path: root/examples
diff options
authorFawzi Mohamed <fawzi.mohamed@qt.io>2021-04-13 22:22:01 +0200
committerFawzi Mohamed <fawzi@gmx.ch>2021-12-07 12:47:34 +0200
commitc630ee67b7de7c3e25034a5efe6d71fcd37f0dac (patch)
tree9e906ec42d56434f701216de06142873396a64c3 /examples
parent5ef3ff4b63a3662d709832c0f4f754c61c3a741c (diff)
qmldom: load and rewrite example
load and rewrite example using the standalone build of the dom and compiler libraries Change-Id: Ib7823712aea2164291c21b07956dcec734bc9542 Reviewed-by: Ulf Hermann <ulf.hermann@qt.io>
Diffstat (limited to 'examples')
2 files changed, 583 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/qml/qmldom/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/qml/qmldom/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..975f3630bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/qml/qmldom/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.18)
+project(qmldomloadeditwrite LANGUAGES CXX)
+ set(INSTALL_EXAMPLESDIR "examples")
+set(INSTALL_EXAMPLEDIR "${INSTALL_EXAMPLESDIR}/qml/qmldomloadeditwrite")
+find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS Core Gui Qml Network)
+ QT_QMLTEST_DATADIR="${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../../tests/auto/qmldom/domdata"
+add_subdirectory(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../../src/qmldom/standalone qmldom)
+ qmldomloadeditwrite.cpp
+target_link_libraries(qmldomloadeditwrite PUBLIC
+ Qt::Core
+ Qt::Qml
+ qmldomlib
+install(TARGETS qmldomloadeditwrite
diff --git a/examples/qml/qmldom/qmldomloadeditwrite.cpp b/examples/qml/qmldom/qmldomloadeditwrite.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..074320d598
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/qml/qmldom/qmldomloadeditwrite.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
+** This file is part of the demonstration applications of the Qt Toolkit.
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+** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
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+** contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+** from this software without specific prior written permission.
+// common declarations
+#include "qmldom/qqmldomitem_p.h"
+// comparisons of two DomItems
+#include "qmldom/qqmldomcompare_p.h"
+// field filters to compare only selected fields (ignore for example location changes)
+#include "qmldom/qqmldomfieldfilter_p.h"
+// needed to edit and cast to concrete type (PropertyDefinition, ScriptExpression,...)
+#include "qmldom/qqmldomelements_p.h"
+// cast of the top level items (DomEnvironments,...)
+#include "qmldom/qqmldomtop_p.h"
+#include <QtTest/QtTest>
+#include <QCborValue>
+#include <QDebug>
+#include <QLatin1String>
+#include <QLatin1Char>
+#include <QLibraryInfo>
+#include <QDir>
+#include <memory>
+// everything is in the QQmlJS::Dom namespace
+using namespace QQmlJS::Dom;
+int main()
+ QString baseDir = QLatin1String(QT_QMLTEST_DATADIR) + QLatin1String("/reformatter");
+ QStringList qmltypeDirs =
+ QStringList({ baseDir, QLibraryInfo::path(QLibraryInfo::Qml2ImportsPath) });
+ qDebug() << "Creating an environment loading qml from the directories" << qmltypeDirs;
+ qDebug() << "single threaded, no dependencies";
+ DomItem env =
+ DomEnvironment::create(qmltypeDirs,
+ QQmlJS::Dom::DomEnvironment::Option::SingleThreaded
+ | QQmlJS::Dom::DomEnvironment::Option::NoDependencies);
+ QString testFilePath = baseDir + QLatin1String("/file1.qml");
+ DomItem tFile; // place where to store the loaded file
+ // env.loadBuiltins();
+ qDebug() << "loading the file" << testFilePath;
+ env.loadFile(
+ testFilePath, QString(),
