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authorLeena Miettinen <riitta-leena.miettinen@digia.com>2014-06-27 18:15:59 +0200
committerLeena Miettinen <riitta-leena.miettinen@digia.com>2014-07-18 15:28:50 +0200
commit63154d88d2484b6010f058ed4954322d3f158c8c (patch)
parentc02df78ada48baac0a2e150c1cd4ceb40103f331 (diff)
Doc: add documentation for the RSS News example
Change-Id: I87d7e43c19c897be3b98b219dacaf0f2bd30c1dd Reviewed-by: Niels Weber <niels.weber@digia.com> Reviewed-by: Topi Reiniƶ <topi.reinio@digia.com>
1 files changed, 334 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/examples/quick/demos/rssnews/doc/src/rssnews.qdoc b/examples/quick/demos/rssnews/doc/src/rssnews.qdoc
index 12c7c0d19b..b1a2d03cc7 100644
--- a/examples/quick/demos/rssnews/doc/src/rssnews.qdoc
+++ b/examples/quick/demos/rssnews/doc/src/rssnews.qdoc
@@ -29,13 +29,344 @@
\title Qt Quick Demo - RSS News
\ingroup qtquickdemos
\example demos/rssnews
- \brief A QML RSS news reader.
+ \brief A QML RSS news reader that uses XmlListModel and XmlRole to download
+ XML data, ListModel and ListElement to create a category list, and ListView
+ to display the data.
\image qtquick-demo-rssnews-small.png
- \e{RSS News} demonstrates various QML and \l{Qt Quick} features such as
- loading XML data and displaying custom components.
+ \e{RSS News} demonstrates the following \l{Qt Quick} features:
+ \list
+ \li Using custom types to create screens and screen controls.
+ \li Using list models and list elements to represent data.
+ \li Using XML list models to download XML data.
+ \li Using list views to display data.
+ \li Using the \l Component type to create a footer for the news item
+ list view.
+ \li Using the \l Image type to create a button for closing the app.
+ \endlist
\include examples-run.qdocinc
+ \section1 Using Custom Types
+ In the RSS News app, we use the following custom types that are each defined
+ in a separate .qml file:
+ \list
+ \li \c BusyIndicator.qml
+ \li \c CategoryDelegate.qml
+ \li \c NewsDelegate.qml
+ \li \c RssFeeds.qml
+ \li \c ScrollBar.qml
+ \endlist
+ To use the custom types, we add an import statement to the main QML file,
+ rssnews.qml that imports the folder called \c content where the types are
+ located:
+ \quotefromfile demos/rssnews/rssnews.qml
+ \skipto content
+ \printuntil "
+ \section1 Creating the Main Window
+ In rssnews.qml, we use a \l{Rectangle} type with custom properties to create
+ the app main window:
+ \printuntil isPortrait
+ We will use the custom properties later for loading XML data and for
+ adjusting the screen layout depending on its orientation.
+ \section1 Creating a Category List
+ In rssnews.qml, we use the RssFeeds custom type that we specify in
+ RssFeeds.qml to create a list of feed categories:
+ \skipto RssFeeds
+ \printuntil }
+ In RssFeeds.qml, we use a ListModel type with a ListElement type to
+ create a category list where list elements represent feed categories:
+ \quotefromfile demos/rssnews/content/RssFeeds.qml
+ \skipto ListModel
+ \printuntil /^\}/
+ List elements are defined like other QML types except that they contain a
+ collection of \e role definitions instead of properties. Roles both define
+ how the data is accessed and include the data itself.
+ For each list element, we use the \c name role to specify the category name,
+ the \c feed role to specify the URL to load the data from, and the \c image
+ role to display an image for the category.
+ In rssnews.qml, we use a ListView type to display the category list:
+ \quotefromfile demos/rssnews/rssnews.qml
+ \skipto ListView
+ \printuntil }
+ \printuntil }
+ To lay out the category list horizontally at the top of the window in
+ portrait orientation and vertically on the left side in landscape
+ orientation, we use the \c orientation property. Based on the orientation,
+ we bind either the width or the height of the list to a fixed value
+ (\c itemWidth).
+ We use the \c anchors.top property to position the list view at the top of
+ the screen in both orientations.
