path: root/src/quick/scenegraph/coreapi/qsgrendernode.cpp
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diff --git a/src/quick/scenegraph/coreapi/qsgrendernode.cpp b/src/quick/scenegraph/coreapi/qsgrendernode.cpp
index 1a38f6495e..5915d51f2b 100644
--- a/src/quick/scenegraph/coreapi/qsgrendernode.cpp
+++ b/src/quick/scenegraph/coreapi/qsgrendernode.cpp
@@ -37,28 +37,51 @@
+#include "qsgrendernode.h"
#include "qsgrendernode_p.h"
+ \class QSGRenderNode
+ \brief The QSGRenderNode class represents a set of custom rendering commands
+ targeting the graphics API that is in use by the scenegraph.
+ \inmodule QtQuick
+ \since 5.8
+ */
- : QSGNode(RenderNodeType)
- , m_matrix(0)
- , m_clip_list(0)
- , m_opacity(1)
+ : QSGNode(RenderNodeType),
+ d(new QSGRenderNodePrivate)
-void QSGRenderNode::setInheritedOpacity(qreal opacity)
+ Destructs the render node. Derived classes are expected to perform cleanup
+ similar to releaseResources() in here.
+ When a low-level graphics API is in use, the scenegraph will make sure
+ there is a CPU-side wait for the GPU to complete all work submitted to the
+ scenegraph's graphics command queue before the scenegraph's nodes are
+ deleted. Therefore there is no need to issue additional waits here, unless
+ the render() implementation is using additional command queues.
+ \sa releaseResources()
+ */
- Q_ASSERT(opacity >= 0 && opacity <= 1);
- m_opacity = opacity;
+ delete d;
- \fn QSGRenderNode::StateFlags QSGRenderNode::changedStates()
+ : m_matrix(0)
+ , m_clip_list(0)
+ , m_opacity(1)
- This function should return a mask where each bit represents OpenGL states changed by
+ This function should return a mask where each bit represents graphics states changed by
the \l render() function:
\li DepthState - depth write mask, depth test enabled, depth comparison function
@@ -69,30 +92,71 @@ void QSGRenderNode::setInheritedOpacity(qreal opacity)
\li BlendState - blend enabled, blend function
\li CullState - front face, cull face enabled
\li ViewportState - viewport
+ \li RenderTargetState - render target
- The function is called by the renderer so it can reset the OpenGL states after rendering this
- node.
+ The function is called by the renderer so it can reset the states after
+ rendering this node. This makes the implementation of render() simpler
+ since it does not have to query and restore these states.
+ The default implementation returns 0, meaning no relevant state was changed
+ in render().
+ With APIs other than OpenGL the relevant states are only those that are set
+ via the command list (for example, OMSetRenderTargets, RSSetViewports,
+ RSSetScissorRects, OMSetBlendFactor, OMSetStencilRef in case of D3D12), and
+ only when such commands were added to the scenegraph's command list queried
+ via the QSGRendererInterface::CommandList resource enum. States set in
+ pipeline state objects do not need to be reported here. Similarly, draw
+ call related settings (root signature, descriptor heaps, etc.) are always
+ set again by the scenegraph so render() can freely change them.
- \internal
+ The software backend exposes its QPainter and saves and restores before and
+ after invoking render(). Therefore reporting any changed states from here
+ is not necessary.
+ \note This function may be called before render().
+QSGRenderNode::StateFlags QSGRenderNode::changedStates() const
+ return 0;
- \fn void QSGRenderNode::render(const RenderState &state)
+ \fn void QSGRenderNode::render(const RenderState *state)
- This function is called by the renderer and should paint this node with OpenGL commands.
- The states necessary for clipping has already been set before the function is called.
- The clip is a combination of a stencil clip and scissor clip. Information about the clip is
- found in \a state.
+ This function is called by the renderer and should paint this node with
+ directly invoking commands in the graphics API (OpenGL, Direct3D, etc.)
+ currently in use.
The effective opacity can be retrieved with \l inheritedOpacity().
- The projection matrix is available through \a state, while the model-view matrix can be
- fetched with \l matrix(). The combined matrix is then the projection matrix times the
- model-view matrix.
