/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2014 Digia Plc ** All rights reserved. ** For any questions to Digia, please use contact form at http://qt.digia.com ** ** This file is part of the QtDataVisualization module. ** ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the Qt Enterprise License Agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and Digia. ** ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please use ** contact form at http://qt.digia.com ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "bars3drenderer_p.h" #include "q3dcamera_p.h" #include "shaderhelper_p.h" #include "texturehelper_p.h" #include "utils_p.h" #include "barseriesrendercache_p.h" #include // You can verify that depth buffer drawing works correctly by uncommenting this. // You should see the scene from where the light is //#define SHOW_DEPTH_TEXTURE_SCENE QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_DATAVISUALIZATION const bool sliceGridLabels = true; Bars3DRenderer::Bars3DRenderer(Bars3DController *controller) : Abstract3DRenderer(controller), m_cachedIsSlicingActivated(false), m_cachedRowCount(0), m_cachedColumnCount(0), m_selectedBar(0), m_sliceCache(0), m_sliceTitleItem(0), m_updateLabels(false), m_barShader(0), m_barGradientShader(0), m_depthShader(0), m_selectionShader(0), m_backgroundShader(0), m_bgrTexture(0), m_selectionTexture(0), m_depthFrameBuffer(0), m_selectionFrameBuffer(0), m_selectionDepthBuffer(0), m_shadowQualityToShader(100.0f), m_shadowQualityMultiplier(3), m_heightNormalizer(1.0f), m_backgroundAdjustment(0.0f), m_rowWidth(0), m_columnDepth(0), m_maxDimension(0), m_scaleX(0), m_scaleZ(0), m_scaleFactor(0), m_maxSceneSize(40.0f), m_visualSelectedBarPos(Bars3DController::invalidSelectionPosition()), m_selectedBarPos(Bars3DController::invalidSelectionPosition()), m_selectedSeriesCache(0), m_noZeroInRange(false), m_seriesScaleX(0.0f), m_seriesScaleZ(0.0f), m_seriesStep(0.0f), m_seriesStart(0.0f), m_clickedPosition(Bars3DController::invalidSelectionPosition()), m_keepSeriesUniform(false), m_haveUniformColorSeries(false), m_haveGradientSeries(false), m_zeroPosition(0.0f), m_xScaleFactor(1.0f), m_zScaleFactor(1.0f), m_floorLevel(0.0f), m_actualFloorLevel(0.0f) { m_axisCacheY.setScale(2.0f); m_axisCacheY.setTranslate(-1.0f); initializeOpenGLFunctions(); initializeOpenGL(); } Bars3DRenderer::~Bars3DRenderer() { if (QOpenGLContext::currentContext()) { m_textureHelper->glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &m_selectionFrameBuffer); m_textureHelper->glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, &m_selectionDepthBuffer); m_textureHelper->deleteTexture(&m_selectionTexture); m_textureHelper->glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &m_depthFrameBuffer); m_textureHelper->deleteTexture(&m_bgrTexture); } delete m_barShader; delete m_barGradientShader; delete m_depthShader; delete m_selectionShader; delete m_backgroundShader; } void Bars3DRenderer::initializeOpenGL() { Abstract3DRenderer::initializeOpenGL(); // Initialize shaders #if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) // Init depth shader (for shadows). Init in any case, easier to handle shadow activation if done via api. initDepthShader(); #endif // Init selection shader initSelectionShader(); // Load grid line mesh loadGridLineMesh(); // Load background mesh (we need to be initialized first) loadBackgroundMesh(); } void Bars3DRenderer::fixCameraTarget(QVector3D &target) { target.setX(target.x() * m_xScaleFactor); target.setY(0.0f); target.setZ(target.z() * -m_zScaleFactor); } void Bars3DRenderer::getVisibleItemBounds(QVector3D &minBounds, QVector3D &maxBounds) { // The inputs are the item bounds in OpenGL coordinates. // The outputs limit these bounds to visible ranges, normalized to range [-1, 1] // Volume shader flips the Y and Z axes, so we need to set negatives of actual values to those float itemRangeX = (maxBounds.x() - minBounds.x()); float itemRangeY = (maxBounds.y() - minBounds.y()); float itemRangeZ = (maxBounds.z() - minBounds.z()); if (minBounds.x() < -m_xScaleFactor) minBounds.setX(-1.0f + (2.0f * qAbs(minBounds.x() + m_xScaleFactor) / itemRangeX)); else minBounds.setX(-1.0f); if (minBounds.y() < -1.0f + m_backgroundAdjustment) minBounds.setY(-(-1.0f + (2.0f * qAbs(minBounds.y() + 1.0f - m_backgroundAdjustment) / itemRangeY))); else minBounds.setY(1.0f); if (minBounds.z() < -m_zScaleFactor) minBounds.setZ(-(-1.0f + (2.0f * qAbs(minBounds.z() + m_zScaleFactor) / itemRangeZ))); else minBounds.setZ(1.0f); if (maxBounds.x() > m_xScaleFactor) maxBounds.setX(1.0f - (2.0f * qAbs(maxBounds.x() - m_xScaleFactor) / itemRangeX)); else maxBounds.setX(1.0f); if (maxBounds.y() > 1.0f + m_backgroundAdjustment) maxBounds.setY(-(1.0f - (2.0f * qAbs(maxBounds.y() - 1.0f - m_backgroundAdjustment) / itemRangeY))); else maxBounds.setY(-1.0f); if (maxBounds.z() > m_zScaleFactor) maxBounds.setZ(-(1.0f - (2.0f * qAbs(maxBounds.z() - m_zScaleFactor) / itemRangeZ))); else maxBounds.setZ(-1.0f); } void Bars3DRenderer::updateData() { int minRow = m_axisCacheZ.min(); int maxRow = m_axisCacheZ.max(); int minCol = m_axisCacheX.min(); int maxCol = m_axisCacheX.max(); int newRows = maxRow - minRow + 1; int newColumns = maxCol - minCol + 1; int dataRowCount = 0; int maxDataRowCount = 0; m_seriesScaleX = 1.0f / float(m_visibleSeriesCount); m_seriesStep = 1.0f / float(m_visibleSeriesCount); m_seriesStart = -((float(m_visibleSeriesCount) - 1.0f) / 2.0f) * m_seriesStep; if (m_keepSeriesUniform) m_seriesScaleZ = m_seriesScaleX; else m_seriesScaleZ = 1.0f; if (m_cachedRowCount != newRows || m_cachedColumnCount != newColumns) { // Force update for selection related items m_sliceCache = 0; m_sliceTitleItem = 0; m_cachedColumnCount = newColumns; m_cachedRowCount = newRows; // Calculate max scene size GLfloat sceneRatio = qMin(GLfloat(newColumns) / GLfloat(newRows), GLfloat(newRows) / GLfloat(newColumns)); m_maxSceneSize = 2.0f * qSqrt(sceneRatio * newColumns * newRows); } calculateSceneScalingFactors(); m_zeroPosition = m_axisCacheY.formatter()->positionAt(m_actualFloorLevel); foreach (SeriesRenderCache *baseCache, m_renderCacheList) { BarSeriesRenderCache *cache = static_cast(baseCache); if (cache->isVisible()) { const QBar3DSeries *currentSeries = cache->series(); BarRenderItemArray &renderArray = cache->renderArray(); bool dimensionsChanged = false; if (newRows != renderArray.size() || newColumns != renderArray.at(0).size()) { // Destroy old render items and reallocate new array dimensionsChanged = true; renderArray.resize(newRows); for (int i = 0; i < newRows; i++) renderArray[i].resize(newColumns); cache->sliceArray().clear(); } if (cache->dataDirty() || dimensionsChanged) { QBarDataProxy *dataProxy = currentSeries->dataProxy(); dataRowCount = dataProxy->rowCount(); if (maxDataRowCount < dataRowCount) maxDataRowCount = qMin(dataRowCount, newRows); int dataRowIndex = minRow; for (int i = 0; i < newRows; i++) { BarRenderItemRow &renderRow = renderArray[i]; const QBarDataRow *dataRow = 0; if (dataRowIndex < dataRowCount) dataRow = dataProxy->rowAt(dataRowIndex); updateRenderRow(dataRow, renderRow); dataRowIndex++; } cache->setDataDirty(false); } } } // Reset selected bar to update selection updateSelectedBar(m_selectedBarPos, m_selectedSeriesCache ? m_selectedSeriesCache->series() : 0); } void Bars3DRenderer::updateRenderRow(const QBarDataRow *dataRow, BarRenderItemRow &renderRow) { int j = 0; int renderRowSize = renderRow.size(); int startIndex = m_axisCacheX.min(); if (dataRow) { int updateSize = qMin((dataRow->size() - startIndex), renderRowSize); int dataColIndex = startIndex; for (; j < updateSize ; j++) { updateRenderItem(dataRow->at(dataColIndex), renderRow[j]); dataColIndex++; } } for (; j < renderRowSize; j++) { renderRow[j].setValue(0.0f); renderRow[j].setHeight(0.0f); renderRow[j].setRotation(identityQuaternion); } } void Bars3DRenderer::updateRenderItem(const QBarDataItem &dataItem, BarRenderItem &renderItem) { float value = dataItem.value(); float heightValue = m_axisCacheY.formatter()->positionAt(value); if (m_noZeroInRange) { if (m_hasNegativeValues) { heightValue = -1.0f + heightValue; if (heightValue > 0.0f) heightValue = 0.0f; } else { if (heightValue < 0.0f) heightValue = 0.0f; } } else { heightValue -= m_zeroPosition; } if (m_axisCacheY.reversed()) heightValue = -heightValue; renderItem.setValue(value); renderItem.setHeight(heightValue); float angle = dataItem.rotation(); if (angle) { renderItem.setRotation( QQuaternion::fromAxisAndAngle( upVector, angle)); } else { renderItem.setRotation(identityQuaternion); } } void Bars3DRenderer::updateSeries(const QList &seriesList) { Abstract3DRenderer::updateSeries(seriesList); bool noSelection = true; int seriesCount = seriesList.size(); int visualIndex = 0; m_haveUniformColorSeries = false; m_haveGradientSeries = false; for (int i = 0; i < seriesCount; i++) { QBar3DSeries *barSeries = static_cast(seriesList[i]); BarSeriesRenderCache *cache = static_cast(m_renderCacheList.value(barSeries)); if (barSeries->isVisible()) { if (noSelection && barSeries->selectedBar() != QBar3DSeries::invalidSelectionPosition()) { if (selectionLabel() != cache->itemLabel()) m_selectionLabelDirty = true; noSelection = false; } cache->setVisualIndex(visualIndex++); if (cache->colorStyle() == Q3DTheme::ColorStyleUniform) m_haveUniformColorSeries = true; else m_haveGradientSeries = true; } else { cache->setVisualIndex(-1); } } if (noSelection) { if (!selectionLabel().isEmpty()) m_selectionLabelDirty = true; m_selectedSeriesCache = 0; } } SeriesRenderCache *Bars3DRenderer::createNewCache(QAbstract3DSeries *series) { return new BarSeriesRenderCache(series, this); } void Bars3DRenderer::updateRows(const QVector &rows) { int minRow = m_axisCacheZ.min(); int maxRow = m_axisCacheZ.max(); BarSeriesRenderCache *cache = 0; const QBar3DSeries *prevSeries = 0; const QBarDataArray *dataArray = 0; foreach (Bars3DController::ChangeRow item, rows) { const int row = item.row; if (row < minRow || row > maxRow) continue; QBar3DSeries *currentSeries = item.series; if (currentSeries != prevSeries) { cache = static_cast(m_renderCacheList.value(currentSeries)); prevSeries = currentSeries; dataArray = item.series->dataProxy()->array(); // Invisible series render caches are not updated, but instead just marked dirty, so that // they can be completely recalculated when they are turned visible. if (!cache->isVisible() && !cache->dataDirty()) cache->setDataDirty(true); } if (cache->isVisible()) { updateRenderRow(dataArray->at(row), cache->renderArray()[row - minRow]); if (m_cachedIsSlicingActivated && cache == m_selectedSeriesCache && m_selectedBarPos.x() == row) { m_selectionDirty = true; // Need to update slice view } } } } void Bars3DRenderer::updateItems(const QVector &items) { int minRow = m_axisCacheZ.min(); int maxRow = m_axisCacheZ.max(); int minCol = m_axisCacheX.min(); int maxCol = m_axisCacheX.max(); BarSeriesRenderCache *cache = 0; const QBar3DSeries *prevSeries = 0; const QBarDataArray *dataArray = 0; foreach (Bars3DController::ChangeItem item, items) { const int row = item.point.x(); const int col = item.point.y(); if (row < minRow || row > maxRow || col < minCol || col > maxCol) continue; QBar3DSeries *currentSeries = item.series; if (currentSeries != prevSeries) { cache = static_cast(m_renderCacheList.value(currentSeries)); prevSeries = currentSeries; dataArray = item.series->dataProxy()->array(); // Invisible series render caches are not updated, but instead just marked dirty, so that // they can be completely recalculated when they are turned visible. if (!cache->isVisible() && !cache->dataDirty()) cache->setDataDirty(true); } if (cache->isVisible()) { updateRenderItem(dataArray->at(row)->at(col), cache->renderArray()[row - minRow][col - minCol]); if (m_cachedIsSlicingActivated && cache == m_selectedSeriesCache && m_selectedBarPos == QPoint(row, col)) { m_selectionDirty = true; // Need to update slice view } } } } void Bars3DRenderer::updateScene(Q3DScene *scene) { if (!m_noZeroInRange) { scene->activeCamera()->d_ptr->setMinYRotation(-90.0); scene->activeCamera()->d_ptr->setMaxYRotation(90.0); } else { if ((m_hasNegativeValues && !m_axisCacheY.reversed()) || (!m_hasNegativeValues && m_axisCacheY.reversed())) { scene->activeCamera()->d_ptr->setMinYRotation(-90.0f); scene->activeCamera()->d_ptr->setMaxYRotation(0.0); } else { scene->activeCamera()->d_ptr->setMinYRotation(0.0f); scene->activeCamera()->d_ptr->setMaxYRotation(90.0); } } Abstract3DRenderer::updateScene(scene); updateSlicingActive(scene->isSlicingActive()); } void Bars3DRenderer::render(GLuint defaultFboHandle) { // Handle GL state setup for FBO buffers and clearing of the render surface Abstract3DRenderer::render(defaultFboHandle); if (m_axisCacheY.positionsDirty()) m_axisCacheY.updateAllPositions(); drawScene(defaultFboHandle); if (m_cachedIsSlicingActivated) drawSlicedScene(); } void Bars3DRenderer::drawSlicedScene() { if (m_cachedSelectionMode.testFlag(QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionRow) == m_cachedSelectionMode.testFlag(QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionColumn)) { qWarning("Invalid selection mode. Either QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionRow or" " QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionColumn must be set before calling" " setSlicingActive(true)."); return; } GLfloat barPosX = 0; QVector3D lightPos; QVector4D lightColor = Utils::vectorFromColor(m_cachedTheme->lightColor()); // Specify viewport glViewport(m_secondarySubViewport.x(), m_secondarySubViewport.y(), m_secondarySubViewport.width(), m_secondarySubViewport.height()); // Set up projection matrix QMatrix4x4 projectionMatrix; GLfloat viewPortRatio = (GLfloat)m_primarySubViewport.width() / (GLfloat)m_primarySubViewport.height(); if (m_useOrthoProjection) { GLfloat orthoRatio = 2.0f / m_autoScaleAdjustment; projectionMatrix.ortho(-viewPortRatio * orthoRatio, viewPortRatio * orthoRatio, -orthoRatio, orthoRatio, 0.0f, 100.0f); } else { projectionMatrix.perspective(35.0f, viewPortRatio, 0.1f, 100.0f); } // Set view matrix QMatrix4x4 viewMatrix; // Adjust scaling (zoom rate based on aspect ratio) GLfloat camZPosSliced = cameraDistance / m_autoScaleAdjustment; viewMatrix.lookAt(QVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, camZPosSliced), zeroVector, upVector); // Set light position lightPos = QVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, camZPosSliced * 2.0f); const Q3DCamera *activeCamera = m_cachedScene->activeCamera(); // Draw the selected row / column QMatrix4x4 projectionViewMatrix = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix; bool rowMode = m_cachedSelectionMode.testFlag(QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionRow); bool itemMode = m_cachedSelectionMode.testFlag(QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionItem); GLfloat barPosYAdjustment = -0.8f; // Translate to -1.0 + 0.2 for row/column labels GLfloat gridAdjustment = 1.0f + barPosYAdjustment - m_backgroundAdjustment; GLfloat scaleFactor = 0.0f; if (rowMode) scaleFactor = (1.1f * m_rowWidth) / m_scaleFactor; else scaleFactor = (1.1f * m_columnDepth) / m_scaleFactor; GLfloat barLabelYPos = barPosYAdjustment - labelMargin; GLfloat zeroPosAdjustment = 0.0f; GLfloat directionMultiplier = 2.0f; GLfloat directionBase = 0.0f; if (m_axisCacheY.reversed()) { directionMultiplier = -2.0f; directionBase = -2.0f; } zeroPosAdjustment = directionBase + directionMultiplier * m_axisCacheY.min() / m_heightNormalizer; zeroPosAdjustment = qBound(-2.0f, zeroPosAdjustment, 0.0f); // Draw grid lines if (m_cachedTheme->isGridEnabled()) { glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); #if !(defined QT_OPENGL_ES_2) ShaderHelper *lineShader = m_backgroundShader; #else ShaderHelper *lineShader = m_selectionShader; // Plain color shader for GL_LINES #endif // Bind line shader lineShader->bind(); // Set unchanging shader bindings QVector4D lineColor = Utils::vectorFromColor(m_cachedTheme->gridLineColor()); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->lightP(), lightPos); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->view(), viewMatrix); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->color(), lineColor); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->ambientS(), m_cachedTheme->ambientLightStrength() + m_cachedTheme->lightStrength() / 7.0f); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->lightS(), 0.0f); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->lightColor(), lightColor); // Horizontal lines if (m_axisCacheY.segmentCount() > 0) { int gridLineCount = m_axisCacheY.gridLineCount(); QVector3D gridLineScale(scaleFactor, gridLineWidth, gridLineWidth); bool noZero = true; QMatrix4x4 MVPMatrix; QMatrix4x4 itModelMatrix; for (int line = 0; line < gridLineCount; line++) { QMatrix4x4 modelMatrix; GLfloat gridPos = m_axisCacheY.gridLinePosition(line) + gridAdjustment; modelMatrix.translate(0.0f, gridPos, 0.0f); modelMatrix.scale(gridLineScale); itModelMatrix = modelMatrix; MVPMatrix = projectionViewMatrix * modelMatrix; // Set the rest of the shader bindings lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->model(), modelMatrix); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->nModel(), itModelMatrix.inverted().transposed()); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->MVP(), MVPMatrix); // Draw the object #if !(defined QT_OPENGL_ES_2) m_drawer->drawObject(lineShader, m_gridLineObj); #else m_drawer->drawLine(lineShader); #endif // Check if we have a line at zero position already if (gridPos == (barPosYAdjustment + zeroPosAdjustment)) noZero = false; } // Draw a line at zero, if none exists if (!m_noZeroInRange && noZero) { QMatrix4x4 modelMatrix; modelMatrix.translate(0.0f, barPosYAdjustment - zeroPosAdjustment, 0.0f); modelMatrix.scale(gridLineScale); itModelMatrix = modelMatrix; MVPMatrix = projectionViewMatrix * modelMatrix; // Set the rest of the shader bindings lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->model(), modelMatrix); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->nModel(), itModelMatrix.inverted().transposed()); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->MVP(), MVPMatrix); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->color(), Utils::vectorFromColor( m_cachedTheme->labelTextColor())); // Draw the object #if !(defined QT_OPENGL_ES_2) m_drawer->drawObject(lineShader, m_gridLineObj); #else m_drawer->drawLine(lineShader); #endif } } if (sliceGridLabels) { // Bind label shader m_labelShader->bind(); glCullFace(GL_BACK); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); // Draw grid labels int labelNbr = 0; int labelCount = m_axisCacheY.labelCount(); QVector3D labelTrans = QVector3D(scaleFactor + labelMargin, 0.0f, 0.0f); for (int i = 0; i < labelCount; i++) { if (m_axisCacheY.labelItems().size() > labelNbr) { const LabelItem &axisLabelItem = *m_axisCacheY.labelItems().at(labelNbr); GLfloat gridPos = m_axisCacheY.labelPosition(i) + gridAdjustment; labelTrans.setY(gridPos); m_dummyBarRenderItem.setTranslation(labelTrans); m_drawer->drawLabel(m_dummyBarRenderItem, axisLabelItem, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, zeroVector, identityQuaternion, 0, m_cachedSelectionMode, m_labelShader, m_labelObj, activeCamera, true, true, Drawer::LabelMid, Qt::AlignLeft); } labelNbr++; } glDisable(GL_BLEND); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } } // Draw bars QVector3D modelMatrixScaler(m_scaleX * m_seriesScaleX, 0.0f, m_scaleZ * m_seriesScaleZ); if (!rowMode) { modelMatrixScaler.setX(m_scaleZ * m_seriesScaleZ); modelMatrixScaler.setZ(m_scaleX * m_seriesScaleX); } // Set common bar shader bindings m_barShader->bind(); m_barShader->setUniformValue(m_barShader->lightP(), lightPos); m_barShader->setUniformValue(m_barShader->view(), viewMatrix); m_barShader->setUniformValue(m_barShader->lightS(), 0.15f); m_barShader->setUniformValue(m_barShader->ambientS(), m_cachedTheme->ambientLightStrength() + m_cachedTheme->lightStrength() / 7.0f); m_barShader->setUniformValue(m_barShader->lightColor(), lightColor); m_barGradientShader->bind(); m_barGradientShader->setUniformValue(m_barGradientShader->lightP(), lightPos); m_barGradientShader->setUniformValue(m_barGradientShader->view(), viewMatrix); m_barGradientShader->setUniformValue(m_barGradientShader->lightS(), 0.15f); m_barGradientShader->setUniformValue(m_barGradientShader->ambientS(), m_cachedTheme->ambientLightStrength() + m_cachedTheme->lightStrength() / 7.0f); m_barGradientShader->setUniformValue(m_barGradientShader->gradientMin(), 0.0f); m_barGradientShader->setUniformValue(m_barGradientShader->lightColor(), lightColor); // Default to uniform shader ShaderHelper *barShader = m_barShader; barShader->bind(); Q3DTheme::ColorStyle previousColorStyle = Q3DTheme::ColorStyleUniform; Q3DTheme::ColorStyle colorStyle = Q3DTheme::ColorStyleUniform; ObjectHelper *barObj = 0; QVector4D highlightColor; QVector4D baseColor; GLuint highlightGradientTexture = 0; GLuint baseGradientTexture = 0; bool colorStyleIsUniform = true; int firstVisualIndex = m_renderCacheList.size(); QVector *firstVisualSliceArray = 0; BarRenderSliceItem *selectedItem = 0; QQuaternion seriesRotation; foreach (SeriesRenderCache *baseCache, m_renderCacheList) { if (baseCache->isVisible() && (baseCache == m_selectedSeriesCache || m_cachedSelectionMode.testFlag(QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionMultiSeries))) { BarSeriesRenderCache *cache = static_cast(baseCache); QVector &sliceArray = cache->sliceArray(); int sliceCount = sliceArray.size(); if (firstVisualIndex > cache->visualIndex()) { firstVisualIndex = cache->visualIndex(); firstVisualSliceArray = &sliceArray; } barObj = cache->object(); colorStyle = cache->colorStyle(); colorStyleIsUniform = (colorStyle == Q3DTheme::ColorStyleUniform); if (colorStyleIsUniform) { highlightColor = cache->singleHighlightColor(); baseColor = cache->baseColor(); } else { highlightGradientTexture = cache->singleHighlightGradientTexture(); baseGradientTexture = cache->baseGradientTexture(); } // Rebind shader if it has changed if (colorStyleIsUniform != (previousColorStyle == Q3DTheme::ColorStyleUniform)) { if (colorStyleIsUniform) barShader = m_barShader; else barShader = m_barGradientShader; barShader->bind(); } if (!colorStyleIsUniform && (previousColorStyle != colorStyle) && (colorStyle == Q3DTheme::ColorStyleObjectGradient)) { m_barGradientShader->setUniformValue(m_barGradientShader->gradientHeight(), 0.5f); } previousColorStyle = colorStyle; seriesRotation = cache->meshRotation(); bool selectedSeries = (cache == m_selectedSeriesCache); for (int bar = 0; bar < sliceCount; bar++) { BarRenderSliceItem &item = cache->sliceArray()[bar]; if (selectedSeries && itemMode && sliceGridLabels && m_visualSelectedBarPos.x() == item.position().x() && m_visualSelectedBarPos.y() == item.position().y()) { selectedItem = &item; } if (!item.value()) continue; if (item.height() < 0) glCullFace(GL_FRONT); else glCullFace(GL_BACK); QMatrix4x4 MVPMatrix; QMatrix4x4 modelMatrix; QMatrix4x4 itModelMatrix; QQuaternion barRotation = item.rotation(); GLfloat barPosY = item.translation().y() + barPosYAdjustment - zeroPosAdjustment; if (rowMode) { barPosX = item.translation().x(); } else { barPosX = -(item.translation().z()); // flip z; frontmost bar to the left barRotation *= m_yRightAngleRotation; } modelMatrix.translate(barPosX, barPosY, 0.0f); modelMatrixScaler.setY(item.height()); if (!seriesRotation.isIdentity()) barRotation *= seriesRotation; if (!barRotation.isIdentity()) { modelMatrix.rotate(barRotation); itModelMatrix.rotate(barRotation); } modelMatrix.scale(modelMatrixScaler); itModelMatrix.scale(modelMatrixScaler); MVPMatrix = projectionViewMatrix * modelMatrix; QVector4D barColor; GLuint gradientTexture = 0; if (itemMode && m_visualSelectedBarPos.x() == item.position().x() && m_visualSelectedBarPos.y() == item.position().y()) { if (colorStyleIsUniform) barColor = highlightColor; else gradientTexture = highlightGradientTexture; } else { if (colorStyleIsUniform) barColor = baseColor; else gradientTexture = baseGradientTexture; } if (item.height() != 0) { // Set shader bindings barShader->setUniformValue(barShader->model(), modelMatrix); barShader->setUniformValue(barShader->nModel(), itModelMatrix.inverted().transposed()); barShader->setUniformValue(barShader->MVP(), MVPMatrix); if (colorStyleIsUniform) { barShader->setUniformValue(barShader->color(), barColor); } else if (colorStyle == Q3DTheme::ColorStyleRangeGradient) { barShader->setUniformValue(barShader->gradientHeight(), (qAbs(item.height()) / m_gradientFraction)); } // Draw the object m_drawer->drawObject(barShader, barObj, gradientTexture); } } } } // Draw labels m_labelShader->bind(); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glCullFace(GL_BACK); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); BarRenderItem *dummyItem(0); const LabelItem &sliceSelectionLabel = *m_sliceTitleItem; QVector3D positionComp(0.0f, m_autoScaleAdjustment, 0.0f); // Draw labels for bars QVector3D sliceValueRotation(0.0f, 0.0f, 90.0f); QVector3D sliceLabelRotation(0.0f, 0.0f, -45.0f); QQuaternion totalSliceValueRotation = Utils::calculateRotation(sliceValueRotation); QQuaternion totalSliceLabelRotation = Utils::calculateRotation(sliceLabelRotation); int labelCount = m_sliceCache->labelItems().size(); for (int labelNo = 0; labelNo < labelCount; labelNo++) { // Check for invalid usage (no selection when setting slicing active) if (!firstVisualSliceArray) { qWarning("No slice data found. Make sure there is a valid selection."); continue; } // Get labels from first series only const BarRenderSliceItem &item = firstVisualSliceArray->at(labelNo); m_dummyBarRenderItem.setTranslation(QVector3D(item.translation().x(), barLabelYPos, item.translation().z())); // Draw labels m_drawer->drawLabel(m_dummyBarRenderItem, *m_sliceCache->labelItems().at(labelNo), viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, positionComp, totalSliceLabelRotation, 0, m_cachedSelectionMode, m_labelShader, m_labelObj, activeCamera, false, false, Drawer::LabelMid, Qt::AlignmentFlag(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop), true); } if (!sliceGridLabels) { foreach (SeriesRenderCache *baseCache, m_renderCacheList) { if (baseCache->isVisible()) { BarSeriesRenderCache *cache = static_cast(baseCache); QVector &sliceArray = cache->sliceArray(); int sliceCount = sliceArray.size(); for (int col = 0; col < sliceCount; col++) { BarRenderSliceItem &item = sliceArray[col]; // Draw values if (item.height() != 0.0f || (!m_noZeroInRange && item.value() == 0.0f)) { // Create label texture if we need it if (item.sliceLabel().isNull() || m_updateLabels) { QString valueLabelText = m_axisCacheY.formatter()->stringForValue( qreal(item.value()), m_axisCacheY.labelFormat()); item.setSliceLabel(valueLabelText); m_drawer->generateLabelItem(item.sliceLabelItem(), item.sliceLabel()); m_updateLabels = false; } Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment = (item.height() > 0) ? Qt::AlignLeft : Qt::AlignRight; Drawer::LabelPosition labelPos = (item.height() < 0) ? Drawer::LabelBelow : Drawer::LabelOver; m_dummyBarRenderItem.setTranslation(QVector3D(item.translation().x(), barPosYAdjustment - zeroPosAdjustment + item.height(), item.translation().z())); m_drawer->drawLabel(m_dummyBarRenderItem, item.sliceLabelItem(), viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, zeroVector, totalSliceValueRotation, item.height(), m_cachedSelectionMode, m_labelShader, m_labelObj, activeCamera, false, false, labelPos, alignment, true); } } } } } else if (selectedItem) { // Only draw value for selected item when grid labels are on // Create label texture if we need it if (selectedItem->sliceLabel().isNull() || m_updateLabels) { QString valueLabelText = m_axisCacheY.formatter()->stringForValue( qreal(selectedItem->value()), m_axisCacheY.labelFormat()); selectedItem->setSliceLabel(valueLabelText); m_drawer->generateLabelItem(selectedItem->sliceLabelItem(), selectedItem->sliceLabel()); m_updateLabels = false; } Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment = (selectedItem->height() > 0) ? Qt::AlignLeft : Qt::AlignRight; Drawer::LabelPosition labelPos = (selectedItem->height() < 0) ? Drawer::LabelBelow : Drawer::LabelOver; m_dummyBarRenderItem.setTranslation(QVector3D(selectedItem->translation().x(), barPosYAdjustment - zeroPosAdjustment + selectedItem->height(), selectedItem->translation().z())); m_drawer->drawLabel(m_dummyBarRenderItem, selectedItem->sliceLabelItem(), viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, zeroVector, totalSliceValueRotation, selectedItem->height(), m_cachedSelectionMode, m_labelShader, m_labelObj, activeCamera, false, false, labelPos, alignment, true); } // Draw labels for axes if (rowMode) { if (m_sliceTitleItem) { m_drawer->drawLabel(*dummyItem, sliceSelectionLabel, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, positionComp, identityQuaternion, 0, m_cachedSelectionMode, m_labelShader, m_labelObj, activeCamera, false, false, Drawer::LabelTop, Qt::AlignCenter, true); } m_drawer->drawLabel(*dummyItem, m_axisCacheX.titleItem(), viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, positionComp, identityQuaternion, 0, m_cachedSelectionMode, m_labelShader, m_labelObj, activeCamera, false, false, Drawer::LabelBottom, Qt::AlignCenter, true); } else { m_drawer->drawLabel(*dummyItem, m_axisCacheZ.titleItem(), viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, positionComp, identityQuaternion, 0, m_cachedSelectionMode, m_labelShader, m_labelObj, activeCamera, false, false, Drawer::LabelBottom, Qt::AlignCenter, true); if (m_sliceTitleItem) { m_drawer->drawLabel(*dummyItem, sliceSelectionLabel, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, positionComp, identityQuaternion, 0, m_cachedSelectionMode, m_labelShader, m_labelObj, activeCamera, false, false, Drawer::LabelTop, Qt::AlignCenter, true); } } // Y-axis label QVector3D labelTrans = QVector3D(-scaleFactor - labelMargin, 0.2f, 0.0f); // y = 0.2 for row/column labels (see barPosYAdjustment) m_dummyBarRenderItem.setTranslation(labelTrans); m_drawer->drawLabel(m_dummyBarRenderItem, m_axisCacheY.titleItem(), viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, zeroVector, totalSliceValueRotation, 0, m_cachedSelectionMode, m_labelShader, m_labelObj, activeCamera, false, false, Drawer::LabelMid, Qt::AlignBottom); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // Release shader glUseProgram(0); } void Bars3DRenderer::drawScene(GLuint defaultFboHandle) { GLint startBar = 0; GLint stopBar = 0; GLint stepBar = 0; GLint startRow = 0; GLint stopRow = 0; GLint stepRow = 0; GLfloat backgroundRotation = 0; GLfloat colPos = 0; GLfloat rowPos = 0; const Q3DCamera *activeCamera = m_cachedScene->activeCamera(); glViewport(m_primarySubViewport.x(), m_primarySubViewport.y(), m_primarySubViewport.width(), m_primarySubViewport.height()); // Set up projection matrix QMatrix4x4 projectionMatrix; GLfloat viewPortRatio = (GLfloat)m_primarySubViewport.width() / (GLfloat)m_primarySubViewport.height(); if (m_useOrthoProjection) { GLfloat orthoRatio = 2.0f; projectionMatrix.ortho(-viewPortRatio * orthoRatio, viewPortRatio * orthoRatio, -orthoRatio, orthoRatio, 0.0f, 100.0f); } else { projectionMatrix.perspective(45.0f, viewPortRatio, 0.1f, 100.0f); } // Get the view matrix QMatrix4x4 viewMatrix = activeCamera->d_ptr->viewMatrix(); // Calculate drawing order // Draw order is reversed to optimize amount of drawing (ie. draw front objects first, // depth test handles not needing to draw objects behind them) if (viewMatrix.row(0).x() > 0) { startRow = 0; stopRow = m_cachedRowCount; stepRow = 1; m_zFlipped = false; } else { startRow = m_cachedRowCount - 1; stopRow = -1; stepRow = -1; m_zFlipped = true; } if (viewMatrix.row(0).z() <= 0) { startBar = 0; stopBar = m_cachedColumnCount; stepBar = 1; m_xFlipped = false; } else { startBar = m_cachedColumnCount - 1; stopBar = -1; stepBar = -1; m_xFlipped = true; } // Check if we're viewing the scene from below if (viewMatrix.row(2).y() < 0) m_yFlipped = true; else m_yFlipped = false; // calculate background rotation based on view matrix rotation if (viewMatrix.row(0).x() > 0 && viewMatrix.row(0).z() <= 0) backgroundRotation = 270.0f; else if (viewMatrix.row(0).x() > 0 && viewMatrix.row(0).z() > 0) backgroundRotation = 180.0f; else if (viewMatrix.row(0).x() <= 0 && viewMatrix.row(0).z() > 0) backgroundRotation = 90.0f; else if (viewMatrix.row(0).x() <= 0 && viewMatrix.row(0).z() <= 0) backgroundRotation = 0.0f; // Get light position from the scene QVector3D lightPos = m_cachedScene->activeLight()->position(); // Skip depth rendering if we're in slice mode // Introduce regardless of shadow quality to simplify logic QMatrix4x4 depthViewMatrix; QMatrix4x4 depthProjectionMatrix; QMatrix4x4 depthProjectionViewMatrix; QMatrix4x4 projectionViewMatrix = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix; BarRenderItem *selectedBar(0); #if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) if (m_cachedShadowQuality > QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQualityNone) { // Render scene into a depth texture for using with shadow mapping // Enable drawing to depth framebuffer glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, m_depthFrameBuffer); glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // Bind depth shader m_depthShader->bind(); // Set viewport for depth map rendering. Must match texture size. Larger values give smoother shadows. // Depth viewport must always start from 0, 0, as it is rendered into a texture, not screen glViewport(0, 0, m_primarySubViewport.width() * m_shadowQualityMultiplier, m_primarySubViewport.height() * m_shadowQualityMultiplier); // Get the depth view matrix // It may be possible to hack lightPos here if we want to make some tweaks to shadow QVector3D depthLightPos = activeCamera->d_ptr->calculatePositionRelativeToCamera( zeroVector, 0.0f, 3.5f / m_autoScaleAdjustment); depthViewMatrix.lookAt(depthLightPos, zeroVector, upVector); // Set the depth projection matrix depthProjectionMatrix.perspective(10.0f, viewPortRatio, 3.0f, 100.0f); depthProjectionViewMatrix = depthProjectionMatrix * depthViewMatrix; // Draw bars to depth buffer QVector3D shadowScaler(m_scaleX * m_seriesScaleX * 0.9f, 0.0f, m_scaleZ * m_seriesScaleZ * 0.9f); foreach (SeriesRenderCache *baseCache, m_renderCacheList) { if (baseCache->isVisible()) { BarSeriesRenderCache *cache = static_cast(baseCache); float seriesPos = m_seriesStart + m_seriesStep * cache->visualIndex() + 0.5f; ObjectHelper *barObj = cache->object(); QQuaternion seriesRotation(cache->meshRotation()); const BarRenderItemArray &renderArray = cache->renderArray(); for (int row = startRow; row != stopRow; row += stepRow) { const BarRenderItemRow &renderRow = renderArray.at(row); for (int bar = startBar; bar != stopBar; bar += stepBar) { const BarRenderItem &item = renderRow.at(bar); if (!item.value()) continue; GLfloat shadowOffset = 0.0f; // Set front face culling for negative valued bars and back face culling // for positive valued bars to remove peter-panning issues if (item.height() > 0) { glCullFace(GL_BACK); if (m_yFlipped) shadowOffset = 0.015f; } else { glCullFace(GL_FRONT); if (!m_yFlipped) shadowOffset = -0.015f; } if (m_cachedTheme->isBackgroundEnabled() && m_reflectionEnabled && ((m_yFlipped && item.height() > 0.0) || (!m_yFlipped && item.height() < 0.0))) { continue; } QMatrix4x4 modelMatrix; QMatrix4x4 MVPMatrix; colPos = (bar + seriesPos) * (m_cachedBarSpacing.width()); rowPos = (row + 0.5f) * (m_cachedBarSpacing.height()); // Draw shadows for bars "on the other side" a bit off ground to avoid // seeing shadows through the ground modelMatrix.translate((colPos - m_rowWidth) / m_scaleFactor, item.height() + shadowOffset, (m_columnDepth - rowPos) / m_scaleFactor); // Scale the bars down in X and Z to reduce self-shadowing issues shadowScaler.setY(item.height()); if (!seriesRotation.isIdentity() || !item.rotation().isIdentity()) modelMatrix.rotate(seriesRotation * item.rotation()); modelMatrix.scale(shadowScaler); MVPMatrix = depthProjectionViewMatrix * modelMatrix; m_depthShader->setUniformValue(m_depthShader->MVP(), MVPMatrix); // 1st attribute buffer : vertices glEnableVertexAttribArray(m_depthShader->posAtt()); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, barObj->vertexBuf()); glVertexAttribPointer(m_depthShader->posAtt(), 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, (void *)0); // Index buffer glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, barObj->elementBuf()); // Draw the triangles glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, barObj->indexCount(), GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, (void *)0); // Free buffers glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); glDisableVertexAttribArray(m_depthShader->posAtt()); } } } } Abstract3DRenderer::drawCustomItems(RenderingDepth, m_depthShader, viewMatrix, projectionViewMatrix, depthProjectionViewMatrix, m_depthTexture, m_shadowQualityToShader); // Disable drawing to depth framebuffer (= enable drawing to screen) glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, defaultFboHandle); // Reset culling to normal glCullFace(GL_BACK); // Revert to original viewport glViewport(m_primarySubViewport.x(), m_primarySubViewport.y(), m_primarySubViewport.width(), m_primarySubViewport.height()); } #endif // Do position mapping when necessary if (m_graphPositionQueryPending) { QVector3D graphDimensions(m_xScaleFactor, 0.0f, m_zScaleFactor); queriedGraphPosition(projectionViewMatrix, graphDimensions, defaultFboHandle); // Y is always at floor level m_queriedGraphPosition.setY(0.0f); emit needRender(); } // Skip selection mode drawing if we're slicing or have no selection mode if (!m_cachedIsSlicingActivated && m_cachedSelectionMode > QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionNone && m_selectionState == SelectOnScene && (m_visibleSeriesCount > 0 || !m_customRenderCache.isEmpty()) && m_selectionTexture) { // Bind selection shader m_selectionShader->bind(); // Draw bars to selection buffer glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, m_selectionFrameBuffer); glViewport(0, 0, m_primarySubViewport.width(), m_primarySubViewport.height()); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // Needed, otherwise the depth render buffer is not used glClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); // Set clear color to white (= selectionSkipColor) glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // Needed for clearing the frame buffer glDisable(GL_DITHER); // disable dithering, it may affect colors if enabled foreach (SeriesRenderCache *baseCache, m_renderCacheList) { if (baseCache->isVisible()) { BarSeriesRenderCache *cache = static_cast(baseCache); float seriesPos = m_seriesStart + m_seriesStep * cache->visualIndex() + 0.5f; ObjectHelper *barObj = cache->object(); QQuaternion seriesRotation(cache->meshRotation()); const BarRenderItemArray &renderArray = cache->renderArray(); for (int row = startRow; row != stopRow; row += stepRow) { const BarRenderItemRow &renderRow = renderArray.at(row); for (int bar = startBar; bar != stopBar; bar += stepBar) { const BarRenderItem &item = renderRow.at(bar); if (!item.value()) continue; if (item.height() < 0) glCullFace(GL_FRONT); else glCullFace(GL_BACK); QMatrix4x4 modelMatrix; QMatrix4x4 MVPMatrix; colPos = (bar + seriesPos) * (m_cachedBarSpacing.width()); rowPos = (row + 0.5f) * (m_cachedBarSpacing.height()); modelMatrix.translate((colPos - m_rowWidth) / m_scaleFactor, item.height(), (m_columnDepth - rowPos) / m_scaleFactor); if (!seriesRotation.isIdentity() || !item.rotation().isIdentity()) modelMatrix.rotate(seriesRotation * item.rotation()); modelMatrix.scale(QVector3D(m_scaleX * m_seriesScaleX, item.height(), m_scaleZ * m_seriesScaleZ)); MVPMatrix = projectionViewMatrix * modelMatrix; QVector4D barColor = QVector4D(GLfloat(row) / 255.0f, GLfloat(bar) / 255.0f, GLfloat(cache->visualIndex()) / 255.0f, itemAlpha); m_selectionShader->setUniformValue(m_selectionShader->MVP(), MVPMatrix); m_selectionShader->setUniformValue(m_selectionShader->color(), barColor); m_drawer->drawSelectionObject(m_selectionShader, barObj); } } } } glCullFace(GL_BACK); Abstract3DRenderer::drawCustomItems(RenderingSelection, m_selectionShader, viewMatrix, projectionViewMatrix, depthProjectionViewMatrix, m_depthTexture, m_shadowQualityToShader); drawLabels(true, activeCamera, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix); drawBackground(backgroundRotation, depthProjectionViewMatrix, projectionViewMatrix, viewMatrix, false, true); glEnable(GL_DITHER); // Read color under cursor QVector4D clickedColor = Utils::getSelection(m_inputPosition, m_viewport.height()); m_clickedPosition = selectionColorToArrayPosition(clickedColor); m_clickedSeries = selectionColorToSeries(clickedColor); m_clickResolved = true; emit needRender(); // Revert to original render target and viewport glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, defaultFboHandle); glViewport(m_primarySubViewport.x(), m_primarySubViewport.y(), m_primarySubViewport.width(), m_primarySubViewport.height()); } if (m_reflectionEnabled) { // // Draw reflections // glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glColorMask(GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE); glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); glStencilOp(GL_REPLACE, GL_REPLACE, GL_REPLACE); glStencilFunc(GL_ALWAYS, 1, 0xffffffff); // Draw background stencil drawBackground(backgroundRotation, depthProjectionViewMatrix, projectionViewMatrix, viewMatrix); glColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, 1, 0xffffffff); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP); // Set light QVector3D reflectionLightPos = lightPos; reflectionLightPos.setY(-(lightPos.y())); m_cachedScene->activeLight()->setPosition(reflectionLightPos); // Draw bar reflections (void)drawBars(&selectedBar, depthProjectionViewMatrix, projectionViewMatrix, viewMatrix, startRow, stopRow, stepRow, startBar, stopBar, stepBar, -1.0f); Abstract3DRenderer::drawCustomItems(RenderingNormal, m_customItemShader, viewMatrix, projectionViewMatrix, depthProjectionViewMatrix, m_depthTexture, m_shadowQualityToShader, -1.0f); // Reset light m_cachedScene->activeLight()->setPosition(lightPos); glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); glCullFace(GL_BACK); } // // Draw the real scene // // Draw background if (m_reflectionEnabled) { glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); drawBackground(backgroundRotation, depthProjectionViewMatrix, projectionViewMatrix, viewMatrix, true); glDisable(GL_BLEND); } else { drawBackground(backgroundRotation, depthProjectionViewMatrix, projectionViewMatrix, viewMatrix); } // Draw bars bool barSelectionFound = drawBars(&selectedBar, depthProjectionViewMatrix, projectionViewMatrix, viewMatrix, startRow, stopRow, stepRow, startBar, stopBar, stepBar); // Draw grid lines drawGridLines(depthProjectionViewMatrix, projectionViewMatrix, viewMatrix); // Draw custom items Abstract3DRenderer::drawCustomItems(RenderingNormal, m_customItemShader, viewMatrix, projectionViewMatrix, depthProjectionViewMatrix, m_depthTexture, m_shadowQualityToShader); // Draw labels drawLabels(false, activeCamera, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix); // Handle selected bar label generation if (barSelectionFound) { // Print value of selected bar glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // Draw the selection label LabelItem &labelItem = selectionLabelItem(); if (m_selectedBar != selectedBar || m_updateLabels || !labelItem.textureId() || m_selectionLabelDirty) { QString labelText = selectionLabel(); if (labelText.isNull() || m_selectionLabelDirty) { labelText = m_selectedSeriesCache->itemLabel(); setSelectionLabel(labelText); m_selectionLabelDirty = false; } m_drawer->generateLabelItem(labelItem, labelText); m_selectedBar = selectedBar; } Drawer::LabelPosition position = m_selectedBar->height() >= 0 ? Drawer::LabelOver : Drawer::LabelBelow; m_drawer->drawLabel(*selectedBar, labelItem, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, zeroVector, identityQuaternion, selectedBar->height(), m_cachedSelectionMode, m_labelShader, m_labelObj, activeCamera, true, false, position); // Reset label update flag; they should have been updated when we get here m_updateLabels = false; glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } else { m_selectedBar = 0; } glDisable(GL_BLEND); // Release shader glUseProgram(0); m_selectionDirty = false; } bool Bars3DRenderer::drawBars(BarRenderItem **selectedBar, const QMatrix4x4 &depthProjectionViewMatrix, const QMatrix4x4 &projectionViewMatrix, const QMatrix4x4 &viewMatrix, GLint startRow, GLint stopRow, GLint stepRow, GLint startBar, GLint stopBar, GLint stepBar, GLfloat reflection) { QVector3D lightPos = m_cachedScene->activeLight()->position(); QVector4D lightColor = Utils::vectorFromColor(m_cachedTheme->lightColor()); bool rowMode = m_cachedSelectionMode.testFlag(QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionRow); ShaderHelper *barShader = 0; GLuint gradientTexture = 0; Q3DTheme::ColorStyle previousColorStyle = Q3DTheme::ColorStyleUniform; // Set unchanging shader bindings if (m_haveGradientSeries) { m_barGradientShader->bind(); m_barGradientShader->setUniformValue(m_barGradientShader->lightP(), lightPos); m_barGradientShader->setUniformValue(m_barGradientShader->view(), viewMatrix); m_barGradientShader->setUniformValue(m_barGradientShader->ambientS(), m_cachedTheme->ambientLightStrength()); m_barGradientShader->setUniformValue(m_barGradientShader->gradientMin(), 0.0f); m_barGradientShader->setUniformValue(m_barGradientShader->lightColor(), lightColor); } if (m_haveUniformColorSeries) { m_barShader->bind(); m_barShader->setUniformValue(m_barShader->lightP(), lightPos); m_barShader->setUniformValue(m_barShader->view(), viewMatrix); m_barShader->setUniformValue(m_barShader->ambientS(), m_cachedTheme->ambientLightStrength()); m_barShader->setUniformValue(m_barShader->lightColor(), lightColor); barShader = m_barShader; } else { barShader = m_barGradientShader; previousColorStyle = Q3DTheme::ColorStyleRangeGradient; } int sliceReserveAmount = 0; if (m_selectionDirty && m_cachedIsSlicingActivated) { // Slice doesn't own its items, no need to delete them - just clear if (rowMode) sliceReserveAmount = m_cachedColumnCount; else sliceReserveAmount = m_cachedRowCount; // Set slice cache, i.e. axis cache from where slice labels are taken if (rowMode) m_sliceCache = &m_axisCacheX; else m_sliceCache = &m_axisCacheZ; m_sliceTitleItem = 0; } glEnable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); glPolygonOffset(0.5f, 1.0f); GLfloat adjustedLightStrength = m_cachedTheme->lightStrength() / 10.0f; GLfloat adjustedHighlightStrength = m_cachedTheme->highlightLightStrength() / 10.0f; bool barSelectionFound = false; QVector4D baseColor; QVector4D barColor; QVector3D modelScaler(m_scaleX * m_seriesScaleX, 0.0f, m_scaleZ * m_seriesScaleZ); bool somethingSelected = (m_visualSelectedBarPos != Bars3DController::invalidSelectionPosition()); foreach (SeriesRenderCache *baseCache, m_renderCacheList) { if (baseCache->isVisible()) { BarSeriesRenderCache *cache = static_cast(baseCache); float seriesPos = m_seriesStart + m_seriesStep * cache->visualIndex() + 0.5f; ObjectHelper *barObj = cache->object(); QQuaternion seriesRotation(cache->meshRotation()); Q3DTheme::ColorStyle colorStyle = cache->colorStyle(); BarRenderItemArray &renderArray = cache->renderArray(); bool colorStyleIsUniform = (colorStyle == Q3DTheme::ColorStyleUniform); if (sliceReserveAmount) cache->sliceArray().resize(sliceReserveAmount); // Rebind shader if it has changed if (colorStyleIsUniform != (previousColorStyle == Q3DTheme::ColorStyleUniform)) { if (colorStyleIsUniform) barShader = m_barShader; else barShader = m_barGradientShader; barShader->bind(); } if (colorStyleIsUniform) { baseColor = cache->baseColor(); } else if ((previousColorStyle != colorStyle) && (colorStyle == Q3DTheme::ColorStyleObjectGradient)) { m_barGradientShader->setUniformValue(m_barGradientShader->gradientHeight(), 0.5f); } // Always use base color when no selection mode if (m_cachedSelectionMode == QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionNone) { if (colorStyleIsUniform) barColor = baseColor; else gradientTexture = cache->baseGradientTexture(); } previousColorStyle = colorStyle; for (int row = startRow; row != stopRow; row += stepRow) { BarRenderItemRow &renderRow = renderArray[row]; for (int bar = startBar; bar != stopBar; bar += stepBar) { BarRenderItem &item = renderRow[bar]; float adjustedHeight = reflection * item.height(); if (adjustedHeight < 0) glCullFace(GL_FRONT); else glCullFace(GL_BACK); QMatrix4x4 modelMatrix; QMatrix4x4 itModelMatrix; QMatrix4x4 MVPMatrix; GLfloat colPos = (bar + seriesPos) * (m_cachedBarSpacing.width()); GLfloat rowPos = (row + 0.5f) * (m_cachedBarSpacing.height()); modelMatrix.translate((colPos - m_rowWidth) / m_scaleFactor, adjustedHeight, (m_columnDepth - rowPos) / m_scaleFactor); modelScaler.setY(adjustedHeight); if (!seriesRotation.isIdentity() || !item.rotation().isIdentity()) { QQuaternion totalRotation = seriesRotation * item.rotation(); modelMatrix.rotate(totalRotation); itModelMatrix.rotate(totalRotation); } modelMatrix.scale(modelScaler); itModelMatrix.scale(modelScaler); #ifdef SHOW_DEPTH_TEXTURE_SCENE MVPMatrix = depthProjectionViewMatrix * modelMatrix; #else MVPMatrix = projectionViewMatrix * modelMatrix; #endif GLfloat lightStrength = m_cachedTheme->lightStrength(); GLfloat shadowLightStrength = adjustedLightStrength; if (m_cachedSelectionMode > QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionNone) { Bars3DController::SelectionType selectionType = Bars3DController::SelectionNone; if (somethingSelected) selectionType = isSelected(row, bar, cache); switch (selectionType) { case Bars3DController::SelectionItem: { if (colorStyleIsUniform) barColor = cache->singleHighlightColor(); else gradientTexture = cache->singleHighlightGradientTexture(); lightStrength = m_cachedTheme->highlightLightStrength(); shadowLightStrength = adjustedHighlightStrength; // Insert position data into render item // We have no ownership, don't delete the previous one if (!m_cachedIsSlicingActivated && m_selectedSeriesCache == cache) { *selectedBar = &item; (*selectedBar)->setPosition(QPoint(row, bar)); item.setTranslation(modelMatrix.column(3).toVector3D()); barSelectionFound = true; } if (m_selectionDirty && m_cachedIsSlicingActivated) { QVector3D translation = modelMatrix.column(3).toVector3D(); if (m_cachedSelectionMode & QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionColumn && m_visibleSeriesCount > 1) { translation.setZ((m_columnDepth - ((row + seriesPos) * (m_cachedBarSpacing.height()))) / m_scaleFactor); } item.setTranslation(translation); item.setPosition(QPoint(row, bar)); if (rowMode) cache->sliceArray()[bar].setItem(item); else cache->sliceArray()[row].setItem(item); } break; } case Bars3DController::SelectionRow: { // Current bar is on the same row as the selected bar if (colorStyleIsUniform) barColor = cache->multiHighlightColor(); else gradientTexture = cache->multiHighlightGradientTexture(); lightStrength = m_cachedTheme->highlightLightStrength(); shadowLightStrength = adjustedHighlightStrength; if (m_cachedIsSlicingActivated) { item.setTranslation(modelMatrix.column(3).toVector3D()); item.setPosition(QPoint(row, bar)); if (m_selectionDirty) { if (!m_sliceTitleItem && m_axisCacheZ.labelItems().size() > row) m_sliceTitleItem = m_axisCacheZ.labelItems().at(row); cache->sliceArray()[bar].setItem(item); } } break; } case Bars3DController::SelectionColumn: { // Current bar is on the same column as the selected bar if (colorStyleIsUniform) barColor = cache->multiHighlightColor(); else gradientTexture = cache->multiHighlightGradientTexture(); lightStrength = m_cachedTheme->highlightLightStrength(); shadowLightStrength = adjustedHighlightStrength; if (m_cachedIsSlicingActivated) { QVector3D translation = modelMatrix.column(3).toVector3D(); if (m_visibleSeriesCount > 1) { translation.setZ((m_columnDepth - ((row + seriesPos) * (m_cachedBarSpacing.height()))) / m_scaleFactor); } item.setTranslation(translation); item.setPosition(QPoint(row, bar)); if (m_selectionDirty) { if (!m_sliceTitleItem && m_axisCacheX.labelItems().size() > bar) m_sliceTitleItem = m_axisCacheX.labelItems().at(bar); cache->sliceArray()[row].setItem(item); } } break; } case Bars3DController::SelectionNone: { // Current bar is not selected, nor on a row or column if (colorStyleIsUniform) barColor = baseColor; else gradientTexture = cache->baseGradientTexture(); break; } } } if (item.height() == 0) { continue; } else if ((m_reflectionEnabled && (reflection == 1.0f || (reflection != 1.0f && ((m_yFlipped && item.height() < 0.0) || (!m_yFlipped && item.height() > 0.0))))) || !m_reflectionEnabled) { // Skip drawing of 0-height bars and reflections of bars on the "wrong side" // Set shader bindings barShader->setUniformValue(barShader->model(), modelMatrix); barShader->setUniformValue(barShader->nModel(), itModelMatrix.transposed().inverted()); barShader->setUniformValue(barShader->MVP(), MVPMatrix); if (colorStyleIsUniform) { barShader->setUniformValue(barShader->color(), barColor); } else if (colorStyle == Q3DTheme::ColorStyleRangeGradient) { barShader->setUniformValue(barShader->gradientHeight(), qAbs(item.height()) / m_gradientFraction); } #if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) if ((m_reflectionEnabled && reflection == 1.0f && m_cachedShadowQuality > QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQualityNone) || m_cachedShadowQuality > QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQualityNone) { // Set shadow shader bindings QMatrix4x4 depthMVPMatrix = depthProjectionViewMatrix * modelMatrix; barShader->setUniformValue(barShader->shadowQ(), m_shadowQualityToShader); barShader->setUniformValue(barShader->depth(), depthMVPMatrix); barShader->setUniformValue(barShader->lightS(), shadowLightStrength); barShader->setUniformValue(barShader->lightColor(), lightColor); // Draw the object m_drawer->drawObject(barShader, barObj, gradientTexture, m_depthTexture); } else #else Q_UNUSED(shadowLightStrength); Q_UNUSED(depthProjectionViewMatrix); #endif { // Set shadowless shader bindings if (m_reflectionEnabled && reflection != 1.0f && m_cachedShadowQuality > QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQualityNone) { barShader->setUniformValue(barShader->lightS(), adjustedLightStrength); } else { barShader->setUniformValue(barShader->lightS(), lightStrength); } // Draw the object m_drawer->drawObject(barShader, barObj, gradientTexture); } } } } } } glDisable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); // Reset culling glCullFace(GL_BACK); return barSelectionFound; } void Bars3DRenderer::drawBackground(GLfloat backgroundRotation, const QMatrix4x4 &depthProjectionViewMatrix, const QMatrix4x4 &projectionViewMatrix, const QMatrix4x4 &viewMatrix, bool reflectingDraw, bool drawingSelectionBuffer) { // Draw background if (m_cachedTheme->isBackgroundEnabled() && m_backgroundObj) { QVector3D lightPos = m_cachedScene->activeLight()->position(); QVector4D lightColor = Utils::vectorFromColor(m_cachedTheme->lightColor()); GLfloat adjustedLightStrength = m_cachedTheme->lightStrength() / 10.0f; ShaderHelper *shader = 0; // Bind background shader if (drawingSelectionBuffer) shader = m_selectionShader; // Use single color shader when drawing to selection buffer else shader = m_backgroundShader; shader->bind(); QMatrix4x4 modelMatrix; QMatrix4x4 MVPMatrix; QMatrix4x4 itModelMatrix; QVector3D backgroundScaler(m_scaleXWithBackground, m_scaleYWithBackground, m_scaleZWithBackground); QVector4D backgroundColor = Utils::vectorFromColor(m_cachedTheme->backgroundColor()); if (m_reflectionEnabled) backgroundColor.setW(backgroundColor.w() * m_reflectivity); // Set shader bindings shader->setUniformValue(shader->lightP(), lightPos); shader->setUniformValue(shader->view(), viewMatrix); if (drawingSelectionBuffer) { // Use selectionSkipColor for background when drawing to selection buffer shader->setUniformValue(shader->color(), selectionSkipColor); } else { shader->setUniformValue(shader->color(), backgroundColor); } shader->setUniformValue(shader->ambientS(), m_cachedTheme->ambientLightStrength() * 2.0f); shader->setUniformValue(shader->lightColor(), lightColor); // Draw floor modelMatrix.scale(backgroundScaler); if (m_yFlipped) modelMatrix.rotate(m_xRightAngleRotation); else modelMatrix.rotate(m_xRightAngleRotationNeg); itModelMatrix = modelMatrix; #ifdef SHOW_DEPTH_TEXTURE_SCENE MVPMatrix = depthProjectionViewMatrix * modelMatrix; #else MVPMatrix = projectionViewMatrix * modelMatrix; #endif // Set changed shader bindings shader->setUniformValue(shader->model(), modelMatrix); shader->setUniformValue(shader->nModel(), itModelMatrix.inverted().transposed()); shader->setUniformValue(shader->MVP(), MVPMatrix); #if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) if (m_cachedShadowQuality > QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQualityNone) { // Set shadow shader bindings QMatrix4x4 depthMVPMatrix = depthProjectionViewMatrix * modelMatrix; shader->setUniformValue(shader->depth(), depthMVPMatrix); // Draw the object m_drawer->drawObject(shader, m_gridLineObj, 0, m_depthTexture); } else #endif { // Draw the object m_drawer->drawObject(shader, m_gridLineObj); } // Draw walls modelMatrix = QMatrix4x4(); itModelMatrix = QMatrix4x4(); modelMatrix.translate(0.0f, m_backgroundAdjustment, 0.0f); modelMatrix.scale(backgroundScaler); itModelMatrix.scale(backgroundScaler); modelMatrix.rotate(backgroundRotation, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); itModelMatrix.rotate(backgroundRotation, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); #ifdef SHOW_DEPTH_TEXTURE_SCENE MVPMatrix = depthProjectionViewMatrix * modelMatrix; #else MVPMatrix = projectionViewMatrix * modelMatrix; #endif // Set changed shader bindings shader->setUniformValue(shader->model(), modelMatrix); shader->setUniformValue(shader->nModel(), itModelMatrix.inverted().transposed()); shader->setUniformValue(shader->MVP(), MVPMatrix); if (!m_reflectionEnabled || (m_reflectionEnabled && reflectingDraw)) { #if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) if (m_cachedShadowQuality > QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQualityNone) { // Set shadow shader bindings QMatrix4x4 depthMVPMatrix = depthProjectionViewMatrix * modelMatrix; shader->setUniformValue(shader->shadowQ(), m_shadowQualityToShader); shader->setUniformValue(shader->depth(), depthMVPMatrix); shader->setUniformValue(shader->lightS(), adjustedLightStrength); // Draw the object m_drawer->drawObject(shader, m_backgroundObj, 0, m_depthTexture); } else #else Q_UNUSED(adjustedLightStrength); Q_UNUSED(depthProjectionViewMatrix); #endif { // Set shadowless shader bindings shader->setUniformValue(shader->lightS(), m_cachedTheme->lightStrength()); // Draw the object m_drawer->drawObject(shader, m_backgroundObj); } } } } void Bars3DRenderer::drawGridLines(const QMatrix4x4 &depthProjectionViewMatrix, const QMatrix4x4 &projectionViewMatrix, const QMatrix4x4 &viewMatrix) { if (m_cachedTheme->isGridEnabled()) { #if !