+ We use the \c model property to load XML data from the \c rssFeeds model,
+ and \c CategoryDelegate as the delegate to instantiate each item in the
+ list.
+ \section1 Creating List Elements
+ In CategoryDelegate.qml, we use the \l Rectangle type with custom properties
+ to create list elements:
+ \quotefromfile demos/rssnews/content/CategoryDelegate.qml
+ \skipto Rectangle
+ \printuntil selected
+ We set the \c selected property to the \c ListView.isCurrentItem attached
+ property to specify that \c selected is \c true if \c delegate is the
+ current item.
+ We use the \l Image type \c source property to display the image, centered
+ in the delegate, specified for the list element by the \c image role in the
+ \c rssFeeds list model:
+ \skipto Image
+ \printuntil }
+ We use a \l Text type to add titles to list elements:
+ \printuntil Behavior
+ \printuntil }
+ We use the \c anchors property to position the title at the top of the list
+ element, with a 20-pixel margin. We use \c font properties to adjust font
+ size and text formatting.
+ We use the \c color property to brighten the text and to scale it slightly
+ larger when the list item is the current item. By applying a \l Behavior to
+ the property, we animate the actions of selecting and deselecting list
+ items.
+ We use a MouseArea type to download XML data when users tap a category list
+ element:
+ \skipto MouseArea
+ \printuntil }
+ \printuntil }
+ The \c anchors.fill property is set to \c delegate to enable users to tap
+ anywhere within the list element.
+ We use the \c onClicked signal handler to load the XML data for the category
+ list. If the tapped category is already current, the \c reload() function
+ is called to reload the data.
+ \section1 Downloading XML Data
+ In rssnews.qml, we use an XmlListModel type as a data source for ListView
+ elements to display news items in the selected category:
+ \quotefromfile demos/rssnews/rssnews.qml
+ \skipto XmlListModel {
+ \printuntil namespaceDeclarations
+ We use the \c source property and the \c window.currentFeed custom property
+ to fetch news items for the selected category.
+ The \c query property specifies that the XmlListModel generates a model item
+ for each \c <item> in the XML document.
+ We use the XmlRole type to specify the model item attributes. Each model
+ item has the \c title, \c description, \c image, \c link, and \c pubDate
+ attributes that match the values of the corresponding \c <item> in the XML
+ document:
+ \printuntil pubDate
+ \printuntil }
+ We use the \c feedModel model in a ListView type to display the data:
+ \skipuntil ScrollBar
+ \skipto ListView
+ \printuntil }
+ \printuntil }
+ To list the news items below the category list in portrait orientation and
+ to its right in landscape orientation, we use the \c isPortrait custom
+ property to anchor the top of the news items list to the left of \c window
+ and bottom of \c categories in portrait orientation and to the right of
+ \c categories and bottom of \c window in landscape orientation.
+ We use the \c anchors.bottom property to anchor the bottom of the list view
+ to the bottom of the window in both orientations.
+ In portrait orientation, we clip the painting of the news items to the
+ bounding rectangle of the list view to avoid graphical artifacts when news
+ items are scrolled over other items. In landscape, this is not required,
+ because the list spans the entire screen vertically.
+ We use the \c model property to load XML data from the \c feedModel model,
+ and use \c NewsDelegate as the delegate to instantiate each item in the
+ list.
+ In NewsDelegate.qml, we use a \l Column type to lay out the XML data:
+ \quotefromfile demos/rssnews/content/NewsDelegate.qml
+ \skipto Column
+ \printuntil spacing
+ Within the column, we use a \l Row and another column to position images and
+ title text:
+ \skipto Row
+ \printuntil font.bold
+ \printuntil }
+ \printuntil }
+ We generate a textual representation of how long ago the item was posted
+ using the \c timeSinceEvent() JavaScript function:
+ \printuntil }
+ \printuntil }
+ We use the \c onLinkActivated signal handler to open the URL in an external
+ browser when users select the link.
