path: root/src/qml/debugger/qqmlprofilerservice.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/qml/debugger/qqmlprofilerservice.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 379 deletions
diff --git a/src/qml/debugger/qqmlprofilerservice.cpp b/src/qml/debugger/qqmlprofilerservice.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 85556836e6..0000000000
--- a/src/qml/debugger/qqmlprofilerservice.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/
-** This file is part of the QtQml module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
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-#include "qqmlprofilerservice_p.h"
-#include "qqmldebugserver_p.h"
-#include "qv4profileradapter_p.h"
-#include "qqmlprofiler_p.h"
-#include <private/qqmlengine_p.h>
-#include <QtCore/qdatastream.h>
-#include <QtCore/qurl.h>
-#include <QtCore/qtimer.h>
-#include <QtCore/qthread.h>
-#include <QtCore/qcoreapplication.h>
-Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QQmlProfilerService, profilerInstance)
- : QQmlConfigurableDebugService(QStringLiteral("CanvasFrameRate"), 1)
- m_timer.start();
- QMutexLocker lock(configMutex());
- // If there is no debug server it doesn't matter as we'll never get enabled anyway.
- if (QQmlDebugServer::instance() != 0)
- moveToThread(QQmlDebugServer::instance()->thread());
- // No need to lock here. If any engine or global profiler is still trying to register at this
- // point we have a nasty bug anyway.
- qDeleteAll(m_engineProfilers.values());
- qDeleteAll(m_globalProfilers);
-void QQmlProfilerService::dataReady(QQmlAbstractProfilerAdapter *profiler)
- QMutexLocker lock(configMutex());
- bool dataComplete = true;
- for (QMultiMap<qint64, QQmlAbstractProfilerAdapter *>::iterator i(m_startTimes.begin()); i != m_startTimes.end();) {
- if (i.value() == profiler) {
- m_startTimes.erase(i++);
- } else {
- if (i.key() == -1)
- dataComplete = false;
- ++i;
- }
- }
- m_startTimes.insert(0, profiler);
- if (dataComplete) {
- QList<QQmlEngine *> enginesToRelease;
- foreach (QQmlEngine *engine, m_stoppingEngines) {
- foreach (QQmlAbstractProfilerAdapter *engineProfiler, m_engineProfilers.values(engine)) {
- if (m_startTimes.values().contains(engineProfiler)) {
- enginesToRelease.append(engine);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- sendMessages();
- foreach (QQmlEngine *engine, enginesToRelease) {
- m_stoppingEngines.removeOne(engine);
- emit detachedFromEngine(engine);
- }
- }
-QQmlProfilerService *QQmlProfilerService::instance()
- // just make sure that the service is properly registered
- return profilerInstance();
-void QQmlProfilerService::engineAboutToBeAdded(QQmlEngine *engine)
- Q_ASSERT_X(QThread::currentThread() != thread(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "QML profilers have to be added from the engine thread");
- QMutexLocker lock(configMutex());
- QQmlProfilerAdapter *qmlAdapter = new QQmlProfilerAdapter(this, QQmlEnginePrivate::get(engine));
- QV4ProfilerAdapter *v4Adapter = new QV4ProfilerAdapter(this, QV8Engine::getV4(engine->handle()));
- addEngineProfiler(qmlAdapter, engine);
- addEngineProfiler(v4Adapter, engine);
- QQmlConfigurableDebugService::engineAboutToBeAdded(engine);
-void QQmlProfilerService::engineAdded(QQmlEngine *engine)
- Q_ASSERT_X(QThread::currentThread() != thread(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "QML profilers have to be added from the engine thread");
- QMutexLocker lock(configMutex());
- foreach (QQmlAbstractProfilerAdapter *profiler, m_engineProfilers.values(engine))
- profiler->stopWaiting();
-void QQmlProfilerService::engineAboutToBeRemoved(QQmlEngine *engine)
