path: root/tests/auto/quick/qquicklayouts/data/tst_stacklayout.qml
diff options
authorTarja Sundqvist <tarja.sundqvist@qt.io>2023-10-11 16:01:30 +0300
committerTarja Sundqvist <tarja.sundqvist@qt.io>2023-10-11 16:01:30 +0300
commit105e610548a62d943301153afb337a49f14e9e25 (patch)
tree34d8e322f1161f4a8eafabdbc721af42ea960075 /tests/auto/quick/qquicklayouts/data/tst_stacklayout.qml
parent960a980dc885622cb84990c4da75d5060318302d (diff)
parent94fd52dbb83a4982e4a70e621f431b0bd0945b5d (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/tqtc/lts-5.15.12' into tqtc/lts-5.15-opensourcev5.15.12-lts-lgpl
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/quick/qquicklayouts/data/tst_stacklayout.qml')
1 files changed, 413 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/quick/qquicklayouts/data/tst_stacklayout.qml b/tests/auto/quick/qquicklayouts/data/tst_stacklayout.qml
index de335386cf..2536b9789f 100644
--- a/tests/auto/quick/qquicklayouts/data/tst_stacklayout.qml
+++ b/tests/auto/quick/qquicklayouts/data/tst_stacklayout.qml
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtTest 1.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
+import QtQuick.Window 2.1
Item {
id: container
@@ -153,5 +154,417 @@ Item {
compare(layout.secondItem.width, 200) // width should not be -1
+ function geometry(item) {
+ return [item.x, item.y, item.width, item.height]
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: countGeometryChanges_Component
+ StackLayout {
+ id: stack
+ property alias col: _col
+ property alias row: _row
+ width: 100
+ ColumnLayout {
+ id: _col
+ property alias r1: _r1
+ property alias r2: _r2
+ property alias r3: _r3
+ spacing: 0
+ property int counter : 0
+ onWidthChanged: { ++counter; }
+ Rectangle {
+ id: _r1
+ implicitWidth: 20
+ implicitHeight: 20
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ property int counter : 0
+ onWidthChanged: { ++counter; }
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ id: _r2
+ implicitWidth: 50
+ implicitHeight: 50
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ property int counter : 0
+ onWidthChanged: { ++counter; }
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ id: _r3
+ implicitWidth: 40
+ implicitHeight: 40
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ property int counter : 0
+ onWidthChanged: { ++counter; }
+ }
+ }
+ RowLayout {
+ id: _row
+ property alias r5: _r5
+ spacing: 0
+ property int counter : 0
+ onWidthChanged: { ++counter; }
+ Rectangle {
+ id: _r5
+ implicitWidth: 100
+ implicitHeight: 100
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ property int counter : 0
+ onWidthChanged: { ++counter; }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_countGeometryChanges() {
+ var stack = countGeometryChanges_Component.createObject(container)
+ compare(stack.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(stack.col.width, 100)
+ compare(stack.col.height, 110)
+ compare(stack.row.width, 100)
+ compare(stack.row.height, 100)
+ verify(stack.col.r1.counter <= 2)
+ compare(stack.col.r2.counter, 1)
+ verify(stack.col.r3.counter <= 2)
+ verify(stack.col.counter <= 2)
+ compare(stack.row.counter, 1) // not visible, will only receive the initial geometry change
+ compare(stack.row.r5.counter, 0)
+ stack.destroy()
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: layoutItem_Component
+ Rectangle {
+ implicitWidth: 20
+ implicitHeight: 20
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: emtpy_StackLayout_Component
+ StackLayout {
+ property int num_onCountChanged: 0
+ property int num_onCurrentIndexChanged: 0
+ onCountChanged: { ++num_onCountChanged; }
+ onCurrentIndexChanged: { ++num_onCurrentIndexChanged; }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_addAndRemoveItems()
+ {
+ var stack = emtpy_StackLayout_Component.createObject(container)
+ stack.currentIndex = 2
+ compare(stack.implicitWidth, 0)
+ compare(stack.implicitHeight, 0)
+ var rect0 = layoutItem_Component.createObject(stack)
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(stack))
+ compare(stack.implicitWidth, 20)
+ compare(stack.implicitHeight, 20)
+ compare(rect0.visible, false)
+ var rect1 = layoutItem_Component.createObject(stack)
+ rect1.Layout.preferredWidth = 30
+ rect1.Layout.preferredHeight = 10
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(stack))
+ compare(stack.implicitWidth, 30)
+ compare(stack.implicitHeight, 20)
+ compare(rect0.visible, false)
+ compare(rect1.visible, false)
+ var rect2 = layoutItem_Component.createObject(stack)
+ rect2.x = 42 // ### items in a stacklayout will have their x and y positions discarded.
