/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc ** All rights reserved. ** For any questions to Digia, please use contact form at http://qt.digia.com ** ** This file is part of the QtDataVisualization module. ** ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the Qt Enterprise License Agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and Digia. ** ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please use ** contact form at http://qt.digia.com ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "bars3drenderer_p.h" #include "bars3dcontroller_p.h" #include "q3dcamera_p.h" #include "shaderhelper_p.h" #include "objecthelper_p.h" #include "texturehelper_p.h" #include "theme_p.h" #include "utils_p.h" #include "drawer_p.h" #include "qbardataitem.h" #include "q3dlight.h" #include #include #include #include #include // You can verify that depth buffer drawing works correctly by uncommenting this. // You should see the scene from where the light is //#define SHOW_DEPTH_TEXTURE_SCENE QT_DATAVISUALIZATION_BEGIN_NAMESPACE const GLfloat labelMargin = 0.05f; const GLfloat gridLineWidth = 0.005f; static QVector3D selectionSkipColor = QVector3D(255, 255, 255); // Selection texture's background color Bars3DRenderer::Bars3DRenderer(Bars3DController *controller) : Abstract3DRenderer(controller), m_controller(controller), m_cachedIsSlicingActivated(false), m_cachedRowCount(0), m_cachedColumnCount(0), m_selectedBar(0), m_sliceSelection(0), m_sliceCache(0), m_sliceTitleItem(0), m_xFlipped(false), m_zFlipped(false), m_yFlipped(false), m_updateLabels(false), m_barShader(0), m_depthShader(0), m_selectionShader(0), m_backgroundShader(0), m_labelShader(0), m_barObj(0), m_backgroundObj(0), m_gridLineObj(0), m_labelObj(0), m_bgrTexture(0), m_depthTexture(0), m_selectionTexture(0), m_depthFrameBuffer(0), m_selectionFrameBuffer(0), m_selectionDepthBuffer(0), m_shadowQualityToShader(100.0f), m_shadowQualityMultiplier(3), m_heightNormalizer(1.0f), m_yAdjustment(0.0f), m_rowWidth(0), m_columnDepth(0), m_maxDimension(0), m_scaleX(0), m_scaleZ(0), m_scaleFactor(0), m_maxSceneSize(40.0), m_selection(selectionSkipColor), m_previousSelection(selectionSkipColor), m_hasHeightAdjustmentChanged(true) { initializeOpenGLFunctions(); initializeOpenGL(); } Bars3DRenderer::~Bars3DRenderer() { m_textureHelper->glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &m_selectionFrameBuffer); m_textureHelper->glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, &m_selectionDepthBuffer); m_textureHelper->deleteTexture(&m_selectionTexture); m_textureHelper->glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &m_depthFrameBuffer); m_textureHelper->deleteTexture(&m_bgrTexture); if (m_sliceSelection) { m_sliceSelection->clear(); // Slice doesn't own its items delete m_sliceSelection; } delete m_barShader; delete m_depthShader; delete m_selectionShader; delete m_backgroundShader; delete m_barObj; delete m_backgroundObj; delete m_gridLineObj; delete m_labelObj; delete m_labelShader; } void Bars3DRenderer::initializeOpenGL() { Abstract3DRenderer::initializeOpenGL(); // Initialize shaders handleShadowQualityChange(); initLabelShaders(QStringLiteral(":/shaders/vertexLabel"), QStringLiteral(":/shaders/fragmentLabel")); #if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) // Init depth shader (for shadows). Init in any case, easier to handle shadow activation if done via api. initDepthShader(); #endif // Init selection shader initSelectionShader(); // Load grid line mesh loadGridLineMesh(); // Load label mesh loadLabelMesh(); // Set view port glViewport(m_sliceViewPort.x(), m_sliceViewPort.y(), m_sliceViewPort.width(), m_sliceViewPort.height()); // Load background mesh (we need to be initialized first) loadBackgroundMesh(); } void Bars3DRenderer::updateDataModel(QBarDataProxy *dataProxy) { int minRow = m_axisCacheX.min(); int maxRow = m_axisCacheX.max(); int minCol = m_axisCacheZ.min(); int maxCol = m_axisCacheZ.max(); int newRows = maxRow - minRow + 1; int newColumns = maxCol - minCol + 1; if (newRows != m_renderItemArray.size() || newColumns != m_renderItemArray.at(0).size()) { // Destroy old render items and reallocate new array m_renderItemArray.clear(); m_renderItemArray.resize(newRows); for (int i = 0; i < newRows; i++) m_renderItemArray[i].resize(newColumns); // Force update for selection related items m_sliceCache = 0; m_sliceTitleItem = 0; if (m_sliceSelection) m_sliceSelection->clear(); m_cachedColumnCount = newColumns; m_cachedRowCount = newRows; // TODO: Invent foolproof max scene size formula // This seems to work ok if spacing is not negative (and row/column or column/row ratio is not too high) m_maxSceneSize = 2 * qSqrt(newColumns * newRows); // Calculate here and at setting bar specs calculateSceneScalingFactors(); } // Update cached data window int dataRowCount = dataProxy->rowCount(); int dataRowIndex = minRow; for (int i = 0; i < newRows; i++) { int j = 0; if (dataRowIndex < dataRowCount) { const QBarDataRow *dataRow = dataProxy->rowAt(dataRowIndex); int updateSize = qMin((dataRow->size() - minCol), m_renderItemArray[i].size()); if (dataRow) { int dataColIndex = minCol; for (; j < updateSize ; j++) { qreal value = dataRow->at(dataColIndex).value(); m_renderItemArray[i][j].setValue(value); m_renderItemArray[i][j].setHeight(GLfloat(value) / m_heightNormalizer); dataColIndex++; } } } for (; j < m_renderItemArray[i].size(); j++) { m_renderItemArray[i][j].setValue(0.0); m_renderItemArray[i][j].setHeight(0.0f); } dataRowIndex++; } Abstract3DRenderer::updateDataModel(dataProxy); } void Bars3DRenderer::updateScene(Q3DScene *scene) { // TODO: Move these to more suitable place e.g. controller should be controlling the viewports. scene->setSecondarySubViewport(m_sliceViewPort); scene->setPrimarySubViewport(m_mainViewPort); scene->setUnderSideCameraEnabled(m_hasNegativeValues); if (m_hasHeightAdjustmentChanged) { // Set initial camera position. Also update if height adjustment has changed. scene->activeCamera()->setBaseOrientation(QVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, cameraDistance + zComp), QVector3D(0.0f, -m_yAdjustment, zComp), QVector3D(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); m_hasHeightAdjustmentChanged = false; } scene->activeCamera()->d_ptr->updateViewMatrix(m_autoScaleAdjustment); // Set light position (rotate light with camera, a bit above it (as set in defaultLightPos)) scene->setLightPositionRelativeToCamera(defaultLightPos); Abstract3DRenderer::updateScene(scene); } void Bars3DRenderer::render(GLuint defaultFboHandle) { bool slicingActivated = m_cachedScene->isSlicingActive(); updateSlicingActive(slicingActivated); // Handle GL state setup for FBO buffers and clearing of the render surface Abstract3DRenderer::render(defaultFboHandle); // If slice selection is on, draw the sliced scene if (m_cachedIsSlicingActivated) drawSlicedScene(m_axisCacheX.titleItem(), m_axisCacheY.titleItem(), m_axisCacheZ.titleItem()); // Draw bars scene drawScene(defaultFboHandle); // If slicing has been activated by this render pass, we need another render if (slicingActivated != m_cachedScene->isSlicingActive()) emit needRender(); } void Bars3DRenderer::drawSlicedScene(const LabelItem &xLabel, const LabelItem &yLabel, const LabelItem &zLabel) { GLfloat barPosX = 0; GLint startBar = 0; GLint stopBar = m_sliceSelection->size(); GLint stepBar = 1; QVector3D lightPos; GLfloat negativesComp = 1.0f; // Compensate bar scaling a bit to avoid drawing on axis titles when we have negative values if (m_cachedScene->isUnderSideCameraEnabled()) negativesComp = 0.67f; // Specify viewport glViewport(m_sliceViewPort.x(), m_sliceViewPort.y(), m_sliceViewPort.width(), m_sliceViewPort.height()); // Set up projection matrix QMatrix4x4 