- Q_ASSERT_X(QThread::currentThread() != thread(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "QML profilers have to be removed from the engine thread");
- QMutexLocker lock(configMutex());
- bool isRunning = false;
- foreach (QQmlAbstractProfilerAdapter *profiler, m_engineProfilers.values(engine)) {
- if (profiler->isRunning())
- isRunning = true;
- profiler->startWaiting();
- }
- if (isRunning) {
- m_stoppingEngines.append(engine);
- stopProfiling(engine);
- } else {
- emit detachedFromEngine(engine);
- }
-void QQmlProfilerService::engineRemoved(QQmlEngine *engine)
- Q_ASSERT_X(QThread::currentThread() != thread(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "QML profilers have to be removed from the engine thread");
- QMutexLocker lock(configMutex());
- foreach (QQmlAbstractProfilerAdapter *profiler, m_engineProfilers.values(engine)) {
- removeProfilerFromStartTimes(profiler);
- delete profiler;
- }
- m_engineProfilers.remove(engine);
-void QQmlProfilerService::addEngineProfiler(QQmlAbstractProfilerAdapter *profiler, QQmlEngine *engine)
- profiler->moveToThread(thread());
- profiler->synchronize(m_timer);
- m_engineProfilers.insert(engine, profiler);
-void QQmlProfilerService::addGlobalProfiler(QQmlAbstractProfilerAdapter *profiler)
- QMutexLocker lock(configMutex());
- profiler->synchronize(m_timer);
- m_globalProfilers.append(profiler);
- // Global profiler, not connected to a specific engine.
- // Global profilers are started whenever any engine profiler is started and stopped when
- // all engine profilers are stopped.
- quint64 features = 0;
- foreach (QQmlAbstractProfilerAdapter *engineProfiler, m_engineProfilers)
- features |= engineProfiler->features();
- if (features != 0)
- profiler->startProfiling(features);
-void QQmlProfilerService::removeGlobalProfiler(QQmlAbstractProfilerAdapter *profiler)
- QMutexLocker lock(configMutex());
- removeProfilerFromStartTimes(profiler);
- m_globalProfilers.removeOne(profiler);
- delete profiler;
-void QQmlProfilerService::removeProfilerFromStartTimes(const QQmlAbstractProfilerAdapter *profiler)
- for (QMultiMap<qint64, QQmlAbstractProfilerAdapter *>::iterator i(m_startTimes.begin());
- i != m_startTimes.end();) {
- if (i.value() == profiler) {
- m_startTimes.erase(i++);
- break;
- } else {
- ++i;
- }
- }
- * Start profiling the given \a engine. If \a engine is 0, start all engine profilers that aren't
- * currently running.
- *
- * If any engine profiler is started like that also start all global profilers.
- */
-void QQmlProfilerService::startProfiling(QQmlEngine *engine, quint64 features)
- QMutexLocker lock(configMutex());
- QByteArray message;
- QQmlDebugStream d(&message, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
- d << m_timer.nsecsElapsed() << (int)Event << (int)StartTrace;
- bool startedAny = false;
- if (engine != 0) {
- foreach (QQmlAbstractProfilerAdapter *profiler, m_engineProfilers.values(engine)) {
- if (!profiler->isRunning()) {
- profiler->startProfiling(features);
- startedAny = true;
- }
- }
- if (startedAny)
- d << idForObject(engine);
- } else {
- QSet<QQmlEngine *> engines;
- for (QMultiHash<QQmlEngine *, QQmlAbstractProfilerAdapter *>::iterator i(m_engineProfilers.begin());
- i != m_engineProfilers.end(); ++i) {
- if (!i.value()->isRunning()) {
- engines << i.key();
- i.value()->startProfiling(features);
- startedAny = true;
- }
- }
- foreach (QQmlEngine *profiledEngine, engines)
- d << idForObject(profiledEngine);
- }
- if (startedAny) {
- foreach (QQmlAbstractProfilerAdapter *profiler, m_globalProfilers) {
- if (!profiler->isRunning())
- profiler->startProfiling(features);
- }
- }
- QQmlDebugService::sendMessage(message);
- * Stop profiling the given \a engine. If \a engine is 0, stop all currently running engine
- * profilers.
