path: root/examples/quick
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4 files changed, 242 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/examples/quick/demos/calqlatr/doc/src/calqlatr.qdoc b/examples/quick/demos/calqlatr/doc/src/calqlatr.qdoc
index ff8061e2ea..e72d048567 100644
--- a/examples/quick/demos/calqlatr/doc/src/calqlatr.qdoc
+++ b/examples/quick/demos/calqlatr/doc/src/calqlatr.qdoc
@@ -29,14 +29,122 @@
\title Qt Quick Demo - Calqlatr
\ingroup qtquickdemos
\example demos/calqlatr
- \brief A simple QML calculator app, designed for portrait devices.
+ \brief A QML app designed for portrait devices that uses custom components,
+ animated with AnimationController, and JavaScript for the application logic.
\image qtquick-demo-calqlatr.png
- \e{Calqlatr} demonstrates various QML and \l{Qt Quick} features such as
- displaying custom components. The logic is implemented in JavaScript and the
- appearance implemented in QML.
+ \e{Calqlatr} demonstrates various QML and \l{Qt Quick} features, such as
+ displaying custom components and using animation to move the components
+ around in the application view. The application logic is implemented in
+ JavaScript and the appearance is implemented in QML.
\include examples-run.qdocinc
+ \section1 Displaying Custom Components
+ In the Calqlatr application, we use the following custom types that are
+ each defined in a separate .qml file:
+ \list
+ \li Button.qml
+ \li Display.qml
+ \li NumberPad.qml
+ \li StyleLabel.qml
+ \endlist
+ To use the custom types, we add an import statement to the main QML file,
+ calqlatr.qml that imports the folder called \c content where the types are
+ located:
+ \code
+ import "content"
+ \endcode
+ We can then display custom components by adding the component types to
+ any QML file. For example, we use the NumberPad type in calqlatr.qml to
+ create the number pad of the calculator. We place the type inside an
+ \l{Item} QML type, which is the base type for all visual items in Qt Quick:
+ \quotefromfile demos/calqlatr/calqlatr.qml
+ \skipto Item
+ \printuntil }
+ \printuntil }
+ Further, we use the Button type in the NumberPad type to create the
+ calculator buttons. Button.qml specifies the basic properties for a
+ button that we can modify for each button instance in NumberPad.qml. For the
+ digit and separator buttons, we additionally specify the text property using
+ the property alias \c text that we define in Button.qml.
+ For the operator buttons, we also specify another color (green) using the
+ property alias \c color and set the operator property to \c true. We use
+ the operator property in functions that perform the calculations.
+ We place the buttons inside a \l{Grid} QML type to position them in a grid:
+ \quotefromfile demos/calqlatr/content/NumberPad.qml
+ \skipto Grid
+ \printuntil /^\}/
+ \section1 Animating Components
+ We use the Display type to display calculations. In Display.qml, we use
+ images to make the display component look like a slip of paper that contains
+ a grip. Users can drag the grip to move the display from left to right.
+ When users release the grip, the AnimationController QML type that we define
+ in the calqlatr.qml file finishes running the controlled animation in either
+ a forwards or a backwards direction. To run the animation, we call either
+ completeToEnd() or completeToBeginning(), depending on the direction. We do
+ this in the MouseArea's \c onReleased signal handler, where \c controller
+ is the id of our AnimationController:
+ \quotefromfile demos/calqlatr/calqlatr.qml
+ \skipto onPressed
+ \printuntil }
+ Unlike other QML animation types, AnimationController is not driven by
+ internal timers but by explicitly setting its progress property to a
+ value between \c 0.0 and \c 1.0.
+ Inside the AnimationController, we run two NumberAnimation instances in
+ parallel to move the number pad and the display components simultaneously to
+ the opposite sides of the view. In addition, we run a SequentialAnimation
+ instance to scale the number pad during the transition, giving the animation
+ some depth.
