path: root/src/declarative/particles/qsgparticleemitter.cpp
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authorAlan Alpert <alan.alpert@nokia.com>2011-08-11 19:36:07 +1000
committerQt by Nokia <qt-info@nokia.com>2011-08-15 05:16:45 +0200
commit5db92f1f1cacd25791abe6a4e6c6509fdd329e06 (patch)
tree77e56afe1e042fc9e4c7555cd72bdf60869f826b /src/declarative/particles/qsgparticleemitter.cpp
parent4796c4d9550166500d54b829fa97541e4de6e929 (diff)
Refactor BasicEmitter into Emitter
No real point having a separate class, and it makes the docs more complex. Change-Id: I48aa7bafce541b0b5b792351adb5edf77fc67de2 Reviewed-on: http://codereview.qt.nokia.com/2853 Reviewed-by: Qt Sanity Bot <qt_sanity_bot@ovi.com> Reviewed-by: Alan Alpert <alan.alpert@nokia.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/declarative/particles/qsgparticleemitter.cpp')
1 files changed, 266 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/declarative/particles/qsgparticleemitter.cpp b/src/declarative/particles/qsgparticleemitter.cpp
index dfd1618088..c1d6e5ee4c 100644
--- a/src/declarative/particles/qsgparticleemitter.cpp
+++ b/src/declarative/particles/qsgparticleemitter.cpp
@@ -41,7 +41,131 @@
#include "qsgparticleemitter_p.h"
-//Not visible from QML, so not documented. Document subclasses.
+ \qmlclass Emitter QSGParticleEmitter
+ \inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
+ \since QtQuick.Particles 2.0
+ \brief The Emitter element allows you to emit logical particles.
+ This element emits logical particles into the ParticleSystem, with the
+ given starting attributes.
+ Note that logical particles are not
+ automatically rendered, you will need to have one or more
+ ParticlePainter elements visualizing them.
+ Note that the given starting attributes can be modified at any point
+ in the particle's lifetime by any Affector element in the same
+ ParticleSystem. This includes attributes like lifespan.
+ \qmlproperty ParticleSystem QtQuick.Particles2::Emitter::system
+ This is the Particle system that the Emitter will emit into.
+ This can be omitted if the Emitter is a direct child of the ParticleSystem
+ \qmlproperty string QtQuick.Particles2::Emitter::particle
+ This is the type of logical particle which it will emit.
+ Default value is "" (empty string).
+ \qmlproperty Shape QtQuick.Particles2::Emitter::shape
+ This shape is applied to the bounding box of the emitter. Particles are then emitting
+ from inside the area of the shape.
+ \qmlproperty bool QtQuick.Particles2::Emitter::emitting
+ If set to false, the emitter will cease emissions until it is set to true.
+ Default value is true.
+ \qmlproperty real QtQuick.Particles2::Emitter::emitRate
+ Number of particles emitted per second.
+ Default value is 10 particles per second.
+ \qmlproperty int QtQuick.Particles2::Emitter::lifeSpan
+ The time in milliseconds each emitted particle should last for.
+ Default value is 1000 (one second).
+ \qmlproperty int QtQuick.Particles2::Emitter::lifeSpanVariation
+ Particle lifespans will vary by up to this much in either direction.
+ Default value is 0.
+ \qmlproperty int QtQuick.Particles2::Emitter::emitCap
+ The maximum number of particles at a time that this emitter will have alive.
+ This can be set as a performance optimization (when using burst and pulse) or
+ to stagger emissions. The default value is emitRate * lifeSpan in seconds, which
+ is the number of particles that would be alive at any one time given the default settings.
+ \qmlproperty real QtQuick.Particles2::Emitter::size
+ The size in pixels of the particles at the start of their life.
+ Default value is 16.
+ \qmlproperty real QtQuick.Particles2::Emitter::endSize
+ The size in pixels of the particles at the end of their life. Size will
+ be linearly interpolated during the life of the particle from this value and
+ size. If endSize is -1, then the size of the particle will remain constant at
+ the starting size.
+ Default value is -1.
+ \qmlproperty real QtQuick.Particles2::Emitter::sizeVariation
+ The size of a particle can vary by this much up or down from size/endSize. The same
+ random addition is made to both size and endSize for a single particle.
+ Default value is 0.
+ \qmlproperty StochasticDirection QtQuick.Particles2::Emitter::speed
+ The starting speed of the particles emitted.
+ \qmlproperty StochasticDirection QtQuick.Particles2::Emitter::acceleration
+ The starting acceleraton of the particles emitted.
+ \qmlproperty qreal QtQuick.Particles2::Emitter::speedFromMovement
+ If this value is non-zero, then any movement of the emitter will provide additional
+ starting velocity to the particles based on the movement. The additional vector will be the
+ same angle as the emitter's movement, with a magnitude that is the magnitude of the emitters
+ movement multiplied by speedFromMovement.
+ Default value is 0.
QSGParticleEmitter::QSGParticleEmitter(QSGItem *parent) :
, m_particlesPerSecond(10)
@@ -58,6 +182,11 @@ QSGParticleEmitter::QSGParticleEmitter(QSGItem *parent) :
, m_particleSizeVariation(0)
, m_maxParticleCount(-1)
, m_burstLeft(0)
+ , m_speed_from_movement(0)
+ , m_particle_count(0)
+ , m_reset_last(true)
+ , m_last_timestamp(0)
+ , m_last_emission(0)
//TODO: Reset speed/acc back to null vector? Or allow null pointer?
@@ -83,11 +212,6 @@ void QSGParticleEmitter::componentComplete()
qWarning() << "Emitter created without a particle system specified";//TODO: useful QML warnings, like line number?
