path: root/src/quick/scenegraph/qsgdefaultrectanglenode.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/quick/scenegraph/qsgdefaultrectanglenode.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 644 deletions
diff --git a/src/quick/scenegraph/qsgdefaultrectanglenode.cpp b/src/quick/scenegraph/qsgdefaultrectanglenode.cpp
index e4a6648bbd..da1623e197 100644
--- a/src/quick/scenegraph/qsgdefaultrectanglenode.cpp
+++ b/src/quick/scenegraph/qsgdefaultrectanglenode.cpp
@@ -38,8 +38,6 @@
#include "qsgdefaultrectanglenode_p.h"
#include <QtQuick/qsgvertexcolormaterial.h>
@@ -52,59 +50,6 @@
- struct Color4ub
- {
- unsigned char r, g, b, a;
- };
- Color4ub operator *(Color4ub c, float t) { c.a *= t; c.r *= t; c.g *= t; c.b *= t; return c; }
- Color4ub operator +(Color4ub a, Color4ub b) { a.a += b.a; a.r += b.r; a.g += b.g; a.b += b.b; return a; }
- inline Color4ub colorToColor4ub(const QColor &c)
- {
- Color4ub color = { uchar(qRound(c.redF() * c.alphaF() * 255)),
- uchar(qRound(c.greenF() * c.alphaF() * 255)),
- uchar(qRound(c.blueF() * c.alphaF() * 255)),
- uchar(qRound(c.alphaF() * 255))
- };
- return color;
- }
- // Same layout as QSGGeometry::ColoredPoint2D, but uses Color4ub for convenience.
- struct Vertex
- {
- float x, y;
- Color4ub color;
- void set(float nx, float ny, Color4ub ncolor)
- {
- x = nx; y = ny; color = ncolor;
- }
- };
- struct SmoothVertex : public Vertex
- {
- float dx, dy;
- void set(float nx, float ny, Color4ub ncolor, float ndx, float ndy)
- {
- Vertex::set(nx, ny, ncolor);
- dx = ndx; dy = ndy;
- }
- };
- const QSGGeometry::AttributeSet &smoothAttributeSet()
- {
- static QSGGeometry::Attribute data[] = {
- QSGGeometry::Attribute::createWithSemantic(0, 2, QSGGeometry::TypeFloat, QSGGeometry::Attribute::POSITION),
- QSGGeometry::Attribute::createWithSemantic(1, 4, QSGGeometry::TypeUnsignedByte, QSGGeometry::Attribute::COLOR),
- QSGGeometry::Attribute::createWithSemantic(2, 2, QSGGeometry::TypeFloat, QSGGeometry::Attribute::TEXCOORD)
- };
- static QSGGeometry::AttributeSet attrs = { 3, sizeof(SmoothVertex), data };
- return attrs;
- }
class SmoothColorMaterialShader : public QSGMaterialShader
@@ -183,595 +128,6 @@ QSGMaterialShader *QSGSmoothColorMaterial::createShader() const
return new SmoothColorMaterialShader;
- : m_radius(0)
- , m_pen_width(0)
- , m_aligned(true)
- , m_antialiasing(false)
- , m_gradient_is_opaque(true)
- , m_dirty_geometry(false)
- , m_geometry(QSGGeometry::defaultAttributes_ColoredPoint2D(), 0)
- setGeometry(&m_geometry);
- qsgnode_set_description(this, QLatin1String("rectangle"));
-void QSGDefaultNoMaterialRectangleNode::setRect(const QRectF &rect)
- if (rect == m_rect)
- return;
- m_rect = rect;
- m_dirty_geometry = true;
-void QSGDefaultNoMaterialRectangleNode::setColor(const QColor &color)
- if (color == m_color)
- return;
- m_color = color;
- if (m_gradient_stops.isEmpty())
- m_dirty_geometry = true;
-void QSGDefaultNoMaterialRectangleNode::setPenColor(const QColor &color)
- if (color == m_border_color)
- return;
- m_border_color = color;
- if (m_pen_width > 0)
- m_dirty_geometry = true;
