path: root/src/imports/widgets/plugins.qmltypes
diff options
authorShawn Rutledge <shawn.rutledge@digia.com>2013-12-16 16:05:25 +0100
committerThe Qt Project <gerrit-noreply@qt-project.org>2014-01-07 14:40:00 +0100
commit34793538fbbfce733da1d8495b7f2ed05c5e9a8b (patch)
tree1902ad80e8d9484182f5b11d969f766e511d6346 /src/imports/widgets/plugins.qmltypes
parent2740cf4e844f8b8612ea595219eb72c57bbdc42b (diff)
remove QtQuick.Dialogs and related modules
They are being moved to the QtQuick Controls repository (see change ba9ba084124403bd8930e29d8afcea9d64b6c0b6 in qtquickcontrols). This makes it possible to use QtQuick Controls in the implementation. [ChangeLog][QtQuick][Dialogs]Moved dialog implementations from qtdeclarative module to qtquickcontrols module due to dependencies Change-Id: I76d5b71b185dd14a188ea68f18bfec61b4bf2f41 Reviewed-by: Liang Qi <liang.qi@digia.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/imports/widgets/plugins.qmltypes')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 302 deletions
diff --git a/src/imports/widgets/plugins.qmltypes b/src/imports/widgets/plugins.qmltypes
deleted file mode 100644
index a67443c5b7..0000000000
--- a/src/imports/widgets/plugins.qmltypes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick.tooling 1.1
-// This file describes the plugin-supplied types contained in the library.
-// It is used for QML tooling purposes only.
-// This file was auto-generated by:
-// 'qmlplugindump -nonrelocatable QtQuick.PrivateWidgets 1.1'
-Module {
- Component {
- name: "QQuickAbstractColorDialog"
- prototype: "QQuickAbstractDialog"
- Property { name: "showAlphaChannel"; type: "bool" }
- Property { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
- Property { name: "currentColor"; type: "QColor" }
- Property { name: "currentHue"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
- Property { name: "currentSaturation"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
- Property { name: "currentLightness"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
- Property { name: "currentAlpha"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
- Signal { name: "selectionAccepted" }
- Method {
- name: "setVisible"
- Parameter { name: "v"; type: "bool" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "setModality"
- Parameter { name: "m"; type: "Qt::WindowModality" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "setTitle"
- Parameter { name: "t"; type: "string" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "setColor"
- Parameter { name: "arg"; type: "QColor" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "setCurrentColor"
- Parameter { name: "currentColor"; type: "QColor" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "setShowAlphaChannel"
- Parameter { name: "arg"; type: "bool" }
- }
- }
- Component {
- name: "QQuickAbstractDialog"
- prototype: "QObject"
- Property { name: "visible"; type: "bool" }
- Property { name: "modality"; type: "Qt::WindowModality" }
- Property { name: "title"; type: "string" }
- Property { name: "isWindow"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
- Property { name: "x"; type: "int" }
- Property { name: "y"; type: "int" }
- Property { name: "width"; type: "int" }
- Property { name: "height"; type: "int" }
- Signal { name: "visibilityChanged" }
- Signal { name: "geometryChanged" }
- Signal { name: "accepted" }
- Signal { name: "rejected" }
- Method { name: "open" }
- Method { name: "close" }
- Method {
- name: "setX"
- Parameter { name: "arg"; type: "int" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "setY"
- Parameter { name: "arg"; type: "int" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "setWidth"
- Parameter { name: "arg"; type: "int" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "setHeight"
- Parameter { name: "arg"; type: "int" }
- }
- }
- Component {
- name: "QQuickAbstractFileDialog"
- prototype: "QQuickAbstractDialog"
- Property { name: "selectExisting"; type: "bool" }
- Property { name: "selectMultiple"; type: "bool" }
- Property { name: "selectFolder"; type: "bool" }
- Property { name: "folder"; type: "QUrl" }
- Property { name: "nameFilters"; type: "QStringList" }
- Property { name: "selectedNameFilter"; type: "string" }
- Property { name: "fileUrl"; type: "QUrl"; isReadonly: true }
- Property { name: "fileUrls"; type: "QList<QUrl>"; isReadonly: true }
- Signal { name: "filterSelected" }
- Signal { name: "fileModeChanged" }
- Signal { name: "selectionAccepted" }
- Method {
- name: "setVisible"
- Parameter { name: "v"; type: "bool" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "setTitle"
- Parameter { name: "t"; type: "string" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "setSelectExisting"
- Parameter { name: "s"; type: "bool" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "setSelectMultiple"
- Parameter { name: "s"; type: "bool" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "setSelectFolder"
- Parameter { name: "s"; type: "bool" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "setFolder"