+ [&tFile](Path, const DomItem &, const DomItem &newIt) {
+ tFile = newIt; // callback called when everything is loaded that receives the loaded
+ // external file pair (path, oldValue, newValue)
+ },
+ LoadOption::DefaultLoad);
+ // trigger the load
+ env.loadPendingDependencies();
+ // # Read only API: DomItem is a generic pointer for read only access to Dom Itmes :)
+ {
+ // ## declarative json like API
+ DomItem qmlFile = tFile.field(Fields::currentItem);
+ DomItem imports = qmlFile.field(Fields::imports);
+ DomItem qmlObj = qmlFile.field(Fields::components)
+ .key(QString())
+ .index(0)
+ .field(Fields::objects)
+ .index(0);
+ // ### Dump
+ // any DomItem can be dumped
+ qDebug() << "writing to QDebug dumps that element:" << imports;
+ // often the dump is too verbose, and one might want it to a separate file
+ QString dumpFilePath =
+ QDir(QDir::tempPath())
+ .filePath(QFileInfo(testFilePath).baseName() + QLatin1String(".dump.json"));
+ qmlFile.dump(dumpFilePath, FieldFilter::defaultFilter());
+ qDebug() << "dumped file to" << dumpFilePath;
+ // ### Paths
+ qDebug() << "To identify a DomItem a canonical path can be used:"
+ << imports.canonicalPath();
+ // a path can be converted to/from strings
+ QString pString = imports.canonicalPath().toString();
+ Path importsPath = Path::fromString(pString);
+ // and loaded again using the .path(somePath) method
+ DomItem imports2 = env.path(importsPath);
+ Q_ASSERT(imports == imports2);
+ // the canonical path is absolute, but you can have relative paths
+ Path first = Path::Index(0);
+ DomItem firstImport = imports.path(first);
+ // an existing path can also be extended
+ Path firstImportPath = importsPath.index(0);
+ Q_ASSERT(firstImportPath == firstImport.canonicalPath());
+ // the normal elements of a path are index, key, field
+ // Uppercase static method creates one, lowercase appends to an existing path.
+ Path mainComponentPath = Path::Field(Fields::components).key("").index(0);
+ DomItem mainComponent = qmlFile.path(mainComponentPath);
+ // DomItems have the same methods to access their elements
+ DomItem mainComponent2 = qmlFile.field(Fields::components).key("").index(0);
+ // two other special ements are root (root element for absolute paths)
+ Path topPath = Path::Root(PathRoot::Top);
+ Q_ASSERT(topPath == importsPath[0]);
+ // the current element performs an operation (tipically a lookup or iteration) at the
+ // current path location (not handled here)
+ Path lookupPath = Path::Current(PathCurrent::Lookup);
+ // there are various visit methods to iterate/visit DomItems in particular visitTree
+ // which is quite flexible.
+ // They normally use callbacks that can return false to stop the iteration.
+ // Still often the DomKind specific for loop presentated later are clearer and more
+ // convenient
+ {
+ QDebug dbg = qDebug().noquote().nospace();
+ imports.visitTree(
+ Path(),
+ [&dbg](Path p, const DomItem &el, bool adopted) {
+ dbg << QStringLiteral(u" ").repeated(p.length()) << "*" << p.last() << " "
+ << domKindToString(el.domKind()) << "(" << el.internalKindStr()
+ << ")\n";
+ // returning false here stops the whole iteration
+ return true;
+ },
+ VisitOption::Default, // we want a recursive visit visiting also the top and
+ // adopted
+ [&dbg](Path p, const DomItem &, bool canonicalChild) {
+ // returning false here skips that branch
+ if (!canonicalChild) {
+ dbg << QStringLiteral(u" ").repeated(p.length()) << "+" << p.last()
+ << " (adopted, will not recurse)\n";
+ } else if (p && p.headIndex(0) % 2 == 1) {
+ dbg << QStringLiteral(u" ").repeated(p.length()) << "-" << p.last()
+ << " *recursive visit skipped*\n";
+ return false; // we skip odd entries in lists;