-void QSGDefaultNoMaterialRectangleNode::setPenWidth(qreal width)
- if (width == m_pen_width)
- return;
- m_pen_width = width;
- m_dirty_geometry = true;
-void QSGDefaultNoMaterialRectangleNode::setGradientStops(const QGradientStops &stops)
- if (stops.constData() == m_gradient_stops.constData())
- return;
- m_gradient_stops = stops;
- m_gradient_is_opaque = true;
- for (int i = 0; i < stops.size(); ++i)
- m_gradient_is_opaque &= stops.at(i).second.alpha() == 0xff;
- m_dirty_geometry = true;
-void QSGDefaultNoMaterialRectangleNode::setRadius(qreal radius)
- if (radius == m_radius)
- return;
- m_radius = radius;
- m_dirty_geometry = true;
-void QSGDefaultNoMaterialRectangleNode::setAntialiasing(bool antialiasing)
- if (!supportsAntialiasing())
- return;
- if (antialiasing == m_antialiasing)
- return;
- m_antialiasing = antialiasing;
- if (m_antialiasing) {
- setGeometry(new QSGGeometry(smoothAttributeSet(), 0));
- setFlag(OwnsGeometry, true);
- } else {
- setGeometry(&m_geometry);
- setFlag(OwnsGeometry, false);
- }
- updateMaterialAntialiasing();
- m_dirty_geometry = true;
-void QSGDefaultNoMaterialRectangleNode::setAligned(bool aligned)
- if (aligned == m_aligned)
- return;
- m_aligned = aligned;
- m_dirty_geometry = true;
-void QSGDefaultNoMaterialRectangleNode::update()
- if (m_dirty_geometry) {
- updateGeometry();
- m_dirty_geometry = false;
- QSGNode::DirtyState state = QSGNode::DirtyGeometry;
- updateMaterialBlending(&state);
- markDirty(state);
- }
-void QSGDefaultNoMaterialRectangleNode::updateGeometry()
- float width = float(m_rect.width());
- float height = float(m_rect.height());
- float penWidth = qMin(qMin(width, height) * 0.5f, float(m_pen_width));
- if (m_aligned)
- penWidth = qRound(penWidth);
- QSGGeometry *g = geometry();
- g->setDrawingMode(QSGGeometry::DrawTriangleStrip);
- int vertexStride = g->sizeOfVertex();
- union {
- Vertex *vertices;
- SmoothVertex *smoothVertices;
- };
- Color4ub fillColor = colorToColor4ub(m_color);
- Color4ub borderColor = colorToColor4ub(m_border_color);
- Color4ub transparent = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
- const QGradientStops &stops = m_gradient_stops;
- int nextGradientStop = 0;
- float gradientPos = penWidth / height;
- while (nextGradientStop < stops.size() && stops.at(nextGradientStop).first <= gradientPos)
- ++nextGradientStop;
- int lastGradientStop = stops.size() - 1;
- float lastGradientPos = 1.0f - penWidth / height;
- while (lastGradientStop >= nextGradientStop && stops.at(lastGradientStop).first >= lastGradientPos)
- --lastGradientStop;
- int gradientIntersections = (lastGradientStop - nextGradientStop + 1);
- if (m_radius > 0) {
- // Rounded corners.
- // Radius should never exceeds half of the width or half of the height
- float radius = qMin(qMin(width, height) * 0.5f, float(m_radius));
- QRectF innerRect = m_rect;
- innerRect.adjust(radius, radius, -radius, -radius);
- float innerRadius = radius - penWidth * 1.0f;
- float outerRadius = radius;
- float delta = qMin(width, height) * 0.5f;
- // Number of segments per corner, approximately one per 3 pixels.
