path: root/src/qml/doc/src/qmllanguageref/documents/networktransparency.qdoc
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diff --git a/src/qml/doc/src/qmllanguageref/documents/networktransparency.qdoc b/src/qml/doc/src/qmllanguageref/documents/networktransparency.qdoc
index 7fa271c2d9..5cfd80f8a0 100644
--- a/src/qml/doc/src/qmllanguageref/documents/networktransparency.qdoc
+++ b/src/qml/doc/src/qmllanguageref/documents/networktransparency.qdoc
@@ -48,12 +48,8 @@ Image {
-Network transparency is supported throughout QML, for example:
-\li Fonts - the \c source property of FontLoader is a URL
-\li WebViews - the \c url property of WebView (obviously!)
+Network transparency is supported throughout QML, for example, both the FontLoader
+and Image elements support loading resources from a remote server.
Even QML types themselves can be on the network - if the \l {Prototyping with qmlscene} is used to load
\tt http://example.com/mystuff/Hello.qml and that content refers to a type "World", the engine