path: root/tests/auto/quick/qquicklistview
diff options
authorJan Arve Sæther <jan-arve.saether@qt.io>2019-12-03 11:52:55 +0100
committerJan Arve Sæther <jan-arve.saether@qt.io>2020-01-30 15:26:40 +0100
commit01660fbb67c39c74b2e1eeae1e3d1b97c8886cdb (patch)
tree04169b4956b7d203acb89364017f961a853fb94c /tests/auto/quick/qquicklistview
parent228f854ff99719d4c8151a3b52612e74f649f2b8 (diff)
Fix some ListView bugs related to snapping when it had a header
Most bugs were related to the PullBackHeader header positining mode, for instance the old code did not take into consideration that for the PullBackHeader it was sometimes not sufficient to scroll the view. The header also had to be scrolled independently from the view: We achieve this by hooking on to the same timeline that is used for scrolling the view. (This way, both animations are synchronized, and they start and end at the same time). Change-Id: I75708c0fd8d4741032c04ad9ee144d7a49cf3359 Fixes: QTBUG-76362 Reviewed-by: Shawn Rutledge <shawn.rutledge@qt.io>
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/quick/qquicklistview')
2 files changed, 668 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/quick/qquicklistview/data/headerSnapToItem.qml b/tests/auto/quick/qquicklistview/data/headerSnapToItem.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e5a811630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quick/qquicklistview/data/headerSnapToItem.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+import QtQuick 2.12
+Rectangle {
+ width: 240
+ height: 320
+ color: "#ffffff"
+ Component {
+ id: myDelegate
+ Rectangle {
+ id: wrapper
+ objectName: "wrapper"
+ width: list.orientation == ListView.Vertical ? 240 : 20
+ height: list.orientation == ListView.Vertical ? 20 : 240
+ border.width: 1
+ border.color: "black"
+ Text {
+ text: index + ":" + (list.orientation == ListView.Vertical ? parent.y : parent.x).toFixed(0)
+ }
+ color: ListView.isCurrentItem ? "lightsteelblue" : "white"
+ }
+ }
+ ListView {
+ id: list
+ objectName: "list"
+ focus: true
+ width: 240
+ height: 200
+ clip: true
+ snapMode: ListView.SnapToItem
+ headerPositioning: ListView.OverlayHeader
+ model: 30
+ delegate: myDelegate
+ orientation: ListView.Vertical
+ verticalLayoutDirection: ListView.BottomToTop
+ header: Rectangle {
+ width: list.orientation == Qt.Vertical ? 240 : 30
+ height: list.orientation == Qt.Vertical ? 30 : 240
+ objectName: "header";
+ color: "green"
+ z: 11
+ Text {
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ text: "header " + (list.orientation == ListView.Vertical ? parent.y : parent.x).toFixed(1)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ color: "red"
+ opacity: 0.5
+ width: txt.implicitWidth + 50
+ height: txt.implicitHeight
+ anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ Text {
+ id: txt
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ text: "header position: " + (list.orientation == ListView.Vertical ? list.headerItem.y : list.headerItem.x).toFixed(1)
+ + "\ncontent position: " + (list.orientation == ListView.Vertical ? list.contentY : list.contentX).toFixed(1)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quick/qquicklistview/tst_qquicklistview.cpp b/tests/auto/quick/qquicklistview/tst_qquicklistview.cpp
index 3687c9416e..20d71aa0d7 100644
--- a/tests/auto/quick/qquicklistview/tst_qquicklistview.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/quick/qquicklistview/tst_qquicklistview.cpp
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#include <QtCore/QStringListModel>
#include <QtCore/QSortFilterProxyModel>
#include <QtGui/QStandardItemModel>
+#include <QtGui/QStyleHints>
#include <QtQuick/qquickview.h>
#include <QtQuickTest/QtQuickTest>
#include <QtQml/qqmlengine.h>
@@ -183,6 +184,8 @@ private slots:
void creationContext();
void snapToItem_data();
void snapToItem();
+ void headerSnapToItem_data();
+ void headerSnapToItem();
void snapToItemWithSpacing_QTBUG_59852();
void snapOneItemResize_QTBUG_43555();
void snapOneItem_data();
@@ -5395,6 +5398,604 @@ void tst_QQuickListView::snapToItemWithSpacing_QTBUG_59852()
+static void drag_helper(QWindow *window, QPoint *startPos, const QPoint &delta)
+ QPoint pos = *startPos;
+ int dragDistance = delta.manhattanLength();
+ Q_ASSERT(qAbs(delta.x()) >= 1 || qAbs(delta.y()) >= 1);
+ const int stepSize = 8;
+ QPoint unitVector(0, 0);
+ if (delta.x())
+ unitVector.setX(qBound(-1, delta.x(), 1));
+ if (delta.y())
+ unitVector.setY(qBound(-1, delta.y(), 1));
+ QPoint dragStepSize = unitVector * stepSize;
+ int nDragSteps = qAbs(dragDistance/stepSize);
+ for (int i = 0 ; i < nDragSteps; ++i) {
+ QTest::mouseMove(window, pos);
+ pos += dragStepSize;
+ }
+ // Move to the final position
+ pos = *startPos + delta;
+ QTest::mouseMove(window, pos);
+ *startPos = pos;
+static void dragtwice(QWindow *window, QPoint *startPos, const QPoint &delta1, const QPoint &delta2)
+ const int dragThreshold = QGuiApplication::styleHints()->startDragDistance();
+ QPoint &pos = *startPos;
+ QPoint unitVector(0, 0);
+ if (delta1.x())
+ unitVector.setX(qBound(-1, delta1.x(), 1));
+ if (delta1.y())
+ unitVector.setY(qBound(-1, delta1.y(), 1));
+ // go just beyond the drag theshold
+ drag_helper(window, &pos, unitVector * (dragThreshold + 1));
+ drag_helper(window, &pos, unitVector);
+ // next drag will actually scroll the listview
+ if (delta1.manhattanLength() >= 1)
+ drag_helper(window, &pos, delta1);
+ if (delta2.manhattanLength() >= 1)
+ drag_helper(window, &pos, delta2);
+struct MyListView : public QQuickListView{
+ qreal contentPosition() const
+ {
+ return (orientation() == QQuickListView::Horizontal ? contentX(): contentY());
+ }
+ qreal headerPosition() const
+ {
+ return (orientation() == QQuickListView::Horizontal ? headerItem()->x() : headerItem()->y());
+ }
+void tst_QQuickListView::headerSnapToItem()
