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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 364 deletions
diff --git a/src/declarative/QmlChanges.txt b/src/declarative/QmlChanges.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e073305b5..0000000000
--- a/src/declarative/QmlChanges.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
-The changes below are pre Qt 4.7.0 RC1
- - copy(), cut() and paste() functions added
- - was percentage based. Now specified in pixels.
- - wantsFocus renamed to activeFocus
- - forceFocus() renamed to forceActiveFocus()
- - focus now returns the scoped focus (i.e. focus read/write now manipulate
- the same value)
-TextInput and TextEdit:
- - focusOnPress renamed to activeFocusOnPress
-The changes below are pre Qt 4.7.0 beta 2
- - initialSize() function added
-TextInput and TextEdit:
- - openSoftwareInputPanel() and closeSoftwareInputPanel() functions added
- - overShoot is replaced by boundsBehavior enumeration
- - flickingHorizontally and flickingVertically properties added
- - movingHorizontally and movingVertically properties added
- - flickDirection is renamed flickableDirection
- - isReady, isLoading, isError and isNull properties removed, use
- status property instead
- - errorsString() renamed to errorString()
- - ListView.prevSection property changed to ListView.previousSection
- - xToPosition -> positionAt (to match TextEdit.positionAt)
- - pixmap property removed, use QDeclarativeImageProvider to serve pixmaps
- instead
-QList<QObject*> models no longer provide properties in model object. The
-properties are now updated when the object changes. An object's property
-"foo" may now be accessed as "foo", modelData.foo" or model.modelData.foo"
-component.createObject has gained a mandatory "parent" argument
-TextEdit and TextInput now have a "selectByMouse" property that defaults to false.
-C++ API
-QDeclarativeExpression::value() has been renamed to
-The QDeclarativeExpression constructor has changed from
- QDeclarativeExpression(context, expression, scope)
- QDeclarativeExpression(context, scope, expression, parent = 0)
-QDeclarativeImageProvider::request() has been renamed to
-QDeclarativeImageProvider::image() and the class can now provide
-both qimages and qpixmaps, and qimages can be served synchronously
-QML Viewer
-The standalone qml executable has been renamed back to Qml Viewer. Runtime warnings
-can be now accessed via the menu (Debugging->Show Warnings).
-The changes below are pre Qt 4.7.0 beta 1
-TextEdit: wrap property is replaced by wrapMode enumeration.
-Text: wrap property is replaced by wrapMode enumeration.
-Removed Q-prefix from validators (IntValidator, DoubleValidator, and RegExpValidator)
-PathView: offset property now uses range 0-1.0 rather than 0-100
-ListView, GridView::positionViewAtIndex() gained a 'mode' parameter
-Removed Qt.playSound (replaced by SoundEffect element)
-Removed Qt.closestAngle (use RotationAnimation instead)
-Removed NumberFormatter
-Removed DateTimeFormatter (use Qt.formatDateTime() instead)
-Using WebView now requires "import QtWebKit 1.0"
-Using Particles now requires "import Qt.labs.particles 1.0"
-AnchorAnimation must now be used to animate anchor changes (and not NumberAnimation)
-Removed ParentAction (use ParentAnimation instead)
-ScriptAction: renamed stateChangeScriptName -> scriptName
-Animation: replace repeat with loops (loops: Animation.Infinite gives the old repeat behavior)
-AnchorChanges: use natural form to specify anchors (anchors.left instead of left)
-AnchorChanges: removed reset property. (reset: "left" should now be anchors.left: undefined)
-PathView: snapPosition replaced by preferredHighlightBegin, preferredHighlightEnd
-createQmlObject: Moved to the Qt object, now use Qt.createQmlObject()
-createComponent: Moved to the Qt object, now use Qt.createComponent()
-C++ API
-QDeclarativeContext::addDefaultObject() has been replaced with
-Behavior and Animation syntax
-Previously animations and behaviors could be "assigned" to properties like this:
- Item { x: Behavior {}; y: NumberAnimation {} }
-To make it more obvious that these are not regular value assignments a new "on"
-syntax has been introduced:
- Item { Behavior on x {}; NumberAnimation on y {} }
-Only the syntax has changed, the behavior is identical.
-EaseFollow renamed to SmoothedFollow
-This element shares the internal implementation with SmoothedAnimation,
-both providing the same easing function, but with SmoothedFollow it's
-easier to set a start value to animate intially and then start to follow,
-while SmoothedAnimation is still convenient for using inside Behaviors
-and Transitions.