+ } else {
+ dbg << QStringLiteral(u" ").repeated(p.length()) << "+" << p.last()
+ << "\n";
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ [&dbg](Path p, const DomItem &, bool) {
+ dbg << QStringLiteral(u" ").repeated(p.length()) << "=" << p.last() << "\n";
+ return true;
+ });
+ }
+ // ### DomKind
+ // any DomItem belongs to 5 basic types
+ // 1. Object (a C++ object)
+ Q_ASSERT(qmlFile.domKind() == DomKind::Object);
+ // The underlying type of the c++ object can be found with .internalKind()
+ Q_ASSERT(qmlFile.internalKind() == DomType::QmlFile);
+ // .initernalKindStr() is a convenience string version of it
+ Q_ASSERT(qmlFile.internalKindStr() == u"QmlFile");
+ // the object attributes (fields) can be reached using .field(u"filedName")
+ // normally one should not use a string, but the Fields:: constant
+ DomItem qmlFile2 = tFile.field(Fields::currentItem);
+ // all the available fields can be listed via fields()
+ qDebug() << "The" << qmlObj.internalKindStr() << "at" << qmlObj.canonicalPath()
+ << "has the following fields:" << qmlObj.fields();
+ // we can access the underlying C++ object with as<>
+ if (const QmlFile *qmlFilePtr = qmlFile.as<QmlFile>())
+ qDebug() << "The QmlFile lives at the address" << qmlFilePtr;
+ // We can get the shared pointer of the owner type (which for the file is the QmlFile itself
+ if (std::shared_ptr<QmlFile> qmlFilePtr = qmlFile.ownerAs<QmlFile>())
+ qDebug() << "QmlFile uses shared pointers as ownership method, the underlying address "
+ "is the same"
+ << qmlFilePtr.get();
+ // 2. a (Cbor-) Value, i.e a string, number,...
+ DomItem fPath = qmlFile.field(Fields::canonicalFilePath);
+ Q_ASSERT(fPath.domKind() == DomKind::Value);
+ // the Cbor representation of a value can be extracted with .value(), and in this case we
+ // can then call toString
+ qDebug() << "The filePath DomItem is " << fPath << " and it still 'knows' its path "
+ << fPath.canonicalPath() << " but can have it also as value:" << fPath.value()
+ << "or even better as string." << fPath.value().toString(QLatin1String("*none*"));
+ // a DomItem might have a valid value() even if it is not of type DomKind::Value, indeed
+ // CBor maps and lists are mapped to DomKind::Map and DomKind::List, and can be traversed
+ // thought that but also have a valid value().
+ // 3. a list
+ Q_ASSERT(imports.domKind() == DomKind::List);
+ // the number of elements can be sound with .indexes() and with .index(n) we access each
+ // element
+ qDebug() << "We have " << imports.indexes() << " imports, and the first is "
+ << imports.index(0);
+ // If we want to just loop on the elements .values() is the most convenient way
+ // technically values *always* works even for objects and maps, iterating on the values
+ for (DomItem import : imports.values()) {
+ if (const Import *importPtr = import.as<Import>()) {
+ if (importPtr->implicit)
+ qDebug() << importPtr->uri << importPtr->version.stringValue();
+ }
+ }
+ // 4. a map
+ DomItem bindings = qmlObj.field(Fields::bindings);
+ Q_ASSERT(bindings.domKind() == DomKind::Map);
+ // The keys of the map can be reached either with .keys() or .sortedKeys(), each element
+ // with .key(k)
+ qDebug() << "bindings";
+ for (QString k : bindings.sortedKeys()) {
+ for (DomItem b : bindings.key(k).values()) {
+ qDebug() << k << ":" << b;
+ }
+ }
+ // 5 The empty element
+ DomItem empty;
+ Q_ASSERT(empty.domKind() == DomKind::Empty);
+ // The empty element is the only DomItem that casted to bool returns false, so checking for
+ // it can be just an implicit cast to bool
+ Q_ASSERT(bindings && !empty);
+ // the empty element supports all the previus operations so that one can traverse a non
