.9;
+ m_maxy = -9999.0;
+ // First star is the black hole at the center
+ m_pStars[0].m_a = 0;
+ m_pStars[0].m_b = 0;
+ m_pStars[0].m_angle = 0;
+ m_pStars[0].m_theta = 0;
+ m_pStars[0].m_center = QVector2D(0.0f, 0.0f);
+ m_pStars[0].calcXY();
+ // second star is at the edge of the core area
+ m_pStars[1].m_a = m_radCore;
+ m_pStars[1].m_b = m_radCore * getExcentricity(m_radCore);
+ m_pStars[1].m_angle = getAngularOffset(m_radCore);
+ m_pStars[1].m_theta = 0;
+ m_pStars[1].m_center = QVector2D(0.0f, 0.0f);
+ m_pStars[1].calcXY();
+ checkMinMax(m_pStars[1]);
+ // third star is at the edge of the disk
+ m_pStars[2].m_a = m_radGalaxy;
+ m_pStars[2].m_b = m_radGalaxy * getExcentricity(m_radGalaxy);
+ m_pStars[2].m_angle = getAngularOffset(m_radGalaxy);
+ m_pStars[2].m_theta = 0;
+ m_pStars[2].m_center = QVector2D(0.0f, 0.0f);
+ m_pStars[2].calcXY();
+ checkMinMax(m_pStars[2]);
+ CumulativeDistributor cd;
+ cd.setupRealistic(1.0, // Maximalintensität
+ 0.02, // k (bulge)
+ m_radGalaxy/3.0, // disc skalenlänge
+ m_radCore, // bulge radius
+ 0, // start der intensitätskurve
+ m_radFarField, // ende der intensitätskurve
+ 1000.0); // Anzahl der stützstellen
+ for (int i = 3; i < numOfStars; ++i) {
+ qreal rad = cd.valFromProp(qreal(qrand()) / rand_max);
+ m_pStars[i].m_a = rad;
+ m_pStars[i].m_b = rad * getExcentricity(rad);
+ m_pStars[i].m_angle = getAngularOffset(rad);
+ m_pStars[i].m_theta = 360.0 * ((double)rand() / RAND_MAX);
+ m_pStars[i].m_center = QVector2D(0.0f, 0.0f);
+ m_pStars[i].calcXY();
+ checkMinMax(m_pStars[i]);
+ }
+ qreal max = qMax(m_maxx, m_maxy);
+ qreal min = -qMin(m_minx, m_miny);
+ max = qMax(min, max);
+ m_range = int((max + 500.0) / 1000.0) * 1000;
+ m_graph->axisX()->setRange(-float(m_range), float(m_range));
+ m_graph->axisZ()->setRange(-float(m_range), float(m_range));
+ if (!m_filtered)
+ createNormalDataView();
+ else
+ createFilteredView();
+void GalaxyData::createNormalSeries()
+ QScatterDataProxy *proxy = new QScatterDataProxy;
+ QScatter3DSeries *series = new QScatter3DSeries(proxy);
+ series->setMesh(QAbstract3DSeries::MeshPoint);
+ m_graph->addSeries(series);
+void GalaxyData::createNormalDataView()
+ QScatterDataItem *ptrToDataArray = &m_dataArray->first();
+ for (uint i = 0; i < numOfStars; i++) {
+ ptrToDataArray->setPosition(QVector3D(m_pStars[i].m_pos.x(),
+ 0.0f,
+ m_pStars[i].m_pos.y()));
+ ptrToDataArray++;
+ }
+ m_graph->seriesList().at(0)->dataProxy()->resetArray(m_dataArray);
+void GalaxyData::createFilteredView()
+ int steps = (m_range / 1000) * 2;
+ int tableSize = steps * steps;
+ int *table = new int[tableSize];
+ for (int i = 0; i < tableSize; i++)
+ table[i] = 0;
+ qreal add = qreal(m_range);
+ int max = 0;
+ for (uint i = 0; i < numOfStars; i++) {
+ int x = int(m_pStars[i].m_pos.x() + add) / 1000;
+ int y = int(m_pStars[i].m_pos.y() + add) / 1000;
+ table[y * steps + x] = table[y * steps + x] + 1;
+ if (max < table[y * steps + x])
+ max = table[y * steps + x];
+ }
+ QLinearGradient gr(0, 0, 1, 100);
+ gr.setColorAt(0.0, Qt::white);
+ gr.setColorAt(0.05, Qt::green);
+// gr.setColorAt(0.10, Qt::red);
+// gr.setColorAt(0.15, Qt::darkGreen);
+ gr.setColorAt(1.0, Qt::red);
+ QImage image(QSize(1, 100), QImage::Format_RGB32);
+ QPainter pmp(&image);
+ pmp.setBrush(QBrush(gr));
+ pmp.setPen(Qt::NoPen);
+ pmp.drawRect(0, 0, 1, 100);
+ if (tableSize != m_tableSize) {
