path: root/src/quickdialogs/quickdialogsquickimpl/images/up-icon-thick-square.svg
diff options
authorMitch Curtis <mitch.curtis@qt.io>2022-11-18 15:15:16 +0800
committerMitch Curtis <mitch.curtis@qt.io>2022-12-01 10:26:20 +0800
commit4bd87b903b355b53e3105ba1ae7c154c4e55cdaf (patch)
treecc2edb597f0d5871302eb86e9dda78217384a5aa /src/quickdialogs/quickdialogsquickimpl/images/up-icon-thick-square.svg
parent786e1748d4469c135a922a221024f3f9c421c0de (diff)
Remove "2" from Qt Quick Controls directories
Qt Quick Controls 2 was named that way because it was a follow-up to Qt Quick Controls 1.x. Now that Qt Quick Controls 1 is no longer supported, we don't need to have "2" in the name. Work on this was already started for the documentation in 1abdfe5d5a052f2298b7bf657513dfa7e0c66a56. By doing this renaming a few weeks before feature freeze, it won't affect the release but still results in as little time possible spent manually fixing conflicts in cherry-picks from non-LTS releases as a result of the renaming. This patch does the following: - Renames directories. - Adapts CMakeLists.txt and other files to account for the new paths. A follow-up patch will handle documentation. It does not touch library names or other user-facing stuff, as that will have to be done in Qt 7. Task-number: QTBUG-95413 Change-Id: I170d8db19033ee71e495ff0c5c1a517a41ed7634 Reviewed-by: Mitch Curtis <mitch.curtis@qt.io>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/quickdialogs/quickdialogsquickimpl/images/up-icon-thick-square.svg')
1 files changed, 72 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/quickdialogs/quickdialogsquickimpl/images/up-icon-thick-square.svg b/src/quickdialogs/quickdialogsquickimpl/images/up-icon-thick-square.svg
new file mode 100644
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