path: root/src/quick/scenegraph/coreapi/qsgrendernode.cpp
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authorLaszlo Agocs <laszlo.agocs@theqtcompany.com>2016-04-13 12:33:00 +0200
committerLaszlo Agocs <laszlo.agocs@theqtcompany.com>2016-04-20 13:22:19 +0000
commit28f8795d716035516f03542cd55275375462fdc5 (patch)
treedd8afa6ae6b86e8867ca0af7543e3fd6ba24f942 /src/quick/scenegraph/coreapi/qsgrendernode.cpp
parent40f1aa2d06e8217abb36f29d2a5a9189beab0826 (diff)
Make rendernode suitable for public consumption
For non-OpenGL APIs the primary (and likely the only) way to add custom rendering into the Qt Quick scene is via the render node. Other approaches,like the before/afterRendering signals, QQuickFramebufferObject, remain OpenGL-only. (although QQuickFramebufferObject may get a multi-API replacement based on QSGRenderNode at a later time) Note that this is not a generic 3D content integration enabler. It targets creating 2D and 2.5D Quick items with custom rendering via the graphics API in use. Make QSGRenderNode public, enhance the docs a bit and add a releaseResources(). Add a QSGRendererInterface with a query function in QQuickWindow and QSGEngine. The scenegraph adaptation can then return a custom implementation of the interface. This will be necessary to query API-specific values, f.ex. the ID3D12Device and ID3D12CommandList when running with the d3d12 backend. The interface allows querying the API and void* resources. Resources that we know about in advance are enum-based to prevent the QPlatformNativeInterface-like ugliness of string keys. Support is there in the batch renderer already, fix this up according to the new public API, and implement the corresponding bits for the D3D12 renderer. For D3D12, fix also an issue with QSGNode destruction where graphics resources in use were attempted to be final-released without a proper wait. The semantics of changedStates() in QSGRenderNode is changed so that it can be called at any time, including before render(). This is very useful since we can implement some state restoring in a more efficient manner. Added a new example as well. Documentation for QSGRenderNode is heavily expanded. Change-Id: I4c4a261c55791d0e38743a784bc4c05a53b3462d Reviewed-by: Andy Nichols <andy.nichols@qt.io>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/quick/scenegraph/coreapi/qsgrendernode.cpp')
1 files changed, 207 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/src/quick/scenegraph/coreapi/qsgrendernode.cpp b/src/quick/scenegraph/coreapi/qsgrendernode.cpp
index 1a38f6495e..8dc82a0d66 100644
--- a/src/quick/scenegraph/coreapi/qsgrendernode.cpp
+++ b/src/quick/scenegraph/coreapi/qsgrendernode.cpp
@@ -37,28 +37,51 @@
+#include "qsgrendernode.h"
#include "qsgrendernode_p.h"
+ \class QSGRenderNode
+ \brief The QSGMaterialShader class represents a set of custom rendering commands
+ targeting the graphics API that is in use by the scenegraph.
+ \inmodule QtQuick
+ \since 5.8
+ */
- : QSGNode(RenderNodeType)
- , m_matrix(0)
- , m_clip_list(0)
- , m_opacity(1)
+ : QSGNode(RenderNodeType),
+ d(new QSGRenderNodePrivate)
-void QSGRenderNode::setInheritedOpacity(qreal opacity)
+ Destructs the render node. Derived classes are expected to perform cleanup
+ similar to releaseResources() in here.
+ When a low-level graphics API is in use, the scenegraph will make sure
+ there is a CPU-side wait for the GPU to complete all work submitted to the
+ scenegraph's graphics command queue before the scenegraph's nodes are
+ deleted. Therefore there is no need to issue additional waits here, unless
+ the render() implementation is using additional command queues.