+ QFETCH(QQuickItemView::LayoutDirection, layoutDirection);
+ QFETCH(QQuickListView::HeaderPositioning, headerPositioning);
+ QFETCH(int, firstDragDistance);
+ QFETCH(int, secondDragDistance);
+ QFETCH(int, expectedContentPosition);
+ QFETCH(int, expectedHeaderPosition);
+ QQuickView *window = getView();
+ window->setSource(testFileUrl("headerSnapToItem.qml"));
+ window->show();
+ QVERIFY(QTest::qWaitForWindowExposed(window));
+ MyListView *listview = static_cast<MyListView *>(findItem<QQuickListView>(window->rootObject(), "list"));
+ QVERIFY(listview != nullptr);
+ const bool horizontal = layoutDirection < QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom;
+ listview->setOrientation(horizontal ? QQuickListView::Horizontal : QQuickListView::Vertical);
+ if (horizontal)
+ listview->setLayoutDirection(static_cast<Qt::LayoutDirection>(layoutDirection));
+ else
+ listview->setVerticalLayoutDirection(static_cast<QQuickItemView::VerticalLayoutDirection>(layoutDirection));
+ listview->setHeaderPositioning(headerPositioning);
+ QVERIFY(QQuickTest::qWaitForItemPolished(listview));
+ QQuickItem *contentItem = listview->contentItem();
+ QVERIFY(contentItem != nullptr);
+ QQuickItem *header = findItem<QQuickItem>(contentItem, "header");
+ QVERIFY(header != nullptr);
+ QCOMPARE(header, listview->headerItem());
+ QPoint startPos = (QPointF(listview->width(), listview->height())/2).toPoint();
+ QTest::mousePress(window, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::NoModifier, startPos, 200);
+ QPoint firstDragDelta(0, firstDragDistance);
+ QPoint secondDragDelta = QPoint(0, secondDragDistance);
+ if (horizontal) {
+ firstDragDelta = firstDragDelta.transposed();
+ secondDragDelta = secondDragDelta.transposed();
+ }
+ dragtwice(window, &startPos, firstDragDelta, secondDragDelta);
+ QTest::mouseRelease(window, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::NoModifier, startPos, 200); // Wait 200 ms before we release to avoid trigger a flick
+ // wait for the "fixup" animation to finish
+ QTest::qWaitFor([&]()
+ { return !listview->isMoving();}
+ );
+ QCOMPARE(listview->contentPosition(), expectedContentPosition);
+ QCOMPARE(listview->headerPosition(), expectedHeaderPosition);
+void tst_QQuickListView::headerSnapToItem_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<QQuickItemView::LayoutDirection>("layoutDirection");
+ QTest::addColumn<QQuickListView::HeaderPositioning>("headerPositioning");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("firstDragDistance");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("secondDragDistance");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("expectedContentPosition");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("expectedHeaderPosition");
+ // --------------------
+ // InlineHeader TopToBottom
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader TopToBottom -10") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << -10 << 0
+ << -30 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader TopToBottom -14") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << -14 << 0
+ << -30 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader TopToBottom -16") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << -16 << 0
+ << 0 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader TopToBottom -30") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << -30 << 0
+ << 0 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader TopToBottom -39") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << -39 << 0
+ << 0 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader TopToBottom -41") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << -41 << 0
+ << 20 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader TopToBottom -65+10") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << -65 << 10
+ << 20 << -30;
+ // --------------------
+ // InlineHeader BottomToTop
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader BottomToTop +10") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << 10 << 0
+ << -170 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader BottomToTop +14") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << 14 << 0
+ << -170 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader BottomToTop +16") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << 16 << 0
+ << -200 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader BottomToTop +30") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << 30 << 0
+ << -200 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader BottomToTop +39") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << 39 << 0
+ << -200 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader BottomToTop +41") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << 41 << 0
+ << -220 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader BottomToTop +65-10") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << 65 << -10
+ << -220 << 0;
+ // --------------------
+ // InlineHeader LeftToRight
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader LeftToRight -10") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << -10 << 0
+ << -30 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader LeftToRight -14") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << -14 << 0
+ << -30 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader LeftToRight -16") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << -16 << 0
+ << 0 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader LeftToRight -30") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << -30 << 0
+ << 0 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader LeftToRight -39") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << -39 << 0
+ << 0 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader LeftToRight -41") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << -41 << 0
