path: root/examples/quick/demos
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Diffstat (limited to 'examples/quick/demos')
6 files changed, 181 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/examples/quick/demos/calqlatr/calqlatr.qml b/examples/quick/demos/calqlatr/calqlatr.qml
index 02c5b13399..8bda2c521e 100644
--- a/examples/quick/demos/calqlatr/calqlatr.qml
+++ b/examples/quick/demos/calqlatr/calqlatr.qml
@@ -53,13 +53,22 @@ Rectangle {
onWidthChanged: controller.reload()
onHeightChanged: controller.reload()
- function operatorPressed(operator) { CalcEngine.operatorPressed(operator) }
- function digitPressed(digit) { CalcEngine.digitPressed(digit) }
+ function operatorPressed(operator) {
+ CalcEngine.operatorPressed(operator)
+ numPad.buttonPressed()
+ }
+ function digitPressed(digit) {
+ CalcEngine.digitPressed(digit)
+ numPad.buttonPressed()
+ }
+ function isButtonDisabled(op) {
+ return CalcEngine.disabled(op)
+ }
Item {
id: pad
width: 180
- NumberPad { y: 10; anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter }
+ NumberPad { id: numPad; y: 10; anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter }
AnimationController {
diff --git a/examples/quick/demos/calqlatr/content/Button.qml b/examples/quick/demos/calqlatr/content/Button.qml
index fc6234414f..0748645274 100644
--- a/examples/quick/demos/calqlatr/content/Button.qml
+++ b/examples/quick/demos/calqlatr/content/Button.qml
@@ -41,12 +41,13 @@
import QtQuick 2.0
Item {
+ id: button
property alias text: textItem.text
- property alias color: textItem.color
+ property color color: "#eceeea"
property bool operator: false
- signal clicked
+ property bool dimmable: false
+ property bool dimmed: false
width: 30
height: 50
@@ -56,7 +57,18 @@ Item {
font.pixelSize: 48
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
lineHeight: 0.75
- color: "white"
+ color: (dimmable && dimmed) ? Qt.darker(button.color) : button.color
+ Behavior on color { ColorAnimation { duration: 120; easing.type: Easing.OutElastic} }
+ states: [
+ State {
+ name: "pressed"
+ when: mouse.pressed && !dimmed
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: textItem
+ color: Qt.lighter(button.color)
+ }
+ }
+ ]
MouseArea {
@@ -70,4 +82,13 @@ Item {
+ function updateDimmed() {
+ dimmed = window.isButtonDisabled(button.text)
+ }
+ Component.onCompleted: {
+ numPad.buttonPressed.connect(updateDimmed)
+ updateDimmed()
+ }
diff --git a/examples/quick/demos/calqlatr/content/Display.qml b/examples/quick/demos/calqlatr/content/Display.qml
index 97eed1e57e..efa7a1ab66 100644
--- a/examples/quick/demos/calqlatr/content/Display.qml
+++ b/examples/quick/demos/calqlatr/content/Display.qml
@@ -39,10 +39,16 @@
import QtQuick 2.0
+import QtQuick.Window 2.0
Item {
id: display
+ property real fontSize: Math.floor(Screen.pixelDensity * 5.0)
property bool enteringDigits: false
+ property int maxDigits: (width / fontSize) + 1
+ property string displayedOperand
+ property string errorString: qsTr("ERROR")
+ property bool isError: displayedOperand === errorString
function displayOperator(operator)
@@ -53,7 +59,8 @@ Item {
function newLine(operator, operand)
- listView.model.append({ "operator": operator, "operand": operand })
+ displayedOperand = displayNumber(operand)
+ listView.model.append({ "operator": operator, "operand": displayedOperand })
enteringDigits = false
@@ -68,8 +75,16 @@ Item {
+ function setDigit(digit)
+ {
+ var i = listView.model.count - 1;
+ listView.model.get(i).operand = digit;
+ listView.positionViewAtEnd()
+ }
function clear()
+ displayedOperand = ""
if (enteringDigits) {
var i = listView.model.count - 1
if (i >= 0)
@@ -78,6 +93,42 @@ Item {
+ // Returns a string representation of a number that fits in
+ // display.maxDigits characters, trying to keep as much precision
+ // as possible. If the number cannot be displayed, returns an
+ // error string.