+ The projection matrix is available through \a state, while the model-view
+ matrix can be fetched with \l matrix(). The combined matrix is then the
+ projection matrix times the model-view matrix. The correct stacking of the
+ items in the scene is ensured by the projection matrix.
+ When using the provided matrices, the coordinate system for vertex data
+ follows the usual QQuickItem conventions: top-left is (0, 0), bottom-right
+ is the corresponding QQuickItem's width() and height() minus one. For
+ example, assuming a two float (x-y) per vertex coordinate layout, a
+ triangle covering half of the item can be specified as (width - 1, height - 1),
+ (0, 0), (0, height - 1) using counter-clockwise direction.
+ \note QSGRenderNode is provided as a means to implement custom 2D or 2.5D
+ Qt Quick items. It is not intended for integrating true 3D content into the
+ Qt Quick scene. That use case is better supported by
+ QQuickFramebufferObject, QQuickWindow::beforeRendering(), or the
+ equivalents of those for APIs other than OpenGL.
- The following states are set before this function is called:
+ Clip information is calculated before the function is called, it is however
+ not enabled. Implementations wishing to take clipping into account can set
+ up scissoring or stencil based on the information in \a state. Some
+ scenegraph backends, software in particular, use no scissor or stencil.
+ There the clip region is provided as an ordinary QRegion.
+ For OpenGL the following states are set on the render thread's context
+ before this function is called:
\li glDepthMask(false)
\li glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST)
@@ -107,14 +171,209 @@ void QSGRenderNode::setInheritedOpacity(qreal opacity)
\li glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE)
- States that are not listed above, but are included in \l StateFlags, can have arbitrary
- values.
+ States that are not listed above, but are included in \l StateFlags, can
+ have arbitrary values.
+ \l changedStates() should return which states this function changes. If a
+ state is not covered by \l StateFlags, the state should be set to the
+ default value according to the OpenGL specification. For other APIs, see
+ the documentation for changedStates() for more information.
+ \note Depth writes are disabled when this function is called (for example,
+ glDepthMask(false) in case of OpenGL). Enabling depth writes can lead to
+ unexpected results, depending on the scenegraph backend in use, so nodes
+ should avoid this.
- \l changedStates() should return which states this function has changed. If a state is not
- covered by \l StateFlags, the state should be set to the default value according to the
- OpenGL specification.
+ For APIs other than OpenGL, it will likely be necessary to query certain
+ API-specific resources (for example, the graphics device or the command
+ list/buffer to add the commands to). This is done via QSGRendererInterface.
- \internal
+ \sa QSGRendererInterface, QQuickWindow::rendererInterface()
+ This function is called when all custom graphics resources allocated by
+ this node have to be freed immediately. In case the node does not directly
+ allocate graphics resources (buffers, textures, render targets, fences,
+ etc.) through the graphics API that is in use, there is nothing to do here.
+ Failing to release all custom resources can lead to incorrect behavior in
+ graphics device loss scenarios on some systems since subsequent
+ reinitialization of the graphics system may fail.
+ \note Some scenegraph backends may choose not to call this function.
+ Therefore it is expected that QSGRenderNode implementations perform cleanup
+ both in their destructor and in releaseResources().
+ Unlike with the destructor, it is expected that render() can reinitialize
+ all resources it needs when called after a call to releaseResources().
+ With OpenGL, the scenegraph's OpenGL context will be current both when
+ calling the destructor and this function.
+ */
+void QSGRenderNode::releaseResources()
+ \enum QSGRenderNode::RenderingFlag
+ Possible values for the bitmask returned from flags().
+ \value BoundedRectRendering Indicates that the implementation of render()
+ does not render outside the area reported from rect() in item
+ coordinates. Such node implementations can lead to more efficient rendering,
+ depending on the scenegraph backend. For example, the software backend can
+ continue to use the more optimal partial update path when all render nodes
+ in the scene have this flag set.