projectionMatrix; projectionMatrix.perspective(45.0f, (GLfloat)m_sliceViewPort.width() / (GLfloat)m_sliceViewPort.height(), 0.1f, 100.0f); // Set view matrix QMatrix4x4 viewMatrix; // Adjust scaling (zoom rate based on aspect ratio) GLfloat camZPosSliced = 5.0f / m_autoScaleAdjustment + zComp; viewMatrix.lookAt(QVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, camZPosSliced), QVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, zComp), QVector3D(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); // Set light position lightPos = QVector3D(0.0f, -m_yAdjustment, zComp); // Bind bar shader m_barShader->bind(); // Draw bars // Draw the selected row / column for (int bar = startBar; bar != stopBar; bar += stepBar) { BarRenderItem *item = m_sliceSelection->at(bar); if (!item) continue; if (item->height() < 0) glCullFace(GL_FRONT); else glCullFace(GL_BACK); QMatrix4x4 modelMatrix; QMatrix4x4 MVPMatrix; QMatrix4x4 itModelMatrix; GLfloat barPosY = negativesComp * item->translation().y() - m_yAdjustment / 2.0f + 0.2f; // we need some room for labels underneath; add +0.2f if (QDataVis::ModeSliceRow == m_cachedSelectionMode) barPosX = item->translation().x(); else barPosX = -(item->translation().z() - zComp); // flip z; frontmost bar to the left modelMatrix.translate(barPosX, barPosY, zComp); modelMatrix.scale(QVector3D(m_scaleX, negativesComp * item->height(), m_scaleZ)); itModelMatrix.scale(QVector3D(m_scaleX, negativesComp * item->height(), m_scaleZ)); MVPMatrix = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix * modelMatrix; #if 0 QVector3D baseColor; if (m_selection.x() == item->position().x() && m_selection.y() == item->position().y()) baseColor = Utils::vectorFromColor(m_cachedTheme.m_highlightBarColor); else if (QDataVis::ModeSliceRow == m_cachedSelectionMode) baseColor = Utils::vectorFromColor(m_cachedTheme.m_highlightRowColor); else baseColor = Utils::vectorFromColor(m_cachedTheme.m_highlightColumnColor); QVector3D heightColor = Utils::vectorFromColor(m_cachedTheme.m_heightColor) * item->height(); QVector3D barColor = baseColor + heightColor; #else QVector3D barColor; if (m_selection.x() == item->position().x() && m_selection.y() == item->position().y()) barColor = Utils::vectorFromColor(m_cachedTheme.m_highlightBarColor); else if (QDataVis::ModeSliceRow == m_cachedSelectionMode) barColor = Utils::vectorFromColor(m_cachedTheme.m_highlightRowColor); else barColor = Utils::vectorFromColor(m_cachedTheme.m_highlightColumnColor); #endif if (item->height() != 0) { // Set shader bindings m_barShader->setUniformValue(m_barShader->lightP(), lightPos); m_barShader->setUniformValue(m_barShader->view(), viewMatrix); m_barShader->setUniformValue(m_barShader->model(), modelMatrix); m_barShader->setUniformValue(m_barShader->nModel(), itModelMatrix.inverted().transposed()); m_barShader->setUniformValue(m_barShader->MVP(), MVPMatrix); m_barShader->setUniformValue(m_barShader->color(), barColor); m_barShader->setUniformValue(m_barShader->lightS(), 0.5f); m_barShader->setUniformValue(m_barShader->ambientS(), m_cachedTheme.m_ambientStrength * 2.0f); // Draw the object m_drawer->drawObject(m_barShader, m_barObj); } } // Release bar shader m_barShader->release(); // Draw labels m_labelShader->bind(); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glCullFace(GL_BACK); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); // Draw labels for axes BarRenderItem *dummyItem(0); const LabelItem &sliceSelectionLabel = *m_sliceTitleItem; if (QDataVis::ModeSliceRow == m_cachedSelectionMode) { if (m_sliceTitleItem) { m_drawer->drawLabel(*dummyItem, sliceSelectionLabel, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, QVector3D(0.0f, m_autoScaleAdjustment, zComp), QVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0, m_cachedSelectionMode, m_labelShader, m_labelObj, m_cachedScene->activeCamera(), false, false, Drawer::LabelTop); } m_drawer->drawLabel(*dummyItem, zLabel, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, QVector3D(0.0f, m_autoScaleAdjustment, zComp), QVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0, m_cachedSelectionMode, m_labelShader, m_labelObj, m_cachedScene->activeCamera(), false, false, Drawer::LabelBottom); } else { m_drawer->drawLabel(*dummyItem, xLabel, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, QVector3D(0.0f, m_autoScaleAdjustment, zComp), QVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0, m_cachedSelectionMode, m_labelShader, m_labelObj, m_cachedScene->activeCamera(), false, false, Drawer::LabelBottom); if (m_sliceTitleItem) { m_drawer->drawLabel(*dummyItem, sliceSelectionLabel, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, QVector3D(0.0f, m_autoScaleAdjustment, zComp), QVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0, m_cachedSelectionMode, m_labelShader, m_labelObj, m_cachedScene->activeCamera(), false, false, Drawer::LabelTop); } } m_drawer->drawLabel(*dummyItem, yLabel, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, QVector3D(0.0f, m_autoScaleAdjustment, zComp), QVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 90.0f), 0, m_cachedSelectionMode, m_labelShader, m_labelObj, m_cachedScene->activeCamera(), false, false, Drawer::LabelLeft); // Draw labels for bars for (int col = 0; col < m_sliceSelection->size(); col++) { BarRenderItem *item = m_sliceSelection->at(col); // Draw values if (negativesComp == 1.0f) { m_drawer->drawLabel(*item, item->sliceLabelItem(), viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, QVector3D(0.0f, m_yAdjustment, zComp), QVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 90.0f), item->height(), m_cachedSelectionMode, m_labelShader, m_labelObj, m_cachedScene->activeCamera(), false, false, Drawer::LabelOver, Qt::AlignTop); } else { m_drawer->drawLabel(*item, item->sliceLabelItem(), viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, QVector3D(0.0f, m_yAdjustment, zComp), QVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), negativesComp * negativesComp * item->height(), m_cachedSelectionMode, m_labelShader, m_labelObj, m_cachedScene->activeCamera()); } // Draw labels if (m_sliceCache->labelItems().size() > col) { const LabelItem *labelItem(0); labelItem = m_sliceCache->labelItems().at(col); m_drawer->drawLabel(*item, *labelItem, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, QVector3D(0.0f, m_autoScaleAdjustment, zComp), QVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, -45.0f), item->height(), m_cachedSelectionMode, m_labelShader, m_labelObj, m_cachedScene->activeCamera(), false, false, Drawer::LabelBelow); } } glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // Release label shader m_labelShader->release(); } void Bars3DRenderer::drawScene(GLuint defaultFboHandle) { GLint startBar = 0; GLint stopBar = 0; GLint stepBar = 0; GLint startRow = 0; GLint stopRow = 0; GLint stepRow = 0; GLfloat backgroundRotation = 0; GLfloat colPos = 0; GLfloat rowPos = 0; // Specify viewport glViewport(m_mainViewPort.x(), m_mainViewPort.y(), m_mainViewPort.width(), m_mainViewPort.height()); // Set up projection matrix QMatrix4x4 projectionMatrix; projectionMatrix.perspective(45.0f, (GLfloat)m_mainViewPort.width() / (GLfloat)m_mainViewPort.height(), 0.1f, 100.0f); // Get the view matrix QMatrix4x4 viewMatrix = m_cachedScene->activeCamera()->viewMatrix(); // Calculate drawing order // Draw order is reversed to optimize amount of drawing (ie. draw front objects first, depth test handles not needing to draw objects behind them) if (viewMatrix.row(0).x() > 0) { startRow = 0; stopRow = m_cachedRowCount; stepRow = 1; m_zFlipped = false; } else { startRow = m_cachedRowCount - 1; stopRow = -1; stepRow = -1; m_zFlipped = true; } if (viewMatrix.row(0).z() <= 0) { startBar = 0; stopBar = m_cachedColumnCount; stepBar = 1; m_xFlipped = false; } else { startBar = m_cachedColumnCount - 1; stopBar = -1; stepBar = -1; m_xFlipped = true; } // Check if we're viewing the scene from below if (viewMatrix.row(2).y() < 0) m_yFlipped = true; else m_yFlipped = false; // calculate background rotation based on view matrix rotation if (viewMatrix.row(0).x() > 0 && viewMatrix.row(0).z() <= 0) backgroundRotation = 270.0f; else if (viewMatrix.row(0).x() > 0 && viewMatrix.row(0).z() > 0) backgroundRotation = 180.0f; else if (viewMatrix.row(0).x() <= 0 && viewMatrix.row(0).z() > 0) backgroundRotation = 90.0f; else if (viewMatrix.row(0).x() <= 0 && viewMatrix.row(0).z() <= 0) backgroundRotation = 0.0f; // Get light position from the scene QVector3D lightPos = m_cachedScene->activeLight()->position(); // Skip depth rendering if we're in slice mode // Introduce regardless of shadow quality to simplify logic QMatrix4x4 depthViewMatrix; QMatrix4x4 depthProjectionMatrix; #if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) if (m_cachedShadowQuality > QDataVis::ShadowNone && !m_cachedIsSlicingActivated) { // Render scene into a depth texture for using with shadow mapping // Enable drawing to depth framebuffer glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, m_depthFrameBuffer); glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // Bind depth shader m_depthShader->bind(); // Set viewport for depth map rendering. Must match texture size. Larger values give smoother shadows. glViewport(m_mainViewPort.x(), m_mainViewPort.y(), m_mainViewPort.width() * m_shadowQualityMultiplier, m_mainViewPort.height() * m_shadowQualityMultiplier); // Get the depth view matrix // It may be possible to hack lightPos here if we want to make some tweaks to shadow QVector3D depthLightPos = m_cachedScene->activeCamera()->calculatePositionRelativeToCamera( QVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, zComp), 0.0f, 1.5f / m_autoScaleAdjustment); depthViewMatrix.lookAt(depthLightPos, QVector3D(0.0f, -m_yAdjustment, zComp), QVector3D(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); // TODO: Why does depthViewMatrix.column(3).y() goes to zero when we're directly above? // That causes the scene to be not drawn from above -> must be fixed // qDebug() << lightPos << depthViewMatrix << depthViewMatrix.column(3); // Set the depth projection matrix depthProjectionMatrix.perspective(10.0f, (GLfloat)m_mainViewPort.width() / (GLfloat)m_mainViewPort.height(), 3.0f, 100.0f); // Draw bars to depth buffer for (int row = startRow; row != stopRow; row += stepRow) { for (int bar = startBar; bar != stopBar; bar += stepBar) { const BarRenderItem &item = m_renderItemArray.at(row).at(bar); if (!item.value()) continue; GLfloat shadowOffset = 0.0f; // Set front face culling for negative valued bars and back face culling for // positive valued bars to remove peter-panning issues if (item.height() > 0) { glCullFace(GL_BACK); if (m_yFlipped) shadowOffset = 0.015f; } else { glCullFace(GL_FRONT); if (!m_yFlipped) shadowOffset = -0.015f; } QMatrix4x4 modelMatrix; QMatrix4x4 MVPMatrix; colPos = (bar + 0.5f) * (m_cachedBarSpacing.width()); rowPos = (row + 0.5f) * (m_cachedBarSpacing.height()); // Draw shadows for bars "on the other side" a bit off ground to avoid seeing // shadows through the ground modelMatrix.translate((colPos - m_rowWidth) / m_scaleFactor, item.height() - m_yAdjustment + shadowOffset, (m_columnDepth - rowPos) / m_scaleFactor + zComp); // Scale the bars down in X and Z to reduce self-shadowing issues modelMatrix.scale(QVector3D(m_scaleX * 0.9f, item.height(), m_scaleZ * 0.9f)); MVPMatrix = depthProjectionMatrix * depthViewMatrix * modelMatrix; m_depthShader->setUniformValue(m_depthShader->MVP(), MVPMatrix); // 1st attribute buffer : vertices glEnableVertexAttribArray(m_depthShader->posAtt()); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_barObj->vertexBuf()); glVertexAttribPointer(m_depthShader->posAtt(), 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, (void *)0); // Index buffer glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_barObj->elementBuf()); // Draw the triangles glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, m_barObj->indexCount(), GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, (void *)0); // Free buffers glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); glDisableVertexAttribArray(m_depthShader->posAtt()); } } // Disable drawing to depth framebuffer (= enable drawing to screen) glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, defaultFboHandle); // Release depth shader m_depthShader->release(); #if 0 // Use this if you want to see what is being drawn to the framebuffer // You'll also have to comment out GL_COMPARE_R_TO_TEXTURE -line in texturehelper (if using it) m_labelShader->bind(); glCullFace(GL_BACK); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); QMatrix4x4 modelMatrix; QMatrix4x4 viewmatrix; viewmatrix.lookAt(QVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 2.5f + zComp), QVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, zComp), QVector3D(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); modelMatrix.translate(0.0, 0.0, zComp); QMatrix4x4 MVPMatrix = projectionMatrix * viewmatrix * modelMatrix; m_labelShader->setUniformValue(m_labelShader->MVP(), MVPMatrix); m_drawer->drawObject(m_labelShader, m_labelObj, m_depthTexture); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); m_labelShader->release(); #endif // Reset culling to normal glCullFace(GL_BACK); // Revert to original viewport glViewport(m_mainViewPort.x(), m_mainViewPort.y(), m_mainViewPort.width(), m_mainViewPort.height()); } #endif // Skip selection mode drawing if we're slicing or have no selection mode if (!m_cachedIsSlicingActivated && m_cachedSelectionMode > QDataVis::ModeNone) { // Bind selection shader m_selectionShader->bind(); // Draw bars to selection buffer glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, m_selectionFrameBuffer); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // Needed, otherwise the depth render buffer is not used glClearColor(selectionSkipColor.x() / 255, selectionSkipColor.y() / 255, selectionSkipColor.z() / 255, 1.0f); // Set clear color to white (= selectionSkipColor) glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // Needed for clearing the frame buffer glDisable(GL_DITHER); // disable dithering, it may affect colors if enabled for (int row = startRow; row != stopRow; row += stepRow) { for (int bar = startBar; bar != stopBar; bar += stepBar) { const BarRenderItem &item = m_renderItemArray.at(row).at(bar); if (!item.value()) continue; if (item.height() < 0) glCullFace(GL_FRONT); else glCullFace(GL_BACK); QMatrix4x4 modelMatrix; QMatrix4x4 MVPMatrix; colPos = (bar + 0.5f) * (m_cachedBarSpacing.width()); rowPos = (row + 0.5f) * (m_cachedBarSpacing.height()); modelMatrix.translate((colPos - m_rowWidth) / m_scaleFactor, item.height() - m_yAdjustment, (m_columnDepth - rowPos) / m_scaleFactor + zComp); modelMatrix.scale(QVector3D(m_scaleX, item.height(), m_scaleZ)); MVPMatrix = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix * modelMatrix; // TODO: Save position to qdataitem, so that we don't need to calculate it each time? //#if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) // QVector3D barColor = QVector3D((GLdouble)row / 32767.0, // (GLdouble)bar / 32767.0, // 0.0); //#else QVector3D barColor = QVector3D((GLdouble)row / 255.0, (GLdouble)bar / 255.0, 0.0); //#endif m_selectionShader->setUniformValue(m_selectionShader->MVP(), MVPMatrix); m_selectionShader->setUniformValue(m_selectionShader->color(), barColor); // 1st attribute buffer : vertices glEnableVertexAttribArray(m_selectionShader->posAtt()); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_barObj->vertexBuf()); glVertexAttribPointer(m_selectionShader->posAtt(), 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, (void *)0); // Index buffer glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_barObj->elementBuf()); // Draw the triangles glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, m_barObj->indexCount(), GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, (void *)0); // Free buffers glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); glDisableVertexAttribArray(m_selectionShader->posAtt()); } } glEnable(GL_DITHER); // Read color under cursor if (QDataVis::InputOnScene == m_controller->inputState()) { m_selection = Utils::getSelection(m_controller->inputPosition(), m_cachedBoundingRect.height()); } glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, defaultFboHandle); // Release selection shader m_selectionShader->release(); #if 0 // Use this if you want to see what is being drawn to the framebuffer glCullFace(GL_BACK); m_labelShader->bind(); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); QMatrix4x4 modelMatrix; QMatrix4x4 viewmatrix; viewmatrix.lookAt(QVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f + zComp), QVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, zComp), QVector3D(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); modelMatrix.translate(0.0, 0.0, zComp); QMatrix4x4 MVPMatrix = projectionMatrix * viewmatrix * modelMatrix; m_labelShader->setUniformValue(m_labelShader->MVP(), MVPMatrix); m_drawer->drawObject(m_labelShader, m_labelObj, m_selectionTexture); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); m_labelShader->release(); #endif } // Enable texturing glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); // Bind bar shader m_barShader->bind(); bool selectionDirty = (m_selection != m_previousSelection || (m_selection != selectionSkipColor && QDataVis::InputOnScene == m_controller->inputState() && !m_cachedIsSlicingActivated)); if (selectionDirty) { m_previousSelection = m_selection; if (m_sliceSelection) { if (!m_cachedIsSlicingActivated) { m_sliceCache = 0; m_sliceTitleItem = 0; } if (m_sliceSelection->size()) { // Slice doesn't own its items, no need to delete them - just clear m_sliceSelection->clear(); } } } // Draw bars bool barSelectionFound = false; BarRenderItem *selectedBar(0); for (int row = startRow; row != stopRow; row += stepRow) { for (int bar = startBar; bar != stopBar; bar += stepBar) { BarRenderItem &item = m_renderItemArray[row][bar]; if (item.height() < 0) glCullFace(GL_FRONT); else glCullFace(GL_BACK); QMatrix4x4 modelMatrix; QMatrix4x4 itModelMatrix; QMatrix4x4 MVPMatrix; QMatrix4x4 depthMVPMatrix; colPos = (bar + 0.5f) * (m_cachedBarSpacing.width()); rowPos = (row + 0.5f) * (m_cachedBarSpacing.height()); modelMatrix.translate((colPos - m_rowWidth) / m_scaleFactor, item.height() - m_yAdjustment, (m_columnDepth - rowPos) / m_scaleFactor + zComp); modelMatrix.scale(QVector3D(m_scaleX, item.height(), m_scaleZ)); itModelMatrix.scale(QVector3D(m_scaleX, item.height(), m_scaleZ)); #ifdef SHOW_DEPTH_TEXTURE_SCENE MVPMatrix = depthProjectionMatrix * depthViewMatrix * modelMatrix; #else MVPMatrix = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix * modelMatrix; #endif depthMVPMatrix = depthProjectionMatrix * depthViewMatrix * modelMatrix; #if 0 QVector3D baseColor = Utils::vectorFromColor(m_cachedTheme.m_baseColor); QVector3D heightColor = Utils::vectorFromColor(m_cachedTheme.m_heightColor) * item.height(); QVector3D depthColor = Utils::vectorFromColor(m_cachedTheme.m_depthColor) * (float(row) / GLfloat(m_cachedRowCount)); QVector3D barColor = baseColor + heightColor + depthColor; #else QVector3D barColor = Utils::vectorFromColor(m_cachedTheme.m_baseColor); #endif GLfloat lightStrength = m_cachedTheme.m_lightStrength; if (m_cachedSelectionMode > QDataVis::ModeNone) { Bars3DController::SelectionType selectionType = isSelected(row, bar); switch (selectionType) { case Bars3DController::SelectionItem: { barColor = Utils::vectorFromColor(m_cachedTheme.m_highlightBarColor); lightStrength = m_cachedTheme.m_highlightLightStrength; // Insert position data into render item. We have no ownership, don't delete the previous one if (!m_cachedIsSlicingActivated) { selectedBar = &item; selectedBar->setPosition(QPoint(row, bar)); item.setTranslation(modelMatrix.column(3).toVector3D()); barSelectionFound = true; } if (selectionDirty && m_cachedSelectionMode >= QDataVis::ModeSliceRow) { item.setTranslation(modelMatrix.column(3).toVector3D()); item.setPosition(QPoint(row, bar)); m_sliceSelection->append(&item); barSelectionFound = true; if (m_cachedSelectionMode == QDataVis::ModeSliceRow) { if (m_axisCacheX.labelItems().size() > row) m_sliceTitleItem = m_axisCacheX.labelItems().at(row); if (!m_sliceCache) { // m_sliceCache is the axis for labels, while title comes from different axis. m_sliceCache = &m_axisCacheZ; } } else if (m_cachedSelectionMode == QDataVis::ModeSliceColumn) { if (m_axisCacheZ.labelItems().size() > bar) m_sliceTitleItem = m_axisCacheZ.labelItems().at(bar); if (!m_sliceCache) { // m_sliceCache is the axis for labels, while title comes from different axis. m_sliceCache = &m_axisCacheX; } } } break; } case Bars3DController::SelectionRow: { // Current bar is on the same row as the selected bar barColor = Utils::vectorFromColor(m_cachedTheme.m_highlightRowColor); lightStrength = m_cachedTheme.m_highlightLightStrength; if (QDataVis::ModeSliceRow == m_cachedSelectionMode) { item.setTranslation(modelMatrix.column(3).toVector3D()); item.setPosition(QPoint(row, bar)); if (selectionDirty) m_sliceSelection->append(&item); } break; } case Bars3DController::SelectionColumn: { // Current bar is on the same column as the selected bar barColor = Utils::vectorFromColor(m_cachedTheme.m_highlightColumnColor); lightStrength = m_cachedTheme.m_highlightLightStrength; if (QDataVis::ModeSliceColumn == m_cachedSelectionMode) { item.setTranslation(modelMatrix.column(3).toVector3D()); item.setPosition(QPoint(row, bar)); if (selectionDirty) m_sliceSelection->append(&item); } break; } case Bars3DController::SelectionNone: { // Current bar is not selected, nor on a row or column // do nothing break; } } } // Skip drawing of 0 -height bars if (item.height() != 0) { // Set shader bindings m_barShader->setUniformValue(m_barShader->lightP(), lightPos); m_barShader->setUniformValue(m_barShader->view(), viewMatrix); m_barShader->setUniformValue(m_barShader->model(), modelMatrix); m_barShader->setUniformValue(m_barShader->nModel(), itModelMatrix.transposed().inverted()); m_barShader->setUniformValue(m_barShader->MVP(), MVPMatrix); m_barShader->setUniformValue(m_barShader->color(), barColor); m_barShader->setUniformValue(m_barShader->ambientS(), m_cachedTheme.m_ambientStrength); #if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) if (m_cachedShadowQuality > QDataVis::ShadowNone) { // Set shadow shader bindings m_barShader->setUniformValue(m_barShader->shadowQ(), m_shadowQualityToShader); m_barShader->setUniformValue(m_barShader->depth(), depthMVPMatrix); m_barShader->setUniformValue(m_barShader->lightS(), lightStrength / 10.0f); // Draw the object m_drawer->drawObject(m_barShader, m_barObj, 0, m_depthTexture); } else #endif { // Set shadowless shader bindings m_barShader->setUniformValue(m_barShader->lightS(), lightStrength); // Draw the object m_drawer->drawObject(m_barShader, m_barObj); } } } } if (selectionDirty) emit selectedBarPosChanged(QPoint(int(m_selection.x()), int(m_selection.y()))); // Release bar shader m_barShader->release(); // Bind background shader m_backgroundShader->bind(); if (m_hasNegativeValues) glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); else glCullFace(GL_BACK); // Draw background if (m_cachedIsBackgroundEnabled && m_backgroundObj) { QMatrix4x4 modelMatrix; QMatrix4x4 MVPMatrix; QMatrix4x4 depthMVPMatrix; QMatrix4x4 itModelMatrix; modelMatrix.translate(0.0f, 1.0f - m_yAdjustment, zComp); modelMatrix.scale(QVector3D(m_rowWidth / m_scaleFactor, 1.0f, m_columnDepth / m_scaleFactor)); modelMatrix.rotate(backgroundRotation, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); itModelMatrix.scale(QVector3D(m_rowWidth / m_scaleFactor, 1.0f, m_columnDepth / m_scaleFactor)); #ifdef SHOW_DEPTH_TEXTURE_SCENE MVPMatrix = depthProjectionMatrix * depthViewMatrix * modelMatrix; #else MVPMatrix = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix * modelMatrix; #endif depthMVPMatrix = depthProjectionMatrix * depthViewMatrix * modelMatrix; QVector3D backgroundColor = Utils::vectorFromColor(m_cachedTheme.m_backgroundColor); // Set shader bindings m_backgroundShader->setUniformValue(m_backgroundShader->lightP(), lightPos); m_backgroundShader->setUniformValue(m_backgroundShader->view(), viewMatrix); m_backgroundShader->setUniformValue(m_backgroundShader->model(), modelMatrix); m_backgroundShader->setUniformValue(m_backgroundShader->nModel(), itModelMatrix.inverted().transposed()); m_backgroundShader->setUniformValue(m_backgroundShader->MVP(), MVPMatrix); m_backgroundShader->setUniformValue(m_backgroundShader->color(), backgroundColor); m_backgroundShader->setUniformValue(m_backgroundShader->ambientS(), m_cachedTheme.m_ambientStrength * 2.0f); #if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) if (m_cachedShadowQuality > QDataVis::ShadowNone) { // Set shadow shader bindings m_backgroundShader->setUniformValue(m_backgroundShader->shadowQ(), m_shadowQualityToShader); m_backgroundShader->setUniformValue(m_backgroundShader->depth(), depthMVPMatrix); m_backgroundShader->setUniformValue(m_backgroundShader->lightS(), m_cachedTheme.m_lightStrength / 10.0f); // Draw the object m_drawer->drawObject(m_backgroundShader, m_backgroundObj, 0, m_depthTexture); } else #endif { // Set shadowless shader bindings m_backgroundShader->setUniformValue(m_backgroundShader->lightS(), m_cachedTheme.m_lightStrength); // Draw the object m_drawer->drawObject(m_backgroundShader, m_backgroundObj); } } // Release background shader m_backgroundShader->release(); // Disable textures glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); // Reset culling if (m_hasNegativeValues) { glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); glCullFace(GL_BACK); } // Draw grid lines if (m_cachedIsGridEnabled && m_heightNormalizer) { ShaderHelper *lineShader = m_backgroundShader; // Bind bar shader lineShader->bind(); // Set unchanging shader bindings QVector3D barColor = Utils::vectorFromColor(m_cachedTheme.m_gridLine); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->lightP(), lightPos); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->view(), viewMatrix); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->color(), barColor); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->ambientS(), m_cachedTheme.m_ambientStrength); // Floor lines: rows for (GLfloat row = 0.0f; row <= m_cachedRowCount; row++) { QMatrix4x4 modelMatrix; QMatrix4x4 MVPMatrix; QMatrix4x4 depthMVPMatrix; QMatrix4x4 itModelMatrix; rowPos = row * m_cachedBarSpacing.height(); modelMatrix.translate(0.0f, -m_yAdjustment, (m_columnDepth - rowPos) / m_scaleFactor + zComp); modelMatrix.scale(QVector3D(m_rowWidth / m_scaleFactor, gridLineWidth, gridLineWidth)); itModelMatrix.scale(QVector3D(m_rowWidth / m_scaleFactor, gridLineWidth, gridLineWidth)); // If we're viewing from below, grid line object must be flipped if (m_yFlipped) modelMatrix.rotate(180.0f, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); MVPMatrix = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix * modelMatrix; depthMVPMatrix = depthProjectionMatrix * depthViewMatrix * modelMatrix; // Set the rest of the shader bindings lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->model(), modelMatrix); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->nModel(), itModelMatrix.inverted().transposed()); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->MVP(), MVPMatrix); #if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) if (m_cachedShadowQuality > QDataVis::ShadowNone) { // Set shadow shader bindings lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->shadowQ(), m_shadowQualityToShader); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->depth(), depthMVPMatrix); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->lightS(), m_cachedTheme.m_lightStrength / 10.0f); // Draw the object m_drawer->drawObject(lineShader, m_gridLineObj, 0, m_depthTexture); } else #endif { // Set shadowless shader bindings lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->lightS(), m_cachedTheme.m_lightStrength); // Draw the object m_drawer->drawObject(lineShader, m_gridLineObj); } } // Floor lines: columns for (GLfloat bar = 0.0f; bar <= m_cachedColumnCount; bar++) { QMatrix4x4 modelMatrix; QMatrix4x4 MVPMatrix; QMatrix4x4 depthMVPMatrix; QMatrix4x4 itModelMatrix; colPos = bar * m_cachedBarSpacing.width(); modelMatrix.translate((m_rowWidth - colPos) / m_scaleFactor, -m_yAdjustment, zComp); modelMatrix.scale(QVector3D(gridLineWidth, gridLineWidth, m_columnDepth / m_scaleFactor)); itModelMatrix.scale(QVector3D(gridLineWidth, gridLineWidth, m_columnDepth / m_scaleFactor)); // If we're viewing from below, grid line object must be flipped if (m_yFlipped) modelMatrix.rotate(180.0f, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); MVPMatrix = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix * modelMatrix; depthMVPMatrix = depthProjectionMatrix * depthViewMatrix * modelMatrix; // Set the rest of the shader bindings lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->model(), modelMatrix); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->nModel(), itModelMatrix.inverted().transposed()); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->MVP(), MVPMatrix); #if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) if (m_cachedShadowQuality > QDataVis::ShadowNone) { // Set shadow shader bindings lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->shadowQ(), m_shadowQualityToShader); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->depth(), depthMVPMatrix); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->lightS(), m_cachedTheme.m_lightStrength / 10.0f); // Draw the object m_drawer->drawObject(lineShader, m_gridLineObj, 0, m_depthTexture); } else #endif { // Set shadowless shader bindings lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->lightS(), m_cachedTheme.m_lightStrength); // Draw the object m_drawer->drawObject(lineShader, m_gridLineObj); } } if (m_axisCacheY.segmentCount() > 0) { // Wall lines: back wall GLfloat heightStep = m_axisCacheY.subSegmentStep(); GLfloat startLine = 0.0f; if (m_hasNegativeValues) startLine = -m_heightNormalizer; for (GLfloat lineHeight = startLine; lineHeight <= m_heightNormalizer; lineHeight += heightStep) { QMatrix4x4 modelMatrix; QMatrix4x4 MVPMatrix; QMatrix4x4 depthMVPMatrix; QMatrix4x4 itModelMatrix; if (m_zFlipped) { modelMatrix.translate(0.0f, 2.0f * lineHeight / m_heightNormalizer - m_yAdjustment, m_columnDepth / m_scaleFactor + zComp); } else { modelMatrix.translate(0.0f, 2.0f * lineHeight / m_heightNormalizer - m_yAdjustment, -m_columnDepth / m_scaleFactor + zComp); } modelMatrix.scale(QVector3D(m_rowWidth / m_scaleFactor, gridLineWidth, gridLineWidth)); itModelMatrix.scale(QVector3D(m_rowWidth / m_scaleFactor, gridLineWidth, gridLineWidth)); MVPMatrix = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix * modelMatrix; depthMVPMatrix = depthProjectionMatrix * depthViewMatrix * modelMatrix; // Set the rest of the shader bindings lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->model(), modelMatrix); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->nModel(), itModelMatrix.inverted().transposed()); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->MVP(), MVPMatrix); #if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) if (m_cachedShadowQuality > QDataVis::ShadowNone) { // Set shadow shader bindings lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->shadowQ(), m_shadowQualityToShader); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->depth(), depthMVPMatrix); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->lightS(), m_cachedTheme.m_lightStrength / 10.0f); // Draw the object m_drawer->drawObject(lineShader, m_gridLineObj, 0, m_depthTexture); } else #endif { // Set shadowless shader bindings lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->lightS(), m_cachedTheme.m_lightStrength); // Draw the object m_drawer->drawObject(lineShader, m_gridLineObj); } } // Wall lines: side wall for (GLfloat lineHeight = startLine; lineHeight <= m_heightNormalizer; lineHeight += heightStep) { QMatrix4x4 modelMatrix; QMatrix4x4 MVPMatrix; QMatrix4x4 depthMVPMatrix; QMatrix4x4 itModelMatrix; if (m_xFlipped) { modelMatrix.translate(m_rowWidth / m_scaleFactor, 2.0f * lineHeight / m_heightNormalizer - m_yAdjustment, zComp); } else { modelMatrix.translate(-m_rowWidth / m_scaleFactor, 2.0f * lineHeight / m_heightNormalizer - m_yAdjustment, zComp); } modelMatrix.scale(QVector3D(gridLineWidth, gridLineWidth, m_columnDepth / m_scaleFactor)); itModelMatrix.scale(QVector3D(gridLineWidth, gridLineWidth, m_columnDepth / m_scaleFactor)); MVPMatrix = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix * modelMatrix; depthMVPMatrix = depthProjectionMatrix * depthViewMatrix * modelMatrix; // Set the rest of the shader bindings lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->model(), modelMatrix); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->nModel(), itModelMatrix.inverted().transposed()); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->MVP(), MVPMatrix); #if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) if (m_cachedShadowQuality > QDataVis::ShadowNone) { // Set shadow shader bindings lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->shadowQ(), m_shadowQualityToShader); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->depth(), depthMVPMatrix); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->lightS(), m_cachedTheme.m_lightStrength / 10.0f); // Draw the object m_drawer->drawObject(lineShader, m_gridLineObj, 0, m_depthTexture); } else #endif { // Set shadowless shader bindings lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->lightS(), m_cachedTheme.m_lightStrength); // Draw the object m_drawer->drawObject(lineShader, m_gridLineObj); } } } // Release bar shader lineShader->release(); } // TODO: Calculations done temporarily here. When optimizing, move to after data set addition? Keep drawing of the labels here. // Bind label shader m_labelShader->bind(); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); // Calculate the positions for row and column labels and store them for (int row = 0; row != m_cachedRowCount; row++) { if (m_axisCacheX.labelItems().size() > row) { // Go through all rows and get position of max+1 or min-1 column, depending on x flip // We need only positions for them, labels have already been generated at QDataSetPrivate. Just add LabelItems rowPos = (row + 0.5f) * m_cachedBarSpacing.height(); colPos = (m_rowWidth / m_scaleFactor) + labelMargin; GLfloat rotLabelX = -90.0f; GLfloat rotLabelY = 0.0f; GLfloat rotLabelZ = 0.0f; Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment = Qt::AlignRight; if (m_zFlipped) rotLabelY = 180.0f; if (m_xFlipped) { colPos = -(m_rowWidth / m_scaleFactor) - labelMargin; alignment = Qt::AlignLeft; } if (m_yFlipped) { if (m_zFlipped) rotLabelY = 0.0f; else rotLabelY = 180.0f; rotLabelZ = 180.0f; } QVector3D labelPos = QVector3D(colPos, -m_yAdjustment + 0.005f, // raise a bit over background to avoid depth "glimmering" (m_columnDepth - rowPos) / m_scaleFactor + zComp); m_dummyBarRenderItem.setTranslation(labelPos); const LabelItem &axisLabelItem = *m_axisCacheX.labelItems().at(row); //qDebug() << "labelPos, row" << row + 1 << ":" << labelPos << m_axisCacheX.labels().at(row); m_drawer->drawLabel(m_dummyBarRenderItem, axisLabelItem, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, QVector3D(0.0f, m_yAdjustment, zComp), QVector3D(rotLabelX, rotLabelY, rotLabelZ), 0, m_cachedSelectionMode, m_labelShader, m_labelObj, m_cachedScene->activeCamera(), true, true, Drawer::LabelMid, alignment); } } for (int column = 0; column != m_cachedColumnCount; column += 1) { if (m_axisCacheZ.labelItems().size() > column) { // Go through all columns and get position of max+1 or min-1 row, depending on z flip // We need only positions for them, labels have already been generated at QDataSetPrivate. Just add LabelItems colPos = (column + 0.5f) * m_cachedBarSpacing.width(); rowPos = (m_columnDepth / m_scaleFactor) + labelMargin; GLfloat rotLabelX = -90.0f; GLfloat rotLabelY = 90.0f; GLfloat rotLabelZ = 0.0f; Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment = Qt::AlignLeft; if (m_xFlipped) rotLabelY = -90.0f; if (m_zFlipped) { rowPos = -(m_columnDepth / m_scaleFactor) - labelMargin; alignment = Qt::AlignRight; } if (m_yFlipped) { if (m_xFlipped) rotLabelY = -90.0f; else rotLabelY = 90.0f; rotLabelZ = 180.0f; } QVector3D labelPos = QVector3D((colPos - m_rowWidth) / m_scaleFactor, -m_yAdjustment + 0.005f, // raise a bit over background to avoid depth "glimmering" rowPos + zComp); m_dummyBarRenderItem.setTranslation(labelPos); const LabelItem &axisLabelItem = *m_axisCacheZ.labelItems().at(column); m_drawer->drawLabel(m_dummyBarRenderItem, axisLabelItem, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, QVector3D(0.0f, m_yAdjustment, zComp), QVector3D(rotLabelX, rotLabelY, rotLabelZ), 0, m_cachedSelectionMode, m_labelShader, m_labelObj, m_cachedScene->activeCamera(), true, true, Drawer::LabelMid, alignment); } } // Y Labels int labelNbr = 0; GLfloat heightStep = m_axisCacheY.segmentStep(); GLfloat startLine = 0.0f; int labelCount = m_axisCacheY.labels().size(); if (m_hasNegativeValues) startLine = -m_heightNormalizer; GLfloat labelPos = startLine; for (int i = 0; i < labelCount; i++) { if (m_axisCacheY.labelItems().size() > labelNbr) { GLfloat labelMarginXTrans = labelMargin; GLfloat labelMarginZTrans = labelMargin; GLfloat labelXTrans = m_rowWidth / m_scaleFactor; GLfloat labelZTrans = m_columnDepth / m_scaleFactor; GLfloat labelYTrans = 2.0f * labelPos / m_heightNormalizer - m_yAdjustment; GLfloat rotLabelX = 0.0f; GLfloat rotLabelY = -90.0f; GLfloat rotLabelZ = 0.0f; Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment = Qt::AlignLeft; if (!m_xFlipped) { labelXTrans = -labelXTrans; labelMarginXTrans = -labelMargin; rotLabelY = 90.0f; } if (m_zFlipped) { labelZTrans = -labelZTrans; labelMarginZTrans = -labelMargin; alignment = Qt::AlignRight; } const LabelItem &axisLabelItem = *m_axisCacheY.labelItems().at(labelNbr); // Back wall QVector3D labelTrans = QVector3D(labelXTrans, labelYTrans, labelZTrans + labelMarginZTrans + zComp); //qDebug() << "labelPos, value:" << labelTrans; m_dummyBarRenderItem.setTranslation(labelTrans); m_drawer->drawLabel(m_dummyBarRenderItem, axisLabelItem, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, QVector3D(0.0f, m_yAdjustment, zComp), QVector3D(rotLabelX, rotLabelY, rotLabelZ), 0, m_cachedSelectionMode, m_labelShader, m_labelObj, m_cachedScene->activeCamera(), true, true, Drawer::LabelMid, alignment); // Side wall if (m_xFlipped) alignment = Qt::AlignLeft; else alignment = Qt::AlignRight; if (m_zFlipped) rotLabelY = 180.0f; else rotLabelY = 0.0f; labelTrans = QVector3D(-labelXTrans - labelMarginXTrans, labelYTrans, -labelZTrans + zComp); m_dummyBarRenderItem.setTranslation(labelTrans); m_drawer->drawLabel(m_dummyBarRenderItem, axisLabelItem, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, QVector3D(0.0f, m_yAdjustment, zComp), QVector3D(rotLabelX, rotLabelY, rotLabelZ), 