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2 files changed, 223 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/src/quick/items/context2d/qquickcontext2d.cpp b/src/quick/items/context2d/qquickcontext2d.cpp
index e1bf9830e6..428ab08bb6 100644
--- a/src/quick/items/context2d/qquickcontext2d.cpp
+++ b/src/quick/items/context2d/qquickcontext2d.cpp
@@ -192,57 +192,141 @@ QColor qt_color_from_string(v8::Local<v8::Value> name)
return QColor();
+static int qParseFontSizeFromToken(const QString &fontSizeToken, bool &ok)
+ ok = false;
+ float size = fontSizeToken.trimmed().toFloat(&ok);
+ if (ok) {
+ return int(size);
+ }
+ qWarning().nospace() << "Context2D: A font size of " << fontSizeToken << " is invalid.";
+ return 0;
+ Attempts to set the font size of \a font to \a fontSizeToken, returning
+ \c true if successful. If the font size is invalid, \c false is returned
+ and a warning is printed.
static bool qSetFontSizeFromToken(QFont &font, const QString &fontSizeToken)
const QString trimmedToken = fontSizeToken.trimmed();
- QString unit = trimmedToken.right(2);
- QString value = trimmedToken.left(fontSizeToken.size() - 2);
+ const QString unitStr = trimmedToken.right(2);
+ const QString value = trimmedToken.left(trimmedToken.size() - 2);
bool ok = false;
- float size = value.trimmed().toFloat(&ok);
- if (ok) {
- int intSize = int(size);
- if (unit.compare(QLatin1String("px")) == 0) {
- font.setPixelSize(intSize);
+ int size = 0;
+ if (unitStr == QStringLiteral("px")) {
+ size = qParseFontSizeFromToken(value, ok);
+ if (ok) {
+ font.setPixelSize(size);
return true;
- } else if (unit.compare(QLatin1String("pt")) == 0) {
- font.setPointSize(intSize);
+ }
+ } else if (unitStr == QStringLiteral("pt")) {
+ size = qParseFontSizeFromToken(value, ok);
+ if (ok) {
+ font.setPointSize(size);
return true;
+ } else {
+ qWarning().nospace() << "Context2D: Invalid font size unit in font string.";
- qWarning().nospace() << "Context2D: A font size of " << fontSizeToken << " is invalid.";
return false;
-static bool qSetFontFamilyFromToken(QFont &font, const QString &fontFamilyToken)
- const QString trimmedToken = fontFamilyToken.trimmed();
- QFontDatabase fontDatabase;
- if (fontDatabase.hasFamily(trimmedToken)) {
- font.setFamily(trimmedToken);
- return true;
- } else {
- // Can't find a family matching this name; if it's a generic family,
- // try searching for the default family for it by using style hints.
- QFont tmp;
- int styleHint = -1;
- if (fontFamilyToken.compare(QLatin1String("serif")) == 0) {
- styleHint = QFont::Serif;
- } else if (fontFamilyToken.compare(QLatin1String("sans-serif")) == 0) {
- styleHint = QFont::SansSerif;
- } else if (fontFamilyToken.compare(QLatin1String("cursive")) == 0) {
- styleHint = QFont::Cursive;
- } else if (fontFamilyToken.compare(QLatin1String("monospace")) == 0) {
- styleHint = QFont::Monospace;
- } else if (fontFamilyToken.compare(QLatin1String("fantasy")) == 0) {
- styleHint = QFont::Fantasy;
+ Returns a list of all of the families in \a fontFamiliesString, where
+ each family is separated by spaces. Families with spaces in their name
+ must be quoted.
+static QStringList qExtractFontFamiliesFromString(const QString &fontFamiliesString)
+ QStringList extractedFamilies;
+ int quoteIndex = -1;
+ QString currentFamily;
+ for (int index = 0; index < fontFamiliesString.size(); ++index) {
+ const QChar ch = fontFamiliesString.at(index);
+ if (ch == '"' || ch == '\'') {
+ if (quoteIndex == -1) {
+ quoteIndex = index;
+ } else {
+ if (ch == fontFamiliesString.at(quoteIndex)) {
+ // Found the matching quote. +1/-1 because we don't want the quote as part of the name.
