path: root/examples/quickcontrols/flatstyle/doc/src/qtquickcontrols2-flatstyle.qdoc
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diff --git a/examples/quickcontrols/flatstyle/doc/src/qtquickcontrols2-flatstyle.qdoc b/examples/quickcontrols/flatstyle/doc/src/qtquickcontrols2-flatstyle.qdoc
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+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only
+ \example flatstyle
+ \keyword Qt Quick Controls - Flat Style
+ \title Qt Quick Controls - Flat Style
+ \keyword Qt Quick Controls 2 - Flat Style
+ \ingroup qtquickcontrols2-examples
+ \brief A QML app using Qt Quick Controls and a QML plugin
+ with customized controls.
+ \e Flat Style shows how to integrate customized controls into Qt Quick Designer.
+ The example uses a pure QML plugin to define constants in a singleton. For the
+ declarative parts of the UI, \c .ui.qml files are used. These can be edited
+ visually in Qt Quick Designer.
+ \borderedimage qtquickcontrols2-flatstyle.png
+ \section1 QML Plugin
+ The example contains a plugin called Theme. The plugin consists of a QML file
+ \c Theme.qml and a \c qmldir file. The plugin is located in the imports subdirectory
+ and added as a resource.
+ To ensure the plugin is found by QML, we add the import directory to the import
+ paths of the engine in \c main.cpp.
+ \code
+ ...
+ engine.addImportPath(":/imports");
+ ...
+ \endcode
+ To ensure the code model and Qt Quick Designer can find the plugin, we add the following
+ line to \e flatstyle.pro.
+ \code
+ QML_IMPORT_PATH = $$PWD/imports
+ \endcode
+ All colors, font parameters, and size constants that are used in this example
+ are defined as properties in the singleton called \e Theme.qml.
+ Usually such attribute values are defined as constants as they are not suppose to change at run time.
+ In this example, we allow the user to change some attributes like the main color, the size parameter,
+ and some font parameters while the application is running.
+ Defining these attribute values in a singleton makes it easy to maintain and change them.
+ This pattern makes it easy to implement theming.
+ \section1 Implementing Custom Controls
+ The plugin also contains a style for a couple of controls that implement a custom look and feel.
+ This style is located in \c Flat and is set as the style for the application in \c qtquickcontrols2.conf.
+ The example uses the states of a Qt Quick Item to implement the different states of a control.
+ This has the advantage that we can define the custom look in Qt Quick Designer and we can easily
+ verify the different states of a control.
+ To edit the indicator of a switch in Qt Quick Designer we can open Switch.qml and then enter the implementation
+ of the indicator called \c switchHandle using the combo box on the top next to the combo box for the open documents.
+ \borderedimage qtquickcontrols2-flatstyle-creator.png
+ The application itself is just a simple form that allows the user to adjust a couple of parameters of the custom controls.
+ The user can choose another main color, set the font to bold or underline, and increase the size of the controls by
+ toggling a switch.
+ \e MainForm.ui.qml is just the pure declarative definition of the form, while \e flatstyle.qml instantiates the form
+ and implements the logic.
+ \include examples-run.qdocinc