path: root/src/declarative/qml/qdeclarativecomponent.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/declarative/qml/qdeclarativecomponent.cpp')
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/src/declarative/qml/qdeclarativecomponent.cpp b/src/declarative/qml/qdeclarativecomponent.cpp
index 7126746078..b5704d17c7 100644
--- a/src/declarative/qml/qdeclarativecomponent.cpp
+++ b/src/declarative/qml/qdeclarativecomponent.cpp
@@ -660,49 +660,50 @@ QDeclarativeComponent::QDeclarativeComponent(QDeclarativeComponentPrivate &dd, Q
Sets graphics object parent because forgetting to do this is a frequent
and serious problem.
-QScriptValue QDeclarativeComponent::createObject(QObject* parent)
+void QDeclarativeComponent::createObject(QDeclarativeV8Function *args)
- Q_D(QDeclarativeComponent);
- return d->createObject(parent, QScriptValue(QScriptValue::NullValue));
+ Q_ASSERT(args);
+#define RETURN(result) { args->returnValue((result)); return; }
- \internal
- Overloadable method allows properties to be set during creation
-QScriptValue QDeclarativeComponent::createObject(QObject* parent, const QScriptValue& valuemap)
- if (!valuemap.isObject() || valuemap.isArray()) {
- qmlInfo(this) << tr("createObject: value is not an object");
- return QScriptValue(QScriptValue::NullValue);
+ Q_ASSERT(d->engine);
+ QDeclarativeEngine *engine = d->engine;
+ QDeclarativeEnginePrivate *ep = QDeclarativeEnginePrivate::get(engine);
+ QV8Engine *v8engine = &ep->v8engine;
+ QDeclarativeContext *ctxt = creationContext();
+ if (!ctxt) ctxt = engine->rootContext();
+ v8::Local<v8::Object> valuemap;
+ if (args->Length() >= 2) {
+ v8::Local<v8::Value> v = (*args)[1];
+ if (!v->IsObject() || v->IsArray()) {
+ qmlInfo(this) << tr("createObject: value is not an object");
+ RETURN(v8::Null());
+ }
+ valuemap = v8::Local<v8::Object>::Cast(v);
- return d->createObject(parent, valuemap);
-QScriptValue QDeclarativeComponentPrivate::createObject(QObject *publicParent, const QScriptValue valuemap)
- Q_Q(QDeclarativeComponent);
- QDeclarativeContext* ctxt = q->creationContext();
- if(!ctxt && engine)
- ctxt = engine->rootContext();
- if (!ctxt)
- return QScriptValue(QScriptValue::NullValue);
- QObject* ret = q->beginCreate(ctxt);
+ QObject *parent = args->Length()?v8engine->toQObject((*args)[0]):0;
+ QObject *ret = beginCreate(ctxt);
if (!ret) {
- q->completeCreate();
- return QScriptValue(QScriptValue::NullValue);
+ completeCreate();
+ RETURN(v8::Null());
- if (publicParent) {
- ret->setParent(publicParent);
+ if (parent) {
+ ret->setParent(parent);
QList<QDeclarativePrivate::AutoParentFunction> functions = QDeclarativeMetaType::parentFunctions();
bool needParent = false;
for (int ii = 0; ii < functions.count(); ++ii) {
- QDeclarativePrivate::AutoParentResult res = functions.at(ii)(ret, publicParent);
+ QDeclarativePrivate::AutoParentResult res = functions.at(ii)(ret, parent);
if (res == QDeclarativePrivate::Parented) {
needParent = false;
@@ -715,37 +716,41 @@ QScriptValue QDeclarativeComponentPrivate::createObject(QObject *publicParent, c
qWarning("QDeclarativeComponent: Created graphical object was not placed in the graphics scene.");
- QDeclarativeEnginePrivate *priv = QDeclarativeEnginePrivate::get(engine);
- QDeclarativeData::get(ret, true)->setImplicitDestructible();
- QScriptValue newObject = priv->objectClass->newQObject(ret, QMetaType::QObjectStar);
- if (valuemap.isObject() && !valuemap.isArray()) {
- //Iterate through and assign properties
- QScriptValueIterator it(valuemap);
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- it.next();
- QScriptValue prop = newObject;
- QString propName = it.name();
- int index = propName.indexOf(QLatin1Char('.'));
- if (index > 0) {
- QString subProp = propName;
- int lastIndex = 0;
- while (index > 0) {
- subProp = propName.mid(lastIndex, index - lastIndex);
- prop = prop.property(subProp);
- lastIndex = index + 1;
- index = propName.indexOf(QLatin1Char('.'), index + 1);
- }
- prop.setProperty(propName.mid(propName.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('.')) + 1), it.value());
- } else {
- newObject.setProperty(propName, it.value());
- }
- }
+ v8::Handle<v8::Value> ov = v8engine->newQObject(ret);
+ Q_ASSERT(ov->IsObject());
+ v8::Handle<v8::Object> object = v8::Handle<v8::Object>::Cast(ov);
+ if (!valuemap.IsEmpty()) {
+#define SET_ARGS_SOURCE \
+ "(function(object, values) {"\
+ "try {"\
+ "for(var property in values) {"\
+ "try {"\
+ "var properties = property.split(\".\");"\
+ "var o = object;"\
+ "for (var ii = 0; ii < properties.length - 1; ++ii) {"\
+ "o = o[properties[ii]];"\
+ "}"\
+ "o[properties[properties.length - 1]] = values[property];"\
+ "} catch(e) {}"\
+ "}"\
+ "} catch(e) {}"\
+ "})"
+ v8::Local<v8::Script> script = v8engine->qmlModeCompile(SET_ARGS_SOURCE);
+ v8::Local<v8::Function> function = v8::Local<v8::Function>::Cast(script->Run(args->qmlGlobal()));
+ // Try catch isn't needed as the function itself is loaded with try/catch
+ v8::Handle<v8::Value> args[] = { object, valuemap };
+ function->Call(v8engine->global(), 2, args);
- q->completeCreate();
+ completeCreate();
+ RETURN(object);
- return newObject;
+#undef RETURN