+ // existing path without checking at every element, but only check the result
+ DomItem nonExisting = qmlFile.field(u"no-existing").key(u"a").index(0);
+ Q_ASSERT(!nonExisting);
+ // the index operator [] can be used instead of .index/.key/.field, it might be slightly
+ // less efficient but works
+ // find type
+ // access type
+ // ### write out
+ // it is possible to write out a qmlFile (actually also parts of it), which will
+ // automatically reformat it
+ QString reformattedFilePath =
+ QDir(QDir::tempPath())
+ .filePath(QFileInfo(testFilePath).baseName() + QLatin1String(".qml"));
+ DomItem newFile = qmlFile.writeOut(reformattedFilePath);
+ qDebug() << "reformatted written at " << reformattedFilePath;
+ // ## Jumping around
+ // ### Generic Methods
+ // from a DomItem you do no have just deeper in the tree, you can also go up the hierarch
+ // toward the root .container() just goes up one step in the canonicalPath of the object
+ Q_ASSERT(imports == firstImport.container());
+ // .containingObject() goes up to the containing DomKind::Object, skipping over all Maps and
+ // Lists
+ Q_ASSERT(qmlFile == firstImport.containingObject());
+ // .owner() returns the shared pointer based "owner" object, qmlFile and ScriptExpression
+ // are owningItems
+ Q_ASSERT(qmlFile == bindings.owner());
+ // .top() goes to the top of the tree, i.e the environment (or the universe)
+ Q_ASSERT(env == bindings.top());
+ // environment is normally the same as top, but making sure it is a actually a
+ // DomEnvironment
+ Q_ASSERT(env = bindings.environment());
+ // the universe is a cache of loaded files which for each file keeps two versions: the
+ // latest and the latest valid it can be reached with .universe(), from the universe you
+ // cannot get back to the environment.
+ Q_ASSERT(env.universe().internalKind() == DomType::DomUniverse);
+ // ## QML Oriented Methods
+ // The Dom model is not for generic json-like structures, so there are methods tailored for
+ // Qml and its structure
+ // The methods can succeed if there is a clearly defined unique result.
+ // sometime there is an obivious, but not necessarily unique choice (tipically going up the
+ // hierarchy), for example given a qml file the obvious choice for a component is the root
+ // component, but the file might contain other inline components, and for an object with
+ // different version exposed (C++ property versioning) the latest version is the natural
+ // choice, but other might be available. In these case passing GoTo::MostLikely as argument
+ // makes the method to this obivious choice (or possibly even only choice if no other
+ // versions/components are actually defined), instead of refusing any potentially ambiguous
+ // situation and returning the empty element.
+ // .fileObject() goes to the object representing the whole file
+ // (from either the external object returned by load or from inside the file)
+ DomItem fileObject = tFile.fileObject();
+ DomItem fileObject2 = imports.fileObject();
+ Q_ASSERT(fileObject == fileObject2 && fileObject.internalKind() == DomType::QmlFile);
+ // .component() goes to the component object.
+ Q_ASSERT(qmlObj.component() == qmlFile.component(GoTo::MostLikely));
+ // .pragmas gives access to the pragmas of the current component
+ Q_ASSERT(qmlFile.pragmas() == qmlFile.field(Fields::pragmas));
+ // QmlObject
+ // QmlObject if the main to represent the type information (methods, bindings,
+ // properties,...) of qml. Please note that QmlObject -> component operation is potentially
+ // lossy, when multiple version are exposed, so we represent a type through its root object,
+ // not through a component.