- Parameter { name: "f"; type: "QUrl" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "setNameFilters"
- Parameter { name: "f"; type: "QStringList" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "selectNameFilter"
- Parameter { name: "f"; type: "string" }
- }
- }
- Component {
- name: "QQuickAbstractFontDialog"
- prototype: "QQuickAbstractDialog"
- Property { name: "scalableFonts"; type: "bool" }
- Property { name: "nonScalableFonts"; type: "bool" }
- Property { name: "monospacedFonts"; type: "bool" }
- Property { name: "proportionalFonts"; type: "bool" }
- Property { name: "font"; type: "QFont" }
- Signal { name: "selectionAccepted" }
- Method {
- name: "setVisible"
- Parameter { name: "v"; type: "bool" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "setModality"
- Parameter { name: "m"; type: "Qt::WindowModality" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "setTitle"
- Parameter { name: "t"; type: "string" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "setFont"
- Parameter { name: "arg"; type: "QFont" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "setScalableFonts"
- Parameter { name: "arg"; type: "bool" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "setNonScalableFonts"
- Parameter { name: "arg"; type: "bool" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "setMonospacedFonts"
- Parameter { name: "arg"; type: "bool" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "setProportionalFonts"
- Parameter { name: "arg"; type: "bool" }
- }
- }
- Component {
- name: "QQuickAbstractMessageDialog"
- prototype: "QQuickAbstractDialog"
- exports: ["QtQuick.PrivateWidgets/QtMessageDialog 1.1"]
- exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
- Enum {
- name: "Icon"
- values: {
- "NoIcon": 0,
- "Information": 1,
- "Warning": 2,
- "Critical": 3,
- "Question": 4
- }
- }
- Enum {
- name: "StandardButton"
- values: {
- "NoButton": 0,
- "Ok": 1024,
- "Save": 2048,
- "SaveAll": 4096,
- "Open": 8192,
- "Yes": 16384,
- "YesToAll": 32768,
- "No": 65536,
- "NoToAll": 131072,
- "Abort": 262144,
- "Retry": 524288,
- "Ignore": 1048576,
- "Close": 2097152,
- "Cancel": 4194304,
- "Discard": 8388608,
- "Help": 16777216,
- "Apply": 33554432,
- "Reset": 67108864,
- "RestoreDefaults": 134217728
- }
- }
- Enum {
- name: "StandardButtons"
- values: {
- "NoButton": 0,
- "Ok": 1024,
- "Save": 2048,
- "SaveAll": 4096,
- "Open": 8192,
- "Yes": 16384,
- "YesToAll": 32768,
- "No": 65536,
- "NoToAll": 131072,
- "Abort": 262144,
- "Retry": 524288,
- "Ignore": 1048576,
- "Close": 2097152,
- "Cancel": 4194304,
- "Discard": 8388608,
- "Help": 16777216,
- "Apply": 33554432,
- "Reset": 67108864,
- "RestoreDefaults": 134217728
- }
- }
- Property { name: "text"; type: "string" }
- Property { name: "informativeText"; type: "string" }
- Property { name: "detailedText"; type: "string" }
- Property { name: "icon"; type: "Icon" }
- Property { name: "standardIconSource"; type: "QUrl"; isReadonly: true }
- Property { name: "standardButtons"; type: "StandardButtons" }
- Property { name: "clickedButton"; type: "StandardButton"; isReadonly: true }
- Signal { name: "buttonClicked" }
- Signal { name: "discard" }
- Signal { name: "help" }
- Signal { name: "yes" }
- Signal { name: "no" }
- Signal { name: "apply" }
- Signal { name: "reset" }
- Method {
- name: "setVisible"
- Parameter { name: "v"; type: "bool" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "setTitle"
- Parameter { name: "arg"; type: "string" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "setText"
- Parameter { name: "arg"; type: "string" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "setInformativeText"
- Parameter { name: "arg"; type: "string" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "setDetailedText"
- Parameter { name: "arg"; type: "string" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "setIcon"
- Parameter { name: "icon"; type: "Icon" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "setStandardButtons"
- Parameter { name: "buttons"; type: "StandardButtons" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "click"
- Parameter { name: "button"; type: "QMessageDialogOptions::StandardButton" }
- Parameter { type: "QMessageDialogOptions::ButtonRole" }
- }
- Method {
- name: "click"
- Parameter { name: "button"; type: "QQuickAbstractMessageDialog::StandardButton" }
- }
- }
- Component {
- name: "QQuickQColorDialog"
- prototype: "QQuickAbstractColorDialog"
- exports: ["QtQuick.PrivateWidgets/QtColorDialog 1.0"]
- exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
- }
- Component {
- name: "QQuickQFileDialog"
- prototype: "QQuickAbstractFileDialog"
- exports: ["QtQuick.PrivateWidgets/QtFileDialog 1.0"]
- exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
- }
- Component {
- name: "QQuickQFontDialog"
- prototype: "QQuickAbstractFontDialog"
- exports: ["QtQuick.PrivateWidgets/QtFontDialog 1.1"]
- exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
- }