+ \quotefromfile demos/calqlatr/calqlatr.qml
+ \skipto AnimationController
+ \printuntil 1; easing.type
+ \printuntil }
+ \printuntil }
+ \printuntil }
+ We use the easing curve of the type \c Easing.InOutQuad to accelerate the
+ motion until halfway and then decelerate it.
+ \section1 Performing Calculations
+ The calculator.js file contains definitions for the functions to execute
+ when users press the digit and operator buttons. To use the functions, we
+ import calculator.js in the calqlatr.qml file as \c CalcEngine:
+ \code
+ import "content/calculator.js" as CalcEngine
+ \endcode
+ We can then declare the functions to execute depending on whether the
+ operator property for a button is set to \c true in NumberPad.qml:
+ \quotefromfile demos/calqlatr/calqlatr.qml
+ \skipto operatorPressed
+ \printuntil digitPressed
+ When users press a digit or operator, the text from the digit appears on the
+ display. When they press the equals operator (=), the appropriate
+ calculation is performed, and the results appear on the display.
+ \section1 List of Files
\sa {QML Applications}
diff --git a/examples/quick/demos/photosurface/doc/src/photosurface.qdoc b/examples/quick/demos/photosurface/doc/src/photosurface.qdoc
index d56b34365d..b66143368e 100644
--- a/examples/quick/demos/photosurface/doc/src/photosurface.qdoc
+++ b/examples/quick/demos/photosurface/doc/src/photosurface.qdoc
@@ -29,13 +29,135 @@
\title Qt Quick Demo - Photo Surface
\ingroup qtquickdemos
\example demos/photosurface
- \brief A touch-based app for shuffling photos around a virtual surface.
+ \brief A QML app for touch devices that uses a Repeater with a
+ FolderListModel to access content in a folder, and a PinchArea that contains
+ a MouseArea to handle pinch gestures on the fetched content.
\image qtquick-demo-photosurface-small.png
- \e{Photo Surface} demonstrates how to handle dragging, rotation and pinch
- zooming within the same item using a \l PinchArea containing a \l MouseArea.
+ \e{Photo Surface} demonstrates how to use a \l{Repeater} with a
+ FolderListModel and a FileDialog to access images from a folder selected
+ by a user and how to handle dragging, rotation and pinch zooming within the
+ same item using a \l PinchArea that contains a \l MouseArea.
+ All the app code is contained in one QML file, photosurface.qml. Inline
+ JavaScript code is used to place, rotate, and scale images on the photo
+ surface.
\include examples-run.qdocinc
- \sa {QML Applications}
+ \section1 Creating the Main Window
+ To create the main window for the Photo Surface app, we use the \l{Window}
+ QML type as the root item. It automatically sets up the window for use with
+ \l{Qt Quick} graphical types:
+ \quotefromfile demos/photosurface/photosurface.qml
+ \skipto Window {
+ \printuntil defaultSize
+ To use the \l{Window} type, we must import it:
+ \code
+ import QtQuick.Window 2.1
+ \endcode
+ \section1 Accessing Folder Contents
+ We use a \l{Repeater} QML type together with the FolderListModel to display
+ GIF, JPG, and PNG images located in a folder:
+ \quotefromfile demos/photosurface/photosurface.qml
+ \skipto Repeater
+ \printuntil }
+ To use the FolderListModel type, we must import it:
+ \code
+ import Qt.labs.folderlistmodel 1.0
+ \endcode
+ We use a FileDialog to enable users to select the folder that contains
+ the images:
+ \quotefromfile demos/photosurface/photosurface.qml
+ \skipto FileDialog
+ \printuntil }
+ To use the FileDialog type, we must import \l{Qt Quick Dialogs}:
+ \code
+ import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.0
+ \endcode
+ We use the \c {fileDialog.open()} function to open the file dialog when the
+ app starts:
+ \code
+ Component.onCompleted: fileDialog.open()