- *
- * If afterwards no more engine profilers are running, also stop all global profilers. Otherwise
- * only make them report their data.
- */
-void QQmlProfilerService::stopProfiling(QQmlEngine *engine)
- QMutexLocker lock(configMutex());
- QList<QQmlAbstractProfilerAdapter *> stopping;
- QList<QQmlAbstractProfilerAdapter *> reporting;
- bool stillRunning = false;
- for (QMultiHash<QQmlEngine *, QQmlAbstractProfilerAdapter *>::iterator i(m_engineProfilers.begin());
- i != m_engineProfilers.end(); ++i) {
- if (i.value()->isRunning()) {
- if (engine == 0 || i.key() == engine) {
- m_startTimes.insert(-1, i.value());
- stopping << i.value();
- } else {
- stillRunning = true;
- }
- }
- }
- foreach (QQmlAbstractProfilerAdapter *profiler, m_globalProfilers) {
- if (!profiler->isRunning())
- continue;
- m_startTimes.insert(-1, profiler);
- if (stillRunning) {
- reporting << profiler;
- } else {
- stopping << profiler;
- }
- }
- foreach (QQmlAbstractProfilerAdapter *profiler, reporting)
- profiler->reportData();
- foreach (QQmlAbstractProfilerAdapter *profiler, stopping)
- profiler->stopProfiling();
- Send the queued up messages.
-void QQmlProfilerService::sendMessages()
- QList<QByteArray> messages;
- QByteArray data;
- QQmlDebugStream traceEnd(&data, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
- traceEnd << m_timer.nsecsElapsed() << (int)Event << (int)EndTrace;
- QSet<QQmlEngine *> seen;
- foreach (QQmlAbstractProfilerAdapter *profiler, m_startTimes) {
- for (QMultiHash<QQmlEngine *, QQmlAbstractProfilerAdapter *>::iterator i(m_engineProfilers.begin());
- i != m_engineProfilers.end(); ++i) {
- if (i.value() == profiler && !seen.contains(i.key())) {
- seen << i.key();
- traceEnd << idForObject(i.key());
- }
- }
- }
- while (!m_startTimes.empty()) {
- QQmlAbstractProfilerAdapter *first = m_startTimes.begin().value();
- m_startTimes.erase(m_startTimes.begin());
- if (!m_startTimes.empty()) {
- qint64 next = first->sendMessages(m_startTimes.begin().key(), messages);
- if (next != -1)
- m_startTimes.insert(next, first);
- } else {
- first->sendMessages(std::numeric_limits<qint64>::max(), messages);
- }
- }
- //indicate completion
- messages << data;
- data.clear();
- QQmlDebugStream ds(&data, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
- ds << (qint64)-1 << (int)Complete;
- messages << data;
- QQmlDebugService::sendMessages(messages);
-void QQmlProfilerService::stateAboutToBeChanged(QQmlDebugService::State newState)
- QMutexLocker lock(configMutex());
- if (state() == newState)
- return;
- // Stop all profiling and send the data before we get disabled.
- if (newState != Enabled) {
- foreach (QQmlEngine *engine, m_engineProfilers.keys())
- stopProfiling(engine);
- }
-void QQmlProfilerService::messageReceived(const QByteArray &message)
- QMutexLocker lock(configMutex());
- QByteArray rwData = message;
- QQmlDebugStream stream(&rwData, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
- int engineId = -1;
- quint64 features = std::numeric_limits<quint64>::max();
- bool enabled;
- stream >> enabled;
- if (!stream.atEnd())
- stream >> engineId;
- if (!stream.atEnd())
- stream >> features;
- // If engineId == -1 objectForId() and then the cast will return 0.
- if (enabled)
- startProfiling(qobject_cast<QQmlEngine *>(objectForId(engineId)), features);
- else
- stopProfiling(qobject_cast<QQmlEngine *>(objectForId(engineId)));
- stopWaiting();