- int segments = qBound(3, qCeil(outerRadius * (M_PI / 6)), 18);
- /*
- --+--__
- --+--__--__
- | --__--__
- | seg --__--+
- --+-__ ment _+ \
- --+-__--__ - \ \
- --__--+ se \ \
- + \ g \ \
- \ \ m \ \
- -----------+--+ e \ \ <- gradient line
- \ \ nt\ \
- fill +--+----+--+
- | | | |
- border
- inner AA outer AA (AA = antialiasing)
- */
- int innerVertexCount = (segments + 1) * 4 + gradientIntersections * 2;
- int outerVertexCount = (segments + 1) * 4;
- int vertexCount = innerVertexCount;
- if (m_antialiasing || penWidth)
- vertexCount += innerVertexCount;
- if (penWidth)
- vertexCount += outerVertexCount;
- if (m_antialiasing && penWidth)
- vertexCount += outerVertexCount;
- int fillIndexCount = innerVertexCount;
- int innerAAIndexCount = innerVertexCount * 2 + 2;
- int borderIndexCount = innerVertexCount * 2 + 2;
- int outerAAIndexCount = outerVertexCount * 2 + 2;
- int indexCount = 0;
- int fillHead = 0;
- int innerAAHead = 0;
- int innerAATail = 0;
- int borderHead = 0;
- int borderTail = 0;
- int outerAAHead = 0;
- int outerAATail = 0;
- bool hasFill = m_color.alpha() > 0 || !stops.isEmpty();
- if (hasFill)
- indexCount += fillIndexCount;
- if (m_antialiasing) {
- innerAATail = innerAAHead = indexCount + (innerAAIndexCount >> 1) + 1;
- indexCount += innerAAIndexCount;
- }
- if (penWidth) {
- borderTail = borderHead = indexCount + (borderIndexCount >> 1) + 1;
- indexCount += borderIndexCount;
- }
- if (m_antialiasing && penWidth) {
- outerAATail = outerAAHead = indexCount + (outerAAIndexCount >> 1) + 1;
- indexCount += outerAAIndexCount;
- }
- g->allocate(vertexCount, indexCount);
- vertices = reinterpret_cast<Vertex *>(g->vertexData());
- memset(vertices, 0, vertexCount * vertexStride);
- quint16 *indices = g->indexDataAsUShort();
- quint16 index = 0;
- float py = 0; // previous inner y-coordinate.
- float plx = 0; // previous inner left x-coordinate.
- float prx = 0; // previous inner right x-coordinate.
- float angle = 0.5f * float(M_PI) / segments;
- float cosStep = qFastCos(angle);
- float sinStep = qFastSin(angle);
- for (int part = 0; part < 2; ++part) {
- float c = 1 - part;
- float s = part;
- for (int i = 0; i <= segments; ++i) {
- float y, lx, rx;
- if (innerRadius > 0) {
- y = (part ? innerRect.bottom() : innerRect.top()) - innerRadius * c; // current inner y-coordinate.
- lx = innerRect.left() - innerRadius * s; // current inner left x-coordinate.
- rx = innerRect.right() + innerRadius * s; // current inner right x-coordinate.
- gradientPos = ((part ? innerRect.height() : 0) + radius - innerRadius * c) / height;
- } else {
- y = (part ? innerRect.bottom() + innerRadius : innerRect.top() - innerRadius); // current inner y-coordinate.
- lx = innerRect.left() - innerRadius; // current inner left x-coordinate.
- rx = innerRect.right() + innerRadius; // current inner right x-coordinate.
- gradientPos = ((part ? innerRect.height() + innerRadius : -innerRadius) + radius) / height;
- }
- float Y = (part ? innerRect.bottom() : innerRect.top()) - outerRadius * c; // current outer y-coordinate.
- float lX = innerRect.left() - outerRadius * s; // current outer left x-coordinate.
- float rX = innerRect.right() + outerRadius * s; // current outer right x-coordinate.
- while (nextGradientStop <= lastGradientStop && stops.at(nextGradientStop).first <= gradientPos) {
- // Insert vertices at gradient stops.