+ rect2.y = 42
+ rect2.Layout.preferredWidth = 80
+ rect2.Layout.preferredHeight = 30
+ rect2.Layout.fillWidth = true
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(stack))
+ compare(stack.implicitWidth, 80)
+ compare(stack.implicitHeight, 30)
+ compare(rect0.visible, false)
+ compare(rect1.visible, false)
+ compare(rect2.visible, true)
+ compare(geometry(rect2), geometry(stack))
+ rect2.destroy()
+ wait(0)
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(stack))
+ compare(stack.implicitWidth, 30)
+ compare(stack.implicitHeight, 20)
+ rect0.destroy()
+ wait(0)
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(stack))
+ compare(stack.implicitWidth, 30)
+ compare(stack.implicitHeight, 10)
+ rect1.destroy()
+ wait(0)
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(stack))
+ compare(stack.implicitWidth, 0)
+ compare(stack.implicitHeight, 0)
+ stack.destroy()
+ }
+ function test_sizeHint_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "propagateNone", layoutHints: [10, 20, 30], childHints: [11, 21, 31], expected:[10, 20, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY]},
+ { tag: "propagateMinimumWidth", layoutHints: [-1, 20, 30], childHints: [10, 21, 31], expected:[10, 20, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY]},
+ { tag: "propagatePreferredWidth", layoutHints: [10, -1, 30], childHints: [11, 20, 31], expected:[10, 20, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY]},
+ { tag: "propagateMaximumWidth", layoutHints: [10, 20, -1], childHints: [11, 21, 30], expected:[10, 20, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY]},
+ { tag: "propagateAll", layoutHints: [-1, -1, -1], childHints: [10, 20, 30], expected:[10, 20, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY]},
+ { tag: "propagateCrazy", layoutHints: [-1, -1, -1], childHints: [40, 21, 30], expected:[30, 30, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY]},
+ { tag: "expandMinToExplicitPref", layoutHints: [-1, 1, -1], childHints: [11, 21, 31], expected:[ 1, 1, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY]},
+ { tag: "expandMaxToExplicitPref", layoutHints: [-1, 99, -1], childHints: [11, 21, 31], expected:[11, 99, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY]},
+ { tag: "expandAllToExplicitMin", layoutHints: [99, -1, -1], childHints: [11, 21, 31], expected:[99, 99, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY]},
+ { tag: "expandPrefToExplicitMin", layoutHints: [24, -1, -1], childHints: [11, 21, 31], expected:[24, 24, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY]},
+ { tag: "boundPrefToExplicitMax", layoutHints: [-1, -1, 19], childHints: [11, 21, 31], expected:[11, 19, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY]},
+ { tag: "boundAllToExplicitMax", layoutHints: [-1, -1, 9], childHints: [11, 21, 31], expected:[ 9, 9, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY]},
+ ];
+ }
+ function itemSizeHints(item) {
+ return [item.Layout.minimumWidth, item.implicitWidth, item.Layout.maximumWidth]
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: stacklayout_sizeHint_Component
+ StackLayout {
+ property int implicitWidthChangedCount : 0
+ onImplicitWidthChanged: { ++implicitWidthChangedCount }
+ ColumnLayout {
+ Rectangle {
+ id: r1
+ color: "red"
+ Layout.minimumWidth: 1
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 2
+ Layout.maximumWidth: 3
+ Layout.minimumHeight: 20
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 20
+ Layout.maximumHeight: 20
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_sizeHint(data) {
+ var layout = stacklayout_sizeHint_Component.createObject(container)
+ var col = layout.children[0]
+ col.Layout.minimumWidth = data.layoutHints[0]
+ col.Layout.preferredWidth = data.layoutHints[1]
+ col.Layout.maximumWidth = data.layoutHints[2]
+ var child = col.children[0]
+ if (data.implicitWidth !== undefined) {
+ child.implicitWidth = data.implicitWidth
+ }
+ child.Layout.minimumWidth = data.childHints[0]
+ child.Layout.preferredWidth = data.childHints[1]
+ child.Layout.maximumWidth = data.childHints[2]
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(layout))
+ var effectiveSizeHintResult = [layout.Layout.minimumWidth, layout.implicitWidth, layout.Layout.maximumWidth]
+ compare(effectiveSizeHintResult, data.expected)
+ layout.destroy()
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: stacklayout_addIgnoredItem_Component
+ StackLayout {
+ Repeater {
+ id: rep
+ model: 1
+ Rectangle {
+ id: r
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Items with no size information is ignored.