+ const QString family = fontFamiliesString.mid(quoteIndex + 1, index - quoteIndex - 1);
+ extractedFamilies.push_back(family);
+ currentFamily.clear();
+ quoteIndex = -1;
+ } else {
+ qWarning().nospace() << "Context2D: Mismatched quote in font string.";
+ return QStringList();
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (ch == ' ' && quoteIndex == -1) {
+ // This is a space that's not within quotes...
+ if (!currentFamily.isEmpty()) {
+ // and there is a current family; consider it the end of the current family.
+ extractedFamilies.push_back(currentFamily);
+ currentFamily.clear();
+ } // else: ignore the space
+ } else {
+ currentFamily.push_back(ch);
- if (styleHint != -1) {
- tmp.setStyleHint(static_cast<QFont::StyleHint>(styleHint));
- font.setFamily(tmp.defaultFamily());
+ }
+ if (!currentFamily.isEmpty()) {
+ if (quoteIndex == -1) {
+ // This is the end of the string, so add this family to our list.
+ extractedFamilies.push_back(currentFamily);
+ } else {
+ qWarning().nospace() << "Context2D: Unclosed quote in font string.";
+ return QStringList();
+ }
+ }
+ if (extractedFamilies.isEmpty()) {
+ qWarning().nospace() << "Context2D: Missing or misplaced font family in font string"
+ << " (it must come after the font size).";
+ }
+ return extractedFamilies;
+ Tries to set a family on \a font using the families provided in \a fontFamilyTokens.
+ The list is ordered by preference, with the first family having the highest preference.
+ If the first family is invalid, the next family in the list is evaluated.
+ This process is repeated until a valid font is found (at which point the function
+ will return \c true and the family set on \a font) or there are no more
+ families left, at which point a warning is printed and \c false is returned.
+static bool qSetFontFamilyFromTokens(QFont &font, const QStringList &fontFamilyTokens)
+ foreach (QString fontFamilyToken, fontFamilyTokens) {
+ QFontDatabase fontDatabase;
+ if (fontDatabase.hasFamily(fontFamilyToken)) {
+ font.setFamily(fontFamilyToken);
return true;
+ } else {
+ // Can't find a family matching this name; if it's a generic family,
+ // try searching for the default family for it by using style hints.
+ int styleHint = -1;
+ if (fontFamilyToken.compare(QLatin1String("serif")) == 0) {
+ styleHint = QFont::Serif;
+ } else if (fontFamilyToken.compare(QLatin1String("sans-serif")) == 0) {
+ styleHint = QFont::SansSerif;
+ } else if (fontFamilyToken.compare(QLatin1String("cursive")) == 0) {
+ styleHint = QFont::Cursive;
+ } else if (fontFamilyToken.compare(QLatin1String("monospace")) == 0) {
+ styleHint = QFont::Monospace;
+ } else if (fontFamilyToken.compare(QLatin1String("fantasy")) == 0) {
+ styleHint = QFont::Fantasy;
+ }
+ if (styleHint != -1) {
+ QFont tmp;
+ tmp.setStyleHint(static_cast<QFont::StyleHint>(styleHint));
+ font.setFamily(tmp.defaultFamily());
+ return true;
+ }
- qWarning().nospace() << "Context2D: The font family " << fontFamilyToken << " is invalid.";
+ qWarning("Context2D: The font families specified are invalid: %s", qPrintable(fontFamilyTokens.join(QString()).trimmed()));
return false;
@@ -269,18 +353,63 @@ if (!(usedTokens & token)) { \
See: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-fonts/#font-prop
static QFont qt_font_from_string(const QString& fontString, const QFont &currentFont) {
- const QStringList tokens = fontString.split(QLatin1Char(' '));
- if (tokens.size() < 2) {
- qWarning().nospace() << "Context2D: Insufficent amount of tokens in font string.";
+ if (fontString.isEmpty()) {
+ qWarning().nospace() << "Context2D: Font string is empty.";
return currentFont;
+ // We know that font-size must be specified and it must be before font-family
+ // (which could potentially have "px" or "pt" in its name), so extract it now.
+ int fontSizeEnd = fontString.indexOf(QStringLiteral("px"));
+ if (fontSizeEnd == -1)
+ fontSizeEnd = fontString.indexOf(QStringLiteral("pt"));
+ if (fontSizeEnd == -1) {
+ qWarning().nospace() << "Context2D: Invalid font size unit in font string.";
+ return currentFont;
+ }
+ int fontSizeStart = fontString.lastIndexOf(' ', fontSizeEnd);
+ if (fontSizeStart == -1) {
+ // The font size might be the first token in the font string, which is OK.
