path: root/tests/qmlmultiwindow/qml/qmlmultiwindow/main.qml
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/qmlmultiwindow/qml/qmlmultiwindow/main.qml')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/tests/qmlmultiwindow/qml/qmlmultiwindow/main.qml b/tests/qmlmultiwindow/qml/qmlmultiwindow/main.qml
index 7dfe0bec..57d62019 100644
--- a/tests/qmlmultiwindow/qml/qmlmultiwindow/main.qml
+++ b/tests/qmlmultiwindow/qml/qmlmultiwindow/main.qml
@@ -31,19 +31,51 @@ Rectangle {
id: data
- Window {
- id: firstWindow
- x: 100
- y: 100
- width: 500
- height: 500
- visible: true
- Rectangle {
- id: firstRect
- color: "red"
- anchors.fill: parent
- }
- }
+ property QtObject surfaceWindowObject;
+ property string surfaceWindowStr:
+ "\n
+ import QtQuick 2.1\n
+ import QtQuick.Window 2.1\n
+ import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0\n
+ import QtDataVisualization 1.0\n
+ import \".\"\n
+ Window {\n
+ Data {\n
+ id: data\n
+ }\n
+ id: firstWindow\n
+ x: 100\n
+ y: 100\n
+ width: 500\n
+ height: 500\n
+ visible: true\n
+ Rectangle {\n
+ id: firstRect\n
+ color: \"red\"\n
+ anchors.fill: parent\n
+ Surface3D {\n
+ id: surfaceGraph\n
+ anchors.fill: parent\n
+ anchors.margins: parent.border.width\n
+ theme: Theme3D {\n
+ type: Theme3D.ThemePrimaryColors\n
+ font.pointSize: 60\n
+ }\n
+ scene.activeCamera.cameraPreset: Camera3D.CameraPresetIsometricLeftHigh\n
+ Surface3DSeries {\n
+ itemLabelFormat: \"Pop density at (@xLabel N, @zLabel E): @yLabel\"\n
+ ItemModelSurfaceDataProxy {\n
+ itemModel: data.myData\n
+ rowRole: \"row\"\n
+ columnRole: \"col\"\n
+ xPosRole: \"latitude\"\n
+ zPosRole: \"longitude\"\n
+ yPosRole: \"pop_density\"\n
+ }\n
+ }\n
+ }\n
+ }\n
+ }"
Window {
id: secondWindow
@@ -59,19 +91,6 @@ Rectangle {
- states: [
- State {
- name: "firstWindow"
- ParentChange { target: surfaceGraph; parent: firstRect; x: 0; y: 0 }
- },
- State {
- name: "secondWindow"
- ParentChange { target: surfaceGraph; parent: secondRect; x: 0; y: 0 }
- }
- ]
- state: "firstWindow"
//! [0]
GridLayout {
id: gridLayout
@@ -86,32 +105,18 @@ Rectangle {
Rectangle {
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
- border.color: surfaceGraph.theme.gridLineColor
border.width: 2
+ }
- Surface3D {
- id: surfaceGraph
- anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.margins: parent.border.width
- theme: Theme3D {
- type: Theme3D.ThemePrimaryColors
- font.pointSize: 60
- }
- scene.activeCamera.cameraPreset: Camera3D.CameraPresetIsometricLeftHigh
- Surface3DSeries {
- itemLabelFormat: "Pop density at (@xLabel N, @zLabel E): @yLabel"
- ItemModelSurfaceDataProxy {
- itemModel: data.myData
- // The surface data points are not neatly lined up in rows and columns,
- // so we define explicit row and column roles.
- rowRole: "row"
- columnRole: "col"
- xPosRole: "latitude"
- zPosRole: "longitude"
- yPosRole: "pop_density"
- }
- }
+ Timer {
+ id: windowToggleTimer
+ interval: 1000
+ running: false
+ repeat: false
+ onTriggered: {
+ if (surfaceWindowObject != null)
+ surfaceWindowObject.destroy()
+ surfaceWindowObject = Qt.createQmlObject(surfaceWindowStr, mainView)
@@ -131,13 +136,10 @@ Rectangle {
Layout.minimumWidth: parent.width / 2
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
- text: "Move graph between windows"
+ text: "(re)construct surface window in a loop"
onClicked: {
- if (mainView.state === "firstWindow") {
- mainView.state = "secondWindow"
- } else {
- mainView.state = "firstWindow"
- }
+ windowToggleTimer.running = true
+ windowToggleTimer.repeat = true
@@ -231,14 +233,11 @@ Rectangle {
function clearSelections() {
- surfaceGraph.clearSelection()
function resetCameras() {
- surfaceGraph.scene.activeCamera.cameraPreset = Camera3D.CameraPresetIsometricLeftHigh
scatterGraph.scene.activeCamera.cameraPreset = Camera3D.CameraPresetIsometricLeftHigh
barGraph.scene.activeCamera.cameraPreset = Camera3D.CameraPresetIsometricLeftHigh
- surfaceGraph.scene.activeCamera.zoomLevel = 100.0
scatterGraph.scene.activeCamera.zoomLevel = 100.0
barGraph.scene.activeCamera.zoomLevel = 100.0
@@ -246,12 +245,9 @@ Rectangle {
function toggleMeshStyle() {
if (barGraph.seriesList[0].meshSmooth === true) {
barGraph.seriesList[0].meshSmooth = false
- if (surfaceGraph.seriesList[0].flatShadingSupported)
- surfaceGraph.seriesList[0].flatShadingEnabled = true
scatterGraph.seriesList[0].meshSmooth = false
} else {
barGraph.seriesList[0].meshSmooth = true
- surfaceGraph.seriesList[0].flatShadingEnabled = false
scatterGraph.seriesList[0].meshSmooth = true