+ function test_addIgnoredItem()
+ {
+ var stack = stacklayout_addIgnoredItem_Component.createObject(container)
+ compare(stack.count, 1)
+ compare(stack.implicitWidth, 0)
+ compare(stack.implicitHeight, 0)
+ var r = stack.children[0]
+ r.Layout.preferredWidth = 20
+ r.Layout.preferredHeight = 30
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(stack))
+ compare(stack.count, 1)
+ compare(stack.implicitWidth, 20)
+ compare(stack.implicitHeight, 30)
+ stack.destroy();
+ }
+ function test_dontCrashWhenAnchoredToAWindow() {
+ var test_layoutStr =
+ 'import QtQuick 2.2; \
+ import QtQuick.Window 2.1; \
+ import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3; \
+ Window { \
+ visible: true; \
+ width: stack.implicitWidth; \
+ height: stack.implicitHeight; \
+ StackLayout { \
+ id: stack; \
+ currentIndex: 0; \
+ anchors.fill: parent; \
+ Rectangle { \
+ color: "red"; \
+ implicitWidth: 300; \
+ implicitHeight: 200; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ } '
+ var win = Qt.createQmlObject(test_layoutStr, container, '');
+ if (win.visibility === Window.Windowed) {
+ // on single-window systems (such as Android), the window geometry will be
+ // fullscreen, and most likely it will be set to screen size. Avoid this test for
+ // those systems, as the size of the window will not be determined by the layout
+ tryCompare(win, 'width', 300);
+ }
+ win.destroy()
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: test_dontCrashWhenChildIsResizedToNull_Component
+ StackLayout {
+ property alias rect : _rect
+ Rectangle {
+ id: _rect;
+ color: "red"
+ implicitWidth: 200
+ implicitHeight: 200
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_dontCrashWhenChildIsResizedToNull() {
+ var layout = test_dontCrashWhenChildIsResizedToNull_Component.createObject(container)
+ layout.rect.width = 0
+ layout.width = 222 // trigger a rearrange with a valid size
+ layout.height = 222
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: test_currentIndex_Component
+ StackLayout {
+ currentIndex: 1
+ Text {
+ text: "0"
+ }
+ Text {
+ text: "1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_currentIndex() {
+ var layout = test_currentIndex_Component.createObject(container)
+ var c0 = layout.children[0]
+ var c1 = layout.children[1]
+ compare(layout.currentIndex, 1)
+ tryCompare(layout, 'visible', true)
+ compare(c0.visible, false)
+ compare(c1.visible, true)
+ layout.currentIndex = 0
+ compare(c0.visible, true)
+ compare(c1.visible, false)
+ var c2 = layoutItem_Component.createObject(layout)
+ compare(c2.visible, false)
+ /*
+ * destroy the current item and check if visibility advances to next
+ */
+ c0.destroy()
+ tryCompare(c1, 'visible', true)
+ compare(c2.visible, false)
+ c1.destroy()
+ tryCompare(c2, 'visible', true)
+ c2.destroy()
+ tryCompare(layout, 'currentIndex', 0)
+ layout.destroy()
+ /*
+ * Test the default/implicit value of currentIndex, either -1 (if empty) or 0:
+ */
+ layout = emtpy_StackLayout_Component.createObject(container)
+ tryCompare(layout, 'visible', true)
+ compare(layout.currentIndex, -1)
+ compare(layout.num_onCurrentIndexChanged, 0)
+ // make it non-empty
+ c0 = layoutItem_Component.createObject(layout)
+ compare(layout.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(layout.num_onCurrentIndexChanged, 1)
+ compare(c0.visible, true)
+ // make it empty again
+ c0.destroy()
+ wait(0)
+ compare(layout.currentIndex, -1)
+ //tryCompare(layout, 'currentIndex', -1)
+ compare(layout.num_onCurrentIndexChanged, 2)
+ /*
+ * Check that explicit value doesn't change,
+ * and that no items are visible if the index is invalid/out of range
+ */
+ layout.currentIndex = 2
+ compare(layout.currentIndex, 2)
+ compare(layout.num_onCurrentIndexChanged, 3)
+ c0 = layoutItem_Component.createObject(layout)
+ compare(layout.currentIndex, 2)
+ compare(c0.visible, false)
+ c1 = layoutItem_Component.createObject(layout)
+ compare(layout.currentIndex, 2)
+ compare(c0.visible, false)
+ compare(c1.visible, false)
+ c2 = layoutItem_Component.createObject(layout)
+ compare(layout.currentIndex, 2)
+ compare(c0.visible, false)
+ compare(c1.visible, false)
+ compare(c2.visible, true)
+ c2.destroy()
+ wait(0)
+ compare(layout.currentIndex, 2)
+ compare(c0.visible, false)
+ compare(c1.visible, false)
+ c1.destroy()
+ wait(0)
+ compare(layout.currentIndex, 2)
+ compare(c0.visible, false)
+ c0.destroy()
+ wait(0)
+ compare(layout.currentIndex, 2)
+ compare(layout.num_onCurrentIndexChanged, 3)
+ }
+ function test_count() {
+ var layout = emtpy_StackLayout_Component.createObject(container)
+ tryCompare(layout, 'visible', true)
+ compare(layout.count, 0)
+ compare(layout.currentIndex, -1)
+ compare(layout.num_onCountChanged, 0)
+ compare(layout.num_onCurrentIndexChanged, 0)
+ var c0 = layoutItem_Component.createObject(layout)
+ compare(layout.count, 1)
+ compare(layout.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(layout.num_onCurrentIndexChanged, 1)
+ compare(layout.num_onCountChanged, 1)
+ }