path: root/src/qml/qml/v4/v4classgen
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/qml/qml/v4/v4classgen')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 315 deletions
diff --git a/src/qml/qml/v4/v4classgen b/src/qml/qml/v4/v4classgen
deleted file mode 100755
index 82d6dbf7f0..0000000000
--- a/src/qml/qml/v4/v4classgen
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
-import re, sys, os
-class ParsedMethod():
- def __init__(self, name, methodPrefix, static):
- self.name = name
- self.methodPrefix = methodPrefix
- self.options = {}
- self.static = static
- def isClassMethod(self):
- return self.static
- def isGetter(self):
- return self.name.startswith("get_")
- def isSetter(self):
- return self.name.startswith("set_")
- def isAccessor(self):
- return self.isGetter() or self.isSetter()
- def nameWithoutGetterSetterPrefix(self):
- return self.name[4:]
- def fullMethodName(self):
- return self.methodPrefix + "_" + self.name
- def generateBinding(self, out, objectPrefix = ""):
- length = 0
- methodName = self.methodPrefix + "_" + self.name
- if not self.isClassMethod():
- methodName = "wrap_" + methodName
- if "argc" in self.options:
- length = self.options["argc"]
- out.write(" %sdefineDefaultProperty(engine, QStringLiteral(\"%s\"), %s, %s);\n" % (objectPrefix, self.name, methodName, length))
- if "alias" in self.options:
- out.write(" %sdefineDefaultProperty(engine, QStringLiteral(\"%s\"), %s, %s);\n" % (objectPrefix, self.options["alias"], methodName, length))
- def generateMemberFunctionWrapper(self, out, parsedClass):
- out.write("static QV4::Value wrap_%s_%s(QV4::SimpleCallContext *ctx)\n" % (self.methodPrefix, self.name))
- out.write("{\n")
- out.write(" QV4::Object *thatObject = ctx->thisObject.asObject();\n")
- out.write(" if (!thatObject)\n")
- out.write(" ctx->throwTypeError();\n")
- out.write(" %s *o = thatObject->as%s();\n" % (parsedClass.name, parsedClass.managedTypeName()))
- out.write(" if (!o)\n")
- out.write(" ctx->throwTypeError();\n")
- out.write(" return o->%s_%s(ctx);\n" % (self.methodPrefix, self.name))
- out.write("}\n")
- out.write("\n")
-class ParsedClass():
- def __init__(self, name):
- self.name = name
- self.options = {}
- self.methods = {}
- self.ctor_methods = {}
- self.accessors = {}
- def needsConstructor(self):
- return len(self.ctor_methods) > 0
- def managedTypeName(self):
- if "managedTypeName" in self.options:
- return self.options["managedTypeName"]
- return self.name
- def option(self, name):
- if name in self.options:
- return self.options[name]
- return None
-class Accessor():
- def __init__(self, name):
- self.name = name
- self.getter = None
- self.setter = None
- def generateBinding(self, out, parsedClass, obj):
- managedType = "type"
- if len(obj) > 0:
- managedType = obj + "internalType()"
- getter = "0"
- if self.getter:
- getter = "%s::%s" % (parsedClass.name, self.getter.fullMethodName())
- setter = "0"
- if self.setter:
- setter = "%s::%s" % (parsedClass.name, self.setter.fullMethodName())
- out.write(" %sdefineAccessorProperty(engine, QStringLiteral(\"%s\"), %s, %s);\n" % (obj, self.name, getter, setter))
-def parseOptions(options):
- options = options.split(" ")
- result = {}
- for opt in [options[i : i + 2] for i in range(0, len(options), 2)]:
- result[opt[0]] = opt[1]
- return result
-def parseMethod(line, match, methodPrefix):
- annotatePattern = re.compile(r".*QV4_ANNOTATE\((?P<Options>.+)\).*")
- argcPattern = re.compile(r".*QV4_ARGC\((?P<count>\d+)\).*")
- method = ParsedMethod(match.group("MethodName"), methodPrefix, line.find("static") == 0)
- annotateMatch = annotatePattern.match(line)
- if annotateMatch:
- method.options = parseOptions(annotateMatch.group("Options"))
- argcMatch = argcPattern.match(line)
- if argcMatch:
- method.options["argc"] = argcMatch.group("count")
- return method
-def parse(lines):
- classes = []
- currentClass = None
- classPattern = re.compile(r".*QV4_JS_CLASS\((?P<ClassName>\w+)\).*")
- annotatePattern = re.compile(r".*QV4_ANNOTATE\((?P<Options>.+)\).*")
- methodPattern = re.compile(r".*\smethod_(?P<MethodName>\w+)\(.*\).*;?")