+ // Regardless, we'll find out if the font is invalid with qSetFontSizeFromToken().
+ fontSizeStart = 0;
+ } else {
+ // Don't want to take the leading space.
+ ++fontSizeStart;
+ }
+ // + 2 for the unit, +1 for the space that we require.
+ fontSizeEnd += 3;
QFont newFont;
- QStringList remainingTokens = tokens;
+ if (!qSetFontSizeFromToken(newFont, fontString.mid(fontSizeStart, fontSizeEnd - fontSizeStart)))
+ return currentFont;
+ // We don't want to parse the size twice, so remove it now.
+ QString remainingFontString = fontString;
+ remainingFontString.remove(fontSizeStart, fontSizeEnd - fontSizeStart);
+ // Next, we have to take any font families out, as QString::split() will ruin quoted family names.
+ const QString fontFamiliesString = remainingFontString.mid(fontSizeStart);
+ remainingFontString.chop(remainingFontString.length() - fontSizeStart);
+ QStringList fontFamilies = qExtractFontFamiliesFromString(fontFamiliesString);
+ if (fontFamilies.isEmpty()) {
+ return currentFont;
+ }
+ if (!qSetFontFamilyFromTokens(newFont, fontFamilies))
+ return currentFont;
+ // Now that we've removed the messy parts, we can split the font string on spaces.
+ const QString trimmedTokensStr = remainingFontString.trimmed();
+ if (trimmedTokensStr.isEmpty()) {
+ // No optional properties.
+ return newFont;
+ }
+ const QStringList tokens = trimmedTokensStr.split(QLatin1Char(' '));
int usedTokens = NoTokens;
// Optional properties can be in any order, but font-size and font-family must be last.
- while (remainingTokens.size() > 2) {
- const QString token = remainingTokens.takeFirst();
+ foreach (const QString token, tokens) {
if (token.compare(QLatin1String("normal")) == 0) {
if (!(usedTokens & FontStyle) || !(usedTokens & FontVariant) || !(usedTokens & FontWeight)) {
// Could be font-style, font-variant or font-weight.
@@ -324,19 +453,6 @@ static QFont qt_font_from_string(const QString& fontString, const QFont &current
return currentFont;
- if (remainingTokens.size() == 2) {
- // Order must be: font-size font-family.
- if (!qSetFontSizeFromToken(newFont, remainingTokens.first())) {
- return currentFont;
- }
- if (!qSetFontFamilyFromToken(newFont, remainingTokens.last())) {
- return currentFont;
- }
- return newFont;
- } else {
- qWarning().nospace() << "Context2D: Missing font-size and/or font-family tokens in font string.";
- return currentFont;
- }
return newFont;
@@ -2205,8 +2321,9 @@ static v8::Handle<v8::Value> ctx2d_caretBlinkRate(const v8::Arguments &args)
\li font-family: See \l {http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/fonts.html#propdef-font-family}
- Note that font-size and font-family are mandatory and must be in the order
- they are shown in above.
+ \note The font-size and font-family properties are mandatory and must be in
+ the order they are shown in above. In addition, a font family with spaces in
+ its name must be quoted.
The default font value is "10px sans-serif".
diff --git a/tests/auto/quick/qquickcanvasitem/data/tst_context.qml b/tests/auto/quick/qquickcanvasitem/data/tst_context.qml
index ab351f0de8..b18250291e 100644
--- a/tests/auto/quick/qquickcanvasitem/data/tst_context.qml
+++ b/tests/auto/quick/qquickcanvasitem/data/tst_context.qml
@@ -111,6 +111,14 @@ Canvas {
{ string: "bold 12px sans-serif", expected: "sans-serif,-1,12,5,75,0,0,0,0,0" },
{ string: "0 12px sans-serif", expected: "sans-serif,-1,12,5,0,0,0,0,0,0" },
{ string: "small-caps 12px sans-serif", expected: "sans-serif,-1,12,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" },
+ { string: "12px \"sans-serif\"", expected: "sans-serif,-1,12,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" },
+ { string: "12px 'sans-serif'", expected: "sans-serif,-1,12,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" },
+ // sans-serif will always be chosen, but this still tests that multiple families can be read.