+ // .qmlObject() goes to the current QmlObject
+ Q_ASSERT(qmlObj == bindings.qmlObject());
+ // Given the centrality of QmlObject several of its attributes have convenience methods
+ // to access them:
+ // .children() makes subObjects contained inside a QmlObject accessible
+ // note that it is possible to add objects also by directly binding the children or data
+ // attribute, those children are not listed here, this accesses only those listed inside
+ // the QmlObject
+ Q_ASSERT(qmlObj.children() == qmlObj.field(Fields::children));
+ DomItem subObj0 = qmlObj.children().index(0);
+ // .child(<i>) is a shortcut for .children.index(<i>)
+ Q_ASSERT(subObj0 == qmlObj.child(0));
+ // rootQmlObject goes to the root qmlObject (unless one reaches an empty element)
+ Q_ASSERT(!subObj0 || subObj0.rootQmlObject() == qmlObj);
+ // .bindings() returns the bindings defined in the current object
+ Q_ASSERT(bindings == qmlObj.bindings());
+ DomItem mCompObj = qmlObj.child(0)
+ .child(0)
+ .bindings()
+ .key(u"delegate")
+ .index(0)
+ .field(Fields::value)
+ .child(1);
+ // .methods() gives methods definitions and signals
+ DomItem methods = mCompObj.methods();
+ qDebug() << "mCompObj methods:";
+ for (QString methodName : methods.sortedKeys()) {
+ for (DomItem method : methods.key(methodName).values()) {
+ if (const MethodInfo *methodPtr = method.as<MethodInfo>()) {
+ Q_ASSERT(methodName == methodPtr->name);
+ qDebug() << " " << methodPtr->name << methodPtr->methodType;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ qDebug() << "mCompObj propertyDefs:";
+ // .propertyDefs() returns the properties defined in the current object
+ DomItem pDefs = mCompObj.propertyDefs();
+ for (QString pDefName : pDefs.sortedKeys()) {
+ for (DomItem pDef : pDefs.key(pDefName).values()) {
+ if (const PropertyDefinition *pDefPtr = pDef.as<PropertyDefinition>()) {
+ Q_ASSERT(pDefName == pDefPtr->name);
+ qDebug() << " " << pDefPtr->name << pDefPtr->typeName;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // binding and property definitions are about the ones defined in the current object
+ // often one is interested also to the inherited properties.
+ // Here PropertyInfo helps, it list all the definitions and bindings for a given property
+ // in the inheritance order (local definitions, parent definitions, parent parent
+ // definitions,...)
+ // .propertyInfos() gives access in the usual way (through a DomItem)
+ DomItem propertyInfos = mCompObj.propertyInfos();
+ // .propertyInfoWithName(<name>) directly accesses one
+ PropertyInfo pInfo = mCompObj.propertyInfoWithName(QStringLiteral(u"a"));
+ qDebug() << "bindings" << pInfo.bindings;
+ // .propertyInfoNames() gives the names of the properties
+ Q_ASSERT(propertyInfos.keys() == mCompObj.propertyInfoNames());
+ // .globalScope() goes to the globa scope object
+ Q_ASSERT(qmlObj.globalScope().internalKind() == DomType::GlobalScope);
+ // and scope to the containing scope
+ Q_ASSERT(bindings.scope() == qmlObj);
+ }
+ // mutate & edit
+ {
+ // DomItem handles read-only access, but if one wants to change something it cannot be used.
+ // MutableDomItem can be initialized with a DomItem, and provides also the methods to modify
+ // the item. It keeps the OwningItem and the path to the current item.
+ // Mutability can invalidate pointers to non owning items (and thus DomItem).
+ // For this reason one should not modify something that other code can have a DomItem
+ // pointer to, the best practice is to make shared object immutable and never change them.
+ // One should modify only a copy that is used only by a single thread, and
+ // do not shared untils all modifications are done.
+ // A MutableItem stays valid (or becomes Empty), but stays safe to use
+ //
+ // Assuming one guarantees that editing is ok, doing it in practice is just about using
+ // MutableDomItem instead of DomItem
+ // It is possible to simply initialize a mutable item with a DomItem
+ DomItem origFile = tFile.fileObject();
+ MutableDomItem myFile0(origFile);
+ // Normally it is better to have a separate environment. Is possible to avoid re-reading
+ // the files already read by sharing the Universe between two environments.