+ function displayNumber(num) {
+ if (typeof(num) != "number")
+ return errorString;
+ var intNum = parseInt(num);
+ var intLen = intNum.toString().length;
+ // Do not count the minus sign as a digit
+ var maxLen = num < 0 ? maxDigits + 1 : maxDigits;
+ if (num.toString().length <= maxLen) {
+ if (isFinite(num))
+ return num.toString();
+ return errorString;
+ }
+ // Integer part of the number is too long - try
+ // an exponential notation
+ if (intNum == num || intLen > maxLen - 3) {
+ var expVal = num.toExponential(maxDigits - 6).toString();
+ if (expVal.length <= maxLen)
+ return expVal;
+ }
+ // Try a float presentation with fixed number of digits
+ var floatStr = parseFloat(num).toFixed(maxDigits - intLen - 1).toString();
+ if (floatStr.length <= maxLen)
+ return floatStr;
+ return errorString;
+ }
Item {
id: theItem
width: parent.width + 32
@@ -121,16 +172,16 @@ Item {
width: parent.width
Text {
id: operator
- x: 8
- font.pixelSize: 18
+ x: 6
+ font.pixelSize: display.fontSize
color: "#6da43d"
text: model.operator
Text {
id: operand
- font.pixelSize: 18
+ font.pixelSize: display.fontSize
anchors.right: parent.right
- anchors.rightMargin: 26
+ anchors.rightMargin: 22
text: model.operand
diff --git a/examples/quick/demos/calqlatr/content/NumberPad.qml b/examples/quick/demos/calqlatr/content/NumberPad.qml
index c7f2680651..c4ae1bb582 100644
--- a/examples/quick/demos/calqlatr/content/NumberPad.qml
+++ b/examples/quick/demos/calqlatr/content/NumberPad.qml
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ Grid {
columnSpacing: 32
rowSpacing: 16
+ signal buttonPressed
Button { text: "7" }
Button { text: "8" }
Button { text: "9" }
@@ -55,15 +57,15 @@ Grid {
Button { text: "2" }
Button { text: "3" }
Button { text: "0" }
- Button { text: "." }
+ Button { text: "."; dimmable: true }
Button { text: " " }
- Button { text: "±"; color: "#6da43d"; operator: true }
- Button { text: "−"; color: "#6da43d"; operator: true }
- Button { text: "+"; color: "#6da43d"; operator: true }
- Button { text: "√"; color: "#6da43d"; operator: true }
- Button { text: "÷"; color: "#6da43d"; operator: true }
- Button { text: "×"; color: "#6da43d"; operator: true }
+ Button { text: "±"; color: "#6da43d"; operator: true; dimmable: true }
+ Button { text: "−"; color: "#6da43d"; operator: true; dimmable: true }
+ Button { text: "+"; color: "#6da43d"; operator: true; dimmable: true }
+ Button { text: "√"; color: "#6da43d"; operator: true; dimmable: true }
+ Button { text: "÷"; color: "#6da43d"; operator: true; dimmable: true }
+ Button { text: "×"; color: "#6da43d"; operator: true; dimmable: true }
Button { text: "C"; color: "#6da43d"; operator: true }
Button { text: " "; color: "#6da43d"; operator: true }
- Button { text: "="; color: "#6da43d"; operator: true }
+ Button { text: "="; color: "#6da43d"; operator: true; dimmable: true }
diff --git a/examples/quick/demos/calqlatr/content/calculator.js b/examples/quick/demos/calqlatr/content/calculator.js
index 906cb9d3b7..841ba9414c 100644
--- a/examples/quick/demos/calqlatr/content/calculator.js
+++ b/examples/quick/demos/calqlatr/content/calculator.js
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
var curVal = 0
var memory = 0
var lastOp = ""
@@ -46,9 +45,13 @@ var previousOperator = ""
var digits = ""
function disabled(op) {
- if (op == "." && digits.toString().search(/\./) != -1) {
+ if (digits == "" && !((op >= "0" && op <= "9") || op == "."))
+ return true
+ else if (op == '=' && previousOperator.length != 1)
return true
- } else if (op == window.squareRoot && digits.toString().search(/-/) != -1) {
+ else if (op == "." && digits.toString().search(/\./) != -1) {
+ return true
+ } else if (op == "√" && digits.toString().search(/-/) != -1) {
return true
} else {
return false
@@ -59,7 +62,7 @@ function digitPressed(op)
if (disabled(op))
- if (digits.toString().length >= 8)
+ if (digits.toString().length >= display.maxDigits)
if (lastOp.toString().length == 1 && ((lastOp >= "0" && lastOp <= "9") || lastOp == ".") ) {
digits = digits + op.toString()
@@ -77,6 +80,12 @@ function operatorPressed(op)
lastOp = op
+ if (op == "±") {
+ digits = Number(digits.valueOf() * -1)
+ display.setDigit(display.displayNumber(digits))
+ return
+ }
if (previousOperator == "+") {
digits = Number(digits.valueOf()) + Number(curVal.valueOf())
} else if (previousOperator == "−") {
@@ -85,7 +94,6 @@ function operatorPressed(op)
digits = Number(curVal) * Number(digits.valueOf())
} else if (previousOperator == "÷") {
digits = Number(curVal) / Number(digits.valueOf())
- } else if (previousOperator == "=") {
if (op == "+" || op == "−" || op == "×" || op == "÷") {
@@ -97,10 +105,7 @@ function operatorPressed(op)
if (op == "=") {
- if (digits.toString().length >= 9)
- digits = digits.toExponential(2)
- display.newLine("=", digits.toString())
+ display.newLine("=", digits.valueOf())
curVal = 0
@@ -114,12 +119,9 @@ function operatorPressed(op)
digits = (Math.abs(digits.valueOf())).toString()
} else if (op == "Int") {
digits = (Math.floor(digits.valueOf())).toString()
- } else if (op == "±") {
- digits = (digits.valueOf() * -1).toString()
