path: root/src/declarative/qml/ftw/qhashedstring.cpp
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 490 deletions
diff --git a/src/declarative/qml/ftw/qhashedstring.cpp b/src/declarative/qml/ftw/qhashedstring.cpp
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index f3b5a9ebc9..0000000000
--- a/src/declarative/qml/ftw/qhashedstring.cpp
+++ /dev/null
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-** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/
-** This file is part of the QtDeclarative module of the Qt Toolkit.
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-** Other Usage
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-#include "qhashedstring_p.h"
-// This is a reimplementation of V8's string hash algorithm. It is significantly
-// faster to do it here than call into V8, but it adds the maintainence burden of
-// ensuring that the two hashes are identical. We Q_ASSERT() that the two return
-// the same value. If these asserts start to fail, the hash code needs to be
-// synced with V8.
-namespace String {
- static const int kMaxArrayIndexSize = 10;
- static const int kMaxHashCalcLength = 16383;
- static const int kNofHashBitFields = 2;
- static const int kHashShift = kNofHashBitFields;
- static const int kIsNotArrayIndexMask = 1 << 1;
- static const int kArrayIndexValueBits = 24;
- static const int kArrayIndexHashLengthShift = kArrayIndexValueBits + kNofHashBitFields;
- static const int kMaxCachedArrayIndexLength = 7;
-template <typename schar>
-uint32_t calculateHash(const schar* chars, int length) {
- if (length > String::kMaxHashCalcLength) {
- // V8 trivial hash
- return (length << String::kHashShift) | String::kIsNotArrayIndexMask;
- }
- uint32_t raw_running_hash = 0;
- uint32_t array_index = 0;
- bool is_array_index = (0 < length && length <= String::kMaxArrayIndexSize);
- bool is_first_char = true;
- int ii = 0;
- for (;is_array_index && ii < length; ++ii) {
- quint32 c = *chars++;
- raw_running_hash += c;
- raw_running_hash += (raw_running_hash << 10);
- raw_running_hash ^= (raw_running_hash >> 6);
- if (c < '0' || c > '9') {
- is_array_index = false;
- } else {
- int d = c - '0';
- if (is_first_char) {
- is_first_char = false;
- if (c == '0' && length > 1) {
- is_array_index = false;
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (array_index > 429496729U - ((d + 2) >> 3)) {
- is_array_index = false;
- } else {
- array_index = array_index * 10 + d;
- }
- }
- }
- for (;ii < length; ++ii) {
- raw_running_hash += *chars++;
- raw_running_hash += (raw_running_hash << 10);
- raw_running_hash ^= (raw_running_hash >> 6);
- }
- if (is_array_index) {
- array_index <<= String::kHashShift;
- array_index |= length << String::kArrayIndexHashLengthShift;
- return array_index;
- } else {
- raw_running_hash += (raw_running_hash << 3);
- raw_running_hash ^= (raw_running_hash >> 11);
- raw_running_hash += (raw_running_hash << 15);
- if (raw_running_hash == 0) {
- raw_running_hash = 27;
- }
- return (raw_running_hash << String::kHashShift) | String::kIsNotArrayIndexMask;
- }
-inline quint32 stringHash(const QChar* data, int length)
- quint32 rv = calculateHash<quint16>((quint16*)data, length) >> String::kHashShift;
- Q_ASSERT(rv == v8::String::ComputeHash((uint16_t*)data, length));
- return rv;
-inline quint32 stringHash(const char *data, int length)
- quint32 rv = calculateHash<quint8>((quint8*)data, length) >> String::kHashShift;
- Q_ASSERT(rv == v8::String::ComputeHash((char *)data, length));
- return rv;
-void QHashedString::computeHash() const
- m_hash = stringHash(constData(), length());
-void QHashedStringRef::computeHash() const
- m_hash = stringHash(m_data, m_length);
-void QHashedCStringRef::computeHash() const
- m_hash = stringHash(m_data, m_length);
- A QHash has initially around pow(2, MinNumBits) buckets. For
- example, if MinNumBits is 4, it has 17 buckets.
-const int MinNumBits = 4;
- The prime_deltas array is a table of selected prime values, even
- though it doesn't look like one. The primes we are using are 1,
- 2, 5, 11, 17, 37, 67, 131, 257, ..., i.e. primes in the immediate
- surrounding of a power of two.
- The primeForNumBits() function returns the prime associated to a
- power of two. For example, primeForNumBits(8) returns 257.