+ // But normally it is better and just as safe to work on a copy, so that one can be sure
+ // that no DomItem is kept by other code gets invalidated. The .makeCopy creates a deep
+ // copy, and by default (DomItem::CopyOption::EnvConnected) creates an environment which to
+ // takes all non local elements from the current environment (its parent environment) but
+ // replaces the file object with the copy. When finished one can replace the file object of
+ // the parent with the new one using .commitToBase().
+ MutableDomItem myFile = origFile.makeCopy();
+ Q_ASSERT(myFile.ownerAs<QmlFile>()
+ && myFile.ownerAs<QmlFile>() != myFile0.ownerAs<QmlFile>());
+ Q_ASSERT(myFile.environment().ownerAs<DomEnvironment>()
+ && myFile.environment().ownerAs<DomEnvironment>()
+ != myFile0.environment().ownerAs<DomEnvironment>());
+ // we can check that the two files are really identical (.item() give back the DomItem of
+ // a MutableDomItem
+ Q_ASSERT(domCompareStrList(origFile, myFile, FieldFilter::compareFilter()).isEmpty());
+ // MutableDomItem has the same methods as DomItem
+ MutableDomItem qmlObj = myFile.qmlObject(GoTo::MostLikely);
+ MutableDomItem qmlObj2 = myFile.field(Fields::components)
+ .key(QString())
+ .index(0)
+ .field(Fields::objects)
+ .index(0);
+ Q_ASSERT(qmlObj && qmlObj == qmlObj2);
+ qDebug() << "mutable qmlObj has canonicalPath " << qmlObj.canonicalPath();
+ // but it adds methods to add
+ // * new PropertyDefinitions
+ PropertyDefinition b;
+ b.name = QLatin1String("xx");
+ b.typeName = QLatin1String("int");
+ // if we make t true we also have to give a value...
+ MutableDomItem addedPDef = qmlObj.addPropertyDef(b);
+ qDebug() << "added property definition at:" << addedPDef.pathFromOwner();
+ // * new bindings
+ MutableDomItem addedBinding0 = qmlObj.addBinding(
+ Binding("height",
+ std::shared_ptr<ScriptExpression>(new ScriptExpression(
+ QStringLiteral(u"243"),
+ ScriptExpression::ExpressionType::BindingExpression))));
+ // by default addBinding, addPropertyDef and addMethod have the AddOption::Override
+ // to make it more difficult to create invalid documents, so that only the
+ // following binding remains (where we use the convenience constructor that constucts
+ // the ScriptExpression internally
+ MutableDomItem addedBinding = qmlObj.addBinding(Binding("height", QStringLiteral(u"242")));
+ qDebug() << "added binding at:" << addedBinding.pathFromOwner();
+ // * new methods
+ MethodInfo mInfo;
+ mInfo.name = QLatin1String("foo2");
+ MethodParameter param;
+ param.name = QLatin1String("x");
+ mInfo.parameters.append(param);
+ mInfo.setCode(QLatin1String("return 4*10+2 - x"));
+ // we can change the added binding
+ addedBinding.setCode(QLatin1String("245"));
+ MutableDomItem addedMethod = qmlObj.addMethod(mInfo);
+ qDebug() << "added method at:" << addedMethod.pathFromOwner();
+ // * new QmlObjects
+ QmlObject subObj;
+ subObj.setName(QLatin1String("Item"));
+ MutableDomItem addedSubObj = qmlObj.addChild(subObj);
+ qDebug() << "added subObject at:" << addedMethod.pathFromOwner();
+ // It is possible to modify the content of objects, using the mutableAs method
+ if (PropertyDefinition *addedPDefPtr = addedPDef.mutableAs<PropertyDefinition>()) {
+ addedPDefPtr->isRequired = true;
+ }
+ MutableDomItem firstChild = qmlObj.child(0);
+ qDebug() << "firstChild:" << firstChild;