+ { string: "12px 'sans-serif' 'cursive'", expected: "sans-serif,-1,12,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" },
+ { string: "12px sans-serif 'cursive' monospace", expected: "sans-serif,-1,12,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" },
+ { string: "12px sans-serif 'cursive' monospace ", expected: "sans-serif,-1,12,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" },
+ { string: " 12px sans-serif 'cursive' monospace ", expected: "sans-serif,-1,12,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" },
+ { string: " 12px sans-serif 'cursive' monospace ", expected: "sans-serif,-1,12,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" }
for (var i = 0; i < validFonts.length; ++i) {
ctx.font = validFonts[i].string;
@@ -125,38 +133,51 @@ Canvas {
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var originalFont = ctx.font;
- var i = 0;
- var insufficientQtyTokens = ["", "12px", "sans-serif"];
- for (i = 0; i < insufficientQtyTokens.length; ++i) {
- ignoreWarning("Context2D: Insufficent amount of tokens in font string.");
- ctx.font = insufficientQtyTokens[i];
- compare(ctx.font, originalFont);
- }
+ var fontStrings = [
+ "",
+ "12px",
+ "sans-serif",
+ "z12px sans-serif",
+ "1z2px sans-serif",
+ "12zpx sans-serif",
+ "12pxz sans-serif",
+ "sans-serif 12px",
+ "12px !@weeeeeeee!@!@Don'tNameYourFontThis",
+ "12px )(&*^^^%#$@*!!@#$JSPOR)",
+ "normal normal normal normal 12px sans-serif",
+ "normal normal bold bold 12px sans-serif",
+ "bold bold 12px sans-serif",
+ "12px 'cursive\"",
+ "12px 'cursive\" sans-serif",
+ "12px 'cursive"
+ ];
- var invalidFontSizes = ["z12px sans-serif", "1z2px sans-serif", "12zpx sans-serif",
- "12pzx sans-serif", "12pxz sans-serif", "sans-serif 12px"];
- for (i = 0; i < invalidFontSizes.length; ++i) {
- ignoreWarning("Context2D: A font size of \"" + invalidFontSizes[i].split(" ")[0] + "\" is invalid.");
- ctx.font = invalidFontSizes[i];
- compare(ctx.font, originalFont);
- }
+ var ignoredWarnings = [
+ "Context2D: Font string is empty.",
+ "Context2D: Missing or misplaced font family in font string (it must come after the font size).",
+ "Context2D: Invalid font size unit in font string.",
+ "Context2D: A font size of \"z12\" is invalid.",
+ "Context2D: A font size of \"1z2\" is invalid.",
+ "Context2D: A font size of \"12z\" is invalid.",
+ "Context2D: Invalid font size unit in font string.",
+ "Context2D: Missing or misplaced font family in font string (it must come after the font size).",
+ "Context2D: Unclosed quote in font string.",
+ "Context2D: The font families specified are invalid: )(&*^^^%#$@*!!@#$JSPOR)",
+ "Context2D: Duplicate token \"normal\" found in font string.",
+ "Context2D: Duplicate token \"bold\" found in font string.",
+ "Context2D: Duplicate token \"bold\" found in font string.",
+ "Context2D: Mismatched quote in font string.",
+ "Context2D: Mismatched quote in font string.",
+ "Context2D: Unclosed quote in font string."
+ ];
- var invalidFontFamilies = ["12px !@weeeeeeee!@!@Don'tNameYourFontThis", "12px )(&*^^^%#$@*!!@#$JSPOR)"];
- for (i = 0; i < invalidFontFamilies.length; ++i) {
- ignoreWarning("Context2D: The font family \"" + invalidFontFamilies[i].split(" ")[1] + "\" is invalid.");
- ctx.font = invalidFontFamilies[i];
- compare(ctx.font, originalFont);
- }
+ // Sanity check...
+ compare(ignoredWarnings.length, fontStrings.length);
- var duplicates = [
- { duplicate: "normal", string: "normal normal normal normal 12px sans-serif" },
- { duplicate: "bold", string: "normal normal bold bold 12px sans-serif" },
- { duplicate: "bold", string: "bold bold 12px sans-serif" }
- ];
- for (i = 0; i < duplicates.length; ++i) {
- ignoreWarning("Context2D: Duplicate token \"" + duplicates[i].duplicate + "\" found in font string.");
- ctx.font = duplicates[i].string;
+ for (var i = 0; i < fontStrings.length; ++i) {
+ ignoreWarning(ignoredWarnings[i]);
+ ctx.font = fontStrings[i];
compare(ctx.font, originalFont);