+ \value DepthAwareRendering Indicates that the implementations of render()
+ conforms to scenegraph expectations by only generating a Z value of 0 in
+ scene coordinates which is then transformed by the matrices retrieved from
+ RenderState::projectionMatrix() and matrix(), as described in the notes for
+ render(). Such node implementations can lead to more efficient rendering,
+ depending on the scenegraph backend. For example, the batching OpenGL
+ renderer can continue to use a more optimal path when all render nodes in
+ the scene have this flag set.
+ \value OpaqueRendering Indicates that the implementation of render() writes
+ out opaque pixels for the entire area reported from rect(). By default the
+ renderers must assume that render() can also output semi or fully
+ transparent pixels. Setting this flag can improve performance in some
+ cases.
+ \sa render(), rect()
+ */
+ \return flags describing the behavior of this render node.
+ The default implementation returns 0.
+ \sa RenderingFlag, rect()
+ */
+QSGRenderNode::RenderingFlags QSGRenderNode::flags() const
+ return 0;
+ \return the bounding rectangle in item coordinates for the area render()
+ touches. The value is only in use when flags() includes
+ BoundedRectRendering, ignored otherwise.
+ Reporting the rectangle in combination with BoundedRectRendering is
+ particularly important with the \c software backend because otherwise
+ having a rendernode in the scene would trigger fullscreen updates, skipping
+ all partial update optimizations.
+ For rendernodes covering the entire area of a corresponding QQuickItem the
+ return value will be (0, 0, item->width(), item->height()).
+ \sa flags()
+QRectF QSGRenderNode::rect() const
+ return QRectF();
+ \return pointer to the current model-view matrix.
+ */
+const QMatrix4x4 *QSGRenderNode::matrix() const
+ return d->m_matrix;
+ \return the current clip list.
+ */
+const QSGClipNode *QSGRenderNode::clipList() const
+ return d->m_clip_list;
+ \return the current effective opacity.
+ */
+qreal QSGRenderNode::inheritedOpacity() const
+ return d->m_opacity;
+ \fn const QMatrix4x4 *QSGRenderNode::RenderState::projectionMatrix() const
+ \return pointer to the current projection matrix.
+ The model-view matrix can be retrieved with QSGRenderNode::matrix().
+ Typically \c{projection * modelview} is the matrix that is then used in the
+ vertex shader to transform the vertices.
+ */
+ \fn const QMatrix4x4 *QSGRenderNode::RenderState::scissorRect() const
+ \return the current scissor rectangle when clipping is active.
+ \note Be aware of the differences between graphics APIs: for some the
+ scissor rect is only active when scissoring is enabled (for example,
+ OpenGL), while for others the scissor rect is equal to the viewport rect
+ when there is no need to scissor away anything (for example, Direct3D 12).
+ */
+ \fn const QMatrix4x4 *QSGRenderNode::RenderState::scissorEnabled() const
+ \return the current state of scissoring.
+ \note Only relevant for graphics APIs that have a dedicated on/off state of
+ scissoring.
+ */
+ \fn const QMatrix4x4 *QSGRenderNode::RenderState::stencilValue() const
+ \return the current stencil reference value when clipping is active.
+ */
+ \fn const QMatrix4x4 *QSGRenderNode::RenderState::stencilEnabled() const
+ \return the current state of stencil testing.
+ \note With graphics APIs where stencil testing is enabled in pipeline state
+ objects, instead of individual state-setting commands, it is up to the
+ implementation of render() to enable stencil testing with operations
+ \c KEEP, comparison function \c EQUAL, and a read and write mask of \c 0xFF.
+ */
+ \fn const QRegion *QSGRenderNode::clipRegion() const
+ \return the current clip region or null for backends where clipping is
+ implemented via stencil or scissoring.
+ The software backend uses no projection, scissor or stencil, meaning most
+ of the render state is not in use. However, the clip region that can be set
+ on the QPainter still has to be communicated since reconstructing this
+ manually in render() is not reasonable. It can therefore be queried via
+ this function.
+ */
+ \return pointer to a \a state value.
+ Reserved for future use.
+ */
+void *QSGRenderNode::RenderState::get(const char *state) const
+ Q_UNUSED(state);
+ return nullptr;