-static const uchar prime_deltas[] = {
- 0, 0, 1, 3, 1, 5, 3, 3, 1, 9, 7, 5, 3, 9, 25, 3,
- 1, 21, 3, 21, 7, 15, 9, 5, 3, 29, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-static inline int primeForNumBits(int numBits)
- return (1 << numBits) + prime_deltas[numBits];
-void QStringHashData::rehashToSize(int size, IteratorData first,
- IteratorData (*Iterate)(const IteratorData &),
- QStringHashNode *skip)
- short bits = qMax(MinNumBits, (int)numBits);
- while (primeForNumBits(bits) < size) bits++;
- if (bits > numBits)
- rehashToBits(bits, first, Iterate, skip);
-void QStringHashData::rehashToBits(short bits, IteratorData first,
- IteratorData (*Iterate)(const IteratorData &),
- QStringHashNode *skip)
- numBits = qMax(MinNumBits, (int)bits);
- int nb = primeForNumBits(numBits);
- if (nb == numBuckets && buckets)
- return;
- numBuckets = nb;
- if (linkCount)
- qFatal("QStringHash: Illegal attempt to rehash a linked hash.");
- delete [] buckets;
- buckets = new QStringHashNode *[numBuckets];
- ::memset(buckets, 0, sizeof(QStringHashNode *) * numBuckets);
- IteratorData nodeList = first;
- while (nodeList.n) {
- if (nodeList.n != skip) {
- int bucket = nodeList.n->hash % numBuckets;
- nodeList.n->next = buckets[bucket];
- buckets[bucket] = nodeList.n;
- }
- nodeList = Iterate(nodeList);
- }
-// Copy of QString's qMemCompare
-bool QHashedString::compare(const QChar *lhs, const QChar *rhs, int length)
- Q_ASSERT(lhs && rhs);
- const quint16 *a = (const quint16 *)lhs;
- const quint16 *b = (const quint16 *)rhs;
- if (a == b || !length)
- return true;
- register union {
- const quint16 *w;
- const quint32 *d;
- quintptr value;
- } sa, sb;
- sa.w = a;
- sb.w = b;
- // check alignment
- if ((sa.value & 2) == (sb.value & 2)) {
- // both addresses have the same alignment
- if (sa.value & 2) {
- // both addresses are not aligned to 4-bytes boundaries
- // compare the first character
- if (*sa.w != *sb.w)
- return false;
- --length;
- ++sa.w;
- ++sb.w;
- // now both addresses are 4-bytes aligned
- }
- // both addresses are 4-bytes aligned
- // do a fast 32-bit comparison
- register const quint32 *e = sa.d + (length >> 1);
- for ( ; sa.d != e; ++sa.d, ++sb.d) {
- if (*sa.d != *sb.d)
- return false;
- }
- // do we have a tail?
- return (length & 1) ? *sa.w == *sb.w : true;
- } else {
- // one of the addresses isn't 4-byte aligned but the other is
- register const quint16 *e = sa.w + length;
- for ( ; sa.w != e; ++sa.w, ++sb.w) {
- if (*sa.w != *sb.w)
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-// Unicode stuff
-static inline bool isUnicodeNonCharacter(uint ucs4)
- // Unicode has a couple of "non-characters" that one can use internally,
- // but are not allowed to be used for text interchange.
- //
- // Those are the last two entries each Unicode Plane (U+FFFE, U+FFFF,
- // U+1FFFE, U+1FFFF, etc.) as well as the entries between U+FDD0 and
- // U+FDEF (inclusive)
- return (ucs4 & 0xfffe) == 0xfffe
- || (ucs4 - 0xfdd0U) < 16;
-static int utf8LengthFromUtf16(const QChar *uc, int len)
- int length = 0;
- int surrogate_high = -1;
- const QChar *ch = uc;
- int invalid = 0;
- const QChar *end = ch + len;
- while (ch < end) {
- uint u = ch->unicode();
- if (surrogate_high >= 0) {
- if (u >= 0xdc00 && u < 0xe000) {
- u = (surrogate_high - 0xd800)*0x400 + (u - 0xdc00) + 0x10000;
- surrogate_high = -1;
- } else {
- // high surrogate without low
- ++ch;
- ++invalid;
- surrogate_high = -1;
- continue;
- }
- } else if (u >= 0xdc00 && u < 0xe000) {
- // low surrogate without high
- ++ch;
- ++invalid;
- continue;
- } else if (u >= 0xd800 && u < 0xdc00) {
- surrogate_high = u;
- ++ch;
- continue;
- }
- if (u < 0x80) {
- ++length;
- } else {
- if (u < 0x0800) {
- ++length;
- } else {
- // is it one of the Unicode non-characters?