+ \sa releaseResources()
+ */
- Q_ASSERT(opacity >= 0 && opacity <= 1);
- m_opacity = opacity;
+ delete d;
- \fn QSGRenderNode::StateFlags QSGRenderNode::changedStates()
+ : m_matrix(0)
+ , m_clip_list(0)
+ , m_opacity(1)
- This function should return a mask where each bit represents OpenGL states changed by
+ This function should return a mask where each bit represents graphics states changed by
the \l render() function:
\li DepthState - depth write mask, depth test enabled, depth comparison function
@@ -69,30 +92,72 @@ void QSGRenderNode::setInheritedOpacity(qreal opacity)
\li BlendState - blend enabled, blend function
\li CullState - front face, cull face enabled
\li ViewportState - viewport
+ \li RenderTargetState - render target
- The function is called by the renderer so it can reset the OpenGL states after rendering this
- node.
+ The function is called by the renderer so it can reset the states after
+ rendering this node. This makes the implementation of render() simpler
+ since it does not have to query and restore these states.
- \internal
+ The default implementation returns 0, meaning no relevant state was changed
+ in render().
+ With APIs other than OpenGL the relevant states are only those that are set
+ via the command list (for example, OMSetRenderTargets, RSSetViewports,
+ RSSetScissorRects, OMSetBlendFactor, OMSetStencilRef in case of D3D12), and
+ only when such commands were added to the scenegraph's command list queried
+ via the QSGRendererInterface::CommandList resource enum. States set in
+ pipeline state objects do not need to be reported here. Similarly, draw
+ call related settings (root signature, descriptor heaps, etc.) are always
+ set again by the scenegraph so render() can freely change them.
+ \note This function may be called before render().
+QSGRenderNode::StateFlags QSGRenderNode::changedStates() const
+ return 0;
- \fn void QSGRenderNode::render(const RenderState &state)
+ \fn void QSGRenderNode::render(const RenderState *state)
- This function is called by the renderer and should paint this node with OpenGL commands.
+ This function is called by the renderer and should paint this node with
+ directly invoking commands in the graphics API (OpenGL, Direct3D, etc.)
+ currently in use.
- The states necessary for clipping has already been set before the function is called.
- The clip is a combination of a stencil clip and scissor clip. Information about the clip is
- found in \a state.
+ The states necessary for clipping has already been set before the function
+ is called. The clip is a combination of a stencil clip and scissor clip.
+ Information about the clip is found in \a state.
+ \note This means that setting viewport, scissor rectangle, stencil
+ reference value, and similar is not necessary in render() since the
+ corresponding commands are on the command list (or, in case of OpenGL, the
+ context) already. However, for APIs other than OpenGL stencil-based
+ clipping will need enabling stencil testing in the pipeline state that is
+ used by render().
The effective opacity can be retrieved with \l inheritedOpacity().
- The projection matrix is available through \a state, while the model-view matrix can be
- fetched with \l matrix(). The combined matrix is then the projection matrix times the
- model-view matrix.
+ The projection matrix is available through \a state, while the model-view
+ matrix can be fetched with \l matrix(). The combined matrix is then the
+ projection matrix times the model-view matrix. The correct stacking of the
+ items in the scene is ensured by the projection matrix.
+ When using the provided matrices, the coordinate system for vertex data
+ follows the usual QQuickItem conventions: top-left is (0, 0), bottom-right
+ is the corresponding QQuickItem's width() and height() minus one. For
+ example, assuming a two float (x-y) per vertex coordinate layout, a
+ triangle covering half of the item can be specified as (width - 1, height - 1),
+ (0, 0), (0, height - 1) using counter-clockwise direction.
+ \note QSGRenderNode is provided as a means to implement custom 2D or 2.5D
+ Qt Quick items. It is not intended for integrating true 3D content into the
+ Qt Quick scene. That use case is better supported by
+ QQuickFramebufferObject, QQuickWindow::beforeRendering(), or the
+ equivalents of those for APIs other than OpenGL.
- The following states are set before this function is called:
+ For OpenGL the following states are set on the render thread's context
+ before this function is called:
\li glDepthMask(false)
\li glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST)
@@ -107,14 +172,128 @@ void QSGRenderNode::setInheritedOpacity(qreal opacity)
\li glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE)
- States that are not listed above, but are included in \l StateFlags, can have arbitrary
- values.