(defined QT_OPENGL_ES_2) ShaderHelper *lineShader = m_backgroundShader; #else Q_UNUSED(depthProjectionViewMatrix); ShaderHelper *lineShader = m_selectionShader; // Plain color shader for GL_LINES #endif QQuaternion lineRotation; QVector3D lightPos = m_cachedScene->activeLight()->position(); QVector4D lightColor = Utils::vectorFromColor(m_cachedTheme->lightColor()); // Bind bar shader lineShader->bind(); // Set unchanging shader bindings QVector4D barColor = Utils::vectorFromColor(m_cachedTheme->gridLineColor()); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->lightP(), lightPos); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->view(), viewMatrix); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->color(), barColor); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->ambientS(), m_cachedTheme->ambientLightStrength()); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->lightColor(), lightColor); #if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) if (m_cachedShadowQuality > QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQualityNone) { // Set shadowed shader bindings lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->shadowQ(), m_shadowQualityToShader); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->lightS(), m_cachedTheme->lightStrength() / 20.0f); } else #endif { // Set shadowless shader bindings lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->lightS(), m_cachedTheme->lightStrength() / 2.5f); } GLfloat yFloorLinePosition = gridLineOffset; if (m_yFlipped) yFloorLinePosition = -yFloorLinePosition; QVector3D gridLineScaler(m_scaleXWithBackground, gridLineWidth, gridLineWidth); if (m_yFlipped) lineRotation = m_xRightAngleRotation; else lineRotation = m_xRightAngleRotationNeg; // Floor lines: rows for (GLfloat row = 0.0f; row <= m_cachedRowCount; row++) { QMatrix4x4 modelMatrix; QMatrix4x4 MVPMatrix; QMatrix4x4 itModelMatrix; GLfloat rowPos = row * m_cachedBarSpacing.height(); modelMatrix.translate(0.0f, yFloorLinePosition, (m_columnDepth - rowPos) / m_scaleFactor); modelMatrix.scale(gridLineScaler); itModelMatrix.scale(gridLineScaler); modelMatrix.rotate(lineRotation); itModelMatrix.rotate(lineRotation); MVPMatrix = projectionViewMatrix * modelMatrix; // Set the rest of the shader bindings lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->model(), modelMatrix); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->nModel(), itModelMatrix.inverted().transposed()); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->MVP(), MVPMatrix); #if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) if (m_cachedShadowQuality > QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQualityNone) { // Set shadow shader bindings QMatrix4x4 depthMVPMatrix = depthProjectionViewMatrix * modelMatrix; lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->depth(), depthMVPMatrix); // Draw the object m_drawer->drawObject(lineShader, m_gridLineObj, 0, m_depthTexture); } else { // Draw the object m_drawer->drawObject(lineShader, m_gridLineObj); } #else m_drawer->drawLine(lineShader); #endif } // Floor lines: columns #if defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) lineRotation = m_yRightAngleRotation; #endif gridLineScaler = QVector3D(gridLineWidth, gridLineWidth, m_scaleZWithBackground); for (GLfloat bar = 0.0f; bar <= m_cachedColumnCount; bar++) { QMatrix4x4 modelMatrix; QMatrix4x4 MVPMatrix; QMatrix4x4 itModelMatrix; GLfloat colPos = bar * m_cachedBarSpacing.width(); modelMatrix.translate((m_rowWidth - colPos) / m_scaleFactor, yFloorLinePosition, 0.0f); modelMatrix.scale(gridLineScaler); itModelMatrix.scale(gridLineScaler); modelMatrix.rotate(lineRotation); itModelMatrix.rotate(lineRotation); MVPMatrix = projectionViewMatrix * modelMatrix; // Set the rest of the shader bindings lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->model(), modelMatrix); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->nModel(), itModelMatrix.inverted().transposed()); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->MVP(), MVPMatrix); #if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) if (m_cachedShadowQuality > QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQualityNone) { // Set shadow shader bindings QMatrix4x4 depthMVPMatrix = depthProjectionViewMatrix * modelMatrix; lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->depth(), depthMVPMatrix); // Draw the object m_drawer->drawObject(lineShader, m_gridLineObj, 0, m_depthTexture); } else { // Draw the object m_drawer->drawObject(lineShader, m_gridLineObj); } #else m_drawer->drawLine(lineShader); #endif } if (m_axisCacheY.segmentCount() > 0) { // Wall lines: back wall int gridLineCount = m_axisCacheY.gridLineCount(); GLfloat zWallLinePosition = -m_scaleZWithBackground + gridLineOffset; if (m_zFlipped) zWallLinePosition = -zWallLinePosition; gridLineScaler = QVector3D(m_scaleXWithBackground, gridLineWidth, gridLineWidth); for (int line = 0; line < gridLineCount; line++) { QMatrix4x4 modelMatrix; QMatrix4x4 MVPMatrix; QMatrix4x4 itModelMatrix; modelMatrix.translate(0.0f, m_axisCacheY.gridLinePosition(line), zWallLinePosition); modelMatrix.scale(gridLineScaler); itModelMatrix.scale(gridLineScaler); if (m_zFlipped) { modelMatrix.rotate(m_xFlipRotation); itModelMatrix.rotate(m_xFlipRotation); } MVPMatrix = projectionViewMatrix * modelMatrix; // Set the rest of the shader bindings lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->model(), modelMatrix); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->nModel(), itModelMatrix.inverted().transposed()); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->MVP(), MVPMatrix); #if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) if (m_cachedShadowQuality > QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQualityNone) { // Set shadow shader bindings QMatrix4x4 depthMVPMatrix = depthProjectionViewMatrix * modelMatrix; lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->depth(), depthMVPMatrix); // Draw the object m_drawer->drawObject(lineShader, m_gridLineObj, 0, m_depthTexture); } else { // Draw the object m_drawer->drawObject(lineShader, m_gridLineObj); } #else m_drawer->drawLine(lineShader); #endif } // Wall lines: side wall GLfloat xWallLinePosition = -m_scaleXWithBackground + gridLineOffset; if (m_xFlipped) xWallLinePosition = -xWallLinePosition; if (m_xFlipped) lineRotation = m_yRightAngleRotationNeg; else lineRotation = m_yRightAngleRotation; gridLineScaler = QVector3D(gridLineWidth, gridLineWidth, m_scaleZWithBackground); for (int line = 0; line < gridLineCount; line++) { QMatrix4x4 modelMatrix; QMatrix4x4 MVPMatrix; QMatrix4x4 itModelMatrix; modelMatrix.translate(xWallLinePosition, m_axisCacheY.gridLinePosition(line), 0.0f); modelMatrix.scale(gridLineScaler); itModelMatrix.scale(gridLineScaler); modelMatrix.rotate(lineRotation); itModelMatrix.rotate(lineRotation); MVPMatrix = projectionViewMatrix * modelMatrix; // Set the rest of the shader bindings lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->model(), modelMatrix); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->nModel(), itModelMatrix.inverted().transposed()); lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->MVP(), MVPMatrix); #if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) if (m_cachedShadowQuality > QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQualityNone) { // Set shadow shader bindings QMatrix4x4 depthMVPMatrix = depthProjectionViewMatrix * modelMatrix; lineShader->setUniformValue(lineShader->depth(), depthMVPMatrix); // Draw the object m_drawer->drawObject(lineShader, m_gridLineObj, 0, m_depthTexture); } else { // Draw the object m_drawer->drawObject(lineShader, m_gridLineObj); } #else m_drawer->drawLine(lineShader); #endif } } } } void Bars3DRenderer::drawLabels(bool drawSelection, const Q3DCamera *activeCamera, const QMatrix4x4 &viewMatrix, const QMatrix4x4 &projectionMatrix) { ShaderHelper *shader = 0; GLfloat alphaForValueSelection = labelValueAlpha / 255.0f; GLfloat alphaForRowSelection = labelRowAlpha / 255.0f; GLfloat alphaForColumnSelection = labelColumnAlpha / 255.0f; if (drawSelection) { shader = m_selectionShader; // m_selectionShader is already bound } else { shader = m_labelShader; shader->bind(); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); } glEnable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); float labelAutoAngle = m_axisCacheY.labelAutoRotation(); float labelAngleFraction = labelAutoAngle / 90.0f; float fractionCamY = activeCamera->yRotation() * labelAngleFraction; float fractionCamX = activeCamera->xRotation() * labelAngleFraction; float labelsMaxWidth = 0.0f; int startIndex; int endIndex; int indexStep; // Y Labels int labelCount = m_axisCacheY.labelCount(); GLfloat labelMarginXTrans = labelMargin; GLfloat labelMarginZTrans = labelMargin; GLfloat labelXTrans = m_scaleXWithBackground; GLfloat labelZTrans = m_scaleZWithBackground; QVector3D backLabelRotation(0.0f, -90.0f, 0.0f); QVector3D sideLabelRotation(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); Qt::AlignmentFlag backAlignment = (m_xFlipped != m_zFlipped) ? Qt::AlignLeft : Qt::AlignRight; Qt::AlignmentFlag sideAlignment = (m_xFlipped == m_zFlipped) ? Qt::AlignLeft : Qt::AlignRight; if (!m_xFlipped) { labelXTrans = -labelXTrans; labelMarginXTrans = -labelMargin; } if (m_zFlipped) { labelZTrans = -labelZTrans; labelMarginZTrans = -labelMargin; } if (labelAutoAngle == 0.0f) { if (!m_xFlipped) backLabelRotation.setY(90.0f); if (m_zFlipped) sideLabelRotation.setY(180.f); } else { // Orient side labels somewhat towards the camera if (m_xFlipped) { if (m_zFlipped) sideLabelRotation.setY(180.0f + (2.0f * labelAutoAngle) - fractionCamX); else sideLabelRotation.setY(-fractionCamX); backLabelRotation.setY(-90.0f + labelAutoAngle - fractionCamX); } else { if (m_zFlipped) sideLabelRotation.setY(180.0f - (2.0f * labelAutoAngle) - fractionCamX); else sideLabelRotation.setY(-fractionCamX); backLabelRotation.setY(90.0f - labelAutoAngle - fractionCamX); } } sideLabelRotation.setX(-fractionCamY); backLabelRotation.setX(-fractionCamY); QQuaternion totalSideRotation = Utils::calculateRotation(sideLabelRotation); QQuaternion totalBackRotation = Utils::calculateRotation(backLabelRotation); QVector3D backLabelTrans = QVector3D(labelXTrans, 0.0f, labelZTrans + labelMarginZTrans); QVector3D sideLabelTrans = QVector3D(-labelXTrans - labelMarginXTrans, 0.0f, -labelZTrans); if (m_yFlipped) { startIndex = labelCount - 1; endIndex = -1; indexStep = -1; } else { startIndex = 0; endIndex = labelCount; indexStep = 1; } float offsetValue = 0.0f; for (int i = startIndex; i != endIndex; i = i + indexStep) { backLabelTrans.setY(m_axisCacheY.labelPosition(i)); sideLabelTrans.setY(backLabelTrans.y()); glPolygonOffset(offsetValue++ / -10.0f, 1.0f); const LabelItem &axisLabelItem = *m_axisCacheY.labelItems().at(i); if (drawSelection) { QVector4D labelColor = QVector4D(0.0f, 0.0f, i / 255.0f, alphaForValueSelection); shader->setUniformValue(shader->color(), labelColor); } // Back wall m_dummyBarRenderItem.setTranslation(backLabelTrans); m_drawer->drawLabel(m_dummyBarRenderItem, axisLabelItem, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, zeroVector, totalBackRotation, 0, m_cachedSelectionMode, shader, m_labelObj, activeCamera, true, true, Drawer::LabelMid, backAlignment, false, drawSelection); // Side wall m_dummyBarRenderItem.setTranslation(sideLabelTrans); m_drawer->drawLabel(m_dummyBarRenderItem, axisLabelItem, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, zeroVector, totalSideRotation, 0, m_cachedSelectionMode, shader, m_labelObj, activeCamera, true, true, Drawer::LabelMid, sideAlignment, false, drawSelection); labelsMaxWidth = qMax(labelsMaxWidth, float(axisLabelItem.size().width())); } if (!drawSelection && m_axisCacheY.isTitleVisible()) { sideLabelTrans.setY(m_backgroundAdjustment); backLabelTrans.setY(m_backgroundAdjustment); drawAxisTitleY(sideLabelRotation, backLabelRotation, sideLabelTrans, backLabelTrans, totalSideRotation, totalBackRotation, m_dummyBarRenderItem, activeCamera, labelsMaxWidth, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, shader); } // Z labels // Calculate the positions for row and column labels and store them labelsMaxWidth = 0.0f; labelAutoAngle = m_axisCacheZ.labelAutoRotation(); labelAngleFraction = labelAutoAngle / 90.0f; fractionCamY = activeCamera->yRotation() * labelAngleFraction; fractionCamX = activeCamera->xRotation() * labelAngleFraction; GLfloat labelYAdjustment = 0.005f; GLfloat colPosValue = m_scaleXWithBackground + labelMargin; GLfloat rowPosValue = m_scaleZWithBackground + labelMargin; GLfloat rowPos = 0.0f; GLfloat colPos = 0.0f; Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment = (m_xFlipped == m_zFlipped) ? Qt::AlignLeft : Qt::AlignRight; QVector3D labelRotation; if (labelAutoAngle == 0.0f) { if (m_zFlipped) labelRotation.setY(180.0f); if (m_yFlipped) { if (m_zFlipped) labelRotation.setY(180.0f); else labelRotation.setY(0.0f); labelRotation.setX(90.0f); } else { labelRotation.setX(-90.0f); } } else { if (m_zFlipped) labelRotation.setY(180.0f); if (m_yFlipped) { if (m_zFlipped) { if (m_xFlipped) { labelRotation.setX(90.0f - (labelAutoAngle - fractionCamX) * (-labelAutoAngle - fractionCamY) / labelAutoAngle); labelRotation.setZ(labelAutoAngle + fractionCamY); } else { labelRotation.setX(90.0f + (labelAutoAngle + fractionCamX) * (labelAutoAngle + fractionCamY) / labelAutoAngle); labelRotation.setZ(-labelAutoAngle - fractionCamY); } } else { if (m_xFlipped) { labelRotation.setX(90.0f + (labelAutoAngle - fractionCamX) * -(labelAutoAngle + fractionCamY) / labelAutoAngle); labelRotation.setZ(-labelAutoAngle - fractionCamY); } else { labelRotation.setX(90.0f - (labelAutoAngle + fractionCamX) * (labelAutoAngle + fractionCamY) / labelAutoAngle); labelRotation.setZ(labelAutoAngle + fractionCamY); } } } else { if (m_zFlipped) { if (m_xFlipped) { labelRotation.setX(-90.0f + (labelAutoAngle - fractionCamX) * (-labelAutoAngle + fractionCamY) / labelAutoAngle); labelRotation.setZ(-labelAutoAngle + fractionCamY); } else { labelRotation.setX(-90.0f - (labelAutoAngle + fractionCamX) * (labelAutoAngle - fractionCamY) / labelAutoAngle); labelRotation.setZ(labelAutoAngle - fractionCamY); } } else { if (m_xFlipped) { labelRotation.setX(-90.0f - (labelAutoAngle - fractionCamX) * (-labelAutoAngle + fractionCamY) / labelAutoAngle); labelRotation.setZ(labelAutoAngle - fractionCamY); } else { labelRotation.setX(-90.0f + (labelAutoAngle + fractionCamX) * (labelAutoAngle - fractionCamY) / labelAutoAngle); labelRotation.setZ(-labelAutoAngle + fractionCamY); } } } } QQuaternion totalRotation = Utils::calculateRotation(labelRotation); labelCount = qMin(m_axisCacheZ.labelCount(), m_cachedRowCount); if (m_zFlipped) { startIndex = 0; endIndex = labelCount; indexStep = 1; } else { startIndex = labelCount - 1; endIndex = -1; indexStep = -1; } offsetValue = 0.0f; for (int row = startIndex; row != endIndex; row = row + indexStep) { // Go through all rows and get position of max+1 or min-1 column, depending on x flip // We need only positions for them, labels have already been generated rowPos = (row + 0.5f) * m_cachedBarSpacing.height(); if (m_xFlipped) colPos = -colPosValue; else colPos = colPosValue; glPolygonOffset(offsetValue++ / -10.0f, 1.0f); QVector3D labelPos = QVector3D(colPos, labelYAdjustment, // raise a bit over background to avoid depth "glimmering" (m_columnDepth - rowPos) / m_scaleFactor); m_dummyBarRenderItem.setTranslation(labelPos); const LabelItem &axisLabelItem = *m_axisCacheZ.labelItems().at(row); if (drawSelection) { QVector4D labelColor = QVector4D(row / 255.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, alphaForRowSelection); shader->setUniformValue(shader->color(), labelColor); } m_drawer->drawLabel(m_dummyBarRenderItem, axisLabelItem, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, zeroVector, totalRotation, 0, m_cachedSelectionMode, shader, m_labelObj, activeCamera, true, true, Drawer::LabelMid, alignment, false, drawSelection); labelsMaxWidth = qMax(labelsMaxWidth, float(axisLabelItem.size().width())); } if (!drawSelection && m_axisCacheZ.isTitleVisible()) { QVector3D titleTrans(colPos, 0.0f, 0.0f); drawAxisTitleZ(labelRotation, titleTrans, totalRotation, m_dummyBarRenderItem, activeCamera, labelsMaxWidth, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, shader); } // X labels labelsMaxWidth = 0.0f; labelAutoAngle = m_axisCacheX.labelAutoRotation(); labelAngleFraction = labelAutoAngle / 90.0f; fractionCamY = activeCamera->yRotation() * labelAngleFraction; fractionCamX = activeCamera->xRotation() * labelAngleFraction; alignment = (m_xFlipped != m_zFlipped) ? Qt::AlignLeft : Qt::AlignRight; if (labelAutoAngle == 0.0f) { labelRotation = QVector3D(-90.0f, 90.0f, 0.0f); if (m_xFlipped) labelRotation.setY(-90.0f); if (m_yFlipped) { if (m_xFlipped) labelRotation.setY(-90.0f); else labelRotation.setY(90.0f); labelRotation.setX(90.0f); } } else { if (m_xFlipped) labelRotation.setY(-90.0f); else labelRotation.setY(90.0f); if (m_yFlipped) { if (m_zFlipped) { if (m_xFlipped) { labelRotation.setX(90.0f - (2.0f * labelAutoAngle - fractionCamX) * (labelAutoAngle + fractionCamY) / labelAutoAngle); labelRotation.setZ(-labelAutoAngle - fractionCamY); } else { labelRotation.setX(90.0f - (2.0f * labelAutoAngle + fractionCamX) * (labelAutoAngle + fractionCamY) / labelAutoAngle); labelRotation.setZ(labelAutoAngle + fractionCamY); } } else { if (m_xFlipped) { labelRotation.setX(90.0f + fractionCamX * -(labelAutoAngle + fractionCamY) / labelAutoAngle); labelRotation.setZ(labelAutoAngle + fractionCamY); } else { labelRotation.setX(90.0f - fractionCamX * (-labelAutoAngle - fractionCamY) / labelAutoAngle); labelRotation.setZ(-labelAutoAngle - fractionCamY); } } } else { if (m_zFlipped) { if (m_xFlipped) { labelRotation.setX(-90.0f + (2.0f * labelAutoAngle - fractionCamX) * (labelAutoAngle - fractionCamY) / labelAutoAngle); labelRotation.setZ(labelAutoAngle - fractionCamY); } else { labelRotation.setX(-90.0f + (2.0f * labelAutoAngle + fractionCamX) * (labelAutoAngle - fractionCamY) / labelAutoAngle); labelRotation.setZ(-labelAutoAngle + fractionCamY); } } else { if (m_xFlipped) { labelRotation.setX(-90.0f - fractionCamX * (-labelAutoAngle + fractionCamY) / labelAutoAngle); labelRotation.setZ(-labelAutoAngle + fractionCamY); } else { labelRotation.setX(-90.0f + fractionCamX * -(labelAutoAngle - fractionCamY) / labelAutoAngle); labelRotation.setZ(labelAutoAngle - fractionCamY); } } } } totalRotation = Utils::calculateRotation(labelRotation); labelCount = qMin(m_axisCacheX.labelCount(), m_cachedColumnCount); if (m_xFlipped) { startIndex = labelCount - 1; endIndex = -1; indexStep = -1; } else { startIndex = 0; endIndex = labelCount; indexStep = 1; } offsetValue = 0.0f; for (int column = startIndex; column != endIndex; column = column + indexStep) { // Go through all columns and get position of max+1 or min-1 row, depending on z flip // We need only positions for them, labels have already been generated colPos = (column + 0.5f) * m_cachedBarSpacing.width(); if (m_zFlipped) rowPos = -rowPosValue; else rowPos = rowPosValue; glPolygonOffset(offsetValue++ / -10.0f, 1.0f); QVector3D labelPos = QVector3D((colPos - m_rowWidth) / m_scaleFactor, labelYAdjustment, // raise a bit over background to avoid depth "glimmering" rowPos); m_dummyBarRenderItem.setTranslation(labelPos); const LabelItem &axisLabelItem = *m_axisCacheX.labelItems().at(column); if (drawSelection) { QVector4D labelColor = QVector4D(0.0f, column / 255.0f, 0.0f, alphaForColumnSelection); shader->setUniformValue(shader->color(), labelColor); } m_drawer->drawLabel(m_dummyBarRenderItem, axisLabelItem, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, zeroVector, totalRotation, 0, m_cachedSelectionMode, shader, m_labelObj, activeCamera, true, true, Drawer::LabelMid, alignment, false, drawSelection); labelsMaxWidth = qMax(labelsMaxWidth, float(axisLabelItem.size().width())); } if (!drawSelection && m_axisCacheX.isTitleVisible()) { QVector3D titleTrans(0.0f, 0.0f, rowPos); drawAxisTitleX(labelRotation, titleTrans, totalRotation, m_dummyBarRenderItem, activeCamera, labelsMaxWidth, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, shader); } #if 0 // Debug label static LabelItem debugLabelItem; QString debugLabelString(QStringLiteral("Flips: x:%1 y:%2 z:%3 xr:%4 yr:%5")); QString finalDebugString = debugLabelString.arg(m_xFlipped).arg(m_yFlipped).arg(m_zFlipped) .arg(activeCamera->xRotation()).arg(activeCamera->yRotation()); m_dummyBarRenderItem.setTranslation(QVector3D(m_xFlipped ? -1.5f : 1.5f, m_yFlipped ? 1.5f : -1.5f, m_zFlipped ? -1.5f : 1.5f)); m_drawer->generateLabelItem(debugLabelItem, finalDebugString); m_drawer->drawLabel(m_dummyBarRenderItem, debugLabelItem, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, zeroVector, identityQuaternion, 0, m_cachedSelectionMode, shader, m_labelObj, activeCamera, true, false, Drawer::LabelMid, Qt::AlignHCenter, false, drawSelection); #endif glDisable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); } void Bars3DRenderer::updateMultiSeriesScaling(bool uniform) { m_keepSeriesUniform = uniform; // Recalculate scale factors m_seriesScaleX = 1.0f / float(m_visibleSeriesCount); if (m_keepSeriesUniform) m_seriesScaleZ = m_seriesScaleX; else m_seriesScaleZ = 1.0f; } void Bars3DRenderer::updateBarSpecs(GLfloat thicknessRatio, const QSizeF &spacing, bool relative) { // Convert ratio to QSizeF, as we need it in that format for autoscaling calculations m_cachedBarThickness.setWidth(1.0f); m_cachedBarThickness.setHeight(1.0f / thicknessRatio); if (relative) { m_cachedBarSpacing.setWidth((m_cachedBarThickness.width() * 2) * (spacing.width() + 1.0f)); m_cachedBarSpacing.setHeight((m_cachedBarThickness.height() * 2) * (spacing.height() + 1.0f)); } else { m_cachedBarSpacing = m_cachedBarThickness * 2 + spacing * 2; } // Slice mode doesn't update correctly without this if (m_cachedIsSlicingActivated) m_selectionDirty = true; // Calculate here and at setting sample space calculateSceneScalingFactors(); } void Bars3DRenderer::updateAxisRange(QAbstract3DAxis::AxisOrientation orientation, float min, float max) { Abstract3DRenderer::updateAxisRange(orientation, min, max); if (orientation == QAbstract3DAxis::AxisOrientationY) calculateHeightAdjustment(); } void Bars3DRenderer::updateAxisReversed(QAbstract3DAxis::AxisOrientation orientation, bool enable) { Abstract3DRenderer::updateAxisReversed(orientation, enable); if (orientation == QAbstract3DAxis::AxisOrientationY) calculateHeightAdjustment(); } void Bars3DRenderer::updateSelectedBar(const QPoint &position, QBar3DSeries *series) { m_selectedBarPos = position; m_selectedSeriesCache = static_cast(m_renderCacheList.value(series, 0)); m_selectionDirty = true; m_selectionLabelDirty = true; if (!m_selectedSeriesCache || !m_selectedSeriesCache->isVisible() || m_selectedSeriesCache->renderArray().isEmpty()) { m_visualSelectedBarPos = Bars3DController::invalidSelectionPosition(); return; } int adjustedZ = m_selectedBarPos.x() - int(m_axisCacheZ.min()); int adjustedX = m_selectedBarPos.y() - int(m_axisCacheX.min()); int maxZ = m_selectedSeriesCache->renderArray().size() - 1; int maxX = maxZ >= 0 ? m_selectedSeriesCache->renderArray().at(0).size() - 1 : -1; if (m_selectedBarPos == Bars3DController::invalidSelectionPosition() || adjustedZ < 0 || adjustedZ > maxZ || adjustedX < 0 || adjustedX > maxX) { m_visualSelectedBarPos = Bars3DController::invalidSelectionPosition(); } else { m_visualSelectedBarPos = QPoint(adjustedZ, adjustedX); } } void Bars3DRenderer::resetClickedStatus() { m_clickedPosition = Bars3DController::invalidSelectionPosition(); m_clickedSeries = 0; } void Bars3DRenderer::updateShadowQuality(QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQuality quality) { m_cachedShadowQuality = quality; switch (quality) { case QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQualityLow: m_shadowQualityToShader = 33.3f; m_shadowQualityMultiplier = 1; break; case QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQualityMedium: m_shadowQualityToShader = 100.0f; m_shadowQualityMultiplier = 3; break; case QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQualityHigh: m_shadowQualityToShader = 200.0f; m_shadowQualityMultiplier = 5; break; case QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQualitySoftLow: m_shadowQualityToShader = 7.5f; m_shadowQualityMultiplier = 1; break; case QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQualitySoftMedium: m_shadowQualityToShader = 10.0f; m_shadowQualityMultiplier = 3; break; case QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQualitySoftHigh: m_shadowQualityToShader = 15.0f; m_shadowQualityMultiplier = 4; break; default: m_shadowQualityToShader = 0.0f; m_shadowQualityMultiplier = 1; break; } handleShadowQualityChange(); #if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) // Re-init depth buffer updateDepthBuffer(); #endif // Redraw to handle both reflections and shadows on background if (m_reflectionEnabled) needRender(); } void Bars3DRenderer::loadBackgroundMesh() { ObjectHelper::resetObjectHelper(this, m_backgroundObj, QStringLiteral(":/defaultMeshes/backgroundNoFloor")); } void Bars3DRenderer::updateTextures() { Abstract3DRenderer::updateTextures(); // Drawer has changed; this flag needs to be checked when checking if we need to update labels m_updateLabels = true; } void Bars3DRenderer::fixMeshFileName(QString &fileName, QAbstract3DSeries::Mesh mesh) { if (!m_cachedTheme->isBackgroundEnabled()) { // Load full version of meshes that have it available // Note: Minimal, Point, and Arrow not supported in bar charts if (mesh != QAbstract3DSeries::MeshSphere) fileName.append(QStringLiteral("Full")); } } void Bars3DRenderer::calculateSceneScalingFactors() { // Calculate scene scaling and translation factors m_rowWidth = (m_cachedColumnCount * m_cachedBarSpacing.width()) / 2.0f; m_columnDepth = (m_cachedRowCount * m_cachedBarSpacing.height()) / 2.0f; m_maxDimension = qMax(m_rowWidth, m_columnDepth); m_scaleFactor = qMin((m_cachedColumnCount * (m_maxDimension / m_maxSceneSize)), (m_cachedRowCount * (m_maxDimension / m_maxSceneSize))); // Single bar scaling m_scaleX = m_cachedBarThickness.width() / m_scaleFactor; m_scaleZ = m_cachedBarThickness.height() / m_scaleFactor; // Whole graph scale factors m_xScaleFactor = m_rowWidth / m_scaleFactor; m_zScaleFactor = m_columnDepth / m_scaleFactor; if (m_requestedMargin < 0.0f) { m_hBackgroundMargin = 0.0f; m_vBackgroundMargin = 0.0f; } else { m_hBackgroundMargin = m_requestedMargin; m_vBackgroundMargin = m_requestedMargin; } m_scaleXWithBackground = m_xScaleFactor + m_hBackgroundMargin; m_scaleYWithBackground = 1.0f + m_vBackgroundMargin; m_scaleZWithBackground = m_zScaleFactor + m_hBackgroundMargin; updateCameraViewport(); updateCustomItemPositions(); } void Bars3DRenderer::calculateHeightAdjustment() { float min = m_axisCacheY.min(); float max = m_axisCacheY.max(); GLfloat newAdjustment = 1.0f; m_actualFloorLevel = qBound(min, m_floorLevel, max); GLfloat maxAbs = qFabs(max - m_actualFloorLevel); // Check if we have negative values if (min < m_actualFloorLevel) m_hasNegativeValues = true; else if (min >= m_actualFloorLevel) m_hasNegativeValues = false; if (max < m_actualFloorLevel) { m_heightNormalizer = GLfloat(qFabs(min) - qFabs(max)); maxAbs = qFabs(max) - qFabs(min); } else { m_heightNormalizer = GLfloat(max - min); } // Height fractions are used in gradient calculations and are therefore doubled // Note that if max or min is exactly zero, we still consider it outside the range if (max <= m_actualFloorLevel || min >= m_actualFloorLevel) { m_noZeroInRange = true; m_gradientFraction = 2.0f; } else { m_noZeroInRange = false; GLfloat minAbs = qFabs(min - m_actualFloorLevel); m_gradientFraction = qMax(minAbs, maxAbs) / m_heightNormalizer * 2.0f; } // Calculate translation adjustment for background floor newAdjustment = (qBound(0.0f, (maxAbs / m_heightNormalizer), 1.0f) - 0.5f) * 2.0f; if (m_axisCacheY.reversed()) newAdjustment = -newAdjustment; if (newAdjustment != m_backgroundAdjustment) { m_backgroundAdjustment = newAdjustment; m_axisCacheY.setTranslate(m_backgroundAdjustment - 1.0f); } } Bars3DController::SelectionType Bars3DRenderer::isSelected(int row, int bar, const BarSeriesRenderCache *cache) { Bars3DController::SelectionType isSelectedType = Bars3DController::SelectionNone; if ((m_cachedSelectionMode.testFlag(QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionMultiSeries) && m_selectedSeriesCache) || cache == m_selectedSeriesCache) { if (row == m_visualSelectedBarPos.x() && bar == m_visualSelectedBarPos.y() && (m_cachedSelectionMode.testFlag(QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionItem))) { isSelectedType = Bars3DController::SelectionItem; } else if (row == m_visualSelectedBarPos.x() && (m_cachedSelectionMode.testFlag(QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionRow))) { isSelectedType = Bars3DController::SelectionRow; } else if (bar == m_visualSelectedBarPos.y() && (m_cachedSelectionMode.testFlag(QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionColumn))) { isSelectedType = Bars3DController::SelectionColumn; } } return isSelectedType; } QPoint Bars3DRenderer::selectionColorToArrayPosition(const QVector4D &selectionColor) { QPoint position = Bars3DController::invalidSelectionPosition(); m_clickedType = QAbstract3DGraph::ElementNone; m_selectedLabelIndex = -1; m_selectedCustomItemIndex = -1; if (selectionColor.w() == itemAlpha) { // Normal selection item position = QPoint(int(selectionColor.x() + int(m_axisCacheZ.min())), int(selectionColor.y()) + int(m_axisCacheX.min())); // Pass item clicked info to input handler m_clickedType = QAbstract3DGraph::ElementSeries; } else if (selectionColor.w() == labelRowAlpha) { // Row selection if (m_cachedSelectionMode.testFlag(QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionRow)) { // Use column from previous selection in case we have row + column mode GLint previousCol = qMax(0, m_selectedBarPos.y()); // Use 0 if previous is invalid position = QPoint(int(selectionColor.x() + int(m_axisCacheZ.min())), previousCol); } m_selectedLabelIndex = selectionColor.x(); // Pass label clicked info to input handler m_clickedType = QAbstract3DGraph::ElementAxisZLabel; } else if (selectionColor.w() == labelColumnAlpha) { // Column selection if (m_cachedSelectionMode.testFlag(QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionColumn)) { // Use row from previous selection in case we have row + column mode GLint previousRow = qMax(0, m_selectedBarPos.x()); // Use 0 if previous is invalid position = QPoint(previousRow, int(selectionColor.y()) + int(m_axisCacheX.min())); } m_selectedLabelIndex = selectionColor.y(); // Pass label clicked info to input handler m_clickedType = QAbstract3DGraph::ElementAxisXLabel; } else if (selectionColor.w() == labelValueAlpha) { // Value selection position = Bars3DController::invalidSelectionPosition(); m_selectedLabelIndex = selectionColor.z(); // Pass label clicked info to input handler m_clickedType = QAbstract3DGraph::ElementAxisYLabel; } else if (selectionColor.w() == customItemAlpha) { // Custom item selection position = Bars3DController::invalidSelectionPosition(); m_selectedCustomItemIndex = int(selectionColor.x()) + (int(selectionColor.y()) << 8) + (int(selectionColor.z()) << 16); m_clickedType = QAbstract3DGraph::ElementCustomItem; } return position; } QBar3DSeries *Bars3DRenderer::selectionColorToSeries(const QVector4D &selectionColor) { if (selectionColor == selectionSkipColor) { return 0; } else { int seriesIndexFromColor(selectionColor.z()); foreach (SeriesRenderCache *baseCache, m_renderCacheList) { BarSeriesRenderCache *cache = static_cast(baseCache); if (cache->visualIndex() == seriesIndexFromColor) return cache->series(); } } return 0; } void Bars3DRenderer::updateSlicingActive(bool isSlicing) { if (isSlicing == m_cachedIsSlicingActivated) return; m_cachedIsSlicingActivated = isSlicing; if (!m_cachedIsSlicingActivated) { // We need to re-init selection buffer in case there has been a resize initSelectionBuffer(); initCursorPositionBuffer(); } #if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) updateDepthBuffer(); // Re-init depth buffer as well #endif m_selectionDirty = true; } void Bars3DRenderer::initShaders(const QString &vertexShader, const QString &fragmentShader) { if (m_barShader) delete m_barShader; m_barShader = new ShaderHelper(this, vertexShader, fragmentShader); m_barShader->initialize(); } void Bars3DRenderer::initGradientShaders(const QString &vertexShader, const QString &fragmentShader) { if (m_barGradientShader) delete m_barGradientShader; m_barGradientShader = new ShaderHelper(this, vertexShader, fragmentShader); m_barGradientShader->initialize(); } void Bars3DRenderer::initSelectionShader() { if (m_selectionShader) delete m_selectionShader; m_selectionShader = new ShaderHelper(this, QStringLiteral(":/shaders/vertexPlainColor"), QStringLiteral(":/shaders/fragmentPlainColor")); m_selectionShader->initialize(); } void Bars3DRenderer::initSelectionBuffer() { m_textureHelper->deleteTexture(&m_selectionTexture); if (m_cachedIsSlicingActivated || m_primarySubViewport.size().isEmpty()) return; m_selectionTexture = m_textureHelper->createSelectionTexture(m_primarySubViewport.size(), m_selectionFrameBuffer, m_selectionDepthBuffer); } #if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) void Bars3DRenderer::initDepthShader() { if (m_depthShader) delete m_depthShader; m_depthShader = new ShaderHelper(this, QStringLiteral(":/shaders/vertexDepth"), QStringLiteral(":/shaders/fragmentDepth")); m_depthShader->initialize(); } void Bars3DRenderer::updateDepthBuffer() { m_textureHelper->deleteTexture(&m_depthTexture); if (m_primarySubViewport.size().isEmpty()) return; if (m_cachedShadowQuality > QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQualityNone) { m_depthTexture = m_textureHelper->createDepthTextureFrameBuffer(m_primarySubViewport.size(), m_depthFrameBuffer, m_shadowQualityMultiplier); if (!m_depthTexture) lowerShadowQuality(); } } #endif void Bars3DRenderer::initBackgroundShaders(const QString &vertexShader, const QString &fragmentShader) { if (m_backgroundShader) delete m_backgroundShader; m_backgroundShader = new ShaderHelper(this, vertexShader, fragmentShader); m_backgroundShader->initialize(); } QVector3D Bars3DRenderer::convertPositionToTranslation(const QVector3D &position, bool isAbsolute) { float xTrans = 0.0f; float yTrans = 0.0f; float zTrans = 0.0f; if (!isAbsolute) { // Convert row and column to translation on graph xTrans = (((position.x() - m_axisCacheX.min() + 0.5f) * m_cachedBarSpacing.width()) - m_rowWidth) / m_scaleFactor; zTrans = (m_columnDepth - ((position.z() - m_axisCacheZ.min() + 0.5f) * m_cachedBarSpacing.height())) / m_scaleFactor; yTrans = m_axisCacheY.positionAt(position.y()); } else { xTrans = position.x() * m_xScaleFactor; yTrans = position.y() + m_backgroundAdjustment; zTrans = position.z() * -m_zScaleFactor; } return QVector3D(xTrans, yTrans, zTrans); } void Bars3DRenderer::updateAspectRatio(float ratio) { Q_UNUSED(ratio) } void Bars3DRenderer::updateFloorLevel(float level) { foreach (SeriesRenderCache *cache, m_renderCacheList) cache->setDataDirty(true); m_floorLevel = level; calculateHeightAdjustment(); } void Bars3DRenderer::updateMargin(float margin) { Abstract3DRenderer::updateMargin(margin); calculateSceneScalingFactors(); } QT_END_NAMESPACE_DATAVISUALIZATION