+ createFilteredSeries(tableSize);
+ m_tableSize = tableSize;
+ }
+ for (int y = 0; y < steps; y++) {
+ for (int x = 0; x < steps; x++) {
+ if (table[y * steps + x]) {
+ QScatterDataArray *dataArray = new QScatterDataArray;
+ dataArray->resize(1);
+ QScatterDataItem *ptrToDataArray = &dataArray->first();
+ ptrToDataArray->setPosition(QVector3D(float(x) * 1000.0f - add + 500.0f,
+ (float(table[y * steps + x]) / float(max)) * 2.0f - 1.0f,
+ float(y) * 1000.0f - add + 500.0f));
+ QScatter3DSeries *series = m_graph->seriesList().at(y * steps + x);
+ series->dataProxy()->resetArray(dataArray);
+ int pos = (float(table[y * steps + x]) / float(max)) * 100;
+ pos = qMin(pos, 99);
+ QRgb color = image.pixel(0, pos);
+ series->setBaseColor(QColor(color));
+ series->setItemSize(0.1f);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ qDebug() << "max = " << max;
+void GalaxyData::createFilteredSeries(int tableSize)
+ int size = m_graph->seriesList().size();
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ m_graph->removeSeries(m_graph->seriesList().at(0));
+ for (int i = 0; i < tableSize; i++) {
+ QScatterDataProxy *proxy = new QScatterDataProxy;
+ QScatter3DSeries *series = new QScatter3DSeries(proxy);
+ series->setMesh(QAbstract3DSeries::MeshCube);
+ m_graph->addSeries(series);
+ }
+void GalaxyData::checkMinMax(const Star &star)
+ if (star.m_pos.x() < m_minx)
+ m_minx = star.m_pos.x();
+ if (star.m_pos.x() > m_maxx)
+ m_maxx = star.m_pos.x();
+ if (star.m_pos.y() < m_miny)
+ m_miny = star.m_pos.y();
+ if (star.m_pos.y() > m_maxy)
+ m_maxy = star.m_pos.y();
+qreal GalaxyData::getExcentricity(qreal r) const
+ if (r < m_radCore)
+ {
+ // Core region of the galaxy. Innermost part is round
+ // excentricity increasing linear to the border of the core.
+ return 1 + (r / m_radCore) * (m_elEx1-1);
+ } else if (r > m_radCore && r <= m_radGalaxy) {
+ return m_elEx1 + (r - m_radCore) / (m_radGalaxy - m_radCore) * (m_elEx2 - m_elEx1);
+ } else if (r > m_radGalaxy && r < m_radFarField) {
+ // excentricity is slowly reduced to 1.
+ return m_elEx2 + (r - m_radGalaxy) / (m_radFarField - m_radGalaxy) * (1 - m_elEx2);
+ } else {
+ return 1.0;
+ }
+qreal GalaxyData::getAngularOffset(qreal rad) const
+ return rad * m_angleOffset;
+void GalaxyData::radiusGalaxyChanged(int value)
+ m_radGalaxy = qreal(value);
+ createGalaxy();
+void GalaxyData::radiusCoreChanged(int value)
+ m_radCore = qreal(value);
+ createGalaxy();
+void GalaxyData::angleOffsetChanged(int value)
+ m_angleOffset = qreal(value) / 100000.0;
+ createGalaxy();
+void GalaxyData::eccentricityInnerChanged(int value)
+ m_elEx1 = qreal(value) / 100.0;
+ createGalaxy();
+void GalaxyData::eccentricityOuterChanged(int value)
+ m_elEx2 = qreal(value) / 100.0;
+ createGalaxy();
+void GalaxyData::setFilteredEnabled(bool enabled)
+ m_filtered = enabled;
+ if (enabled) {
+ m_graph->removeSeries(m_graph->seriesList().at(0));
+ createFilteredView();
+ } else {
+ int size = m_graph->seriesList().size();
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ m_graph->removeSeries(m_graph->seriesList().at(0));
+ m_tableSize = 0;
+ createNormalSeries();
+ createNormalDataView();
+ }
+void GalaxyData::resetValues()
+ m_radiusGalaxySlider->setValue(15000);
+ m_radiusCoreSlider->setValue(4000);
+ m_angleOffsetSlider->setValue(40);
+ m_eccentricityInnerSlider->setValue(90);
+ m_eccentricityOuterSlider->setValue(90);