path: root/src/qml/Qt6QmlMacros.cmake
diff options
authorUlf Hermann <ulf.hermann@qt.io>2020-06-17 15:42:05 +0200
committerUlf Hermann <ulf.hermann@qt.io>2020-06-24 18:26:14 +0200
commit36df81b3bc6d721d5598d5163b0a9659de4a69ee (patch)
treed9032e08f4d27daa9e4b16a2c2e622ed2fa6951b /src/qml/Qt6QmlMacros.cmake
parent6de0287d7c3aa4251fe6eb4f970d73ce11cf07fc (diff)
Discern between "auto" and versioned imports in qmldirs
You can now import the latest version, a specific version, or, "auto" which is the same version as the parent module. [ChangeLog][QtQml] You can now procedurally add module imports to modules, using qmlRegisterModuleImport(). However, actual import statements in qmldir files should be preferred wherever possible. Fixes: QTBUG-84899 Change-Id: I3b32dd8b07a19d31b6538b9a6bb436840862f345 Reviewed-by: Fabian Kosmale <fabian.kosmale@qt.io>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/qml/Qt6QmlMacros.cmake')
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/qml/Qt6QmlMacros.cmake b/src/qml/Qt6QmlMacros.cmake
index d04d663656..4405db694a 100644
--- a/src/qml/Qt6QmlMacros.cmake
+++ b/src/qml/Qt6QmlMacros.cmake
@@ -57,7 +57,11 @@
# that can be read by QML tools such as Qt Creator to access information about
# the types defined by the module's plugins. (OPTIONAL)
-# IMPORTS: List of other Qml Modules that this module imports. (OPTIONAL)
+# IMPORTS: List of other Qml Modules that this module imports. A version can be
+# specified by appending it after a slash(/), e.g QtQuick/2.0. The minor
+# version may be omitted, e.g. QtQuick/2. Alternatively "auto" may be given
+# as version to forward the version the current module is being imported with,
+# e.g. QtQuick/auto. (OPTIONAL)
# RESOURCE_EXPORT: In static builds, when Qml files are processed via the Qt
# Quick Compiler generate a separate static library that will be linked in
@@ -254,7 +258,21 @@ function(qt6_add_qml_module target)
string(APPEND qmldir_file_contents "typeinfo plugins.qmltypes\n")
foreach(import IN LISTS arg_IMPORTS)
- string(APPEND qmldir_file_contents "import ${import}\n")
+ string(FIND ${import} "/" slash_position REVERSE)
+ if (slash_position EQUAL -1)
+ string(APPEND qmldir_file_contents "import ${import}\n")
+ else()
+ string(SUBSTRING ${import} 0 ${slash_position} import_module)
+ math(EXPR slash_position "${slash_position} + 1")
+ string(SUBSTRING ${import} ${slash_position} -1 import_version)
+ if (import_version MATCHES "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+" OR import_version MATCHES "[0-9]+")
+ string(APPEND qmldir_file_contents "import ${import_module} ${import_version}\n")
+ elseif (import_version MATCHES "auto")
+ string(APPEND qmldir_file_contents "import ${import_module} auto\n")
+ else()
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Invalid module import version number. Expected 'VersionMajor', 'VersionMajor.VersionMinor' or 'auto'.")
+ endif()
+ endif()
foreach(dependency IN LISTS arg_DEPENDENCIES)