// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. /** * @name: S12.13_A3_T6; * @section: 12.13; * @assertion: 1. Evaluate Expression; * @description: Evaluating functions; */ // CHECK#1 var i=0; function adding1(){ i++; return 1; } try{ throw (adding1()); } catch(e){ if (e!==1) $ERROR('#1: Exception ===1. Actual: Exception ==='+ e); } // CHECK#2 var i=0; function adding2(){ i++; return i; } try{ throw adding2(); } catch(e){} if (i!==1) $ERROR('#2: i===1. Actual: i==='+ i); // CHECK#3 var i=0; function adding3(){ i++; } try{ throw adding3(); } catch(e){} if (i!==1) $ERROR('#3: i===1. Actual: i==='+i); // CHECK#4 function adding4(i){ i++; return i; } try{ throw (adding4(1)); } catch(e){ if (e!==2) $ERROR('#4: Exception ===2. Actual: Exception ==='+ e); }