- float gy = (innerRect.top() - radius) + stops.at(nextGradientStop).first * height;
- float t = (gy - py) / (y - py);
- float glx = plx * (1 - t) + t * lx;
- float grx = prx * (1 - t) + t * rx;
- fillColor = colorToColor4ub(stops.at(nextGradientStop).second);
- if (hasFill) {
- indices[fillHead++] = index;
- indices[fillHead++] = index + 1;
- }
- if (penWidth) {
- --borderHead;
- indices[borderHead] = indices[borderHead + 2];
- indices[--borderHead] = index + 2;
- indices[borderTail++] = index + 3;
- indices[borderTail] = indices[borderTail - 2];
- ++borderTail;
- }
- if (m_antialiasing) {
- indices[--innerAAHead] = index + 2;
- indices[--innerAAHead] = index;
- indices[innerAATail++] = index + 1;
- indices[innerAATail++] = index + 3;
- bool lower = stops.at(nextGradientStop).first > 0.5f;
- float dy = lower ? qMin(0.0f, height - gy - delta) : qMax(0.0f, delta - gy);
- smoothVertices[index++].set(grx, gy, fillColor, width - grx - delta, dy);
- smoothVertices[index++].set(glx, gy, fillColor, delta - glx, dy);
- if (penWidth) {
- smoothVertices[index++].set(grx, gy, borderColor, 0.49f * penWidth * s, -0.49f * penWidth * c);
- smoothVertices[index++].set(glx, gy, borderColor, -0.49f * penWidth * s, -0.49f * penWidth * c);
- } else {
- dy = lower ? delta : -delta;
- smoothVertices[index++].set(grx, gy, transparent, delta, dy);
- smoothVertices[index++].set(glx, gy, transparent, -delta, dy);
- }
- } else {
- vertices[index++].set(grx, gy, fillColor);
- vertices[index++].set(glx, gy, fillColor);
- if (penWidth) {
- vertices[index++].set(grx, gy, borderColor);
- vertices[index++].set(glx, gy, borderColor);
- }
- }
- ++nextGradientStop;
- }
- if (!stops.isEmpty()) {
- if (nextGradientStop == 0) {
- fillColor = colorToColor4ub(stops.at(0).second);
- } else if (nextGradientStop == stops.size()) {
- fillColor = colorToColor4ub(stops.last().second);
- } else {
- const QGradientStop &prev = stops.at(nextGradientStop - 1);
- const QGradientStop &next = stops.at(nextGradientStop);
- float t = (gradientPos - prev.first) / (next.first - prev.first);
- fillColor = colorToColor4ub(prev.second) * (1 - t) + colorToColor4ub(next.second) * t;
- }
- }
- if (hasFill) {
- indices[fillHead++] = index;
- indices[fillHead++] = index + 1;
- }
- if (penWidth) {
- indices[--borderHead] = index + 4;
- indices[--borderHead] = index + 2;
- indices[borderTail++] = index + 3;
- indices[borderTail++] = index + 5;
- }
- if (m_antialiasing) {
- indices[--innerAAHead] = index + 2;
- indices[--innerAAHead] = index;
- indices[innerAATail++] = index + 1;
- indices[innerAATail++] = index + 3;
- float dy = part ? qMin(0.0f, height - y - delta) : qMax(0.0f, delta - y);
- smoothVertices[index++].set(rx, y, fillColor, width - rx - delta, dy);
- smoothVertices[index++].set(lx, y, fillColor, delta - lx, dy);
- dy = part ? delta : -delta;
- if (penWidth) {
- smoothVertices[index++].set(rx, y, borderColor, 0.49f * penWidth * s, -0.49f * penWidth * c);
- smoothVertices[index++].set(lx, y, borderColor, -0.49f * penWidth * s, -0.49f * penWidth * c);
- smoothVertices[index++].set(rX, Y, borderColor, -0.49f * penWidth * s, 0.49f * penWidth * c);
- smoothVertices[index++].set(lX, Y, borderColor, 0.49f * penWidth * s, 0.49f * penWidth * c);
- smoothVertices[index++].set(rX, Y, transparent, delta, dy);
- smoothVertices[index++].set(lX, Y, transparent, -delta, dy);
- indices[--outerAAHead] = index - 2;
- indices[--outerAAHead] = index - 4;
- indices[outerAATail++] = index - 3;
- indices[outerAATail++] = index - 1;
- } else {
- smoothVertices[index++].set(rx, y, transparent, delta, dy);
- smoothVertices[index++].set(lx, y, transparent, -delta, dy);
- }
- } else {
- vertices[index++].set(rx, y, fillColor);
- vertices[index++].set(lx, y, fillColor);
- if (penWidth) {
- vertices[index++].set(rx, y, borderColor);
- vertices[index++].set(lx, y, borderColor);
- vertices[index++].set(rX, Y, borderColor);
- vertices[index++].set(lX, Y, borderColor);
- }
- }
- py = y;
- plx = lx;
- prx = rx;
- // Rotate
- qreal tmp = c;
- c = c * cosStep - s * sinStep;
- s = s * cosStep + tmp * sinStep;
- }
- }
- Q_ASSERT(index == vertexCount);
- // Close the triangle strips.