+ // It is possible remove objects
+ if (QmlObject *qmlObjPtr = qmlObj.mutableAs<QmlObject>()) {
+ QList<QmlObject> children = qmlObjPtr->children();
+ children.removeAt(0);
+ qmlObjPtr->setChildren(children);
+ }
+ // But as MutableDomItem does not keep the identity, just the same position, the addedSubObj
+ // becomes invalid (and firstChild changes)
+ qDebug() << "after removal firstChild:" << firstChild;
+ qDebug() << "addedSubObj becomes invalid:" << addedSubObj;
+ qDebug() << "But the last object is the added one:"
+ << qmlObj.child(qmlObj.children().indexes() - 1);
+ // now origFile are different
+ Q_ASSERT(!domCompareStrList(origFile, myFile, FieldFilter::compareFilter()).isEmpty());
+ // and we can look at the places where they differ
+ qDebug().noquote().nospace()
+ << "Edits introduced the following diffs (ignoring file locations"
+ << " and thus whitespace/reformatting changes):\n"
+ << domCompareStrList(origFile, myFile, FieldFilter::noLocationFilter(),
+ DomCompareStrList::AllDiffs)
+ .join(QString());
+ QString reformattedFilePath =
+ QDir(QDir::tempPath())
+ .filePath(QStringLiteral(u"edited") + QFileInfo(testFilePath).baseName()
+ + QLatin1String(".qml"));
+ MutableDomItem reformattedEditedFile = myFile.writeOut(reformattedFilePath);
+ // the reformatted edited file might be different from the edited file
+ // but the differences are just in file location/formatting
+ Q_ASSERT(domCompareStrList(myFile, reformattedEditedFile, FieldFilter::noLocationFilter())
+ .isEmpty());
+ qDebug() << "The edited file was written at " << reformattedFilePath;
+ QString dumpFilePath =
+ QDir(QDir::tempPath())
+ .filePath(QStringLiteral(u"edited0") + QFileInfo(testFilePath).baseName()
+ + QLatin1String(".dump.json"));
+ myFile.dump(dumpFilePath);
+ qDebug() << "The non reformatted edited file was dumped at " << dumpFilePath;
+ QString reformattedDumpFilePath =
+ QDir(QDir::tempPath())
+ .filePath(QStringLiteral(u"edited") + QFileInfo(testFilePath).baseName()
+ + QLatin1String(".dump.json"));
+ reformattedEditedFile.dump(reformattedDumpFilePath);
+ qDebug() << "The edited file was dumped at " << reformattedDumpFilePath;
+ // The top environment still contains the original loaded file
+ Q_ASSERT(origFile.ownerAs<QmlFile>() != reformattedEditedFile.ownerAs<QmlFile>());
+ Q_ASSERT(tFile.fileObject().refreshed().ownerAs<QmlFile>());
+ Q_ASSERT(tFile.fileObject().refreshed().ownerAs<QmlFile>() == origFile.ownerAs<QmlFile>());
+ Q_ASSERT(tFile.fileObject().ownerAs<QmlFile>() == origFile.ownerAs<QmlFile>());
+ Q_ASSERT(tFile.fileObject().refreshed().ownerAs<QmlFile>()
+ != reformattedEditedFile.ownerAs<QmlFile>());
+ // we can commit the reformatted file
+ if (!reformattedEditedFile.commitToBase()) {
+ qWarning() << "No reformatted file to commit";
+ }
+ // myFile might not be the same (If and updated check is requested, not the case here)
+ if (myFile.ownerAs<QmlFile>() != reformattedEditedFile.ownerAs<QmlFile>()
+ && !myFile.commitToBase()) {
+ qWarning() << "Could not commit edited file";
+ }
+ // but refreshing it (looking up its canonical path) we always find the updated file
+ Q_ASSERT(myFile.refreshed().ownerAs<QmlFile>() == reformattedEditedFile.ownerAs<QmlFile>());
+ Q_ASSERT(tFile.fileObject().refreshed().ownerAs<QmlFile>()
+ == reformattedEditedFile.ownerAs<QmlFile>());
+ }