// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! \example qmlscatter \meta tags {DataVisualization, Scatter3D, Multiple Series} \title Simple Scatter Graph \ingroup qtdatavisualization_qmlexamples \brief Using Scatter3D in a QML application. \e {Simple Scatter Graph} shows how to make a simple scatter graph visualization using Scatter3D and QML. For instructions about how to interact with the graph, see \l{Qt Data Visualization Interacting with Data}{this page}. For instructions on how to create a new Qt Quick application of your own, see Qt Creator help. \image qmlscatter-example.png \include examples-run.qdocinc \section1 Application Basics Before diving into the QML code, take a look at the application \c main.cpp. This application implements a 'Quit' button in the UI, so you want to connect the QQmlEngine::quit() signal to the application's QWindow::close() slot: \snippet qmlscatter/main.cpp 4 To make deployment a little simpler, gather all of the application's \c .qml files to a resource file (\c qmlscatter.qrc): \badcode qml/qmlscatter/Data.qml qml/qmlscatter/main.qml \endcode This also requires setting the \c main.qml to be read from the resource (\c{qrc:}): \snippet qmlscatter/main.cpp 3 When using cmake instead of qmake, the \c .qml files are added into a QML module in the \c {CMakeLists.txt} instead: \badcode qt6_add_qml_module(qmlscatter URI Scatter VERSION 1.0 NO_RESOURCE_TARGET_PATH QML_FILES qml/qmlscatter/Data.qml qml/qmlscatter/main.qml ) \endcode Finally, make the application run in a maximized window: \snippet qmlscatter/main.cpp 2 \section1 Setting up the Graph First, import all the needed QML modules: \snippet qmlscatter/qml/qmlscatter/main.qml 0 Then, create the main \c Item and call it \c mainView: \snippet qmlscatter/qml/qmlscatter/main.qml 1 Then, add another \c Item inside the main \c Item, and call it \c {dataView}. This will be the item to hold the Scatter3D graph. Anchor it to the parent bottom: \snippet qmlscatter/qml/qmlscatter/main.qml 9 Next, add the Scatter3D graph itself. Add it inside the \c dataView and name it \c {scatterGraph}. Make it fill the \c {dataView}: \snippet qmlscatter/qml/qmlscatter/main.qml 2 Now the graph is ready for use, but has no data. It also has the default axes and visual properties. Next, modify some visual properties first by adding the following inside \c {scatterGraph}: \snippet qmlscatter/qml/qmlscatter/main.qml 3 A customized theme was added, the shadow quality changed, and the camera position adjusted. The other visual properties are fine, so there is no need to change them. The custom theme is based on a predefined theme, \c {Theme3D.ThemeQt}, but the font in it is changed: \snippet qmlscatter/qml/qmlscatter/main.qml 13 Then, start feeding the graph some data. \section1 Adding Data to the Graph Create a \c Data item inside the \c mainView and name it \c seriesData: \snippet qmlscatter/qml/qmlscatter/main.qml 4 The \c seriesData item contains the data models for all three series used in this example. This is the component that holds the data in \c {Data.qml}. It has an \c Item as the main component. In the main component, add the data itself to a \c ListModel and name it \c {dataModel}: \snippet qmlscatter/qml/qmlscatter/Data.qml 0 \dots Add two more of these to the other two series, and name them \c dataModelTwo and \c {dataModelThree}. Then, expose the data models to be usable from \c {main.qml}. Do this by defining them as aliases in the main data component: \snippet qmlscatter/qml/qmlscatter/Data.qml 1 Now you can use the data from \c Data.qml with \c scatterGraph in \c {main.qml}. First, add a Scatter3DSeries and call it \c {scatterSeries}: \snippet qmlscatter/qml/qmlscatter/main.qml 5 Then, set up selection label format for the series: \snippet qmlscatter/qml/qmlscatter/main.qml 10 And finally, add the data for series one in a ItemModelScatterDataProxy. Set the data itself as the \c itemModel for the proxy: \snippet qmlscatter/qml/qmlscatter/main.qml 11 Add the other two series in the same way, but modify some series-specific details a bit: \snippet qmlscatter/qml/qmlscatter/main.qml 12 \dots Then, modify the properties of the default axes in \c scatterGraph a bit: \snippet qmlscatter/qml/qmlscatter/main.qml 6 After that, add a few buttons to the \c mainView to control the graph, one of which is shown as an example: \snippet qmlscatter/qml/qmlscatter/main.qml 7 Then, modify \c dataView to make some room for the buttons at the top: \snippet qmlscatter/qml/qmlscatter/main.qml 8 \dots And you're done! \section1 Example Contents */