- ctorMethodPattern = re.compile(r".*\sctor_method_(?P<MethodName>\w+)\(.*\).*;")
- for line in lines:
- if line == "};" and currentClass != None:
- classes.append(currentClass)
- currentClass = None
- continue
- line = line.strip()
- classMatch = classPattern.match(line)
- if classMatch:
- name = classMatch.group("ClassName")
- if currentClass != None:
- classes.append(currentClass)
- currentClass = ParsedClass(name)
- continue
- if currentClass == None:
- continue
- methodMatch = methodPattern.match(line)
- if methodMatch:
- method = parseMethod(line, methodMatch, "method")
- if method.isAccessor():
- name = method.nameWithoutGetterSetterPrefix()
- acc = currentClass.accessors.setdefault(name, Accessor(name))
- if method.isSetter():
- acc.setter = method
- else:
- acc.getter = method
- else:
- currentClass.methods[method.name] = method
- continue
- ctorMethodMatch = ctorMethodPattern.match(line)
- if ctorMethodMatch:
- method = parseMethod(line, ctorMethodMatch, "ctor_method")
- currentClass.ctor_methods[method.name] = method
- continue
- annotateMatch = annotatePattern.match(line)
- if annotateMatch:
- currentClass.options = parseOptions(annotateMatch.group("Options"))
- continue
- return classes
-def generateBinding(out, parsedClass, vtableEntries):
- if parsedClass.needsConstructor():
- ctorClass = parsedClass.name.replace("Prototype", "Ctor")
- out.write("class %s: public QV4::FunctionObject {\n" % ctorClass);
- out.write("public:\n");
- out.write(" %s(QV4::ExecutionContext *scope)\n" % ctorClass);
- out.write(" : QV4::FunctionObject(scope, scope->engine->newIdentifier(QStringLiteral(\"%s\")))\n" % ctorClass.replace("Ctor", ""));
- out.write(" { vtbl = &static_vtbl; }\n");
- out.write("\n");
- out.write("protected:\n");
- out.write(" static const QV4::ManagedVTable static_vtbl;\n");
- out.write("};\n\n");
- out.write("const QV4::ManagedVTable %s::static_vtbl = {\n" % ctorClass);
- ctorOverrides = set(parsedClass.ctor_methods.keys())
- for method in vtableEntries:
- entry = "FunctionObject::" + method
- if method in ctorOverrides:
- entry = parsedClass.name + "::ctor_method_" + method
- out.write(" " + entry + ",\n")
- out.write(" \"%s\"\n" % parsedClass.name.replace("Prototype", "Ctor"));
- out.write("};\n\n")
- out.write("QV4::Object *%s::newConstructor(QV4::ExecutionContext *scope)\n" % parsedClass.name)
- out.write("{\n")
- out.write(" return new (scope->engine->memoryManager) %s(scope);\n" % ctorClass)
- out.write("}\n\n")
- for method in parsedClass.methods.values():
- if not method.isClassMethod():
- method.generateMemberFunctionWrapper(out, parsedClass)
- for method in parsedClass.ctor_methods.values():
- if not method.isClassMethod():
- method.generateMemberFunctionWrapper(out, parsedClass)
- ctorSignature = ""
- if parsedClass.needsConstructor():
- ctorSignature = ", const QV4::Value &ctor"
- obj = ""
- objSignature = ""
- if parsedClass.option("staticInitClass") == "true":
- objSignature = ", const QV4::Value &obj"
- obj = "obj.objectValue()->"
- out.write("void %s::initClass(QV4::ExecutionEngine *engine%s%s)\n" % (parsedClass.name, objSignature, ctorSignature))
- out.write("{\n")
- if parsedClass.needsConstructor():
- ctor = "ctor.objectValue()->"
- ctorLength = 0
- if "argc" in parsedClass.options:
- ctorLength = parsedClass.options["argc"]
- out.write(" %sdefineReadonlyProperty(engine->id_prototype, QV4::Value::fromObject(this));\n" % ctor)
- out.write(" %sdefineReadonlyProperty(engine->id_length, QV4::Value::fromInt32(%s));\n" % (ctor, ctorLength))
- out.write("\n")
- for method in parsedClass.ctor_methods.values():
- if method.name == "construct" or method.name == "call":
- continue
- method.generateBinding(out, ctor);
- out.write("\n")
- out.write(" defineDefaultProperty(engine, QStringLiteral(\"constructor\"), ctor);\n");
- out.write("\n")
- for method in parsedClass.methods.values():
- method.generateBinding(out, obj)
- for accessor in parsedClass.accessors.values():
- accessor.generateBinding(out, parsedClass, obj)
- out.write("}\n")
-def extractManagedVTableLayout(basePath):
- def VTableDefintionIterator(lines):
- i = 0
- while i < len(lines):
- if lines[i].strip().startswith("#define DEFINE_MANAGED_VTABLE(classname)"):
- break;
- i = i + 1
- if i >= len(lines):
- return
- i = i + 1
- if not lines[i].strip().startswith("const QV4::ManagedVTable classname::static_vtbl ="):
- print("Expected static_vtbl definition at line %s" % i)
- return
- i = i + 1
- if not lines[i].strip().startswith("{"):
- print("Expected static_vtbl definition at line %s" % i)
- return
- i = i + 1
- while i < len(lines):
- line = lines[i].strip()
- if "#classname" in line:
- break
- yield line.split(",")[0]
- i = i + 1
- return
- qv4managedHeader = basePath + "/qv4managed_p.h"
- fields = []
- try:
- header = open(qv4managedHeader, "r")
- it = VTableDefintionIterator(header.read().splitlines())
- for entry in it:
- fields.append(entry)
- header.close()
- except IOError:
- print("Could not open qv4managed_p.h at %s" % qv4managedHeader)
- sys.exit(1)
- return fields
-if len(sys.argv) != 3 and len(sys.argv) != 2:
- print("Usage: v4classgen input-file [output-file]\n")
- sys.exit(1)
-vtableEntries = extractManagedVTableLayout(os.path.dirname(__file__))
-if len(vtableEntries) == 0:
- print("Could not parse vtable layout from qv4managed_p.h")
- sys.exit(1)
-f = open(sys.argv[1])
-out = sys.stdout
-if len(sys.argv) == 3:
- out = open(sys.argv[2], 'w')
-lines = f.read().splitlines()
-classes = parse(lines)
-out.write("/* Generated file, do not edit */\n")
-for parsedClass in classes:
- out.write("\n")
- generateBinding(out, parsedClass, vtableEntries)