-Add SmoothedAnimation element
-SmoothedAnimation inherits from NumberAnimaton and as a
-consequence SmoothedAnimation can be used inside Behaviors,
-as PropertySourceValues or in state transitions, like any other animation.
-The old EaseFollow properties changed to comply with the other declarative
-animations ('source' changed to 'to'), so now 'to' changes are not
-automatically 'followed' anymore.
-If you want to follow an hypothetical rect1, you should do now:
- Rectangle {
- color: "green"
- width: 60; height: 60;
- x: rect1.x - 5; y: rect1.y - 5;
- Behavior on x { SmoothedAnimation { velocity: 200 } }
- Behavior on y { SmoothedAnimation { velocity: 200 } }
- }
-instead of the old automatic source changed tracking:
- Rectangle {
- color: "green"
- width: 60; height: 60;
- EaseFollow on x { source: rect1.x - 5; velocity: 200 }
- EaseFollow on y { source: rect1.y - 5; velocity: 200 }
- }
-This is a syntax and behavior change.
-Script element removed
-Inline Script{} blocks have been deprecated, and will soon be removed entirely.
-If you used Script to write inline javascript code, it can simply be removed.
-For example
-Item {
- Script {
- function doSomething() {}
- }
-Item {
- function doSomething() {}
-If you used Script to include external JavaScript files, you can replace the
-Script element with an “import” line. For example
-MouseArea {
- Script {
- source: “foo.js”
- }
- onClicked: foo()
-import “foo.js” as Foo
-MouseArea {
- onClicked: Foo.foo()
-The “as” qualifier is mandatory for script imports (as opposed to type
-imports where it is optional).
-The changes below are pre Qt 4.7.0 alpha
-Flickable: renamed viewportWidth -> contentWidth
-Flickable: renamed viewportHeight -> contentHeight
-Flickable: renamed viewportX -> contentX
-Flickable: renamed viewportY -> contentY
-Removed Flickable.reportedVelocitySmoothing
-Renamed MouseRegion -> MouseArea
-Connection: syntax and rename:
- Connection { sender: a; signal: foo(); script: xxx }
- Connection { sender: a; signal: bar(); script: yyy }
- becomes:
- Connections { target: a; onFoo: xxx; onBar: yyy }
-ListView::sectionExpression has been replaced by section.property, section.criteria
-- types are strictly checked (previously, everything was a string)
- - foo: "bar" continues to work as before
- - foo: bar is now invalid, use foo: "bar"
- - foo: true is now a bool (not string "true")
- - foo: false is now a bool (not string "false" == true!)
-matchProperties and matchTargets have been renamed back to properties and targets.
-The semantics are explained in the PropertyAnimation::properties documentation
-and the animation overview documentation.
-Easing curves and their parameters are now specified via dot properties:
-* easing.type : enum
-* easing.amplitude : real
-* easing.overshoot : real
-* easing.period : real
-For example:
-PropertyAnimation { properties: "y"; easing.type: "InOutElastic"; easing.amplitude: 2.0; easing.period: 1.5 }
-C++ API
-QML_DEFINE_... definition macros, previously global macros, are replaced by
-qmlRegisterType registration functions, which must be called explicitly.
-C++ API users should also consider using the QmlExtensionPlugin (previously
-named QmlModulePlugin) as a cleaner mechanism for publishing libraries of QML
-types, or the upcoming application plugin features of the qmlviewer /
-qmlruntime / qml.
-The API of QmlView has been narrowed and its role as a convenience class
-- remove addItem()
-- remove clearItems() - use 'delete root()'
-- remove reset()
-- resizeContent -> enum ResizeMode { SizeViewToRootObject, SizeRootObjectToView }
-- remove setQml(), qml()
-- rename setUrl(), ur() to setSource(), source()
-- root() -> rootObject(), returns QGraphicsObject rather than QmlGraphicsItem
-- remove quit() signal -> use quit() signal of engine()
-- initialSize() signal removed
-- Added status() to determine status of the internal QmlComponent
-- removed execute() - setSource() will also execute the QML.
-The changes below are pre-4.6.0 release.
-QML API Review
-The QML API is being reviewed. This file documents the changes.
-Note that the changes are incremental, so a rename A->B for example may be followed
-by another subsequent rename B->C, if later reviews override earlier reviews.