+ << 20 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader LeftToRight -65+10") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << -65 << 10
+ << 20 << -30;
+ // --------------------
+ // InlineHeader RightToLeft
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader RightToLeft +10") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << 10 << 0
+ << -210 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader RightToLeft +14") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << 14 << 0
+ << -210 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader RightToLeft +16") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << 16 << 0
+ << -240 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader RightToLeft +30") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << 30 << 0
+ << -240 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader RightToLeft +39") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << 39 << 0
+ << -240 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader RightToLeft +41") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << 41 << 0
+ << -260 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader RightToLeft +65-10") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << 65 << -10
+ << -260 << 0;
+ // --------------------
+ // OverlayHeader TopToBottom
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader TopToBottom +9") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << 9 << 0
+ << -30 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader TopToBottom -9") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << -9 << 0
+ << -30 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader TopToBottom -11") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << -11 << 0
+ << -10 << -10;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader TopToBottom -29") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << -29 << 0
+ << -10 << -10;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader TopToBottom -31") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << -31 << 0
+ << 10 << 10;
+ // --------------------
+ // OverlayHeader BottomToTop
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader BottomToTop -9") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << -9 << 0
+ << -170 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader BottomToTop +9") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << 9 << 0
+ << -170 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader BottomToTop +11") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << 11 << 0
+ << -190 << -20;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader BottomToTop +29") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << 29 << 0
+ << -190 << -20;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader BottomToTop +31") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << 31 << 0
+ << -210 << -40;
+ // --------------------
+ // OverlayHeader LeftToRight
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader LeftToRight +9") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << 9 << 0
+ << -30 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader LeftToRight -9") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << -9 << 0
+ << -30 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader LeftToRight -11") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << -11 << 0
+ << -10 << -10;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader LeftToRight -29") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << -29 << 0
+ << -10 << -10;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader LeftToRight -31") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << -31 << 0
+ << 10 << 10;
+ // --------------------
+ // OverlayHeader RightToLeft
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader RightToLeft -9") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << -9 << 0
+ << -210 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader RightToLeft +9") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << 9 << 0
+ << -210 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader RightToLeft +11") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << 11 << 0
+ << -230 << -20;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader RightToLeft +29") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << 29 << 0
+ << -230 << -20;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader RightToLeft +31") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << 31 << 0
+ << -250 << -40;
+ // --------------------
+ // PullbackHeader TopToBottom
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader TopToBottom -2") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -2 << 0
+ << -30 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader TopToBottom -10") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -10 << 0
+ << -30 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader TopToBottom -11") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -11 << 0
+ << -10 << -10;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader TopToBottom -14") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -14 << 0
+ << -10 << -10;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader TopToBottom -16") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -16 << 0
+ << 0 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader TopToBottom -20") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -20 << 0
+ << 0 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader TopToBottom -65+10") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -65 << 10
+ << 20 << -10;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader TopToBottom -65+20") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -65 << 20