0, m_cachedSelectionMode, m_labelShader, m_labelObj, m_cachedScene->activeCamera(), true, true, Drawer::LabelMid, alignment); } labelNbr++; labelPos += heightStep; } // Handle slice activation and selection label drawing if (!barSelectionFound) { // We have no ownership, don't delete. Just NULL the pointer. m_selectedBar = NULL; if (m_cachedIsSlicingActivated && (m_selection == selectionSkipColor || QDataVis::InputOnOverview == m_controller->inputState())) { m_cachedScene->setSlicingActive(false); } } else if (m_cachedSelectionMode >= QDataVis::ModeSliceRow && selectionDirty) { // Activate slice mode m_cachedScene->setSlicingActive(true); // Create label textures for (int col = 0; col < m_sliceSelection->size(); col++) { BarRenderItem *item = m_sliceSelection->at(col); if (item->sliceLabel().isNull()) item->setSliceLabel(generateValueLabel(m_axisCacheY.labelFormat(), item->value())); m_drawer->generateLabelItem(item->sliceLabelItem(), item->sliceLabel()); } } else { // Print value of selected bar glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // Draw the selection label LabelItem &labelItem = selectedBar->selectionLabelItem(); if (m_selectedBar != selectedBar || m_updateLabels || !labelItem.textureId()) { QString labelText = selectedBar->selectionLabel(); if (labelText.isNull()) { static const QString rowIndexTag(QStringLiteral("@rowIdx")); static const QString rowLabelTag(QStringLiteral("@rowLabel")); static const QString rowTitleTag(QStringLiteral("@rowTitle")); static const QString colIndexTag(QStringLiteral("@colIdx")); static const QString colLabelTag(QStringLiteral("@colLabel")); static const QString colTitleTag(QStringLiteral("@colTitle")); static const QString valueTitleTag(QStringLiteral("@valueTitle")); static const QString valueLabelTag(QStringLiteral("@valueLabel")); // Custom format expects printf format specifier. There is no tag for it. labelText = generateValueLabel(itemLabelFormat(), selectedBar->value()); int selBarPosX = selectedBar->position().x(); int selBarPosY = selectedBar->position().y(); labelText.replace(rowIndexTag, QString::number(selBarPosX)); if (m_axisCacheX.labels().size() > selBarPosX) labelText.replace(rowLabelTag, m_axisCacheX.labels().at(selBarPosX)); else labelText.replace(rowLabelTag, QString()); labelText.replace(rowTitleTag, m_axisCacheX.title()); labelText.replace(colIndexTag, QString::number(selBarPosY)); if (m_axisCacheZ.labels().size() > selBarPosY) labelText.replace(colLabelTag, m_axisCacheZ.labels().at(selBarPosY)); else labelText.replace(colLabelTag, QString()); labelText.replace(colTitleTag, m_axisCacheZ.title()); labelText.replace(valueTitleTag, m_axisCacheY.title()); if (labelText.contains(valueLabelTag)) { QString labelFormat = m_axisCacheY.labelFormat(); if (labelFormat.isEmpty()) labelFormat = Utils::defaultLabelFormat(); QString valueLabelText = generateValueLabel(labelFormat, selectedBar->value()); labelText.replace(valueLabelTag, valueLabelText); } selectedBar->setSelectionLabel(labelText); } m_drawer->generateLabelItem(labelItem, labelText); m_selectedBar = selectedBar; } m_drawer->drawLabel(*selectedBar, labelItem, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, QVector3D(0.0f, m_yAdjustment, zComp), QVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), selectedBar->height(), m_cachedSelectionMode, m_labelShader, m_labelObj, m_cachedScene->activeCamera(), true, false); // Reset label update flag; they should have been updated when we get here m_updateLabels = false; glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glDisable(GL_BLEND); // Release label shader m_labelShader->release(); } void Bars3DRenderer::handleResize() { if (m_cachedBoundingRect.width() == 0 || m_cachedBoundingRect.height() == 0) return; // Set view port if (m_cachedIsSlicingActivated) { m_mainViewPort = QRect(0, m_cachedBoundingRect.height() - m_cachedBoundingRect.height() / 5, m_cachedBoundingRect.width() / 5, m_cachedBoundingRect.height() / 5); } else { m_mainViewPort = QRect(0, 0, m_cachedBoundingRect.width(), m_cachedBoundingRect.height()); } m_sliceViewPort = QRect(0, 0, m_cachedBoundingRect.width(), m_cachedBoundingRect.height()); Abstract3DRenderer::handleResize(); } void Bars3DRenderer::updateBarSpecs(GLfloat thicknessRatio, const QSizeF &spacing, bool relative) { // Convert ratio to QSizeF, as we need it in that format for autoscaling calculations m_cachedBarThickness.setWidth(1.0f); m_cachedBarThickness.setHeight(1.0f / thicknessRatio); if (relative) { m_cachedBarSpacing.setWidth((m_cachedBarThickness.width() * 2) * (spacing.width() + 1.0f)); m_cachedBarSpacing.setHeight((m_cachedBarThickness.height() * 2) * (spacing.height() + 1.0f)); } else { m_cachedBarSpacing = m_cachedBarThickness * 2 + spacing * 2; } // Calculate here and at setting sample space calculateSceneScalingFactors(); } void Bars3DRenderer::updateAxisRange(Q3DAbstractAxis::AxisOrientation orientation, qreal min, qreal max) { Abstract3DRenderer::updateAxisRange(orientation, min, max); if (orientation == Q3DAbstractAxis::AxisOrientationY) { calculateHeightAdjustment(); // Check if we have negative values if (min < 0 && !m_hasNegativeValues) { m_hasNegativeValues = true; // Reload background loadBackgroundMesh(); emit needRender(); } else if (min >= 0 && m_hasNegativeValues) { m_hasNegativeValues = false; // Reload background loadBackgroundMesh(); emit needRender(); } // TODO Currently barchart only supports zero centered or zero minimum ranges if (min > 0.0 || (min != 0.0 && (qFabs(min) != qFabs(max)))) qWarning() << __FUNCTION__ << "Bar chart currently properly supports only zero-centered and zero minimum ranges for Y-axis."; } } void Bars3DRenderer::updateSelectionMode(QDataVis::SelectionMode mode) { Abstract3DRenderer::updateSelectionMode(mode); // Create zoom selection if there isn't one if (mode >= QDataVis::ModeSliceRow && !m_sliceSelection) { m_sliceSelection = new QList; if (mode == QDataVis::ModeSliceRow) m_sliceSelection->reserve(m_cachedRowCount); else m_sliceSelection->reserve(m_cachedColumnCount); } } void Bars3DRenderer::updateBackgroundEnabled(bool enable) { if (enable != m_cachedIsBackgroundEnabled) { Abstract3DRenderer::updateBackgroundEnabled(enable); loadMeshFile(); // Load changed bar type } } void Bars3DRenderer::updateSelectedBarPos(const QPoint &position) { if (position == Bars3DController::noSelectionPoint()) m_selection = selectionSkipColor; else m_selection = QVector3D(position.x(), position.y(), 0); emit needRender(); } void Bars3DRenderer::updateShadowQuality(QDataVis::ShadowQuality quality) { m_cachedShadowQuality = quality; switch (quality) { case QDataVis::ShadowLow: m_shadowQualityToShader = 33.3f; m_shadowQualityMultiplier = 1; break; case QDataVis::ShadowMedium: m_shadowQualityToShader = 100.0f; m_shadowQualityMultiplier = 3; break; case QDataVis::ShadowHigh: m_shadowQualityToShader = 200.0f; m_shadowQualityMultiplier = 5; break; case QDataVis::ShadowSoftLow: m_shadowQualityToShader = 7.5f; m_shadowQualityMultiplier = 1; break; case QDataVis::ShadowSoftMedium: m_shadowQualityToShader = 10.0f; m_shadowQualityMultiplier = 3; break; case QDataVis::ShadowSoftHigh: m_shadowQualityToShader = 15.0f; m_shadowQualityMultiplier = 4; break; default: m_shadowQualityToShader = 0.0f; m_shadowQualityMultiplier = 1; break; } handleShadowQualityChange(); #if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) // Re-init depth buffer updateDepthBuffer(); #endif } void Bars3DRenderer::loadMeshFile() { QString objectFileName = m_cachedObjFile; if (m_barObj) delete m_barObj; // If background is disabled, load full version of bar mesh if (!m_cachedIsBackgroundEnabled) objectFileName.append(QStringLiteral("Full")); m_barObj = new ObjectHelper(objectFileName); m_barObj->load(); } void Bars3DRenderer::loadBackgroundMesh() { if (m_backgroundObj) delete m_backgroundObj; if (m_hasNegativeValues) m_backgroundObj = new ObjectHelper(QStringLiteral(":/defaultMeshes/negativeBackground")); else m_backgroundObj = new ObjectHelper(QStringLiteral(":/defaultMeshes/background")); m_backgroundObj->load(); } void Bars3DRenderer::loadGridLineMesh() { if (m_gridLineObj) delete m_gridLineObj; m_gridLineObj = new ObjectHelper(QStringLiteral(":/defaultMeshes/bar")); m_gridLineObj->load(); } void Bars3DRenderer::loadLabelMesh() { if (m_labelObj) delete m_labelObj; m_labelObj = new ObjectHelper(QStringLiteral(":/defaultMeshes/label")); m_labelObj->load(); } void Bars3DRenderer::updateTextures() { // Drawer has changed; this flag needs to be checked when checking if we need to update labels m_updateLabels = true; } void Bars3DRenderer::calculateSceneScalingFactors() { // Calculate scene scaling and translation factors m_rowWidth = (m_cachedColumnCount * m_cachedBarSpacing.width()) / 2.0f; m_columnDepth = (m_cachedRowCount * m_cachedBarSpacing.height()) / 2.0f; m_maxDimension = qMax(m_rowWidth, m_columnDepth); m_scaleFactor = qMin((m_cachedColumnCount * (m_maxDimension / m_maxSceneSize)), (m_cachedRowCount * (m_maxDimension / m_maxSceneSize))); m_scaleX = m_cachedBarThickness.width() / m_scaleFactor; m_scaleZ = m_cachedBarThickness.height() / m_scaleFactor; //qDebug() << "m_scaleX" << m_scaleX << "m_scaleFactor" << m_scaleFactor; //qDebug() << "m_scaleZ" << m_scaleZ << "m_scaleFactor" << m_scaleFactor; //qDebug() << "m_rowWidth:" << m_rowWidth << "m_columnDepth:" << m_columnDepth << "m_maxDimension:" << m_maxDimension; } void Bars3DRenderer::calculateHeightAdjustment() { m_heightNormalizer = (GLfloat)qMax(qFabs(m_axisCacheY.min()), qFabs(m_axisCacheY.max())); // 2.0f = max difference between minimum and maximum value after scaling with m_heightNormalizer GLfloat newAdjustment = 2.0f - ((m_heightNormalizer - m_axisCacheY.min()) / m_heightNormalizer); if (newAdjustment != m_yAdjustment) { m_hasHeightAdjustmentChanged = true; m_yAdjustment = newAdjustment; } //qDebug() << m_yAdjustment; } Bars3DController::SelectionType Bars3DRenderer::isSelected(GLint row, GLint bar) { //static QVector3D prevSel = m_selection; // TODO: For debugging Bars3DController::SelectionType isSelectedType = Bars3DController::SelectionNone; if (m_selection == selectionSkipColor) return isSelectedType; // skip window //#if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) // QVector3D current = QVector3D((GLuint)row, (GLuint)bar, 0); //#else QVector3D current = QVector3D((GLubyte)row, (GLubyte)bar, 0); //#endif // TODO: For debugging //if (selection != prevSel) { // qDebug() << "current" << current.x() << current .y() << current.z(); // qDebug() << "selection" << selection.x() << selection .y() << selection.z(); // prevSel = selection; //} if (current == m_selection) { isSelectedType = Bars3DController::SelectionItem; } else if (current.y() == m_selection.y() && (m_cachedSelectionMode == QDataVis::ModeItemAndColumn || m_cachedSelectionMode == QDataVis::ModeItemRowAndColumn || m_cachedSelectionMode == QDataVis::ModeSliceColumn)) { isSelectedType = Bars3DController::SelectionColumn; } else if (current.x() == m_selection.x() && (m_cachedSelectionMode == QDataVis::ModeItemAndRow || m_cachedSelectionMode == QDataVis::ModeItemRowAndColumn || m_cachedSelectionMode == QDataVis::ModeSliceRow)) { isSelectedType = Bars3DController::SelectionRow; } return isSelectedType; } void Bars3DRenderer::updateSlicingActive(bool isSlicing) { if (isSlicing == m_cachedIsSlicingActivated) return; m_cachedIsSlicingActivated = isSlicing; if (isSlicing) { m_mainViewPort = QRect(0, m_cachedBoundingRect.height() - m_cachedBoundingRect.height() / 5, m_cachedBoundingRect.width() / 5, m_cachedBoundingRect.height() / 5); if (m_depthTexture) { m_textureHelper->deleteTexture(&m_depthTexture); m_depthTexture = 0; } } else { m_mainViewPort = QRect(0, 0, this->m_cachedBoundingRect.width(), this->m_cachedBoundingRect.height()); initSelectionBuffer(); // We need to re-init selection buffer in case there has been a resize #if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) updateDepthBuffer(); // Re-init depth buffer as well #endif } } QRect Bars3DRenderer::mainViewPort() { return m_mainViewPort; } void Bars3DRenderer::initShaders(const QString &vertexShader, const QString &fragmentShader) { if (m_barShader) delete m_barShader; m_barShader = new ShaderHelper(this, vertexShader, fragmentShader); m_barShader->initialize(); } void Bars3DRenderer::initSelectionShader() { if (m_selectionShader) delete m_selectionShader; m_selectionShader = new ShaderHelper(this, QStringLiteral(":/shaders/vertexSelection"), QStringLiteral(":/shaders/fragmentSelection")); m_selectionShader->initialize(); } void Bars3DRenderer::initSelectionBuffer() { if (m_cachedIsSlicingActivated) return; if (m_selectionTexture) m_textureHelper->deleteTexture(&m_selectionTexture); m_selectionTexture = m_textureHelper->createSelectionTexture(m_mainViewPort.size(), m_selectionFrameBuffer, m_selectionDepthBuffer); } #if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) void Bars3DRenderer::initDepthShader() { if (m_depthShader) delete m_depthShader; m_depthShader = new ShaderHelper(this, QStringLiteral(":/shaders/vertexDepth"), QStringLiteral(":/shaders/fragmentDepth")); m_depthShader->initialize(); } void Bars3DRenderer::updateDepthBuffer() { if (m_cachedIsSlicingActivated) return; if (m_depthTexture) { m_textureHelper->deleteTexture(&m_depthTexture); m_depthTexture = 0; } if (m_cachedShadowQuality > QDataVis::ShadowNone) { m_depthTexture = m_textureHelper->createDepthTexture(m_mainViewPort.size(), m_depthFrameBuffer, m_shadowQualityMultiplier); if (!m_depthTexture) { switch (m_cachedShadowQuality) { case QDataVis::ShadowHigh: qWarning("Creating high quality shadows failed. Changing to medium quality."); (void)m_controller->setShadowQuality(QDataVis::ShadowMedium); updateShadowQuality(QDataVis::ShadowMedium); break; case QDataVis::ShadowMedium: qWarning("Creating medium quality shadows failed. Changing to low quality."); (void)m_controller->setShadowQuality(QDataVis::ShadowLow); updateShadowQuality(QDataVis::ShadowLow); break; case QDataVis::ShadowLow: qWarning("Creating low quality shadows failed. Switching shadows off."); (void)m_controller->setShadowQuality(QDataVis::ShadowNone); updateShadowQuality(QDataVis::ShadowNone); break; case QDataVis::ShadowSoftHigh: qWarning("Creating soft high quality shadows failed. Changing to soft medium quality."); (void)m_controller->setShadowQuality(QDataVis::ShadowSoftMedium); updateShadowQuality(QDataVis::ShadowSoftMedium); break; case QDataVis::ShadowSoftMedium: qWarning("Creating soft medium quality shadows failed. Changing to soft low quality."); (void)m_controller->setShadowQuality(QDataVis::ShadowSoftLow); updateShadowQuality(QDataVis::ShadowSoftLow); break; case QDataVis::ShadowSoftLow: qWarning("Creating soft low quality shadows failed. Switching shadows off."); (void)m_controller->setShadowQuality(QDataVis::ShadowNone); updateShadowQuality(QDataVis::ShadowNone); break; default: // You'll never get here break; } } } } #endif void Bars3DRenderer::initBackgroundShaders(const QString &vertexShader, const QString &fragmentShader) { if (m_backgroundShader) delete m_backgroundShader; m_backgroundShader = new ShaderHelper(this, vertexShader, fragmentShader); m_backgroundShader->initialize(); } void Bars3DRenderer::initLabelShaders(const QString &vertexShader, const QString &fragmentShader) { if (m_labelShader) delete m_labelShader; m_labelShader = new ShaderHelper(this, vertexShader, fragmentShader); m_labelShader->initialize(); } QT_DATAVISUALIZATION_END_NAMESPACE