android { target.path = /libs/$$ANDROID_TARGET_ARCH } else { target.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_EXAMPLES]/datavisualization/$$TARGET } win32 { CONFIG(debug, release|debug):DESTDIR = $$OUT_PWD/debug CONFIG(release, release|debug):DESTDIR = $$OUT_PWD/release } else { DESTDIR = $$OUT_PWD } INCLUDEPATH += ../../include LIBS += -L$$OUT_PWD/../../lib TEMPLATE = app QT += datavisualization !static:android { # Add Qt library to be loaded in shared android build vis_lib_name = DataVisualization vis_src_lib = lib$${vis_lib_name}.so vis_lib_dir = $$OUT_PWD/../../lib/$$vis_src_lib ANDROID_EXTRA_LIBS = $$vis_lib_dir } contains(TARGET, qml.*) { uri = QtDataVisualization lib_name = datavisualizationqml2 uri_replaced = $$replace(uri, \\., $$QMAKE_DIR_SEP) make_qmldir_path = $$DESTDIR/$$uri_replaced !exists($$make_qmldir_path) { make_qmldir_target = \"$$replace(make_qmldir_path, /, $$QMAKE_DIR_SEP)\" system($$QMAKE_MKDIR $$make_qmldir_target) } = $$make_qmldir_path/qmldir copy_qmldir.depends = $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/../../src/$$lib_name/qmldir copy_qmldir_formatted = \"$$replace(copy_qmldir.depends, /, $$QMAKE_DIR_SEP)\" \"$$replace(, /, $$QMAKE_DIR_SEP)\" copy_qmldir.commands = $(COPY_FILE) $$copy_qmldir_formatted QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += copy_qmldir PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$ static:contains(QT_CONFIG, static) { # Make import scan find our copied qmldir & statically built qml lib LIB_EXTENSION = lib QMLPATHS += $$DESTDIR # We need to copy the qmldir & lib already at qmake run stage as import scan is done then exists($$copy_qmldir.depends): system($$QMAKE_COPY $$copy_qmldir_formatted) } else { win32 { LIB_EXTENSION = dll } else { mac { LIB_EXTENSION = dylib } else { LIB_EXTENSION = so } } } win32 { CONFIG(debug, release|debug) { src_dir = debug src_lib = $${lib_name}d.$$LIB_EXTENSION } CONFIG(release, release|debug){ src_dir = release src_lib = $${lib_name}.$$LIB_EXTENSION } } else { src_dir = . mac { CONFIG(debug, release|debug) { src_lib = lib$${lib_name}_debug.$$LIB_EXTENSION } CONFIG(release, release|debug){ src_lib = lib$${lib_name}.$$LIB_EXTENSION } } else { # linux, android src_lib = lib$${lib_name}.$$LIB_EXTENSION } } = $$make_qmldir_path/$$src_lib copy_lib.depends = $$OUT_PWD/../../src/$$lib_name/$$src_dir/$$src_lib copy_lib_formatted = \"$$replace(copy_lib.depends, /, $$QMAKE_DIR_SEP)\" \"$$replace(, /, $$QMAKE_DIR_SEP)\" copy_lib.commands = $(COPY_FILE) $$copy_lib_formatted QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += copy_lib PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$ android { system($$QMAKE_COPY $$copy_qmldir_formatted) android_qmldir.files = $$ android_qmldir.path = /assets/qml/$$uri_replaced INSTALLS += android_qmldir # No need to do custom install for qml plugin lib when it is statically built into app !static|!contains(QT_CONFIG, static) { system($$QMAKE_COPY $$copy_lib_formatted) android_qmlplugin.files = $$ android_qmlplugin.path = $$target.path INSTALLS += android_qmlplugin } } }