-void QSGParticleEmitter::emitWindow(int timeStamp)
- Q_UNUSED(timeStamp);
void QSGParticleEmitter::setEmitting(bool arg)
@@ -155,4 +279,140 @@ int QSGParticleEmitter::particleCount() const
return m_particlesPerSecond*((m_particleDuration+m_particleDurationVariation)/1000.0);
+void QSGParticleEmitter::setSpeedFromMovement(qreal t)
+ if (t == m_speed_from_movement)
+ return;
+ m_speed_from_movement = t;
+ emit speedFromMovementChanged();
+void QSGParticleEmitter::emitWindow(int timeStamp)
+ if (m_system == 0)
+ return;
+ if ((!m_emitting || !m_particlesPerSecond)&& !m_burstLeft && m_burstQueue.isEmpty()){
+ m_reset_last = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (m_reset_last) {
+ m_last_emitter = m_last_last_emitter = QPointF(x(), y());
+ m_last_timestamp = timeStamp/1000.;
+ m_last_emission = m_last_timestamp;
+ m_reset_last = false;
+ }
+ if (m_burstLeft){
+ m_burstLeft -= timeStamp - m_last_timestamp * 1000.;
+ if (m_burstLeft < 0){
+ if (!m_emitting)
+ timeStamp += m_burstLeft;
+ m_burstLeft = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ qreal time = timeStamp / 1000.;
+ qreal particleRatio = 1. / m_particlesPerSecond;
+ qreal pt = m_last_emission;
+ qreal opt = pt; // original particle time
+ qreal dt = time - m_last_timestamp; // timestamp delta...
+ if (!dt)
+ dt = 0.000001;
+ // emitter difference since last...
+ qreal dex = (x() - m_last_emitter.x());
+ qreal dey = (y() - m_last_emitter.y());
+ qreal ax = (m_last_last_emitter.x() + m_last_emitter.x()) / 2;
+ qreal bx = m_last_emitter.x();
+ qreal cx = (x() + m_last_emitter.x()) / 2;
+ qreal ay = (m_last_last_emitter.y() + m_last_emitter.y()) / 2;
+ qreal by = m_last_emitter.y();
+ qreal cy = (y() + m_last_emitter.y()) / 2;
+ qreal sizeAtEnd = m_particleEndSize >= 0 ? m_particleEndSize : m_particleSize;
+ qreal emitter_x_offset = m_last_emitter.x() - x();
+ qreal emitter_y_offset = m_last_emitter.y() - y();
+ if (!m_burstQueue.isEmpty() && !m_burstLeft && !m_emitting)//'outside time' emissions only
+ pt = time;
+ while (pt < time || !m_burstQueue.isEmpty()) {
+ //int pos = m_last_particle % m_particle_count;
+ QSGParticleData* datum = m_system->newDatum(m_system->m_groupIds[m_particle]);
+ if (datum){//actually emit(otherwise we've been asked to skip this one)
+ datum->e = this;//###useful?
+ qreal t = 1 - (pt - opt) / dt;
+ qreal vx =
+ - 2 * ax * (1 - t)
+ + 2 * bx * (1 - 2 * t)
+ + 2 * cx * t;
+ qreal vy =
+ - 2 * ay * (1 - t)
+ + 2 * by * (1 - 2 * t)
+ + 2 * cy * t;
+ // Particle timestamp
+ datum->t = pt;
+ datum->lifeSpan = //TODO:Promote to base class?
+ (m_particleDuration
+ + ((rand() % ((m_particleDurationVariation*2) + 1)) - m_particleDurationVariation))
+ / 1000.0;
+ // Particle position
+ QRectF boundsRect;
+ if (!m_burstQueue.isEmpty()){
+ boundsRect = QRectF(m_burstQueue.first().second.x() - x(), m_burstQueue.first().second.y() - y(),
+ width(), height());
+ } else {
+ boundsRect = QRectF(emitter_x_offset + dex * (pt - opt) / dt, emitter_y_offset + dey * (pt - opt) / dt
+ , width(), height());
+ }
+ QPointF newPos = effectiveExtruder()->extrude(boundsRect);
+ datum->x = newPos.x();
+ datum->y = newPos.y();
+ // Particle speed
+ const QPointF &speed = m_speed->sample(newPos);
+ datum->vx = speed.x()
+ + m_speed_from_movement * vx;
+ datum->vy = speed.y()
+ + m_speed_from_movement * vy;
+ // Particle acceleration
+ const QPointF &accel = m_acceleration->sample(newPos);
+ datum->ax = accel.x();
+ datum->ay = accel.y();
+ // Particle size
+ float sizeVariation = -m_particleSizeVariation
+ + rand() / float(RAND_MAX) * m_particleSizeVariation * 2;
+ float size = qMax((qreal)0.0 , m_particleSize + sizeVariation);
+ float endSize = qMax((qreal)0.0 , sizeAtEnd + sizeVariation);
+ datum->size = size;// * float(m_emitting);
+ datum->endSize = endSize;// * float(m_emitting);
+ m_system->emitParticle(datum);
+ }
+ if (m_burstQueue.isEmpty()){
+ pt += particleRatio;
+ }else{
+ m_burstQueue.first().first--;
+ if (m_burstQueue.first().first <= 0)
+ m_burstQueue.pop_front();
+ }
+ }
+ m_last_emission = pt;
+ m_last_last_last_emitter = m_last_last_emitter;
+ m_last_last_emitter = m_last_emitter;
+ m_last_emitter = QPointF(x(), y());
+ m_last_timestamp = time;