- if (isUnicodeNonCharacter(u)) {
- ++length;
- ++ch;
- ++invalid;
- continue;
- }
- if (u > 0xffff) {
- ++length;
- ++length;
- } else {
- ++length;
- }
- ++length;
- }
- ++length;
- }
- ++ch;
- }
- return length;
-// Writes the utf8 version of uc to output. uc is of length len.
-// There must be at least utf8LengthFromUtf16(uc, len) bytes in output.
-// A null terminator is not written.
-static void utf8FromUtf16(char *output, const QChar *uc, int len)
- uchar replacement = '?';
- int surrogate_high = -1;
- uchar* cursor = (uchar*)output;
- const QChar *ch = uc;
- int invalid = 0;
- const QChar *end = ch + len;
- while (ch < end) {
- uint u = ch->unicode();
- if (surrogate_high >= 0) {
- if (u >= 0xdc00 && u < 0xe000) {
- u = (surrogate_high - 0xd800)*0x400 + (u - 0xdc00) + 0x10000;
- surrogate_high = -1;
- } else {
- // high surrogate without low
- *cursor = replacement;
- ++ch;
- ++invalid;
- surrogate_high = -1;
- continue;
- }
- } else if (u >= 0xdc00 && u < 0xe000) {
- // low surrogate without high
- *cursor = replacement;
- ++ch;
- ++invalid;
- continue;
- } else if (u >= 0xd800 && u < 0xdc00) {
- surrogate_high = u;
- ++ch;
- continue;
- }
- if (u < 0x80) {
- *cursor++ = (uchar)u;
- } else {
- if (u < 0x0800) {
- *cursor++ = 0xc0 | ((uchar) (u >> 6));
- } else {
- // is it one of the Unicode non-characters?
- if (isUnicodeNonCharacter(u)) {
- *cursor++ = replacement;
- ++ch;
- ++invalid;
- continue;
- }
- if (u > 0xffff) {
- *cursor++ = 0xf0 | ((uchar) (u >> 18));
- *cursor++ = 0x80 | (((uchar) (u >> 12)) & 0x3f);
- } else {
- *cursor++ = 0xe0 | (((uchar) (u >> 12)) & 0x3f);
- }
- *cursor++ = 0x80 | (((uchar) (u >> 6)) & 0x3f);
- }
- *cursor++ = 0x80 | ((uchar) (u&0x3f));
- }
- ++ch;
- }
-void QHashedStringRef::computeUtf8Length() const
- if (m_length)
- m_utf8length = utf8LengthFromUtf16(m_data, m_length);
- else
- m_utf8length = 0;
-QHashedStringRef QHashedStringRef::mid(int offset, int length) const
- Q_ASSERT(offset < m_length);
- return QHashedStringRef(m_data + offset,
- (length == -1 || (offset + length) > m_length)?(m_length - offset):length);
-bool QHashedStringRef::endsWith(const QString &s) const
- return s.length() < m_length &&
- QHashedString::compare(s.constData(), m_data + m_length - s.length(), s.length());
-bool QHashedStringRef::startsWith(const QString &s) const
- return s.length() < m_length &&
- QHashedString::compare(s.constData(), m_data, s.length());
-QString QHashedStringRef::toString() const
- if (m_length == 0)
- return QString();
- return QString(m_data, m_length);
-QByteArray QHashedStringRef::toUtf8() const
- if (m_length == 0)
- return QByteArray();
- QByteArray result;
- result.resize(utf8length());
- writeUtf8(result.data());
- return result;
-void QHashedStringRef::writeUtf8(char *output) const
- if (m_length) {
- int ulen = utf8length();
- if (ulen == m_length) {
- // Must be a latin1 string
- uchar *o = (uchar *)output;
- const QChar *c = m_data;
- while (ulen--)
- *o++ = (uchar)((*c++).unicode());
- } else {
- utf8FromUtf16(output, m_data, m_length);
- }
- }
-QString QHashedCStringRef::toUtf16() const
- if (m_length == 0)
- return QString();
- QString rv;
- rv.resize(m_length);
- writeUtf16((uint16_t*)rv.data());
- return rv;