- display.clear()
- display.appendDigit(digits)
} else if (op == "√") {
- digits = (Math.sqrt(digits.valueOf())).toString()
+ digits = Number(Math.sqrt(digits.valueOf()))
+ display.newLine("√", digits.valueOf())
} else if (op == "mc") {
memory = 0;
} else if (op == "m+") {
@@ -134,17 +136,16 @@ function operatorPressed(op)
} else if (op == "Off") {
- } else if (op == "C") {
+ }
+ // Reset the state on 'C' operator or after
+ // an error occurred
+ if (op == "C" || display.isError) {
curVal = 0
memory = 0
lastOp = ""
- digits ="0"
- } else if (op == "AC") {
- curVal = 0
- memory = 0
- lastOp = ""
- digits ="0"
+ digits = ""
diff --git a/examples/quick/demos/calqlatr/doc/src/calqlatr.qdoc b/examples/quick/demos/calqlatr/doc/src/calqlatr.qdoc
index e72d048567..7316f27595 100644
--- a/examples/quick/demos/calqlatr/doc/src/calqlatr.qdoc
+++ b/examples/quick/demos/calqlatr/doc/src/calqlatr.qdoc
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
\li Button.qml
\li Display.qml
\li NumberPad.qml
- \li StyleLabel.qml
To use the custom types, we add an import statement to the main QML file,
@@ -70,7 +69,7 @@
\printuntil }
\printuntil }
- Further, we use the Button type in the NumberPad type to create the
+ Further, we use the Button type in the \c NumberPad type to create the
calculator buttons. Button.qml specifies the basic properties for a
button that we can modify for each button instance in NumberPad.qml. For the
digit and separator buttons, we additionally specify the text property using
@@ -86,6 +85,11 @@
\skipto Grid
\printuntil /^\}/
+ Some of the buttons also have a \c dimmable property set, meaning that they
+ can be visually disabled (dimmed) whenever the calculator engine does not
+ accept input from that button. As an example, the button for square root
+ operator is dimmed for negative values.
\section1 Animating Components
We use the Display type to display calculations. In Display.qml, we use
@@ -100,7 +104,11 @@
is the id of our AnimationController:
\quotefromfile demos/calqlatr/calqlatr.qml
- \skipto onPressed
+ \skipto MouseArea
+ \printuntil {
+ \dots 12
+ \skipto onReleased
+ \printuntil }
\printuntil }
Unlike other QML animation types, AnimationController is not driven by
@@ -123,26 +131,63 @@
We use the easing curve of the type \c Easing.InOutQuad to accelerate the
motion until halfway and then decelerate it.
+ In Button.qml, the text colors of the number pad buttons are also animated.
+ \quotefromfile demos/calqlatr/content/Button.qml
+ \skipto Text
+ \printuntil id:
+ \dots 8
+ \skipto color:
+ \printuntil ]
+ \printuntil }
+ We use \l {QtQml::Qt::darker()}{Qt.darker()} to darken the color when the
+ button is dimmed, and \l {QtQml::Qt::lighter()}{Qt.lighter()} to \e {light up}
+ the button when pressed. The latter is done in a separate \l [QML] {State}
+ {state} called \e "pressed", which activates when the \c pressed
+ property of the button's MouseArea is set.
+ The color changes are animated by defining a \l Behavior on the \c color
+ property.
+ In order to dynamically change the \c dimmed property of all the buttons
+ of the \c NumberPad, we connect its \c buttonPressed signal to the
+ \c Button's \c updateDimmed() function in Button.qml:
+ \quotefromfile demos/calqlatr/content/Button.qml
+ \skipto function updateDimmed() {
+ \printuntil buttonPressed.connect
+ \printuntil }
+ This way, when a button is pressed, all buttons on the \c NumPad
+ receive a \c buttonPressed signal and are activated or deactivated
+ according to the state of the calculator engine.
\section1 Performing Calculations
- The calculator.js file contains definitions for the functions to execute
- when users press the digit and operator buttons. To use the functions, we
+ The calculator.js file defines our calculator engine. It contains variables
+ to store the calculator state, and functions that are called when the
+ user presses the digit and operator buttons. To use the engine, we
import calculator.js in the calqlatr.qml file as \c CalcEngine:
import "content/calculator.js" as CalcEngine
- We can then declare the functions to execute depending on whether the
- operator property for a button is set to \c true in NumberPad.qml:
+ Importing the engine creates a new instance of it. Therefore, we only do it
+ in the main QML file, \c calqlatr.qml. The root item defined in this file
+ contains helper functions that allow other types to access the calculator
+ engine:
\quotefromfile demos/calqlatr/calqlatr.qml
\skipto operatorPressed
- \printuntil digitPressed
+ \printuntil CalcEngine.disabled
+ \printuntil }
- When users press a digit or operator, the text from the digit appears on the
- display. When they press the equals operator (=), the appropriate
- calculation is performed, and the results appear on the display.
+ When users press a digit, the text from the digit appears on the
+ display. When they press an operator, the appropriate calculation is
+ performed, and the result can be displayed using the equals (=) operator.
+ The clear (C) operator resets the calculator engine.
\section1 List of Files