+ \endcode
+ Users can also click the file dialog icon to open the file dialog. We use
+ an \l{Image} QML type to display the icon. Inside the \l{Image} type, we
+ use a MouseArea with the \c onClicked signal handler to call the
+ \c {fileDialog.open()} function:
+ \quotefromfile demos/photosurface/photosurface.qml
+ \skipuntil Image {
+ \skipto Image {
+ \printuntil }
+ \printuntil }
+ \section1 Displaying Images on the Photo Surface
+ We use a \l{Rectangle} as a delegate for a \l{Repeater} to provide a frame
+ for each image that the FolderListModel finds in the selected folder. We use
+ JavaScript \c Math() methods to place the frames randomly on the photo
+ surface and to rotate them at random angles, as well as to scale the images:
+ \quotefromfile demos/photosurface/photosurface.qml
+ \skipto Rectangle
+ \printuntil }
+ \section1 Handling Pinch Gestures
+ We use a PinchArea that contains a MouseArea in the photo frames to handle
+ dragging, rotation and pinch zooming of the frame:
+ \quotefromfile demos/photosurface/photosurface.qml
+ \skipto PinchArea
+ \printuntil onPinchFinished
+ We use the \c pinch group property to control how the photo frames react to
+ pinch gestures. The \c pinch.target sets \c photoFrame as the item to
+ manipulate. The rotation properties specify that the frames can be rotated
+ at all angles and the scale properties specify that they can be scaled
+ between \c 0.1 and \c 10.
+ In the MouseArea's \c onPressed signal handler, we raise the selected photo
+ frame to the top by increasing the value of its \c z property. The root item
+ stores the z value of the top-most frame. The border color of the photo
+ frame is controlled in the \c onEntered and \c onExited signal handlers to
+ highlight the selected image.
+ \quotefromfile demos/photosurface/photosurface.qml
+ \skipto MouseArea
+ \printuntil onExited
+ To enable you to test the example on the desktop, we use the MouseArea's
+ \c onWheel signal handler to simulate pinch gestures by using a mouse:
+ \quotefromfile demos/photosurface/photosurface.qml
+ \skipto onWheel
+ \printuntil photoFrame.y
+ \printuntil }
+ \printuntil }
+ \printuntil }
+ The \c onWheel signal handler is called in response to mouse wheel gestures.
+ Use the vertical wheel to zoom and Ctrl and the vertical wheel to rotate
+ frames. If the mouse has a horizontal wheel, use it to rotate frames.
+ \section1 List of Files
+ \sa {QML Applications}
diff --git a/examples/quick/quick.pro b/examples/quick/quick.pro
index f39931bd94..421f95a162 100644
--- a/examples/quick/quick.pro
+++ b/examples/quick/quick.pro
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ SUBDIRS = quick-accessibility \
# Widget dependent examples
qtHaveModule(widgets) {
- SUBDIRS += embeddedinwidgets \
- quickwidgets
+ SUBDIRS += embeddedinwidgets
+ qtHaveModule(quickwidgets): SUBDIRS += quickwidgets
diff --git a/examples/quick/tutorials/gettingStartedQml/filedialog/filedialog.pro b/examples/quick/tutorials/gettingStartedQml/filedialog/filedialog.pro
index 0886f37b1f..e88e8f670c 100644
--- a/examples/quick/tutorials/gettingStartedQml/filedialog/filedialog.pro
+++ b/examples/quick/tutorials/gettingStartedQml/filedialog/filedialog.pro
@@ -20,14 +20,6 @@ SOURCES += \
OTHER_FILES += qmldir
-copyfile = $$PWD/qmldir
-copydest = $$DESTDIR
-# On Windows, use backslashes as directory separators
-win32: {
- copyfile ~= s,/,\\,g
- copydest ~= s,/,\\,g
# Copy the qmldir file to the same folder as the plugin binary
-QMAKE_POST_LINK += $$QMAKE_COPY $$quote($$copyfile) $$quote($$copydest) $$escape_expand(\\n\\t)
+QMAKE_POST_LINK += $$QMAKE_COPY $$shell_quote($$shell_path($$PWD/qmldir)) \
+ $$shell_quote($$shell_path($$DESTDIR)) $$escape_expand(\\n\\t)