+ << 10 << 10;
+ // Should move header even if contentY doesn't move (its aligned with top)
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader TopToBottom -55+5") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -55 << 5
+ << 20 << -10;
+ // Should move header even if contentY doesn't move (it's aligned with header)
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader TopToBottom -76+16") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -76 << 16
+ << 30 << 30;
+ // --------------------
+ // PullbackHeader BottomToTop
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader BottomToTop +2") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +2 << 0
+ << -170 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader BottomToTop +9") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +9 << 0
+ << -170 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader BottomToTop +11") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +11 << 0
+ << -190 << -20;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader BottomToTop +14") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +14 << 0
+ << -190 << -20;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader BottomToTop +16") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +16 << 0
+ << -200 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader BottomToTop +20") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +20 << 0
+ << -200 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader BottomToTop +65-10") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +65 << -10
+ << -220 << -20;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader BottomToTop +65-20") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +65 << -20
+ << -210 << -40;
+ // Should move header even if contentY doesn't move (it's aligned with top)
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader BottomToTop +55-5") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << 55 << -5
+ << -220 << -20;
+ // Should move header even if contentY doesn't move (it's aligned with header)
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader BottomToTop +76-16") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << 76 << -16
+ << -230 << -60;
+ // --------------------
+ // PullbackHeader LeftToRight
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader LeftToRight -2") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -2 << 0
+ << -30 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader LeftToRight -10") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -10 << 0
+ << -30 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader LeftToRight -11") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -11 << 0
+ << -10 << -10;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader LeftToRight -14") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -14 << 0
+ << -10 << -10;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader LeftToRight -16") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -16 << 0
+ << 0 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader LeftToRight -20") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -20 << 0
+ << 0 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader LeftToRight -65+10") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -65 << 10
+ << 20 << -10;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader LeftToRight -65+20") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -65 << 20
+ << 10 << 10;
+ // Should move header even if contentX doesn't move (its aligned with top)
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader LeftToRight -55+5") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -55 << 5
+ << 20 << -10;
+ // Should move header even if contentX doesn't move (it's aligned with header)
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader LeftToRight -76+16") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -76 << 16
+ << 30 << 30;
+ // --------------------
+ // PullbackHeader RightToLeft
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader RightToLeft +2") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +2 << 0
+ << -210 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader RightToLeft +9") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +9 << 0
+ << -210 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader RightToLeft +11") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +11 << 0
+ << -230 << -20;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader RightToLeft +14") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +14 << 0
+ << -230 << -20;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader RightToLeft +16") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +16 << 0
+ << -240 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader RightToLeft +20") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +20 << 0
+ << -240 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader RightToLeft +65-10") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +65 << -10
+ << -260 << -20;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader RightToLeft +65-20") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +65 << -20
+ << -250 << -40;
+ // Should move header even if contentX doesn't move (it's aligned with top)
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader RightToLeft +55-5") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << 55 << -5
+ << -260 << -20;
+ // Should move header even if contentX doesn't move (it's aligned with header)
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader RightToLeft +76-16") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << 76 << -16
+ << -270 << -60;
void tst_QQuickListView::snapOneItemResize_QTBUG_43555()
QScopedPointer<QQuickView> window(createView());