+ States that are not listed above, but are included in \l StateFlags, can
+ have arbitrary values.
- \l changedStates() should return which states this function has changed. If a state is not
- covered by \l StateFlags, the state should be set to the default value according to the
- OpenGL specification.
+ \l changedStates() should return which states this function changes. If a
+ state is not covered by \l StateFlags, the state should be set to the
+ default value according to the OpenGL specification. For other APIs, see
+ the documentation for changedStates() for more information.
- \internal
+ For APIs other than OpenGL, it will likely be necessary to query certain
+ API-specific resources (for example, the graphics device or the command
+ list/buffer to add the commands to). This is done via QSGRendererInterface.
+ \sa QSGRendererInterface, QQuickWindow::rendererInterface()
+ \fn void QSGRenderNode::releaseResources()
+ This function is called when all custom graphics resources allocated by
+ this node have to be freed immediately. In case the node does not directly
+ allocate graphics resources (buffers, textures, render targets, fences,
+ etc.) through the graphics API that is in use, there is nothing to do here.
+ Failing to release all custom resources can lead to incorrect behavior in
+ graphics device loss scenarios on some systems since subsequent
+ reinitialization of the graphics system may fail.
+ \note Some scenegraph backends may choose not to call this function.
+ Therefore it is expected that QSGRenderNode implementations perform cleanup
+ both in their destructor and in releaseResources().
+ Unlike with the destructor, it is expected that render() can reinitialize
+ all resources it needs when called after a call to releaseResources().
+ With OpenGL, the scenegraph's OpenGL context will be current both when
+ calling the destructor and this function.
+ */
+ \return pointer to the current model-view matrix.
+ */
+const QMatrix4x4 *QSGRenderNode::matrix() const
+ return d->m_matrix;
+ \return the current clip list.
+ */
+const QSGClipNode *QSGRenderNode::clipList() const
+ return d->m_clip_list;
+ \return the current effective opacity.
+ */
+qreal QSGRenderNode::inheritedOpacity() const
+ return d->m_opacity;
+ \fn const QMatrix4x4 *QSGRenderNode::RenderState::projectionMatrix() const
+ \return pointer to the current projection matrix.
+ The model-view matrix can be retrieved with QSGRenderNode::matrix().
+ Typically \c{projection * modelview} is the matrix that is then used in the
+ vertex shader to transform the vertices.
+ */
+ \fn const QMatrix4x4 *QSGRenderNode::RenderState::scissorRect() const
+ \return the current scissor rectangle when clipping is active.
+ \note Be aware of the differences between graphics APIs: for some the
+ scissor rect is only active when scissoring is enabled (for example,
+ OpenGL), while for others the scissor rect is equal to the viewport rect
+ when there is no need to scissor away anything (for example, Direct3D 12).
+ */
+ \fn const QMatrix4x4 *QSGRenderNode::RenderState::scissorEnabled() const
+ \return the current state of scissoring.
+ \note Only relevant for graphics APIs that have a dedicated on/off state of
+ scissoring.
+ */
+ \fn const QMatrix4x4 *QSGRenderNode::RenderState::stencilValue() const
+ \return the current stencil reference value when clipping is active.
+ */
+ \fn const QMatrix4x4 *QSGRenderNode::RenderState::stencilEnabled() const
+ \return the current state of stencil testing.
+ \note With graphics APIs where stencil testing is enabled in pipeline state
+ objects, instead of individual state-setting commands, it is up to the
+ implementation of render() to enable stencil testing with operations
+ \c KEEP, comparison function \c EQUAL, and a read and write mask of \c 0xFF.
+ */
+ \return pointer to a \a state value.
+ Reserved for future use.
+ */
+void *QSGRenderNode::RenderState::get(const char *state) const
+ Q_UNUSED(state);
+ return nullptr;