- if (m_antialiasing) {
- indices[--innerAAHead] = indices[innerAATail - 1];
- indices[--innerAAHead] = indices[innerAATail - 2];
- Q_ASSERT(innerAATail <= indexCount);
- }
- if (penWidth) {
- indices[--borderHead] = indices[borderTail - 1];
- indices[--borderHead] = indices[borderTail - 2];
- Q_ASSERT(borderTail <= indexCount);
- }
- if (m_antialiasing && penWidth) {
- indices[--outerAAHead] = indices[outerAATail - 1];
- indices[--outerAAHead] = indices[outerAATail - 2];
- Q_ASSERT(outerAATail == indexCount);
- }
- } else {
- // Straight corners.
- QRectF innerRect = m_rect;
- QRectF outerRect = m_rect;
- if (penWidth)
- innerRect.adjust(1.0f * penWidth, 1.0f * penWidth, -1.0f * penWidth, -1.0f * penWidth);
- float delta = qMin(width, height) * 0.5f;
- int innerVertexCount = 4 + gradientIntersections * 2;
- int outerVertexCount = 4;
- int vertexCount = innerVertexCount;
- if (m_antialiasing || penWidth)
- vertexCount += innerVertexCount;
- if (penWidth)
- vertexCount += outerVertexCount;
- if (m_antialiasing && penWidth)
- vertexCount += outerVertexCount;
- int fillIndexCount = innerVertexCount;
- int innerAAIndexCount = innerVertexCount * 2 + 2;
- int borderIndexCount = innerVertexCount * 2 + 2;
- int outerAAIndexCount = outerVertexCount * 2 + 2;
- int indexCount = 0;
- int fillHead = 0;
- int innerAAHead = 0;
- int innerAATail = 0;
- int borderHead = 0;
- int borderTail = 0;
- int outerAAHead = 0;
- int outerAATail = 0;
- bool hasFill = m_color.alpha() > 0 || !stops.isEmpty();
- if (hasFill)
- indexCount += fillIndexCount;
- if (m_antialiasing) {
- innerAATail = innerAAHead = indexCount + (innerAAIndexCount >> 1) + 1;
- indexCount += innerAAIndexCount;
- }
- if (penWidth) {
- borderTail = borderHead = indexCount + (borderIndexCount >> 1) + 1;
- indexCount += borderIndexCount;
- }
- if (m_antialiasing && penWidth) {
- outerAATail = outerAAHead = indexCount + (outerAAIndexCount >> 1) + 1;
- indexCount += outerAAIndexCount;
- }
- g->allocate(vertexCount, indexCount);
- vertices = reinterpret_cast<Vertex *>(g->vertexData());
- memset(vertices, 0, vertexCount * vertexStride);
- quint16 *indices = g->indexDataAsUShort();
- quint16 index = 0;
- float lx = innerRect.left();
- float rx = innerRect.right();
- float lX = outerRect.left();
- float rX = outerRect.right();
- for (int part = -1; part <= 1; part += 2) {
- float y = (part == 1 ? innerRect.bottom() : innerRect.top());
- float Y = (part == 1 ? outerRect.bottom() : outerRect.top());
- gradientPos = (y - innerRect.top() + penWidth) / height;
- while (nextGradientStop <= lastGradientStop && stops.at(nextGradientStop).first <= gradientPos) {
- // Insert vertices at gradient stops.