+ \section1 Providing Feedback to Users
+ In CategoryDelegate.qml, we use the \c BusyIndicator custom type to indicate
+ activity while the XML data is being loaded:
+ \quotefromfile demos/rssnews/content/CategoryDelegate.qml
+ \skipto BusyIndicator
+ \printuntil }
+ We use the \c scale property to reduce the indicator size to \c 0.8. We bind
+ the \c visible property to the \c isCurrentItem attached property of the
+ \c delegate list view and \c loading property of the main window to display
+ the indicator image when a category list item is the current item and XML
+ data is being loaded.
+ We define the \c BusyIndicator type in \c BusyIndicator.qml. We use an
+ \l Image type to display an image and apply a NumberAnimation to its
+ \c rotation property to rotate the image in an infinite loop:
+ \quotefromfile demos/rssnews/content/BusyIndicator.qml
+ \skipto Image
+ \printuntil }
+ \printuntil }
+ In your apps, you can also use the BusyIndicator type from the
+ \l {Qt Quick Controls} module.
+ \section1 Creating Scroll Bars
+ In rssnews.qml, we use our own custom \c ScrollBar type to create scroll
+ bars in the category and news item list views. In your apps, you can also
+ use the ScrollView type from the \l {Qt Quick Controls} module.
+ First, we create a scroll bar in the category list view. We bind the
+ \c orientation property to the \c isPortrait property and to the
+ \c Horizontal value of the \c Qt::Orientation enum type to display a
+ horizontal scroll bar in portrait orientation and to the \c Vertical value
+ to display a vertical scroll bar in landscape orientation:
+ \quotefromfile demos/rssnews/rssnews.qml
+ \skipto ScrollBar
+ \printuntil }
+ Same as with the \c categories list view, we adjust the width and height of
+ the scroll bar based on the \c isPortrait property.
+ We use the \c scrollArea property to display the scroll bar in the
+ \c categories list view.
+ We use the \c anchors.right property to anchor the scroll bar to the right
+ side of the category list.
+ \skipto ScrollBar
+ \printuntil }
+ Second, we create another scroll bar in the news item list view. We want a
+ vertical scroll bar to appear on the right side of the view regardless of
+ screen orientation, so we can set the \c width property to \c 8 and bind the
+ \c anchors.right property to the \c window.right property. We use the
+ \c anchors.top property to anchor the scroll bar top to the bottom of the
+ category list in portrait orientation and to the top of the news item list
+ in landscape orientation. We use the \c anchors.bottom property to anchor
+ the scroll bar bottom to the list view bottom in both orientations.
+ We define the \c ScrollBar type in \c ScrollBar.qml. We use an \l Item type
+ with custom properties to create a container for the scroll bar:
+ \quotefromfile demos/rssnews/content/ScrollBar.qml
+ \skipto Item
+ \printuntil opacity
+ We use a BorderImage type to display the scroll bar thumb at the x and y
+ position that we calculate by using the \c position() function:
+ \skipto BorderImage
+ \printuntil height
+ \printuntil }
+ We use the \c size function to calculate the thumb width and height
+ depending on the screen orientation.
+ We use \c states to make the scroll bar visible when the users move the
+ scroll area:
+ \printuntil }
+ \printuntil }
+ We use \c transitions to apply a NumberAnimation to the \c "opacity"
+ property when the state changes from "visible" to the default state:
+ \printuntil /^\}/
+ \section1 Creating Footers
+ In rssnews.qml, we use a \l Component type with a \l Rectangle type to
+ create a footer for the news list view:
+ \quotefromfile demos/rssnews/rssnews.qml
+ \skipto Component
+ \printuntil }
+ \printuntil }
+ \printuntil }
+ We bind the \c width of the footer to the width of the component and the
+ \c height to the of close button to align them when no news items are
+ displayed.
+ \section1 Creating Buttons
+ In rssnews.qml, we use an \l Image type to create a simple push button that
+ users can tap to close the app:
+ \printuntil Qt.quit()
+ \printuntil }
+ \printuntil }
+ \printuntil }
+ We use \c anchors to position the close button in the top right corner of
+ the news list view, with 4-pixel margins. Because the close button overlaps
+ the category list in portrait orientation, we animate the \c opacity
+ property to make the button almost fully transparent when users are
+ scrolling the category list.
+ We use the \c onClicked signal handler within a MouseArea to call the
+ \c quit() function when users select the close button.
\sa {QML Applications}