-API Changes
-Renamed Elements:
-LineEdit -> TextInput
-VerticalLayout -> Column
-HorizontalLayout -> Row
-VerticalPositioner -> Column
-HorizontalPositioner -> Row
-GridLayout -> Grid
-GridPositioner -> Grid
-Rect -> Rectangle
-FocusRealm -> FocusScope
-FontFamily -> FontLoader
-Palette -> SystemPalette
-Bind -> Binding
-SetProperties -> PropertyChanges
-RunScript -> StateChangeScript
-SetAnchors -> AnchorChanges
-SetPropertyAction -> PropertyAction
-RunScriptAction -> ScriptAction
-ParentChangeAction -> ParentAction
-VisualModel -> VisualDataModel
-Follow -> SpringFollow
-Renamed properties:
-Item: contents -> childrenRect
-MouseRegion: xmin -> minimumX
-MouseRegion: xmax -> maximumX
-MouseRegion: ymin -> minimumY
-MouseRegion: ymin -> maximumY
-Text elements: hAlign -> horizontalAlignment
-Text elements: vAlign -> verticalAlignment
-Text elements: highlightColor -> selectionColor
-Text elements: highlightedTextColor -> selectedTextColor
-Text elements: preserveSelection -> persistentSelection
-State: operations -> changes
-Transition: operations -> animations
-Transition: fromState -> from
-Transition: toState -> to
-Follow: followValue -> value
-Flickable: xPosition -> viewportX
-Flickable: yPosition -> viewportY
-Flickable: xVelocity -> horizontalVelocity
-Flickable: yVelocity -> verticalVelocity
-Flickable: velocityDecay -> reportedVelocitySmoothing
-Flickable: locked -> interactive (note reversal of meaning)
-Flickable: pageXPosition -> visibleArea.xPosition
-Flickable: pageYPosition -> visibleArea.yPosition
-Flickable: pageWidth -> visibleArea.widthRatio
-Flickable: pageHeight -> visibleArea.heightRatio
-WebView: idealWidth -> preferredWidth
-WebView: idealHeight -> preferredHeight
-WebView: status -> statusText
-WebView: mouseX -> clickX (parameter to onDoubleClick)
-WebView: mouseY -> clickY (parameter to onDoubleClick)
-WebView: cacheSize -> pixelCacheSize
-Repeater: component -> delegate
-Repeater: dataSource -> model
-ListView: current -> currentItem
-GridView: current -> currentItem
-ListView: wrap -> keyNavigationWraps
-ListView: autoHighlight -> highlightFollowsCurrentItem
-GridView: wrap -> keyNavigationWraps
-GridView: autoHighlight -> highlightFollowsCurrentItem
-Animation: targets -> matchTargets
-Animation: properties -> matchProperties
-MouseRegion: add "acceptedButtons" property
-MouseRegion: add "hoverEnabled" property
-MouseRegion: add "pressedButtons" property
-Timer: add start() and stop() slots
-WebView: add newWindowComponent and newWindowParent properties
-Loader: add status() and progress() properties
-Loader: add sourceComponent property
-Loader: add resizeMode property
-ListView: preferredHighlightBegin, preferredHighlightEnd
-ListView: strictlyEnforceHighlightRange
-Particles: Added emissionRate, emissionVariance and burst()
-Column/VerticalPositioner: lost "margins" property
-Row/HorizontalPositioner: lost "margins" property
-Grid/Positioner/Layout: lost "margins" property
-WebView: lost "interactive" property (always true now)
-Flickable: removed "dragMode" property
-ComponentInstance: removed. Replaced by Loader.sourceComponent
-ListView: removed currentItemMode. Replaced by highligh range.
-ListView: removed snapPos.
-Particles: removed streamIn. Replaced by emissionRate
-Other Changes:
-ids must be lowercase: Text { id: foo }, not Text { id: Foo }
-Drag: axis becomes an enum with values "XAxis", "YAxis", "XandYAxis"
-Image: scaleGrid property removed. New item called BorderImage instead.
-KeyActions: changed to a Keys attached property on any item.
-KeyProxy: changed to a Keys.forwardTo property on any item.
-Script: now an intrinsic type in the language
- - cannot be assigned to properties
- - good: Item { Script { ... } }
- - bad: Item { resources: Script { ... } }
-Script: delay-loaded of the QML file until their source has been loaded (this only effects QML files loaded across the network.)
-Scope: declared properties shadow a property of the same name (was previously the reverse)
-ScriptAction and StateChangeScript: the script property now takes script rather than a string containing script (script: doSomething() rather than script: "doSomething()")
-QmlGraphicsItem::transformOrigin default changed from TopLeft to Center
-Animations used as PropertySourceValues are set to 'running: true' as default