- float gy = (innerRect.top() - penWidth) + stops.at(nextGradientStop).first * height;
- fillColor = colorToColor4ub(stops.at(nextGradientStop).second);
- if (hasFill) {
- indices[fillHead++] = index;
- indices[fillHead++] = index + 1;
- }
- if (penWidth) {
- --borderHead;
- indices[borderHead] = indices[borderHead + 2];
- indices[--borderHead] = index + 2;
- indices[borderTail++] = index + 3;
- indices[borderTail] = indices[borderTail - 2];
- ++borderTail;
- }
- if (m_antialiasing) {
- indices[--innerAAHead] = index + 2;
- indices[--innerAAHead] = index;
- indices[innerAATail++] = index + 1;
- indices[innerAATail++] = index + 3;
- bool lower = stops.at(nextGradientStop).first > 0.5f;
- float dy = lower ? qMin(0.0f, height - gy - delta) : qMax(0.0f, delta - gy);
- smoothVertices[index++].set(rx, gy, fillColor, width - rx - delta, dy);
- smoothVertices[index++].set(lx, gy, fillColor, delta - lx, dy);
- if (penWidth) {
- smoothVertices[index++].set(rx, gy, borderColor, 0.49f * penWidth, (lower ? 0.49f : -0.49f) * penWidth);
- smoothVertices[index++].set(lx, gy, borderColor, -0.49f * penWidth, (lower ? 0.49f : -0.49f) * penWidth);
- } else {
- smoothVertices[index++].set(rx, gy, transparent, delta, lower ? delta : -delta);
- smoothVertices[index++].set(lx, gy, transparent, -delta, lower ? delta : -delta);
- }
- } else {
- vertices[index++].set(rx, gy, fillColor);
- vertices[index++].set(lx, gy, fillColor);
- if (penWidth) {
- vertices[index++].set(rx, gy, borderColor);
- vertices[index++].set(lx, gy, borderColor);
- }
- }
- ++nextGradientStop;
- }
- if (!stops.isEmpty()) {
- if (nextGradientStop == 0) {
- fillColor = colorToColor4ub(stops.at(0).second);
- } else if (nextGradientStop == stops.size()) {
- fillColor = colorToColor4ub(stops.last().second);
- } else {
- const QGradientStop &prev = stops.at(nextGradientStop - 1);
- const QGradientStop &next = stops.at(nextGradientStop);
- float t = (gradientPos - prev.first) / (next.first - prev.first);
- fillColor = colorToColor4ub(prev.second) * (1 - t) + colorToColor4ub(next.second) * t;
- }
- }
- if (hasFill) {
- indices[fillHead++] = index;
- indices[fillHead++] = index + 1;
- }
- if (penWidth) {
- indices[--borderHead] = index + 4;
- indices[--borderHead] = index + 2;
- indices[borderTail++] = index + 3;
- indices[borderTail++] = index + 5;
- }
- if (m_antialiasing) {
- indices[--innerAAHead] = index + 2;
- indices[--innerAAHead] = index;
- indices[innerAATail++] = index + 1;
- indices[innerAATail++] = index + 3;
- float dy = part == 1 ? qMin(0.0f, height - y - delta) : qMax(0.0f, delta - y);
- smoothVertices[index++].set(rx, y, fillColor, width - rx - delta, dy);
- smoothVertices[index++].set(lx, y, fillColor, delta - lx, dy);
- if (penWidth) {
- smoothVertices[index++].set(rx, y, borderColor, 0.49f * penWidth, 0.49f * penWidth * part);
- smoothVertices[index++].set(lx, y, borderColor, -0.49f * penWidth, 0.49f * penWidth * part);
- smoothVertices[index++].set(rX, Y, borderColor, -0.49f * penWidth, -0.49f * penWidth * part);
- smoothVertices[index++].set(lX, Y, borderColor, 0.49f * penWidth, -0.49f * penWidth * part);
- smoothVertices[index++].set(rX, Y, transparent, delta, delta * part);
- smoothVertices[index++].set(lX, Y, transparent, -delta, delta * part);
- indices[--outerAAHead] = index - 2;
- indices[--outerAAHead] = index - 4;
- indices[outerAATail++] = index - 3;
- indices[outerAATail++] = index - 1;
- } else {
- smoothVertices[index++].set(rx, y, transparent, delta, delta * part);
- smoothVertices[index++].set(lx, y, transparent, -delta, delta * part);
- }
- } else {
- vertices[index++].set(rx, y, fillColor);
- vertices[index++].set(lx, y, fillColor);
- if (penWidth) {
- vertices[index++].set(rx, y, borderColor);
- vertices[index++].set(lx, y, borderColor);
- vertices[index++].set(rX, Y, borderColor);
- vertices[index++].set(lX, Y, borderColor);
- }
- }
- }
- Q_ASSERT(index == vertexCount);
- // Close the triangle strips.
- if (m_antialiasing) {
- indices[--innerAAHead] = indices[innerAATail - 1];
- indices[--innerAAHead] = indices[innerAATail - 2];
- Q_ASSERT(innerAATail <= indexCount);
- }
- if (penWidth) {
- indices[--borderHead] = indices[borderTail - 1];
- indices[--borderHead] = indices[borderTail - 2];
- Q_ASSERT(borderTail <= indexCount);
- }
- if (m_antialiasing && penWidth) {
- indices[--outerAAHead] = indices[outerAATail - 1];
- indices[--outerAAHead] = indices[outerAATail - 2];
- Q_ASSERT(outerAATail == indexCount);
- }
- }