/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2014 Digia Plc ** All rights reserved. ** For any questions to Digia, please use contact form at http://qt.digia.com ** ** This file is part of the QtDataVisualization module. ** ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the Qt Enterprise License Agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and Digia. ** ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please use ** contact form at http://qt.digia.com ** ****************************************************************************/ import QtQuick 2.1 import QtDataVisualization 1.1 import "." Item { id: mainView width: 800 height: 600 visible: true property int selectedAxisLabel: -1 property real dragSpeedModifier: 100.0 property int currentMouseX: -1 property int currentMouseY: -1 property int previousMouseX: -1 property int previousMouseY: -1 ListModel { id: graphModel ListElement{ xPos: 0.0; yPos: 0.0; zPos: 0.0; rotation: "@0,0,0,0" } ListElement{ xPos: 1.0; yPos: 1.0; zPos: 1.0; rotation: "@45,1,1,1" } } Timer { id: dataTimer interval: 1 running: true repeat: true property bool isIncreasing: true property real rotationAngle: 0 function generateQuaternion() { return "@" + Math.random() * 360 + "," + Math.random() + "," + Math.random() + "," + Math.random() } function appendRow() { graphModel.append({"xPos": Math.random(), "yPos": Math.random(), "zPos": Math.random(), "rotation": generateQuaternion() }); } //! [10] onTriggered: { rotationAngle = rotationAngle + 1 qtCube.setRotationAxisAndAngle(Qt.vector3d(1,0,1), rotationAngle) //! [10] scatterSeries.setMeshAxisAndAngle(Qt.vector3d(1,1,1), rotationAngle) if (isIncreasing) { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) appendRow() if (graphModel.count > 2002) { scatterGraph.theme = isabelleTheme isIncreasing = false } } else { graphModel.remove(2, 10); if (graphModel.count == 2) { scatterGraph.theme = dynamicColorTheme isIncreasing = true } } } } ThemeColor { id: dynamicColor ColorAnimation on color { from: "red" to: "yellow" duration: 2000 loops: Animation.Infinite } } Theme3D { id: dynamicColorTheme type: Theme3D.ThemeEbony baseColors: [dynamicColor] font.pointSize: 50 labelBorderEnabled: true labelBackgroundColor: "gold" labelTextColor: "black" } Theme3D { id: isabelleTheme type: Theme3D.ThemeIsabelle font.pointSize: 50 labelBorderEnabled: true labelBackgroundColor: "gold" labelTextColor: "black" } Item { id: dataView anchors.bottom: parent.bottom width: parent.width height: parent.height //! [0] Scatter3D { id: scatterGraph inputHandler: null //! [0] width: dataView.width height: dataView.height theme: dynamicColorTheme shadowQuality: AbstractGraph3D.ShadowQualityLow scene.activeCamera.yRotation: 45.0 scene.activeCamera.xRotation: 45.0 scene.activeCamera.zoomLevel: 75.0 Scatter3DSeries { id: scatterSeries itemLabelFormat: "X:@xLabel Y:@yLabel Z:@zLabel" mesh: Abstract3DSeries.MeshCube ItemModelScatterDataProxy { itemModel: graphModel xPosRole: "xPos" yPosRole: "yPos" zPosRole: "zPos" rotationRole: "rotation" } } //! [9] customItemList: [ Custom3DItem { id: qtCube meshFile: ":/mesh/cube" textureFile: ":/texture/texture" position: Qt.vector3d(0.65,0.35,0.65) scaling: Qt.vector3d(0.3,0.3,0.3) } ] //! [9] //! [5] onSelectedElementChanged: { if (selectedElement >= AbstractGraph3D.ElementAxisXLabel && selectedElement <= AbstractGraph3D.ElementAxisZLabel) selectedAxisLabel = selectedElement else selectedAxisLabel = -1 } //! [5] } //! [1] MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton //! [1] //! [3] onPositionChanged: { currentMouseX = mouse.x; currentMouseY = mouse.y; //! [3] //! [6] if (pressed && selectedAxisLabel != -1) dragAxis(); //! [6] //! [4] previousMouseX = currentMouseX; previousMouseY = currentMouseY; } //! [4] //! [2] onPressed: { scatterGraph.scene.selectionQueryPosition = Qt.point(mouse.x, mouse.y); } //! [2] onReleased: { // We need to clear mouse positions and selected axis, because touch devices cannot // track position all the time selectedAxisLabel = -1 currentMouseX = -1 currentMouseY = -1 previousMouseX = -1 previousMouseY = -1 } } } //! [7] function dragAxis() { // Do nothing if previous mouse position is uninitialized if (previousMouseX === -1) return // Directional drag multipliers based on rotation. Camera is locked to 45 degrees, so we // can use one precalculated value instead of calculating xx, xy, zx and zy individually var cameraMultiplier = 0.70710678 // Calculate the mouse move amount var moveX = currentMouseX - previousMouseX var moveY = currentMouseY - previousMouseY // Adjust axes switch (selectedAxisLabel) { case AbstractGraph3D.ElementAxisXLabel: var distance = ((moveX - moveY) * cameraMultiplier) / dragSpeedModifier // Check if we need to change min or max first to avoid invalid ranges if (distance > 0) { scatterGraph.axisX.min -= distance scatterGraph.axisX.max -= distance } else { scatterGraph.axisX.max -= distance scatterGraph.axisX.min -= distance } break case AbstractGraph3D.ElementAxisYLabel: distance = moveY / dragSpeedModifier // Check if we need to change min or max first to avoid invalid ranges if (distance > 0) { scatterGraph.axisY.max += distance scatterGraph.axisY.min += distance } else { scatterGraph.axisY.min += distance scatterGraph.axisY.max += distance } break case AbstractGraph3D.ElementAxisZLabel: distance = ((moveX + moveY) * cameraMultiplier) / dragSpeedModifier // Check if we need to change min or max first to avoid invalid ranges if (distance > 0) { scatterGraph.axisZ.max += distance scatterGraph.axisZ.min += distance } else { scatterGraph.axisZ.min += distance scatterGraph.axisZ.max += distance } break } } //! [7] NewButton { id: rangeToggle width: parent.width / 3 // We're adding 3 buttons and want to divide them equally text: "Use Preset Range" anchors.left: parent.left property bool autoRange: true onClicked: { if (autoRange) { text = "Use Automatic Range" scatterGraph.axisX.min = 0.3 scatterGraph.axisX.max = 0.7 scatterGraph.axisY.min = 0.3 scatterGraph.axisY.max = 0.7 scatterGraph.axisZ.min = 0.3 scatterGraph.axisZ.max = 0.7 autoRange = false dragSpeedModifier = 200.0 } else { text = "Use Preset Range" autoRange = true dragSpeedModifier = 100.0 } scatterGraph.axisX.autoAdjustRange = autoRange scatterGraph.axisY.autoAdjustRange = autoRange scatterGraph.axisZ.autoAdjustRange = autoRange } } //! [8] NewButton { id: orthoToggle width: parent.width / 3 text: "Display Orthographic" anchors.left: rangeToggle.right onClicked: { if (scatterGraph.orthoProjection) { text = "Display Orthographic"; scatterGraph.orthoProjection = false // Orthographic projection disables shadows, so we need to switch them back on scatterGraph.shadowQuality = AbstractGraph3D.ShadowQualityLow } else { text = "Display Perspective"; scatterGraph.orthoProjection = true } } } //! [8] NewButton { id: exitButton width: parent.width / 3 text: "Quit" anchors.left: orthoToggle.right onClicked: Qt.quit(0); } }